CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.5 MAJOR CHANGES o the package license was changed from GPL-2 to GPL CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.4 NEW FEATURES o added a new content type: .geojson -> application/vnd.geo+json (thanks, @dmpe, #3) BUG FIXES o guess_type() may fail on Windows when the file paths are too long (#2) CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.3 NEW FEATURES o added a few more content types CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.2 NEW FEATURES o added a function parse_multipart() to parse multipart form data submitted via HTTP POST CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.1.2 BUG FIXES o guess_type() returned wrong values for filenames without extensions: it should have used the 'empty' argument. CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.1.1 BUG FIXES o mime::guess_type() may not work when mime is loaded but not attached, because R does not load the mimemap data in this case. Now mimemap is exported in the package namespace. CHANGES IN mime VERSION 0.1 NEW FEATURES o The initial version of mime. The main function is mime::guess_type().