#include "default.h" #include "poa.h" #include "seq_util.h" #include "lpo.h" /** if two align-rings are aligned to each other, make sure that the (single) aligned residue pair consists of identical residues, if possible. : ((a,-),(b,-),(c,d),(-,a),(-b)) ==> ((a,a),(b,-),(c,-),(-,d),(-b)) OR ((a,-),(b,b),(c,-),(-,d)). : ((a,-),(c,d),(-,b)) ==> self. */ void fuse_ring_identities(int len_x,LPOLetter_T seq_x[], int len_y,LPOLetter_T seq_y[], LPOLetterRef_T al_x[], LPOLetterRef_T al_y[]) { int i,j; LOOP (i,len_y) { if (al_y[i]<0 || seq_x[al_y[i]].letter == seq_y[i].letter) continue; /* NOT ALIGNED, OR ALREADY IDENTICAL, SO SKIP */ for (j=seq_x[al_y[i]].align_ring;j!=al_y[i];j=seq_x[j].align_ring) { if (seq_x[j].letter == seq_y[i].letter) { /* IDENTICAL! SO FUSE! */ al_x[al_y[i]]= INVALID_LETTER_POSITION; /* DISCONNECT FROM OLD */ al_y[i]=j; /* CONNECT TO NEW IDENTITY */ al_x[j]=i; break; /* SEARCH YE NO FURTHER */ } } } } /** if two align-rings are aligned to each other, make sure that as many identical-residue pairs are fused as possible. : ((a,-),(b,-),(c,d),(-,a),(-b)) ==> ((a,a),(b,b),(c,-),(-,d)). : ((a,-),(c,d),(-,b)) ==> self. NB: THIS DOES NOT WORK with the current fuse_lpo function. The fusion */ void full_fuse_ring_identities (int len_x, LPOLetter_T *seq_x, int len_y, LPOLetter_T *seq_y, LPOLetterRef_T *al_x, LPOLetterRef_T *al_y) { int i, ip, j, jp; /* i LABELS POS IN seq_x, j LABELS POS IN seq_y */ int ck; /* WAS IDENTICAL-RESIDUE PAIR FOUND? */ for (i=0; i= 0) { al_x[i] = al_y[j] = INVALID_LETTER_POSITION; /* DISCONNECT FROM OLD */ /* i,j ARE AN ALIGNED PAIR. WALK THROUGH RESPECTIVE RINGS: */ ip=i; jp=j; ck=0; do /* while (ip!=i) */ { do /* while (jp!=j) */ { if (seq_x[ip].letter == seq_y[jp].letter) { /* IDENTICAL! SO FUSE! */ al_x[ip] = jp; al_y[jp] = ip; ck=1; jp=j; /* EXIT TO OUTER LOOP... AT MOST ONE FUSED TO EACH POS IN seq_y. */ } else { jp = seq_y[jp].align_ring; } } while (jp!=j); ip = seq_x[ip].align_ring; } while (ip!=i); if (ck==0) { /* NO IDENTICAL-RESIDUE PAIR FOUND, SO RECONNECT ORIGINAL */ al_x[i] = j; al_y[j] = i; } } } /** aligns the sequences in seq[] to the sequence or partial order in new_seq; seq[] must be linear orders (regular sequences); the alignment is built up by iterative partial order alignment, and the resulting partial order is returned in new_seq */ LPOSequence_T *buildup_lpo(LPOSequence_T *new_seq, int nseq,LPOSequence_T seq[], ResidueScoreMatrix_T *score_matrix, int use_aggressive_fusion, int use_global_alignment) { int i,max_alloc=0,total_alloc; LPOLetterRef_T *al1=NULL,*al2=NULL; lpo_index_symbols(new_seq,score_matrix); /* MAKE SURE LPO IS TRANSLATED */ for (i=0;ilength*seq[i].length + sizeof(LPOLetter_T)*new_seq->length; if (total_alloc>max_alloc) { /* DP RECTANGLE ARRAY SIZE */ max_alloc=total_alloc; #ifdef REPORT_MAX_ALLOC fprintf(stderr,"max_alloc: %d bytes\n",max_alloc); #endif if (max_alloc>POA_MAX_ALLOC) { WARN_MSG(TRAP,(ERRTXT,"Exceeded memory bound: %d\n Exiting!