utf8 1.1.4 (2018-05-24) ======================= BUG FIXES * Fix build on Solaris (#7, reported by @krlmlr). * Fix rendering of emoji ZWJ sequences like "\U1F469\U200D\U2764\UFE0F\U200D\U1F48B\U200D\U1F469". utf8 1.1.3 (2018-01-03) ======================= MINOR IMPROVEMENTS * Make output_utf8() always return TRUE on Windows, so that characters in the user's native locale don't get escaped by utf8_encode(). The downside of this change is that on Windows, utf8_width() reports the wrong values for characters outside the user's locale when stdout() is redirected by knitr or another process. * When truncating long strings strings via utf8_format(), use an ellipsis that is printable in the user's native locale ("\u2026" or "..."). utf8 1.1.2 (2017-12-14) ======================= BUG FIXES * Fix bug in utf8_format() with non-NULL width argument. utf8 1.1.1 (2017-11-28) ======================= BUG FIXES * Fix PROTECT bug in as_utf8(). utf8 1.1.0 (2017-11-20) ======================= NEW FEATURES * Added output_ansi() and output_utf8() functions to test for output capabilities. MINOR IMPROVEMENTS * Add utf8 argument to utf8_encode(), utf8_format(), utf8_print(), and utf8_width() for precise control over assumed output capabilities; defaults to the result of output_utf8(). * Add ability to style backslash escapes with the escapes arguments to utf8_encode() and utf8_print(). Switch from "faint" styling to no styling by default. * Slightly reword error messages for as_utf8(). * Fix (spurious) rchk warnings. BUG FIXES * Fix bug in utf8_width() determining width of non-ASCII strings when LC_CTYPE=C. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT * No longer export the C version of as_utf8() (the R version is still present). utf8 1.0.0 (2017-11-06) ======================= NEW FEATURES * Split off functions as_utf8(), utf8_valid(), utf8_normalize(), utf8_encode(), utf8_format(), utf8_print(), and utf8_width() from [corpus][corpus] package. * Added special handling for Unicode grapheme clusters in formatting and width measurement functions. * Added ANSI styling to escape sequences. * Added ability to style row and column names in utf8_print(). [corpus]: http://corpustext.com/ "corpus: Text Corpus Analysis"