User Commands MRTRANS(1) NAME mrtrans - produce align cDNA sequences from aligned protein sequences SYNOPSIS mrtrans protein-sequence-library cDNA-sequence-library > aligned-cDNA-sequences DESCRIPTION mrtrans is a simple program that allows you to produce aligned cDNA sequences from aligned protein sequences. This can be very useful for phylogeny programs, e.g. in PHYLIP - dnadist, dnapars, dnaml, etc. In general, it is better to use protein sequences for multiple alignments, but to use DNA sequences for phylogeny. This can be time consuming when there are gaps in the aligned protein sequences. mrtrans takes a protein sequence library and a DNA sequence library. It reads the first protein sequence and the first DNA sequence, translates the DNA sequence in each of the three frames, compares the protein sequence to the translated DNA sequence to find the protein coding region, and then writes out the DNA sequence that encoded the pro- tein. Both libraries should be in Pearson/FASTA format. The sequences must be in the same order in both libraries. The protein library may include '-' characters to specify align- ments. Each '-' character in the protein library is ignored during the sequence comparison but replaced by '---' in the DNA sequence output. mrtrans finds the coding regions for contiguous sequences only. It will not splice together different exons to pro- duce a coding sequence. AUTHOR Bill Pearson wrp@virginia.EDU SunOS 5.9 Last change: local 1