\n\n",max_alloc),"$Revision: $"); break; /* JUST RETURN AND FINISH */ } } align_lpo_po (new_seq,&seq[i], score_matrix,&al1,&al2,NULL,use_global_alignment); /* ALIGN ONE MORE SEQ */ if (use_aggressive_fusion) fuse_ring_identities(new_seq->length,new_seq->letter, seq[i].length,seq[i].letter,al1,al2); fuse_lpo(new_seq,seq+i,al1,al2); /* BUILD COMPOSITE LPO */ free_lpo_letters(seq[i].length,seq[i].letter,TRUE);/*NO NEED TO KEEP*/ seq[i].letter=NULL; /* MARK AS FREED... DON'T LEAVE DANGLING POINTER! */ FREE(al1); /* DUMP TEMPORARY MAPPING ARRAYS */ FREE(al2); } return new_seq; } /**@memo example: aligning a set of sequences to a partial order: lpo_out=buildup_lpo(lpo_in,nseq,seq,&score_matrix); */ /** CLIPS seq->letter[] TO JUST THE SEGMENT ALIGNED TO letter_x[] via al_x[] DOES *NOT* FREE existing seq->letter[]; YOU MUST KEEP IT OR FREE IT YOURSELF*/ int clip_unaligned_ends(LPOSequence_T *seq, LPOLetterRef_T al[], int len_x,LPOLetter_T letter_x[], LPOLetterRef_T al_x[],int *offset,int *match_length) { int i,j=0,start,end,new_length,allow_end_length=0,nidentity=0; LPOLetter_T *temp=NULL; CALLOC(temp,seq->length,LPOLetter_T); /* ALLOCATE NEW letter[] COPY */ for (start=0;startlength;start++) /* FIND 1ST ALIGNED POS */ if (al[start]>=0) break; for (end=seq->length -1;end>=0;end--) /* FIND LAST ALIGNED POS */ if (al[end]>=0) break; for (i=start;i<=end;i++) /* COUNT IDENTITIES TO letter_x[] */ if (al[i]>=0 && seq->letter[i].letter==letter_x[al[i]].letter) nidentity++; if (match_length) /* RETURN THE MATCH LENGTH TO THE CALLER */ *match_length = end-start+1; if (start>allow_end_length) /* ALLOW EXTRA RESIDUES ON EITHER END*/ start-=allow_end_length; else /* KEEP IN BOUNDS */ start=0; if (end+allow_end_lengthlength) end+=allow_end_length; else /* KEEP IN BOUNDS */ end=seq->length-1; LOOP (i,len_x) /* WE ARE SHIFTING al TO THE RIGHT BY start POSITIONS */ if (al_x[i]>=0) /* SO WE HAVE TO TRANSLATE al_x CORRESPONDINGLY */ al_x[i]-= start; seq->length=end-start+1; /* NOW TRANSLATE left, right, align_ring, ring_id*/ memcpy(temp,seq->letter+start,sizeof(LPOLetter_T)*(seq->length)); LOOP (i,seq->length) { /* THIS *ONLY* WORKS FOR PURE LINEAR SEQUENCE!!! */ temp[i].left.ipos -= start; /*IF <0, BECOMES INVALID BY DEFINITION, OK*/ temp[i].right.ipos -= start; if (temp[i].right.ipos>=seq->length) /* PAST THE NEW, CLIPPED END */ temp[i].right.ipos= INVALID_LETTER_POSITION; temp[i].ring_id=temp[i].align_ring=i; } if (offset) /* RETURN THE OFFSET TO THE CALLER */ *offset = start; seq->letter=temp; /* NEW START: FIRST ALIGNED POSITION */ return nidentity; /* NEW LENGTH: FROM 1ST TO LAST ALIGNED POS*/ } void restore_lpo_size(LPOSequence_T *seq,int length,LPOLetter_T *letter) { free_lpo_letters(seq->length,seq->letter,TRUE); /* DUMP CLIPPED VERSION*/ seq->length=length; /* RESTORE ORIGINAL length AND letter[] */ seq->letter=letter; } /** BUILDS UP ALIGNMENT, BUT CLIPS UNALIGNED ENDS OF EACH NEW SEQUENCE ADDED ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ LPOSequence_T *buildup_clipped_lpo(LPOSequence_T *new_seq, int nseq,LPOSequence_T seq[], ResidueScoreMatrix_T *score_matrix, int use_global_alignment) { int i,ntemp,offset=0,nidentity,length_max=0,match_length=0; int total_alloc,max_alloc=0; LPOLetterRef_T *al1=NULL,*al2=NULL; LPOLetter_T *temp; float identity_max=0.,f; lpo_index_symbols(new_seq,score_matrix); /* MAKE SURE LPO IS TRANSLATED */ for (i=0;ilength*seq[i].length + sizeof(LPOLetter_T)*new_seq->length; if (total_alloc>max_alloc) { /* DP RECTANGLE ARRAY SIZE */ max_alloc=total_alloc; #ifdef REPORT_MAX_ALLOC fprintf(stderr,"max_alloc: %d bytes (%d x %d)\n",max_alloc, new_seq->length,seq[i].length); #endif if (max_alloc>POA_MAX_ALLOC) { WARN_MSG(TRAP,(ERRTXT,"Exceeded memory bound: %d\n Exiting!