>> October 30, 1996 A new program, sc_to_e, can be used to calculate expectation values from the regression coefficients reported from a search. The expectation value is based on similarity score, sequence length, and database size. >> November 8, 1996 fasta30t7 differs from fasta30t6 in the amount of information provided with the -m 10 option. (1) The query and library sequence identifiers are no longer abbreviated. (2) New information about the program and program version are provided: The new information provided is: mp_name: program name (actually argv[0]) mp_ver: main program version (can be different from function version) mp_argv: command line arguments (duplicates argv[0]) Some statistical information is provided as well: mp_extrap: XXXX YYY - statistics extrapolated from XXX to YYY mp_stats: indicates type of statistics used for E() value mp_KS: Kolmogorov-Smirnoff statistic The "mp_" (main program) information is function independent, while the "pg_" information is produced by a particular comparison function (ssearch, fastx, fasta, etc). "pg_" should probably be called "fn_", and "mp_" called "pg_", but I remain backwards compatible. (3) The end of the "parseable" records is denoted with: >>><<< (4) There now an compile-time option -DM10_CONS, that allows you to display a final alignment summary: ;al_cons: .::.:- .:: .. :. .:.---: : .--.:. : .. .--- ..: :: ... :..: .::.:. . .---. . .: : . . . : .. . :..: .--. . : .:. .. : . .:.::: ..:. : or, if M10_CONS_L is defined (in addition to M10_CONS), the output is: ;al_cons: p==p=-mmmp==mpzmm=pmmmmz=p---=mmm=mmp--p=zm=m pzmmp---mmzp=m==mzzzm=zp=mz==z=pmzmmz---pmmpmmmp=m m=mzmmzmpm=mmmmppmmmpmmmm=pp=mp--pmpm=mp=pmzzm=mmp mp=z===mmpz=zm= where '=' indicates identical residues, '-' a gap in one or the other sequence, 'p' indicates a positive pam value, 'm' indicates a negative pam value, and 'z' indicates a zero pam value. A typical run now looks like: >>>gtm1_mouse.aa, 217 aa vs s library ; mp_name: fasta3_t ; mp_ver: version 3.0t7 November, 1996 ; mp_argv: fasta3_t -q -m 10 gtm1_mouse.aa s ; pg_name: FASTA ; pg_ver: 3.06 Sept, 1996 ; pg_matrix: BL50 ; pg_gap-pen: -12 -2 ; pg_ktup: 2 ; pg_optcut: 24 ; pg_cgap: 36 ; mp_extrap: 50000 51933 ; mp_stats: Expectation fit: rho(ln(x))= 5.8855+/-0.000527; mu= 1.5386+/- 0.029; mean_var=73.0398+/-15.283 ; mp_KS: 0.0133 (N=29) at 42 >>GTM1_MOUSE GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE GT8.7 (EC (GST 1-1) (CLASS-MU). ; fa_initn: 1490 ; fa_init1: 1490 ; fa_opt: 1490 ; fa_z-score: 1754.6 ; fa_expect: 0 ; sw_score: 1490 ; sw_ident: 1.000 ; sw_overlap: 217 >GTM1_MOUSE .. ; sq_len: 217 ; sq_type: p ; al_start: 1 ; al_stop: 217 ; al_display_start: 1 PMILGYWNVRGLTHPIRMLLEYTDSSYDEKRYTMGDAPDFDRSQWLNEKF KLGLDFPNLPYLIDGSHKITQSNAILRYLARKHHLDGETEEERIRADIVE NQVMDTRMQLIMLCYNPDFEKQKPEFLKTIPEKMKLYSEFLGKRPWFAGD KVTYVDFLAYDILDQYRMFEPKCLDAFPNLRDFLARFEGLKKISAYMKSS RYIATPIFSKMAHWSNK >GTM1_MOUSE .. ; sq_len: 217 ; sq_type: p ; al_start: 1 ; al_stop: 217 ; al_display_start: 1 PMILGYWNVRGLTHPIRMLLEYTDSSYDEKRYTMGDAPDFDRSQWLNEKF KLGLDFPNLPYLIDGSHKITQSNAILRYLARKHHLDGETEEERIRADIVE NQVMDTRMQLIMLCYNPDFEKQKPEFLKTIPEKMKLYSEFLGKRPWFAGD KVTYVDFLAYDILDQYRMFEPKCLDAFPNLRDFLARFEGLKKISAYMKSS RYIATPIFSKMAHWSNK >>GTM1_RAT GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE YB1 (EC (CHAIN 3) (CLASS-MU). ; fa_initn: 1406 ; fa_init1: 1406 ; fa_opt: 1406 ; fa_z-score: 1656.3 ; fa_expect: 0 ; sw_score: 1406 ; sw_ident: 0.931 ; sw_overlap: 217 >GTM1_MOUSE .. ; sq_len: 217 ; sq_type: p ; al_start: 1 ; al_stop: 217 ; al_display_start: 1 PMILGYWNVRGLTHPIRMLLEYTDSSYDEKRYTMGDAPDFDRSQWLNEKF KLGLDFPNLPYLIDGSHKITQSNAILRYLARKHHLDGETEEERIRADIVE NQVMDTRMQLIMLCYNPDFEKQKPEFLKTIPEKMKLYSEFLGKRPWFAGD KVTYVDFLAYDILDQYRMFEPKCLDAFPNLRDFLARFEGLKKISAYMKSS RYIATPIFSKMAHWSNK >GTM1_RAT .. ; sq_len: 217 ; sq_type: p ; al_start: 1 ; al_stop: 217 ; al_display_start: 1 PMILGYWNVRGLTHPIRLLLEYTDSSYEEKRYAMGDAPDYDRSQWLNEKF KLGLDFPNLPYLIDGSRKITQSNAIMRYLARKHHLCGETEEERIRADIVE NQVMDNRMQLIMLCYNPDFEKQKPEFLKTIPEKMKLYSEFLGKRPWFAGD KVTYVDFLAYDILDQYHIFEPKCLDAFPNLKDFLARFEGLKKISAYMKSS RYLSTPIFSKLAQWSNK ;al_cons: :::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::.::::::.:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::.::::::::.::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::: ::..::::::.:.:::: >>><<< 217 residues in 1 query sequences 18531385 residues in 52205 library sequences Tcomplib (4 proc)[version 3.0t7 November, 1996] start: Fri Nov 8 18:20:26 1996 done: Fri Nov 8 18:20:41 1996 Scan time: 38.434 Display time: 2.166 Function used was FASTA ================================================================ >> November 11, 1996 --> v30t71 Made changes to complib.c, comp_thr.c, nxgetaa.c to allow scoring matrix to be modified in fastx3, fastx3_t. ================================================================ >> November 15, 1996 --> v30t72 nxgetaa.c now accepts query sequences from "stdin" by using "-" as the input file name. If DNA sequences are read in this mode, the "-n" option must be used. > November 23, 1996 Included code in nxgetaa.c and Makefile.sgi to get around a bug in SGI's sscanf() that prevented compressed GCG databases from being read properly.