#include "lpo.h" #include "msa_format.h" #include "align_score.h" static LPOSequence_T *read_partial_order_file (char *po_filename, char *subset_filename, int remove_listed_seqs, int keep_all_links, int do_switch_case, ResidueScoreMatrix_T *mat); int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i,j,ibundle=ALL_BUNDLES,nframe_seq=0,use_reverse_complement=0; int nseq=0,do_switch_case=dont_switch_case,do_analyze_bundles=0; int nseq_in_list=0,n_input_seqs=0,max_input_seqs=0; char score_file[256],seq_file[256],po_list_entry_filename[256],*comment=NULL,*al_name="test align"; ResidueScoreMatrix_T score_matrix; /* DEFAULT GAP PENALTIES*/ LPOSequence_T *seq=NULL,*lpo_out=NULL,*frame_seq=NULL,*dna_lpo=NULL,*lpo_in=NULL; LPOSequence_T **input_seqs=NULL; FILE *errfile=stderr,*logfile=NULL,*lpo_file_out=NULL,*po_list_file=NULL,*seq_ifile=NULL; char *print_matrix_letters=NULL,*fasta_out=NULL,*po_out=NULL,*matrix_filename=NULL, *seq_filename=NULL,*frame_dna_filename=NULL,*po_filename=NULL,*po2_filename=NULL, *po_list_filename=NULL, *hbmin=NULL,*numeric_data=NULL,*numeric_data_name="Nmiscall", *dna_to_aa=NULL,*pair_score_file=NULL,*aafreq_file=NULL,*termval_file=NULL, *bold_seq_name=NULL,*subset_file=NULL,*subset2_file=NULL,*rm_subset_file=NULL, *rm_subset2_file=NULL; float bundling_threshold=0.9; int exit_code=0,count_sequence_errors=0,please_print_snps=0, report_consensus_seqs=0,report_major_allele=0,use_aggressive_fusion=0; int show_allele_evidence=0,please_collapse_lines=0,keep_all_links=0; int remove_listed_seqs=0,remove_listed_seqs2=0,please_report_similarity; int do_global=0, do_progressive=0, do_preserve_sequence_order=0; char *reference_seq_name="CONSENS%d",*clustal_out=NULL; black_flag_init(argv[0],PROGRAM_VERSION); if (argc<2) { fprintf(stderr,"\nUsage: %s [OPTIONS] MATRIXFILE\n" "Align a set of sequences or alignments using the scores in MATRIXFILE.\n" "Example: %s -read_fasta multidom.seq -clustal m.aln blosum80.mat\n\n" "INPUT:\n" " -read_fasta FILE Read in FASTA sequence file.\n" " -read_msa FILE Read in MSA alignment file.\n" " -read_msa2 FILE Read in second MSA file. \n" " -subset FILE Filter MSA to include list of seqs in file.\n" " -subset2 FILE Filter second MSA to include list of seqs in file.\n" " -remove FILE Filter MSA to exclude list of seqs in file.\n" " -remove2 FILE Filter second MSA to exclude list of seqs in file.\n" " -read_msa_list FILE Read an MSA from each filename listed in file.\n" " -tolower Force FASTA/MSA sequences to lowercase\n" " (nucleotides in our matrix files)\n" " -toupper Force FASTA/MSA sequences to UPPERCASE\n" " (amino acids in our matrix files)\n" "\nALIGNMENT:\n" " -do_global Do global alignment.\n" " -do_progressive Perform progressive alignment using a guide tree\n" " built by neighbor joining from a set of\n" " sequence-sequence similarity scores.\n" " -read_pairscores FILE Read tab-delimited file of similarity scores.\n" " (If not provided, scores are constructed\n" " using pairwise sequence alignment.)\n" " -fuse_all Fuse identical letters on align rings.\n" "\nANALYSIS:\n" " -hb Perform heaviest bundling to generate consensi.\n" " -hbmin VALUE Include in heaviest bundle sequences with\n" " percent ID (as a fraction) >= value.\n" "\nOUTPUT:\n" " -pir FILE Write out MSA in PIR format.\n" " -clustal FILE Write out MSA in CLUSTAL format.\n" " -po FILE Write out MSA in PO format.\n" " -preserve_seqorder Write out MSA with sequences in their input order.