/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // as_action.hpp // // Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. // Copyright 2008 David Jenkins. // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_XPRESSIVE_DETAIL_STATIC_TRANSFORMS_AS_ACTION_HPP_EAN_04_05_2007 #define BOOST_XPRESSIVE_DETAIL_STATIC_TRANSFORMS_AS_ACTION_HPP_EAN_04_05_2007 // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // read_attr // Placeholder that knows the slot number of an attribute as well as the type // of the object stored in it. template struct read_attr { typedef Nbr nbr_type; typedef Matcher matcher_type; static Nbr nbr() { return Nbr(); } }; template struct read_attr { typedef Nbr nbr_type; typedef Matcher matcher_type; }; }}} namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace grammar_detail { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FindAttr // Look for patterns like (a1= terminal) and return the type of the RHS. template struct FindAttr : or_< // Ignore nested actions, because attributes are scoped when< subscript<_, _>, _state > , when< terminal<_>, _state > , when< proto::assign >, _>, call<_value(_right)> > , otherwise< fold<_, _state, FindAttr > > > {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // as_read_attr // For patterns like (a1 = RHS)[ref(i) = a1], transform to // (a1 = RHS)[ref(i) = read_attr<1, RHS>] so that when reading the attribute // we know what type is stored in the attribute slot. struct as_read_attr : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef typename impl::expr expr_type; typedef typename FindAttr::template impl< State , mpl::void_ , int >::result_type attr_type; typedef typename proto::terminal< detail::read_attr< typename expr_type::proto_child0::nbr_type , BOOST_PROTO_UNCVREF(attr_type) > >::type result_type; result_type operator ()(proto::ignore, proto::ignore, proto::ignore) const { result_type that = {{}}; return that; } }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DeepCopy // Turn all refs into values, and also bind all attribute placeholders with // the types from which they are being assigned. struct DeepCopy : or_< when< terminal >, as_read_attr> , when< terminal<_>, proto::_deep_copy> , otherwise< nary_expr<_, vararg > > > {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // attr_nbr // For an attribute placeholder, return the attribute's slot number. struct attr_nbr : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef typename impl::expr expr_type; typedef typename expr_type::proto_child0::nbr_type::type result_type; }; }; struct max_attr; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MaxAttr // In an action (rx)[act], find the largest attribute slot being used. struct MaxAttr : or_< when< terminal >, attr_nbr> , when< terminal<_>, make > > // Ignore nested actions, because attributes are scoped: , when< subscript<_, _>, make > > , otherwise< fold<_, make >, max_attr> > > {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // max_attr // Take the maximum of the current attr slot number and the state. struct max_attr : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef typename mpl::max< typename impl::state , typename MaxAttr::template impl::result_type >::type result_type; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // as_attr_matcher // turn a1=matcher into attr_matcher(1) struct as_attr_matcher : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef typename impl::expr expr_type; typedef typename impl::data data_type; typedef detail::attr_matcher< typename proto::result_of::value::type , typename data_type::traits_type , typename data_type::icase_type > result_type; result_type operator ()( typename impl::expr_param expr , typename impl::state_param , typename impl::data_param data ) const { return result_type( proto::value(proto::left(expr)).nbr() , proto::value(proto::right(expr)) , data.traits() ); } }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // add_attrs // Wrap an expression in attr_begin_matcher/attr_end_matcher pair struct add_attrs : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef detail::attr_begin_matcher< typename MaxAttr::template impl, int>::result_type > begin_type; typedef typename impl::expr expr_type; typedef typename shift_right< typename terminal::type , typename shift_right< Expr , terminal::type >::type >::type result_type; result_type operator ()( typename impl::expr_param expr , typename impl::state_param , typename impl::data_param ) const { begin_type begin; detail::attr_end_matcher end; result_type that = {{begin}, {expr, {end}}}; return that; } }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InsertAttrs struct InsertAttrs : if_ {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CheckAssertion struct CheckAssertion : proto::function, _> {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // action_transform // Turn A[B] into (mark_begin(n) >> A >> mark_end(n) >> action_matcher(n)) // If A and B use attributes, wrap the above expression in // a attr_begin_matcher / attr_end_matcher pair, where Count is // the number of attribute slots used by the pattern/action. struct as_action : proto::transform { template struct impl : proto::transform_impl { typedef typename proto::result_of::left::type expr_type; typedef typename proto::result_of::right::type action_type; typedef typename DeepCopy::impl::result_type action_copy_type; typedef typename InsertMark::impl::result_type marked_expr_type; typedef typename mpl::if_c< proto::matches::value , detail::predicate_matcher , detail::action_matcher >::type matcher_type; typedef typename proto::shift_right< marked_expr_type , typename proto::terminal::type >::type no_attr_type; typedef typename InsertAttrs::impl::result_type result_type; result_type operator ()( typename impl::expr_param expr , typename impl::state_param state , typename impl::data_param data ) const { int dummy = 0; marked_expr_type marked_expr = InsertMark::impl()(proto::left(expr), state, data); no_attr_type that = { marked_expr , { matcher_type( DeepCopy::impl()( proto::right(expr) , proto::left(expr) , dummy ) , proto::value(proto::left(marked_expr)).mark_number_ ) } }; return InsertAttrs::impl()(that, state, data); } }; }; }}} #endif