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Normalize on Partial Signal Operation

Normalizes a gel based on the stength of some of the signal. The total signal would be the sum of all of the points in the trace. Since the trace is simply a set of discrete points that form a curve, the total signal may also be thought of as the area under the trace curve, or as the integral over the entire size range. Thus, the partial signal is the sum of all the points one the curve that are greater than a given value. This value is calculated relative to the highest point in the lane. This minimum value, m, is equal to the highest point, h, time a percentage, p.

  m = p h
The value of the percentage is given in the configuration file genograph.cfg. The option given is in the form
BASE_MIN floating point number
for example:
This means that all points greater than 10% of the heighest point in the lane will be added together and this value, s will be used to normalize the lanes. The lanes are normalized to the average value of all the s's in the gel.

This will affect all of the aspects of the program, the gel view, the trace, the graph, and the analysis.

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