package org.biopcd.widgets; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import org.biopcd.sql.PCDSQL; /** * A wrapper class used to abstract combo boxes and lists * within command windows. ** * NOTE: By default, choicesql will be used to obtain the * names and values for the list. Choicesql stores * an SQL command to execute. The list widget object * expects two columns to be returned from the SQL * command; however, if only one is returned, the * value of that single column will be used as both * the name and value for each entry. If choicesql * is null, then names and values will be used to * fill the list widget. ** * @author Graham Alvare * @author Brian Fristensky */ public abstract class ListWidget extends SimpleWidget { /** * Stores the current value selected by the chooser. */ protected int index = 0; /** * The label to associate with the list widget */ protected String label = null; /** * The list of choice names */ protected String[] cnames = null; /** * The list of choice values */ protected String[] values = null; /** * This array is used for the template toArray method for lists * i.e. toArray(BLANK_STRING_ARRAY) */ public static final String[] BLANK_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; /** * used for serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7526472295622776158L; /** * The database connection to use when the list widget's choices are * populated via a database query. The SQL to use for populating the * list widget's choice section are encapsulated in this object. */ private PCDSQL choicesql = null; /** * Creates a new instance of the abstract class list widget. * This abstract class relates to all list-like parameter * widgets, providing shared code to ease implementation * and reduce redundant coding. (this specific constructor * is used by indirectly by the PCD editor ONLY!). ** * @param name the PCD variable name (this name can be referenced * in the command using the % symbol; for example, * if the name value was set to "A", the value of this * widget could be accessed by using %A% (lower or * upper-case) within the PCD menu command string. */ public ListWidget(String name) { this(name, "New list widget", new String[0], new String[0], 0); } /** * Creates a new instance of the abstract class list widget. * This abstract class relates to all list-like parameter widgets, * providing shared code to ease implementation and reduce redundant. * coding (this specific constructor is used to simplify code sharing * for the other list widget constructors). ** * @param name the PCD variable name (this name can be referenced * in the command using the % symbol; for example, * if the name value was set to "A", the value of this * widget could be accessed by using %A% (lower or * upper-case) within the PCD menu command string. * @param label the label to display representing the parameter to be * manipulated by the number widget. This is the text the * user will see to the left of the widget in any * BioLegato menu windows. * @param index the initial value for the list widget to display * (represents an index within both the 'cnames' * and 'values' arrays) */ private ListWidget(String name, String label, int index) { super(name); // Set the label and index for the list widget. this.label = label; this.index = index; } /** * Creates a new instance of the abstract class list widget. * This abstract class relates to all list-like parameter widgets, * providing shared code to ease implementation and reduce redundant coding. ** * @param name the PCD variable name (this name can be referenced * in the command using the % symbol; for example, * if the name value was set to "A", the value of this * widget could be accessed by using %A% (lower or * upper-case) within the PCD menu command string. * @param label the label to display representing the parameter to be * manipulated by the number widget. This is the text the * user will see to the left of the widget in any * BioLegato menu windows. * @param choicesql the SQL query to use for obtaining the list widget's * choice values and names. * @param index the initial value for the list widget to display * (represents an index within both the 'cnames' * and 'values' arrays) */ public ListWidget(String name, String label, PCDSQL choicesql, int index) { this(name, label, index); // Set the SQL block for the list widget. this.choicesql = choicesql; try { // Print a debug message (this is still an undocumented experimental // feature of BioPCD!) System.out.println("sql listwidget!"); // Create variables for extracting the choices from the SQL command. String nameCol; String valueCol; List nameList = new LinkedList(); List valueList = new LinkedList(); // Run the SQL command. ResultSet choices = choicesql.query(); if (choices != null) { // Iterate through the choices, and add them to the list widget. // Note that the first column of the SQL result is the choice // name and the second column is the choice value. while ( { nameCol = choices.getString(1); valueCol = choices.getString(2); nameList.add(nameCol); valueList.add(valueCol); System.out.println("Adding: " + nameCol + " " + valueCol); } } // Convert the Java List objects into String arrays. cnames = nameList.toArray(BLANK_STRING_ARRAY); values = valueList.toArray(BLANK_STRING_ARRAY); } catch (Exception ex) { // Print any error information, and set the choice list to be empty. ex.printStackTrace(System.err); cnames = BLANK_STRING_ARRAY; values = BLANK_STRING_ARRAY; } } /** * Creates a new instance of the abstract class list widget. * This abstract class relates to all list-like parameter widgets, * providing shared code to ease implementation and reduce redundant coding. ** * @param name the PCD variable name (this name can be referenced * in the command using the % symbol; for example, * if the name value was set to "A", the value of this * widget could be accessed by using %A% (lower or * upper-case) within the PCD menu command string. * @param label the label to display representing the parameter to be * manipulated by the number widget. This is the text the * user will see to the left of the widget in any * BioLegato menu windows. * @param cnames the list of names for each option within the list widget * (related to the 'values' method-parameter) * @param values the list of values for each option within the list widget * (related to the 'cnames' method-parameter) * @param index the initial value for the list widget to display * (represents an index within both the 'cnames' * and 'values' arrays) */ public ListWidget(String name, String label, String[] cnames, String[] values, int index) { this(name, label, index); // Set the choices for the list. this.cnames = cnames; this.values = values; // ensure that the default value makes sense // (i.e. within the bounds of cnames and values) if (index > cnames.length || index < 0) { index = 0; } } /** *