\n" " -printmatrix LETTERS Print score matrix to stdout.\n" " -best Restrict MSA output to heaviest bundles (PIR only).\n" " -v Run in verbose mode (e.g. output gap penalties).\n\n" " NOTE: One of the -read_fasta, -read_msa, or -read_msa_list arguments\n" " must be used, since a sequence or alignment file is required.\n\n" "For more information, see http://www.bioinformatics.ucla.edu/poa.\n\n" ,argv[0],argv[0]); exit(-1); } FOR_ARGS(i,argc) { /* READ ALL THE ARGUMENTS */ ARGMATCH_VAL("-tolower",do_switch_case,switch_case_to_lower); ARGMATCH_VAL("-toupper",do_switch_case,switch_case_to_upper); ARGMATCH_VAL("-v",logfile,stdout); ARGMATCH_VAL("-best",ibundle,0); /*RESTRICT FASTA OUTPUT TO HB */ ARGMATCH_VAL("-hb",do_analyze_bundles,1);/*CALCULATE HEAVIEST BUNDLING*/ ARGGET("-printmatrix",print_matrix_letters); ARGGET("-read_msa",po_filename); /* READ A MSA FILE FOR ALIGNMENT/ANALYSIS*/ ARGGET("-read_msa2",po2_filename); /* READ A SECOND MSA FILE FOR ALIGNMENT/ANALYSIS*/ ARGGET("-read_msa_list",po_list_filename); /* READ A LIST OF MSAs FOR ALIGNMENT/ANALYSIS */ ARGGET("-pir",fasta_out); /* SAVE FASTA-PIR FORMAT ALIGNMENT FILE */ ARGGET("-clustal",clustal_out); /* SAVE CLUSTAL FORMAT ALIGNMENT FILE */ ARGGET("-po",po_out); /* SAVE PO FORMAT ALIGNMENT FILE */ ARGMATCH("-preserve_seqorder",do_preserve_sequence_order); /* DO PRESERVE SEQUENCE ORDER */ ARGGET("-hbmin",hbmin); /* SET THRESHOLD FOR BUNDLING */ ARGMATCH("-fuse_all",use_aggressive_fusion); ARGMATCH("-do_global",do_global); /* DO GLOBAL */ ARGGET("-read_pairscores",pair_score_file); /* FILENAME TO READ PAIR SCORES*/ ARGMATCH("-do_progressive", do_progressive); /* DO PROGRESSIVE ALIGNMENT */ ARGGET("-subset",subset_file); /* FILENAME TO READ SEQ SUBSET LIST*/ ARGGET("-subset2",subset2_file); /* FILENAME TO READ SEQ SUBSET LIST*/ ARGGET("-remove",rm_subset_file); /* FILENAME TO READ SEQ REMOVAL LIST*/ ARGGET("-remove2",rm_subset2_file); /* FILENAME TO READ SEQ REMOVAL LIST*/ ARGGET("-read_fasta",seq_filename); /* READ FASTA FILE FOR ALIGNMENT */ NEXTARG(matrix_filename); /* NON-FLAG ARG SHOULD BE MATRIX FILE */ } /** CHECK FOR CONFLICTING FLAGS **/ if (po_list_filename && (po_filename || po2_filename)) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT, "Error: The -read_po_list and -read_po flags cannot be used at the same time.\nExiting."), "$Revision: $"); exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } if (((subset_file || rm_subset_file) && !po_filename) || ((subset2_file || rm_subset2_file) && !po2_filename)) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT, "Error: Each -subset/-remove flag must have a corresponding -read_po flag.\nExiting."),"$Revision: $"); exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } if ((subset_file && rm_subset_file) || (subset2_file && rm_subset2_file)) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT, "Error: The -subset and -remove flags cannot be used at the same time.\nExiting."),"$Revision: $"); exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } if (rm_subset_file) { subset_file = rm_subset_file; remove_listed_seqs = 1; } if (rm_subset2_file) { subset2_file = rm_subset2_file; remove_listed_seqs2 = 1; } if (hbmin) bundling_threshold=atof(hbmin); if (!matrix_filename || read_score_matrix(matrix_filename,&score_matrix)<=0){/* READ MATRIX */ WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Error reading matrix file %s.