\n\n",max_alloc),"$Revision: $"); break; /* JUST RETURN AND FINISH */ } } align_lpo_po (new_seq, &seq[i], score_matrix,&al1,&al2,NULL,use_global_alignment); /* ALIGN ONE MORE SEQ */ ntemp=seq[i].length; /* SAVE letter[] BEFORE CLIPPING IT TO ALIGNED AREA*/ temp=seq[i].letter; if ((nidentity=clip_unaligned_ends(seq+i,al2,/*THERE IS AN ALIGNED REGION*/ new_seq->length,new_seq->letter,al1,&offset, &match_length))>0) { f=nidentity/(float)match_length; /* CALCULATE IDENTITY FRACTION */ if (0==i /*f>identity_max*/) { /* REPORT IDENTITY OF TOP HIT */ identity_max=nidentity; length_max=match_length; } fuse_lpo(new_seq,seq+i,al1,al2+offset); /*ADD CLIPPED REGION TO LPO*/ } restore_lpo_size(seq+i,ntemp,temp); /* REVERT FROM CLIPPED TO ORIGINAL*/ FREE(al1); /* DUMP TEMPORARY MAPPING ARRAYS FROM align_lpo() */ FREE(al2); } fprintf(stderr,"%s\tmaximum identity\t%3.1f%%\t%.0f/%d\n",new_seq->name, 100*identity_max/length_max,identity_max,length_max); return new_seq; } /** which LPOSeq is called, or holds a sequence called, `name'? */ int find_seq_name (int nseq, LPOSequence_T **seq, char name[]) { int i,j; for (i=0;iname,name)) return i; for (j=0;jnsource_seq;j++) { if (0==strcmp(seq[i]->source_seq[j].name,name)) return i; } } return -1; } typedef struct { double score; int i; int j; } SeqPairScore_T; /* SORT IN DESCENDING ORDER BY score (SO HIGH SIMILARITY SCORES MERGE FIRST). */ /* FOR TIES, USE ITERATIVE MERGE ORDER (1-2, then 1-3, then 1-4, etc.) */ int seqpair_score_qsort_cmp (const void *void_a, const void *void_b) { const SeqPairScore_T *a = (const SeqPairScore_T *)void_a; const SeqPairScore_T *b = (const SeqPairScore_T *)void_b; if (a->score > b->score) return -1; else if (a->score < b->score) return 1; if (a->i > b->i) return 1; else if (a->i < b->i) return -1; if (a->j > b->j) return 1; else if (a->j < b->j) return -1; return 0; } SeqPairScore_T *read_seqpair_scorefile (int nseq, LPOSequence_T **seq, ResidueScoreMatrix_T *score_matrix, LPOScore_T (*scoring_function) (int,int,LPOLetter_T [],LPOLetter_T [], ResidueScoreMatrix_T *), int use_global_alignment, int do_progressive, FILE *ifile, int *p_nscore) { int i,j,nscore=0,max_nscore=0; int *adj_score = NULL; SeqPairScore_T *score_list=NULL; LPOLetterRef_T *al1=NULL,*al2=NULL; double x, min_score=0.0; char name1[256],name2[256]; CALLOC (adj_score, nseq, int); max_nscore = nseq*nseq; CALLOC (score_list, max_nscore, SeqPairScore_T); if (ifile) { /* IF PAIR SCORE FILE (PROGRESSIVE ASSUMED) */ while (fscanf(ifile," %s %s %lf",name1,name2,&x)==3) { /* READ SCORE FILE */ i=find_seq_name(nseq,seq,name1); j=find_seq_name(nseq,seq,name2); if (i<0 || j<0) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"invalid sequence pair, not found: %s,%s",name1,name2),"$Revision: $"); FREE (score_list); FREE (adj_score); return NULL; } /* fprintf(stderr,"i=%d,j=%d,x=%.2f\n",i,j,x); */ fprintf(stderr,"Saving score from file %d (%s), %d (%s) : %.2f\n",i,name1,j,name2,x); if (iname,j,seq[j]->name,x); score_list[nscore].i = i; score_list[nscore].j = j; score_list[nscore].score = x; if (xletter == NULL) { initialize_seqs_as_lpo(1,all_seqs[i],score_matrix); } lpo_index_symbols(all_seqs[i],score_matrix); /* MAKE SURE LPO IS TRANSLATED */ } /* RETURN IF NOTHING TO ALIGN */ if (nseq<=0) return NULL; else if (nseq==1) return all_seqs[0]; new_seq = all_seqs[0]; CALLOC(seq_cluster,nseq,int); /* MAPS SEQS (or CLUSTERS) TO CLUSTER THEY'RE IN */ CALLOC(seq_id_in_cluster,nseq,int); /* INDEXES SEQS (or CLUSTERS) WITHIN EACH CLUSTER */ CALLOC(cluster_size,nseq,int); /* COUNTS SEQS IN SAME CLUSTER (updated w/ merges) */ CALLOC(initial_nseq,nseq,int); /* COUNTS SEQS INITIALLY IN EACH CLUSTER (not updated w/ merges) */ for (i=nseq_tot=0;insource_seq; initial_nseq[i] = cluster_size[i]; nseq_tot += cluster_size[i]; } if (score_file) { ifile=fopen(score_file,"r"); if (ifile==NULL) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Error reading pair score file %s.\nExiting", score_file),"$Revision: $"); goto free_and_exit; } } else { ifile = NULL; } score = read_seqpair_scorefile(nseq,all_seqs,score_matrix,scoring_function,use_global_alignment, do_progressive,ifile,&nscore); if (score==NULL) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Error generating pair scores (file %s).\nExiting", score_file ? score_file : "unspecified"),"$Revision: $"); goto free_and_exit; } if (ifile) fclose (ifile); for (iscore=0;iscore %d (%s, nseq=%d)... score %.2f\n", cluster_j,all_seqs[cluster_j]->name,all_seqs[cluster_j]->nsource_seq, cluster_i,all_seqs[cluster_i]->name,all_seqs[cluster_i]->nsource_seq, score[iscore].score); new_seq = all_seqs[cluster_i]; total_alloc = new_seq->length * (sizeof(LPOLetter_T) + all_seqs[cluster_j]->length); if (total_alloc>max_alloc) { /* DP RECTANGLE ARRAY SIZE */ max_alloc=total_alloc; #ifdef REPORT_MAX_ALLOC fprintf(stderr,"max_alloc: %d bytes\n",max_alloc); #endif if (max_alloc>POA_MAX_ALLOC) { WARN_MSG(TRAP,(ERRTXT,"Exceeded memory bound: %d\n Exiting!\n\n",max_alloc),"$Revision: $"); break; /* JUST RETURN AND FINISH */ } } #ifdef USE_LOCAL_NEUTRALITY_CORRECTION /* NO LONGER USED */ if (score_matrix->nfreq>0) { /* CALCULATE BALANCED SCORING ON EACH PO */ balance_matrix_score(new_seq->length,new_seq->letter,score_matrix); balance_matrix_score(all_seqs[cluster_j]->length,all_seqs[cluster_j]->letter, score_matrix); } #endif buildup_pairwise_lpo(new_seq,all_seqs[cluster_j],score_matrix, use_aggressive_fusion, scoring_function,use_global_alignment); LOOP (i,nseq) { /* APPEND ALL MEMBERS OF cluster_j TO cluster_i */ if (seq_cluster[i] == cluster_j) { seq_cluster[i] = cluster_i; seq_id_in_cluster[i] += cluster_size[cluster_i]; } } cluster_size[cluster_i] += cluster_size[cluster_j]; cluster_size[cluster_j] = 0; } if (preserve_sequence_order) { /* PUT SEQUENCES WITHIN LPO BACK IN THEIR ORIGINAL ORDER: */ int *perm; CALLOC (perm, nseq_tot, int); for (i=nseq_tot=0; ilength,seq1->letter, seq2->length,seq2->letter,al1,al2); fuse_lpo(seq1,seq2,al1,al2); /* BUILD COMPOSITE LPO */ /* FREE LETTERS IN SECOND LPO */ free_lpo_letters(seq2->length,seq2->letter,TRUE); seq2->letter=NULL; /*MARK AS FREED. DON'T LEAVE DANGLING POINTER*/ FREE(al1); /* DUMP TEMPORARY MAPPING ARRAYS */ FREE(al2); return seq1; /* RETURN THE FINAL LPO */ }