<%@include file="includes/setup.md.rsp"%> <%@string fcnname="allocMatrix"%> <% fcnname <- "<%@string name="fcnname"%>" %> <%@meta title="${fcnname}() benchmarks"%> <%@meta author="Henrik Bengtsson"%> <%@meta date="2014-11-09"%> <%@include file="${header}"%> # <%@meta name="title"%> This report benchmark the performance of <%=fcnname%>() against alternative methods. ## Alternative methods * matrix() * matrix() special trick for NA where ```r <%=withCapture({ allocMatrix_R <- function(nrow, ncol, value = NA) { if (is.na(value) && !is.nan(value)) { matrix(data = value[c()], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) } else { matrix(data = value, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) } } # allocMatrix_R() })%> ``` <% for (mode in c("integer", "double")) { %> ## Data type "<%=mode%>" ### Data ```r <%=withCapture({ <%@include file="R/random-matrices.R"%> data <- rmatrices(mode = mode) values <- list(zero = 0, one = 1, "NA" = NA_real_) if (mode != "double") values <- lapply(values, FUN = function(x) { storage.mode(x) <- mode; x }) })%> ``` ### Results <% for (ii in seq_along(data)) { %> <% dataLabel <- names(data)[ii] x <- data[[dataLabel]] gc() %> ### <%=dataLabel%> matrix <% for (value in values) { %> <% valueLabel <- as.character(value) mprintf("%s: %s, value=%s\n", mode, dataLabel, valueLabel) %> ```r <%=withCapture({ dim <- dim(data[[.dataLabel.]]) nrow <- dim[1L] ncol <- dim[2L] str(value) })%> ``` <% gc() %> ```r <%=withCapture({ stats <- microbenchmark( "allocMatrix" = allocMatrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, value = value), "matrix" = matrix(data = value, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol), "allocMatrix_R" = allocMatrix_R(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, value = value), unit = "ms" ) })%> ``` <% benchmarkResults(stats, tags=c(mode, dataLabel, valueLabel)) %> <% } # for (value in values) %> <% } # for (ii ...) %> <% } # for (mode ...) %> <%@include file="${footer}"%> <%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: 2014-11-01 o Created. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------%>