get_config {pkgconfig}R Documentation

Query a configuration parameter key


Query a configuration parameter key, and return the value set in the calling package(s).


get_config(key, fallback = NULL)



The name of the parameter to query.


Fallback if the parameter id not found anywhere.


This function is meant to be called from the package whose behavior depends on it. It searches for the given configuration key, and if it exists, it checks which package(s) it was called from and returns the configuration setting for that package.

If the key is not set in any calling package, but it is set in the global environment (i.e. at the R prompt), then it returns that setting.

If the key is not set anywhere, then it returns NULL.


The value of the parameter, or the fallback value if not found.

[Package pkgconfig version 2.0.2 Index]