/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.turtleshell.cmd; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import org.turtleshell.TEnv; /** *

* Prints either a character, word or line count of the input stream. *

** *

NOTE: the output of this command differs from its UNIX counterpart. *

* *

Unlike UNIX, this will print only one count, and will print the count with * a new line. There will be no spacing before or after the count.

* *


* *

This command accepts either ZERO OR ONE of the following arguments: * * * * * *
-cPerform a character count
-wword line count (using whitespace * as a delimiter)
-lPerform a line count
* *

The default behaviour is to print a word count (i.e., if no parameters are * specified, wc will act as if the -w parameter was specified).

* *


* *

This command returns one (1) unless an exception is encountered. In the case * of an exception, this command will return zero (0)

** * @author Graham Alvare * @author Brian Fristensky */ public class WC { /** * The main calling method for this command ** * @param args see class description for a list of available command line arguments * @return the execution status of this command (see class description) */ public static int main(String[] args) { return exec(new TEnv(), args, System.out, null); } /** * The functional body of this command ** * @param env the Turtle shell environment to read any necessary variable values from. * @param args see class description for a list of available command line arguments * @param output the standard output for this command * @param input the standard input for this command * @return the execution status of this command (see class description) */ public static int exec (TEnv env, String[] args, Appendable output, Reader input) { int result = 0; int count = 0; String line; boolean emptybuffer = true; if (args.length >= 1) { try { BufferedReader iread = new BufferedReader(input); if ("-l".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { while ((line = iread.readLine()) != null) { count++; } } else if ("-c".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { while ((line = iread.readLine()) != null) { count+= line.length() + 1; } } else { while ((line = iread.readLine()) != null) { count+= line.split("[ \t\n\r]*").length; } } // append a new line character to the end of output output.append(String.valueOf(count)).append("\n"); // the program has succeeded; therefore, the execution status should be one (1) result = 1; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return result; } }