substr_ctl {fansi}R Documentation

ANSI Control Sequence Aware Version of substr


substr_ctl is a drop-in replacement for substr. Performance is slightly slower than substr.


substr_ctl(x, start, stop, warn = getOption("fansi.warn"),
  term.cap = getOption("fansi.term.cap"))

substr2_ctl(x, start, stop, type = "chars", round = "start", = getOption(""),
  tab.stops = getOption(""), warn = getOption("fansi.warn"),
  term.cap = getOption("fansi.term.cap"))



a character vector or object that can be coerced to character.


integer. The first element to be replaced.


integer. The last element to be replaced.


TRUE (default) or FALSE, whether to warn when potentially problematic Control Sequences are encountered. These could cause the assumptions fansi makes about how strings are rendered on your display to be incorrect, for example by moving the cursor (see fansi).


character a vector of the capabilities of the terminal, can be any combination "bright" (SGR codes 90-97, 100-107), "256" (SGR codes starting with "38;5" or "48;5"), and "truecolor" (SGR codes starting with "38;2" or "48;2"). Changing this parameter changes how fansi interprets escape sequences, so you should ensure that it matches your terminal capabilities. See term_cap_test for details.


character(1L) partial matching c("chars", "width"), although type="width" only works correctly with R >= 3.2.2.


character(1L) partial matching c("start", "stop", "both", "neither"), controls how to resolve ambiguities when a start or stop value in "width" type mode falls within a multi-byte character or a wide display character. See details.

FALSE (default) or TRUE, whether to convert tabs to spaces. This can only be set to TRUE if strip.spaces is FALSE.


integer(1:n) indicating position of tab stops to use when converting tabs to spaces. If there are more tabs in a line than defined tab stops the last tab stop is re-used. For the purposes of applying tab stops, each input line is considered a line and the character count begins from the beginning of the input line.


substr2_ctl adds the ability to retrieve substrings based on display width, and byte width in addition to the normal character width. substr2_ctl also provides the option to convert tabs to spaces with tabs_as_spaces prior to taking substrings. Because exact substrings on anything other than character width cannot be guaranteed (e.g. because of multi-byte encodings, or double display-width characters) substr2_ctl must make assumptions on how to resolve provided start/stop values that are infeasible and does so via the round parameter.

If we use "start" as the round value, then any time the start value corresponds to the middle of a multi-byte or a wide character, then that character is included in the substring, while any similar partially included character via the stop is left out. The converse is true if we use "stop" as the round value. "neither" would cause all partial characters to be dropped irrespective whether they correspond to start or stop, and "both" could cause all of them to be included.


Non-ASCII strings are converted to and returned in UTF-8 encoding.

See Also

fansi for details on how Control Sequences are interpreted, particularly if you are getting unexpected results.


substr_ctl("\033[42mhello\033[m world", 1, 9)
substr_ctl("\033[42mhello\033[m world", 3, 9)

## Width 2 and 3 are in the middle of an ideogram as
## start and stop positions respectively, so we control
## what we get with `round`

cn.string <- paste0("\033[42m", "\u4E00\u4E01\u4E03", "\033[m")

substr2_ctl(cn.string, 2, 3, type='width')
substr2_ctl(cn.string, 2, 3, type='width', round='both')
substr2_ctl(cn.string, 2, 3, type='width', round='start')
substr2_ctl(cn.string, 2, 3, type='width', round='stop')

[Package fansi version 0.3.0 Index]