// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_TEST_DATA_HPP #define BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_TEST_DATA_HPP #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #include #include #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4127 4701 4512) # pragma warning(disable: 4130) // '==' : logical operation on address of string constant. #endif #include #include #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4130) // '==' : logical operation on address of string constant. // Used as a warning with BOOST_ASSERT #endif namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace tools{ enum parameter_type { random_in_range = 0, periodic_in_range = 1, power_series = 2, dummy_param = 0x80 }; parameter_type operator | (parameter_type a, parameter_type b) { return static_cast((int)a|(int)b); } parameter_type& operator |= (parameter_type& a, parameter_type b) { a = static_cast(a|b); return a; } // // If type == random_in_range then // z1 and r2 are the endpoints of the half open range and n1 is the number of points. // // If type == periodic_in_range then // z1 and r2 are the endpoints of the half open range and n1 is the number of points. // // If type == power_series then // n1 and n2 are the endpoints of the exponents (closed range) and z1 is the basis. // // If type & dummy_param then this data is ignored and not stored in the output, it // is passed to the generator function however which can do with it as it sees fit. // template struct parameter_info { parameter_type type; T z1, z2; int n1, n2; }; template inline parameter_info make_random_param(T start_range, T end_range, int n_points) { parameter_info result = { random_in_range, start_range, end_range, n_points, 0 }; return result; } template inline parameter_info make_periodic_param(T start_range, T end_range, int n_points) { parameter_info result = { periodic_in_range, start_range, end_range, n_points, 0 }; return result; } template inline parameter_info make_power_param(T basis, int start_exponent, int end_exponent) { parameter_info result = { power_series, basis, 0, start_exponent, end_exponent }; return result; } namespace detail{ template inline void unpack_and_append_tuple(Seq& s, const Item& data, const boost::integral_constant&, const boost::false_type&) { // termimation condition nothing to do here } template inline void unpack_and_append_tuple(Seq& s, const Item& data, const boost::integral_constant&, const boost::true_type&) { // extract the N'th element, append, and recurse: typedef typename Seq::value_type value_type; value_type val = std::tr1::get(data); s.push_back(val); typedef boost::integral_constant next_value; typedef boost::integral_constant::value > N+1)> terminate; unpack_and_append_tuple(s, data, next_value(), terminate()); } template inline void unpack_and_append(Seq& s, const Item& data, const boost::true_type&) { s.push_back(data); } template inline void unpack_and_append(Seq& s, const Item& data, const boost::false_type&) { // Item had better be a tuple-like type or we've had it!!!! typedef boost::integral_constant next_value; typedef boost::integral_constant::value > 0)> terminate; unpack_and_append_tuple(s, data, next_value(), terminate()); } template inline void unpack_and_append(Seq& s, const Item& data) { typedef typename Seq::value_type value_type; unpack_and_append(s, data, ::boost::is_convertible()); } } // detail template class test_data { public: typedef std::vector row_type; typedef row_type value_type; private: typedef std::set container_type; public: typedef typename container_type::reference reference; typedef typename container_type::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator; typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename container_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; // creation: test_data(){} template test_data(F func, const parameter_info& arg1) { insert(func, arg1); } // insertion: template test_data& insert(F func, const parameter_info& arg1) { // generate data for single argument functor F typedef typename std::set::const_iterator it_type; std::set points; create_test_points(points, arg1); it_type a = points.begin(); it_type b = points.end(); row_type row; while(a != b) { if((arg1.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*a); try{ // domain_error exceptions from func are swallowed // and this data point is ignored: boost::math::tools::detail::unpack_and_append(row, func(*a)); m_data.insert(row); } catch(const std::domain_error&){} row.clear(); ++a; } return *this; } template test_data& insert(F func, const parameter_info& arg1, const parameter_info& arg2) { // generate data for 2-argument functor F typedef typename std::set::const_iterator it_type; std::set points1, points2; create_test_points(points1, arg1); create_test_points(points2, arg2); it_type a = points1.begin(); it_type b = points1.end(); row_type row; while(a != b) { it_type c = points2.begin(); it_type d = points2.end(); while(c != d) { if((arg1.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*a); if((arg2.