Populates a container with the component objects * necessary for editing the current widget's properties.

* *

This method takes the Container 'dest' and populates it with * components which can change the properties of the current widget. In * other words, this is the window which pops up when you double click on a * widget in the PCD editor. For instance, if you place a text box in a PCD * menu, then double click on it, you can set its internal PCD 'name' and * default value, among other things.

* *

This method returns an action listener, which is called when the * widget should update. The reason for this is class extension. To allow * sub-classes to use the same method ('editWindow') with only one button, * and without re-writing code, an ActionListener object can be passed * downwards to the child class. The child class may add code to call its * parent class's ActionListener.

* *

Please note that the ActionListener will likely be used by a calling * method to create an "Update" button.

** * @param dest the destination Container object; this is where the * 'editWindow' function will add add all of the Components * necessary for editing the Widget parameters (NOTE: this * class implements the Widget interface). * @return the action listener associated with updating the current widget. * When this method is called, the Widget should be updated to use * the parameters specified in the Components displayed on 'dest'. */ public ActionListener editWindow(Container dest) { // Create the labels for each of the components for // editing the widget parameters. final JLabel lblLbl = new JLabel("Label/name: "); final JLabel valLbl = new JLabel("Default value: "); final JLabel addNameLbl = new JLabel("Name: "); final JLabel addValueLbl = new JLabel("Value: "); // Create a text box for editing the widget's label. This is the label // to display representing the parameter to be manipulated by the // widget. This is the text the user will see to the left of the // widget in any BioLegato menu windows. final JTextField lblTxt = new JTextField(label, 20); // Create a combobox for setting the default option for the list widget. final JComboBox valChoice = new JComboBox(cnames); // Create two textboxes for adding choices to the list widget. // The first, 'addNameTxt' is the name for the new choice (what the user // will see). The second, 'addValueTxt' is the command line // representation of the choice (what the %NAME% will be replaced with). final JTextField addNameTxt = new JTextField(20); final JTextField addValueTxt = new JTextField(20); // Create boxes and panels for formatting the edit parameters window. final JPanel addPnl = new JPanel(); final Box lblPnl = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS); final Box valPnl = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS); final Box addNamePnl = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS); final Box addValuePnl = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS); // Create a new button for adding choices to the list. JButton addBtn = new JButton(new AbstractAction("Add choice") { /** * Add the new choice to the list. The choice name (what the user * will see) will be obtained from 'addNameTxt', and the choice * value (the substitution value at the command line) will be * obtained from 'addValueTxt'. ** * @param e the ActionEvent for the add choice button. This is * ignored because it is not needed by this function. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // A temporary array for modifying the choice arrays. String[] temp; // The name and value for the new choice. String name = addNameTxt.getText(); String value = addValueTxt.getText(); // Add the new choice to the combo box of choices valChoice.addItem(name); // Branch based on whether the current choice array is empty. if (cnames.length > 0) { // If the choice array is not empty, we must presever all // of the choices already in the list widget. // Transfer the new choice name into the array of choice // names. This is done by creating a temporary array that // is one index larger than the current choice name array, // copying all of the current choices into the new array, // then adding the new choice name as the last index for // the new choice name array and overwriting the old array. temp = new String[cnames.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(cnames, 0, temp, 0, cnames.length); temp[cnames.length] = name; cnames = temp; // Transfer the new choice value into the array of choice // values. This is done by creating a temporary array that // is one index larger than the current choice value array, // copying all of the current choices into the new array, // then adding the new choice value as the last index for // the new choice value array and overwriting the old array. temp = new String[values.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(values, 0, temp, 0, values.length); temp[values.length] = value; values = temp; } else { // If the choice array is empty, create a new array for the // new choice value and name. cnames = new String[] {name}; values = new String[] {value}; } } }); // Create a new button for removing choices from the list. JButton deleteBtn = new JButton(new AbstractAction("Delete choice") { /** * Remove a choice from the list widget. The choice index will be * obtained from the 'valChoice' combo box. ** * @param e the ActionEvent for the delete choice button. This is * ignored because it is not needed by this function. