rst_abort {rlang}R Documentation

Jump to the abort restart


The abort restart is the only restart that is established at top level. It is used by R as a top-level target, most notably when an error is issued (see abort()) that no handler is able to deal with (see with_handlers()).



See Also

rst_jump(), abort() and cnd_abort().


# The `abort` restart is a bit special in that it is always
# registered in a R session. You will always find it on the restart
# stack because it is established at top level:

# You can use the `above` restart to jump to top level without
# signalling an error:
## Not run: 
fn <- function() {
  cat("This is never called\n")
  cat("This is never called\n")

## End(Not run)

# The `above` restart is the target that R uses to jump to top
# level when critical errors are signalled:
## Not run: 
  cat("This is never called\n")

## End(Not run)

# If another `abort` restart is specified, errors are signalled as
# usual but then control flow resumes with from the new restart:
## Not run: 
out <- NULL
  out <- with_restarts(abort("error"), abort = function() "restart!")
  cat("This is called\n")
cat("`out` has now become:", out, "\n")

## End(Not run)

[Package rlang version 0.2.2 Index]