pluck {purrr}R Documentation

Pluck out a single an element from a vector or environment


This is a generalised form of [[ which allows you to index deeply and flexibly into data structures. It supports R standard accessors like integer positions and string names, and also accepts arbitrary accessor functions, i.e. functions that take an object and return some internal piece.

pluck() is often more readable than a mix of operators and accessors because it reads linearly and is free of syntactic cruft. Compare: accessor(x[[1]])$foo to pluck(x, 1, accessor, "foo").

Furthermore, pluck() never partial-matches unlike $ which will select the disp object if you write mtcars$di.


pluck(.x, ..., .default = NULL)




A vector or environment


A list of accessors for indexing into the object. Can be an integer position, a string name, or an accessor function. If the object being indexed is an S4 object, accessing it by name will return the corresponding slot.

These dots splice lists automatically. This means you can supply arguments and lists of arguments indistinctly.


Value to use if target is empty or absent.


An attribute name as string.


Since it handles arbitrary accessor functions, pluck() is a type of composition operator. However, it is indexing-oriented thanks to its handling of strings and integers. By the same token is also explicit regarding the intent of the composition (e.g. extraction).


# pluck() supports integer positions, string names, and functions.
# Using functions, you can easily extend pluck(). Let's create a
# list of data structures:
obj1 <- list("a", list(1, elt = "foobar"))
obj2 <- list("b", list(2, elt = "foobaz"))
x <- list(obj1, obj2)

# And now an accessor for these complex data structures:
my_element <- function(x) x[[2]]$elt

# The accessor can then be passed to pluck:
pluck(x, 1, my_element)
pluck(x, 2, my_element)

# Even for this simple data structure, this is more readable than
# the alternative form because it requires you to read both from
# right-to-left and from left-to-right in different parts of the
# expression:

# This technique is used for plucking into attributes with
# attr_getter(). It takes an attribute name and returns a function
# to access the attribute:
obj1 <- structure("obj", obj_attr = "foo")
obj2 <- structure("obj", obj_attr = "bar")
x <- list(obj1, obj2)

# pluck() is handy for extracting deeply into a data structure.
# Here we'll first extract by position, then by attribute:
pluck(x, 1, attr_getter("obj_attr"))  # From first object
pluck(x, 2, attr_getter("obj_attr"))  # From second object

# pluck() splices lists of arguments automatically. The following
# pluck is equivalent to the one above:
idx <- list(1, attr_getter("obj_attr"))
pluck(x, idx)

[Package purrr version 0.2.5 Index]