seqkit stats

seqkit stats generates statistics about sequencing read files.


Run seqkit stats in the same folder as your read files.


read files (eg. .fastq.gz): Before opening this menu, select one or more
read files. Files may be gzipped or uncompressed.

Number of threads to use: Because seqkit uses pigz to uncompress files, the number of files that can be uncompressed at one time is dependent on the number of CPUs utilized.
Performance note:
As the # of CPUs increase, the load on RAM also increases, because SeqKit uses pigz to do decompression through an I/O stream for each file. It could be that things will go faster if we use a smaller number of CPUs. Some experimentation may be needed to optimize speed.


Output is written to the input directory.

Output will also  pop up in a new blreads window with the statistics from each file in table format. For most programs in BioLegato that take sequencing reads as input, you can probably select all files in the output window and then launch the next program.