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // A temporary array for modifying the choice arrays. String[] temp; // Obtain the index of the choice to delete. int idx = valChoice.getSelectedIndex(); // Ensure that the index of the choice to delete is valid. if (idx >= 0 && cnames.length > 0) { // Remove the choice from the combo box of choices valChoice.removeItemAt(idx); //////////////////////////////////// // DELETE FROM CHOICE NAMES ARRAY // //////////////////////////////////// // Create a new choice names array temp = new String[cnames.length - 1]; // If the index to remove is greater than zero, add all of // the choice names from zero upto the index into the new // choice names array. if (idx > 0) { System.arraycopy(cnames, 0, temp, 0, Math.min(idx, cnames.length)); } // If the index to remove is less than the length of the // current choice names array, add all of the choice names // from the deletion index, upto the length of the current // choice names array, into the new choice names array. if (idx < cnames.length) { System.arraycopy(cnames, idx + 1, temp, idx, cnames.length - idx - 1); } // Overwrite the old choice names array with the new one. cnames = temp; ///////////////////////////////////// // DELETE FROM CHOICE VALUES ARRAY // ///////////////////////////////////// // Create a new choice values array temp = new String[values.length - 1]; // If the index to remove is greater than zero, add all of // the choice values from zero upto the index into the new // choice values array. if (idx > 0) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, temp, 0, Math.min(idx, values.length)); } // If the index to remove is less than the length of the // current choice values array, add all of the choice values // from the deletion index, upto the length of the current // choice values array, into the new choice values array. if (idx < values.length) { System.arraycopy(values, idx + 1, temp, idx, values.length - idx - 1); } // Overwrite the old choice values array with the new one. values = temp; } } }); // If 'index' is valid, set the combo box to select the choice // located at 'index'. if (index < cnames.length) { valChoice.setSelectedIndex(index); } // Add the components for editing the widgets to their own panels // (so human-readable labels will be displayed beside the components). lblPnl.add(lblLbl); lblPnl.add(lblTxt); valPnl.add(valLbl); valPnl.add(valChoice); valPnl.add(deleteBtn); addNamePnl.add(addNameLbl); addNamePnl.add(addNameTxt); addValuePnl.add(addValueLbl); addValuePnl.add(addValueTxt); // Configure the add new choice panel. addPnl.setLayout(new BoxLayout(addPnl, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); addPnl.add(addNamePnl); addPnl.add(addValuePnl); addPnl.add(addBtn); // Add all of the panels to the edit parameters window main body panel. dest.add(lblPnl); dest.add(valPnl); dest.add(addPnl); // Return a new action listener for updating the text and default index // for the list widget. return new ActionListener() { /** * Update the widget based on the editor window. ** * @param e This event will be ignored, because the function * unconditionally updates the widget and does not need * any specific auxiliary information from the ActionEvent * to do so. (All of the information needed is available * directly from the Components used in the code above). * Note that 'final' objects may be accessed from within * classes extended in-body such as this class. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { label = lblTxt.getText(); index = valChoice.getSelectedIndex(); } }; } /** * Writes the BioPCD representation of the menu widget to a writer object * (see BioLegato's BioPCD editor for more details) ** * @param scope the level of scope to write the menu widget. In the case * of PCD, the scope of each line is indicated by the number * of spaced preceding the line. Every 4 spaces count as * one level of scope (any number not divisible by 4 is * considered an error), thus if a line is preceded by 4 * spaces, its scope level is considered to be 1 * @param out the Appendable object to output the BioPCD code. */ public void pcdOut (int scope, Appendable out, String type) throws IOException { // Call the parent class's pcdOut method. super.pcdOut(scope, out); ///////////////// // WIDGET TYPE // ///////////////// // Generate the scope indentation for the next PCD line. for (int count = 0; count < scope + 1; count++) { out.append(" "); } // Print the widget type PCD code. out.append("type "); out.append(type.replaceAll("\"", "\"\"")); out.append("\n"); ////////////////// // WIDGET LABEL // ////////////////// // Generate the scope indentation for the next PCD line. for (int count = 0; count < scope + 1; count++) { out.append(" "); } // Print the PCD code for label (for the widget) to display to the user. out.append("label \""); out.append(label.replaceAll("\"", "\"\"")); out.append("\"\n"); /////////////////// // DEFAULT VALUE // /////////////////// // Generate the scope indentation for the next PCD line. for (int count = 0; count < scope + 1; count++) { out.append(" "); } // Print the PCD code for the default index for the list widget. out.append("default "); out.append(String.valueOf(index)); out.append("\n"); ///////////// // CHOICES // ///////////// // Generate the scope indentation for the next PCD line. for (int count = 0; count < scope + 1; count++) { out.append(" "); } // Print the choices heading PCD code. out.append("choices"); if (choicesql == null) { // If the list widget is not an SQL list, print each choice for // the list widget (on a separate line -- choice names and values // are separated by at least one space, and are surrounded by // double-quotation marks. out.append("\n"); // Iterate through each choice in the list (using the names array). for (int choice = 0; choice < cnames.length; choice++) { // Generate the scope indentation for the next PCD line. for (int count = 0; count < scope + 1; count++) { out.append(" "); } // Print the name of the list choice. out.append("\""); out.append(cnames[choice].replaceAll("\"", "\"\"")); // Print the value of the list choice. out.append("\" \""); out.append(values[choice].replaceAll("\"", "\"\"")); out.append("\"\n"); } } else { // If the list widget is an SQL list, print the SQL PCD code. out.append(" "); choicesql.pcdOut(0, out); } } /** *

