// Copyright 2004, 2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Authors: Nick Edmonds // Andrew Lumsdaine #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_MESH_GENERATOR_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_MESH_GENERATOR_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { template class mesh_iterator { typedef typename graph_traits::directed_category directed_category; typedef typename graph_traits::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (bool, is_undirected = (is_base_and_derived::value || is_same::value)); public: typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef std::pair value_type; typedef const value_type& reference; typedef const value_type* pointer; typedef void difference_type; mesh_iterator() : x(0), y(0), done(true) { } // Vertices are numbered in row-major order // Assumes directed mesh_iterator(vertices_size_type x, vertices_size_type y, bool toroidal = true) : x(x), y(y), n(x*y), source(0), target(1), current(0,1), toroidal(toroidal), done(false) { assert(x > 1 && y > 1); } reference operator*() const { return current; } pointer operator->() const { return ¤t; } mesh_iterator& operator++() { if (is_undirected) { if (!toroidal) { if (target == source + 1) if (source < x * (y - 1)) target = source + x; else { source++; target = (source % x) < x - 1 ? source + 1 : source + x; if (target > n) done = true; } else if (target == source + x) { source++; target = (source % x) < x - 1 ? source + 1 : source + x; } } else { if (target == source + 1 || target == source - (source % x)) target = (source + x) % n; else if (target == (source + x) % n) { if (source == n - 1) done = true; else { source++; target = (source % x) < (x - 1) ? source + 1 : source - (source % x); } } } } else { // Directed if ( !toroidal ) { if (target == source - x) target = source % x > 0 ? source - 1 : source + 1; else if (target == source - 1) if ((source % x) < (x - 1)) target = source + 1; else if (source < x * (y - 1)) target = source + x; else { done = true; } else if (target == source + 1) if (source < x * (y - 1)) target = source + x; else { source++; target = source - x; } else if (target == source + x) { source++; target = (source >= x) ? source - x : source - 1; } } else { if (source == n - 1 && target == (source + x) % n) done = true; else if (target == source - 1 || target == source + x - 1) target = (source + x) % n; else if (target == source + 1 || target == source - (source % x)) target = (source - x + n) % n; else if (target == (source - x + n) % n) target = (source % x > 0) ? source - 1 : source + x - 1; else if (target == (source + x) % n) { source++; target = (source % x) < (x - 1) ? source + 1 : source - (source % x); } } } current.first = source; current.second = target; return *this; } mesh_iterator operator++(int) { mesh_iterator temp(*this); ++(*this); return temp; } bool operator==(const mesh_iterator& other) const { return done == other.done; } bool operator!=(const mesh_iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); } private: vertices_size_type x,y; vertices_size_type n; vertices_size_type source; vertices_size_type target; value_type current; bool toroidal; bool done; }; } // end namespace boost #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_MESH_GENERATOR_HPP