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*c); try{ // domain_error exceptions from func are swallowed // and this data point is ignored: detail::unpack_and_append(row, func(*a, *c)); m_data.insert(row); } catch(const std::domain_error&){} row.clear(); ++c; } ++a; } return *this; } template test_data& insert(F func, const parameter_info& arg1, const parameter_info& arg2, const parameter_info& arg3) { // generate data for 3-argument functor F typedef typename std::set::const_iterator it_type; std::set points1, points2, points3; create_test_points(points1, arg1); create_test_points(points2, arg2); create_test_points(points3, arg3); it_type a = points1.begin(); it_type b = points1.end(); row_type row; while(a != b) { it_type c = points2.begin(); it_type d = points2.end(); while(c != d) { it_type e = points3.begin(); it_type f = points3.end(); while(e != f) { if((arg1.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*a); if((arg2.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*c); if((arg3.type & dummy_param) == 0) row.push_back(*e); try{ // domain_error exceptions from func are swallowed // and this data point is ignored: detail::unpack_and_append(row, func(*a, *c, *e)); m_data.insert(row); } catch(const std::domain_error&){} row.clear(); ++e; } ++c; } ++a; } return *this; } void clear(){ m_data.clear(); } // access: iterator begin() { return m_data.begin(); } iterator end() { return m_data.end(); } const_iterator begin()const { return m_data.begin(); } const_iterator end()const { return m_data.end(); } bool operator==(const test_data& d)const{ return m_data == d.m_data; } bool operator!=(const test_data& d)const{ return m_data != d.m_data; } void swap(test_data& other){ m_data.swap(other.m_data); } size_type size()const{ return m_data.size(); } size_type max_size()const{ return m_data.max_size(); } bool empty()const{ return m_data.empty(); } bool operator < (const test_data& dat)const{ return m_data < dat.m_data; } bool operator <= (const test_data& dat)const{ return m_data <= dat.m_data; } bool operator > (const test_data& dat)const{ return m_data > dat.m_data; } bool operator >= (const test_data& dat)const{ return m_data >= dat.m_data; } private: void create_test_points(std::set& points, const parameter_info& arg1); std::set m_data; static float extern_val; static float truncate_to_float(float const * pf); static float truncate_to_float(float c){ return truncate_to_float(&c); } }; // // This code exists to bemuse the compiler's optimizer and force a // truncation to float-precision only: // template inline float test_data::truncate_to_float(float const * pf) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING int expon; float f = floor(ldexp(frexp(*pf, &expon), 22)); f = ldexp(f, expon - 22); return f; //extern_val = *pf; //return *pf; } template float test_data::extern_val = 0; template void test_data::create_test_points(std::set& points, const parameter_info& arg1) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // // Generate a set of test points as requested, try and generate points // at only float precision: otherwise when testing float versions of functions // there will be a rounding error in our input values which throws off the results // (Garbage in garbage out etc). // switch(arg1.type & 0x7F) { case random_in_range: { BOOST_ASSERT(arg1.z1 < arg1.z2); BOOST_ASSERT(arg1.n1 > 0); typedef float random_type; std::tr1::mt19937 rnd; std::tr1::uniform_real ur_a(real_cast(arg1.z1), real_cast(arg1.z2)); std::tr1::variate_generator > gen(rnd, ur_a); for(int i = 0; i < arg1.n1; ++i) { random_type r = gen(); points.insert(truncate_to_float(r)); } } break; case periodic_in_range: { BOOST_ASSERT(arg1.z1 < arg1.z2); BOOST_ASSERT(arg1.n1 > 0); float interval = real_cast((arg1.z2 - arg1.z1) / arg1.n1); T val = arg1.z1; while(val < arg1.z2) { points.insert(truncate_to_float(real_cast(val))); val += interval; } } break; case power_series: { BOOST_ASSERT(arg1.n1 < arg1.n2); typedef float random_type; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< ::boost::is_floating_point, T, long double>::type power_type; std::tr1::mt19937 rnd; std::tr1::uniform_real ur_a(1.0, 2.0); std::tr1::variate_generator > gen(rnd, ur_a); for(int power = arg1.n1; power <= arg1.n2; ++power) { random_type r = gen(); power_type p = ldexp(static_cast(r), power); points.insert(truncate_to_float(real_cast(arg1.z1 + p))); } } break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(0 == "Invalid parameter_info object"); // Assert will fail if get here. // Triggers warning 4130) // '==' : logical operation on address of string constant. } } // // Prompt a user for information on a parameter range: // template bool get_user_parameter_info(parameter_info& info, const char* param_name) { #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4127) #endif std::string line; do{ std::cout << "What kind of distribution do you require for parameter " << param_name << "?