oauth_app {httr}R Documentation

Create an OAuth application.


The OAuth framework doesn't match perfectly to use from R. Each user of the package for a particular OAuth enabled site must create their own application. See the demos for instructions on how to do this for linkedin, twitter, vimeo, facebook, github and google.


oauth_app(appname, key, secret = NULL, redirect_uri = oauth_callback())



name of the application. This is not used for OAuth, but is used to make it easier to identify different applications and provide a consistent way of storing secrets in environment variables.


consumer key (equivalent to a user name)


consumer secret. This is not equivalent to a password, and is not really a secret. If you are writing an API wrapper package, it is fine to include this secret in your package code.

Use NULL to not store a secret: this is useful if you're relying on cached OAuth tokens.


The URL that user will be redirected to after authorisation is complete. You should generally leave this as the default unless you're using a non-standard auth flow (like with shiny).

See Also

Other OAuth: oauth1.0_token, oauth2.0_token, oauth_endpoint, oauth_service_token


## Not run: 
# These work on my computer because I have the right envvars set up
linkedin_app <- oauth_app("linkedin", key = "outmkw3859gy")
github_app <- oauth_app("github", "56b637a5baffac62cad9")

## End(Not run)

# If you're relying on caching, supply an explicit NULL to
# suppress the warning message
oauth_app("my_app", "mykey")
oauth_app("my_app", "mykey", NULL)

[Package httr version 1.3.1 Index]