(* This program fixes files originally formtted by split using a CRUNCHOFFSET=29, so that they can be decoded by the new programs, which use CRUNCHOFFSET=33. *) program CRUNCHFIX; const CRUNCHOFFSET = 33; (* ASCII value of CRUNCHFLAG *) var CRUNCHFLAG,FIRSTCHAR,CH:char; begin CRUNCHFLAG:=chr(CRUNCHOFFSET); while not eof(input) do begin if not eoln(input) then begin read(FIRSTCHAR);write(FIRSTCHAR) end; if not eoln(input) then begin read(CH); if FIRSTCHAR=CRUNCHFLAG then write(chr(ord(CH)+4)) else write(CH) end; while not eoln(input) do begin read(CH); write(CH) end; readln; writeln end (* while *) end.