Changes the current value for the widget. This is used to ensure that * any Components that the widget creates for a PCD menu will update the * widget object itself. This is important because the widget is expected * to store the last value it was set to after a window was closed.

* *

For example, if you opened a PCD menu and set a NumberWidget to 10, * and then closed the window, if you reopen the window the NumberWidget * should still be 10 (regardless of any default values).

** * @param newValue the new value for the widget. */ public void setValue(String newValue) { // Check whether the value is a numeric index or value. if (newValue != null && Pattern.matches("^-?\\d+$", newValue)) { // If the value is an index, then set the index directly. try { index = Integer.parseInt(newValue); } catch (Throwable th) { } } else { // If the value is not a numerical index, then search the array of // choice names for the name that maches 'newValue'. for (int count = 0; count < cnames.length; count++) { if (cnames[count].equals(newValue)) { index = count; break; } } } } /** *

Creates a new widget instance of the widget

* *

A widget instance is an object that stores the value of a widget past * after the widget has been closed. This is useful for concurrency. * Because more than one BioLegato PCD command can be run simultaneously, * BioLegato needs to store the values used to run each command separately. * For instance, if the user runs command A, then changing the value of a * widget in A's parameter window should not affect the currently running * job (i.e. command A). This is achieved through WidgetInstance objects. *

* *

In this case the WidgetInstance contains the value selected in the * list box widget.

* *

NOTE: ALL subclasses should call this function AFTER they modify * the * index and clean up their displayed java components. See * ComboBoxWidget, Chooser, or ChoiceList for usage examples.

* *

WHY? because the list widget object will handle SQL based lists * intrinsically. This will save you the time and effort writing * code to handle BOTH SQL based lists and array based lists.

** * @return a widget instance (which contains the value of the list box) * for usage in the current menu. */ public WidgetInstance getInstance() { return new WidgetInstance(values[index]); } }