library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage( title = 'Tidy R Code with formatR (Yihui Xie)', helpText(), # just a placeholder for a little bit top margin sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( tags$head( tags$script(src = 'shiny-handler.js'), tags$style(type = 'text/css', '.popover {max-width: 100%;}') ), helpText('This Shiny app uses the function', code('tidy_source()'), 'in the', a(href = '', strong('formatR')), sprintf('(>= v%s)', packageVersion('formatR')), 'package to reformat R code in the text box on the right.', a(list(icon('hand-o-right'), 'demo'), class = 'btn btn-small btn-info', onclick = '$("textarea#src").val($("#demo").val()).trigger("change");')), checkboxInput('arg_comment', 'Preserve comments', TRUE), checkboxInput('arg_blank', 'Preserve blank lines', TRUE), checkboxInput('arg_assign', 'Replace = with <-', FALSE), checkboxInput('arg_brace', 'Put { on a new line', FALSE), numericInput ('arg_indent', 'Number of spaces for indentation', 4, min = 0), numericInput ('arg_width', 'Minimum line width', 70, min = 20, max = 500), submitButton ('Tidy My Code', icon('toggle-right')) ), mainPanel( tags$textarea( id = 'src', rows = 20, style = 'width: 99%; font-family: monospace; word-wrap: normal; white-space: pre;', placeholder = 'paste your R code here...' ), tags$textarea( id = 'demo', style = 'display: none;', paste( readLines(system.file('format', 'messy.R', package = 'formatR')), collapse = '\n' ) ) ) ) ))