\n" "Choices are:\n" " r Random values in a half open range\n" " p Evenly spaced periodic values in a half open range\n" " e Exponential power series at a particular point: a + 2^b for some range of b\n" "[Default=r]"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "r") { info.type = random_in_range; break; } else if(line == "p") { info.type = periodic_in_range; break; } else if(line == "e") { info.type = power_series; break; } else if(line == "") { info.type = random_in_range; break; } // // Ooops, not a valid input.... // std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise \"" << line << "\" as a valid input\n" "do you want to try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "n") return false; else if(line == "y") continue; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; }while(true); switch(info.type & ~dummy_param) { case random_in_range: case periodic_in_range: // get start and end points of range: do{ std::cout << "Data will be in the half open range a <= x < b,\n" "enter value for the start point fo the range [default=0]:"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "") { info.z1 = 0; break; } try{ info.z1 = boost::lexical_cast(line); break; } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } }while(true); do{ std::cout << "Enter value for the end point fo the range [default=1]:"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "") { info.z2 = 1; } else { try { info.z2 = boost::lexical_cast(line); } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } } if(info.z1 >= info.z2) { std::cout << "The end point of the range was <= the start point\n" "try a different value for the endpoint [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } break; }while(true); do{ // get the number of points: std::cout << "How many data points do you want?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); try{ info.n1 = boost::lexical_cast(line); info.n2 = 0; if(info.n1 <= 0) { std::cout << "The number of points should be > 0\n" "try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } break; } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } }while(true); break; case power_series: // get start and end points of range: info.z2 = 0; do{ std::cout << "Data will be in the form a + r*2^b\n" "for random value r,\n" "enter value for the point a [default=0]:"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "") { info.z1 = 0; break; } try{ info.z1 = boost::lexical_cast(line); break; } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } }while(true); do{ std::cout << "Data will be in the form a + r*2^b\n" "for random value r,\n" "enter value for the starting exponent b:"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); try{ info.n1 = boost::lexical_cast(line); break; } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } }while(true); do{ std::cout << "Data will be in the form a + r*2^b\n" "for random value r,\n" "enter value for the ending exponent b:"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); try{ info.n2 = boost::lexical_cast(line); break; } catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { std::cout << "Sorry, that was not valid input, try again [y/n]?"; std::getline(std::cin, line); boost::algorithm::trim(line); if(line == "y") continue; if(line == "n") return false; std::cout << "Sorry don't recognise that either, giving up...\n\n"; return false; } }while(true); break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(0); // should never get here!! } return true; #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(pop) #endif } template inline std::basic_ostream& write_csv(std::basic_ostream& os, const test_data& data) { const charT defarg[] = { ',', ' ', '\0' }; return write_csv(os, data, defarg); } template std::basic_ostream& write_csv(std::basic_ostream& os, const test_data& data, const charT* separator) { typedef typename test_data::const_iterator it_type; typedef typename test_data::value_type value_type; typedef typename value_type::const_iterator value_type_iterator; it_type a, b; a = data.begin(); b = data.end(); while(a != b) { value_type_iterator x, y; bool sep = false; x = a->begin(); y = a->end(); while(x != y) { if(sep) os << separator; os << *x; sep = true; ++x; } os << std::endl; ++a; } return os; } template std::ostream& write_code(std::ostream& os, const test_data& data, const char* name) { typedef typename test_data::const_iterator it_type; typedef typename test_data::value_type value_type; typedef typename value_type::const_iterator value_type_iterator; BOOST_ASSERT(os.good()); it_type a, b; a = data.begin(); b = data.end(); if(a == b) return os; os << "#define SC_(x) static_cast(BOOST_JOIN(x, L))\n" " static const boost::arraysize() << ">, " << data.size() << "> " << name << " = {{\n"; while(a != b) { if(a != data.begin()) os << ", \n"; value_type_iterator x, y; x = a->begin(); y = a->end(); os << " { "; while(x != y) { if(x != a->begin()) os << ", "; os << "SC_(" << *x << ")"; ++x; } os << " }"; ++a; } os << "\n }};\n#undef SC_\n\n"; return os; } } // namespace tools } // namespace math } // namespace boost #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // BOOST_MATH_TOOLS_TEST_DATA_HPP