\nExiting", matrix_filename ? matrix_filename: "because none specified"),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ goto free_memory_and_exit; } if (logfile) { fprintf(logfile,"X-Gap Penalties (Open, Aff1, Aff2; LTrunc, LDecay): %d %d %d %d %d\n", score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[0][0], score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[0][1], score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[0][2], score_matrix.trunc_gap_length, score_matrix.decay_gap_length); fprintf(logfile,"X-Gap Penalties (0, 1, 2, ...): "); for (i=0; i<=score_matrix.max_gap_length; i++) { fprintf (logfile, "%d ", score_matrix.gap_penalty_x[i]); } fprintf(logfile,"... \n"); fprintf(logfile,"Y-Gap Penalties (Open, Aff1, Aff2; LTrunc, LDecay): %d %d %d %d %d\n", score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[1][0], score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[1][1], score_matrix.gap_penalty_set[1][2], score_matrix.trunc_gap_length, score_matrix.decay_gap_length); fprintf(logfile,"Y-Gap Penalties (0, 1, 2, ...): "); for (i=0; i<=score_matrix.max_gap_length; i++) { fprintf (logfile, "%d ", score_matrix.gap_penalty_y[i]); } fprintf(logfile,"... \n"); } if (print_matrix_letters) /* USER WANTS US TO PRINT A MATRIX */ print_score_matrix(stdout,&score_matrix,print_matrix_letters /*"ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV"*/); /** READ INPUT FILES **/ n_input_seqs = 0; max_input_seqs = 10; CALLOC (input_seqs, max_input_seqs, LPOSequence_T *); if (po_filename) { lpo_in = read_partial_order_file (po_filename, subset_file, remove_listed_seqs, keep_all_links, do_switch_case, &score_matrix); if (lpo_in == NULL) { exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } fprintf(errfile,"...Read %d sequences from MSA file %s...\n",lpo_in->nsource_seq,po_filename); input_seqs[n_input_seqs++] = lpo_in; lpo_in = NULL; } if (po2_filename) { lpo_in = read_partial_order_file (po2_filename, subset2_file, remove_listed_seqs2, keep_all_links, do_switch_case, &score_matrix); if (lpo_in == NULL) { exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } fprintf(errfile,"...Read %d sequences from second MSA file %s...\n",lpo_in->nsource_seq,po2_filename); input_seqs[n_input_seqs++] = lpo_in; lpo_in = NULL; } if (po_list_filename) { po_list_file = fopen (po_list_filename, "r"); while (po_list_file && fscanf (po_list_file, " %s", po_list_entry_filename) == 1) { lpo_in = read_partial_order_file (po_list_entry_filename, NULL, 0, 0, do_switch_case, &score_matrix); if (lpo_in == NULL) { exit_code = 1; goto free_memory_and_exit; } fprintf(errfile,"...Read %d sequences from PO list entry %s...\n",lpo_in->nsource_seq,po_list_entry_filename); nseq_in_list += lpo_in->nsource_seq; input_seqs[n_input_seqs++] = lpo_in; lpo_in = NULL; if (n_input_seqs == max_input_seqs) { max_input_seqs *= 2; REALLOC (input_seqs, max_input_seqs, LPOSequence_T *); } } if (nseq_in_list==0) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Error reading PO list file %s.\nExiting", po_list_file),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ goto free_memory_and_exit; } } if (seq_filename) { seq_ifile = fopen (seq_filename, "r"); if (seq_ifile == NULL) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Couldn't open sequence file %s.\nExiting", seq_filename),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ goto free_memory_and_exit; } nseq = read_fasta (seq_ifile, &seq, do_switch_case, &comment); fclose (seq_ifile); if (nseq == 0) { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"Error reading sequence file %s.