UCSCSchema-class {rtracklayer}R Documentation

UCSC Schema


This is a preliminary class that describes a table in the UCSC database. The description includes the table name, corresponding genome, row count, and a textual description of the format. In the future, we could provide more table information, like the links and sample data frame. This is awaiting a use-case.

Accessor methods

In the code snippets below, x/object is a UCSCSchema object.

genome(x): Get the genome for the table.

tableName(x): Get the name of the table.

nrow(x): Get the number of rows in the table.

formatDescription(x): Get a textual description of the table format.


Michael Lawrence


## Not run: 
session <- browserSession()
genome(session) <- "mm9"
query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "knownGene")
schema <- ucscSchema(query)

## End(Not run)

[Package rtracklayer version 1.38.3 Index]