\nExiting", seq_filename),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ goto free_memory_and_exit; } fprintf(errfile,"...Read %d sequences from sequence file %s...\n",nseq,seq_filename); for (i=0; ititle); lpo_out->title=strdup(comment); } /* DIVIDE INTO BUNDLES W/ CONSENSUS USING PERCENT ID */ if (do_analyze_bundles) generate_lpo_bundles(lpo_out,bundling_threshold); if (po_out) { /* WRITE FINAL PARTIAL ORDER ALIGNMENT TO OUTPUT */ if (lpo_file_out=fopen(po_out, "w")) { write_lpo(lpo_file_out,lpo_out,&score_matrix); fclose(lpo_file_out); fprintf(errfile,"...Wrote %d sequences to PO file %s...\n",lpo_out->nsource_seq,po_out); } else { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"*** Could not save PO file %s. Exiting.", po_out),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ } } if (fasta_out) { /* WRITE FINAL ALIGNMENT IN FASTA-PIR FORMAT */ if (seq_ifile=fopen(fasta_out,"w")) { /* FASTA-PIR ALIGNMENT*/ write_lpo_bundle_as_fasta(seq_ifile,lpo_out,score_matrix.nsymbol, score_matrix.symbol,ibundle); fclose(seq_ifile); fprintf(errfile,"...Wrote %d sequences to FASTA-PIR file %s...\n",lpo_out->nsource_seq,fasta_out); } else { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"*** Could not save FASTA-PIR file %s. Exiting.", fasta_out),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ } } if (clustal_out) { /* WRITE FINAL ALIGNMENT IN CLUSTAL FORMAT */ if (seq_ifile=fopen(clustal_out,"w")) { /* CLUSTAL ALIGNMENT*/ export_clustal_seqal(seq_ifile,lpo_out,score_matrix.nsymbol, score_matrix.symbol); fclose(seq_ifile); fprintf(errfile,"...Wrote %d sequences to CLUSTAL file %s...\n",lpo_out->nsource_seq,clustal_out); } else { WARN_MSG(USERR,(ERRTXT,"*** Could not save CLUSTAL file %s. Exiting.", clustal_out),"$Revision: $"); exit_code=1; /* SIGNAL ERROR CONDITION */ } } free_memory_and_exit: /* FREE ALL DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED DATA!!!! */ if (dna_lpo) free_lpo_sequence(dna_lpo,TRUE); for (i=0;i0) FREE (seq); exit (exit_code); } static LPOSequence_T *read_partial_order_file (char *po_filename, char *subset_filename, int remove_listed_seqs, int keep_all_links, int do_switch_case, ResidueScoreMatrix_T *mat) { LPOSequence_T *lpo_in; FILE *po_file=NULL, *subset_file=NULL; if (!po_filename) return NULL; po_file = fopen (po_filename, "r"); if (!po_file) { WARN_MSG (USERR, (ERRTXT,"Couldn't open MSA file %s.\nExiting.",po_filename), "$Revision: $"); return NULL; } if (subset_filename) { subset_file = fopen (subset_filename, "r"); if (!subset_file) { WARN_MSG (USERR, (ERRTXT,"Couldn't open subset file %s.\nExiting.",subset_filename), "$Revision: $"); return NULL; } } if (subset_file) { lpo_in = read_msa_select (po_file, UNKNOWN_MSA, subset_file, keep_all_links, remove_listed_seqs, do_switch_case, mat); fclose (subset_file); fclose (po_file); if (lpo_in==NULL || lpo_in->nsource_seq == 0) { WARN_MSG (USERR, (ERRTXT,"MSA file %s, filtered with subset file %s, couldn't be read or contains no sequences.\nExiting.", po_filename, subset_filename), "$Revision: $"); return NULL; } } else { lpo_in = read_msa (po_file, UNKNOWN_MSA, do_switch_case, mat); fclose (po_file); if (lpo_in==NULL || lpo_in->nsource_seq == 0) { WARN_MSG (USERR, (ERRTXT,"MSA file %s couldn't be read or contains no sequences.\nExiting.", po_filename), "$Revision: $"); return NULL; } } return lpo_in; }