# PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile: IOLib.pm,v $ # AUTHOR: Lukasz Szajkowski # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # =pod =head1 NAME Casava::Common::IOlib.pm - Perl utility library for accessing system resources. =head1 SYNOPSIS # include what functions you need... use Casava::Common::IOlib qw(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Exports: bufferedPrint($;\$;$); createDirs ($;\@); createFilesInDirs ($;$;\%;\@); executeCmd ($;$); genId($;$;\$;\$); getProcessorsCount (); writeParameters(\%;$;$;$,$); testIfSupports($); readParameters(\%$$); # Global variable =head1 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). Created by Lukasz Szajkowski =head1 SOURCE CODE The most current release of the Perl source code for this module is available through CVS at genie01 a.k.a. cvs co BullFrog =cut package Casava::Common::IOLib; # # Place functions/variables you want to *export*, ie be visible # from the caller package into @EXPORT_OK # BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw($VERSION &executeCmd &executeCmdEx &executeCmdOut2Str &genId &readParameters); @EXPORT_OK = qw(&createFilesInDirs &createDirs createDir &string2file &getProcessorsCount &writeParameters &readXML &writeXML &wcl &bufferedPrint &testIfSupports &table2file &table2fileEx &file2table &file2tableEx &formatValueWithDeviation); } use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); use XML::Simple; use Carp; use List::Util qw(max); use IO::File; use Casava::Common::Log; sub bufferedPrint($;\$;$); sub createDir ($); sub createDirs ($\@); sub createFilesInDirs ($;$;\%;\@); sub executeCmd ($;$); sub executeCmdEx ($$;$); sub executeCmdOut2Str ($$); sub genId($;$;\$;\$); sub writeParameters(\%;$;$;$;$); sub testIfSupports($); sub readXML(\%;$;$); sub writeXML(\%;$); sub readParameters(\%$$); sub getProcessorsCount (); sub file2table(\@;$); sub file2tableEx(\@;\%;$); sub table2file(\@;$); sub table2fileEx(\@;$;$); sub string2file($;$); sub wcl($); sub formatValueWithDeviation($;); my %buffer = (); my $bufferSize = 10000; my $currentBufferSize = 0; # Global variable =pod =head1 The procedure parses the cvs string. =over 4 =item genId($cvs_id, $cvs_version, $idRef, $verRef) The procedure parses the cvs string into id and version strings. Parameters: $cvs_id - cvs id string $cvs_version - cvs version string $idRef - out id variable $verRef - out version variable Returns: nothing =back =cut sub genId($;$;\$;\$) { croak "ERROR: genId\n" unless ( @_ == 4 ); my ( $cvs_id, $cvs_version, $idRef, $verRef ) = @_; ${$verRef} = $cvs_version; ${$verRef} =~ s/\$//g; ${$verRef} =~ s/Revision//; ${$idRef} = $cvs_id; ${$idRef} =~ s/\$//g; } =pod =head1 The procedure executes the command. =over 4 =item executeCmd($command, $verbose) The procedure executes the command but exits with error code when command failed. Parameters: command - command to be executed verbose - verbose level (optional) Returns Nothing =back =cut sub executeCmd ($;$) { my ( $command, $verbose ) = @_; executeCmdEx($command, 1, $verbose); } =pod =head1 The procedure executes the command via system() call. =over 4 =item executeCmdEx($command, $dieOnFailure, $verbose) The procedure executes the command. If $dieOnFailure is set, exits the process with error code if command fails. Parameters: command - command to be executed dieOnFailure - whether to terminate process in case the command fails verbose - verbose level (optional) Returns process exit code if dieOnFailure is not set. 0 if successful =back =cut sub executeCmdEx ($$;$) { my ( $command, $dieOnFailure, $verbose ) = @_; logInfo( $command, $verbose ); system($command); my $ret = $?; my $exit_value = $ret >> 8; my $signal_num = $ret & 127; my $dumped_core = $ret & 128; my $message = ( $signal_num > 0 ) ? "Process killed by SIG($signal_num): $command - See errors above\n" : ( $dumped_core > 0 ) ? "$command dumped core: $command - See errors above\n" : ( $exit_value != 0 ) ? "In $command - See errors above\n" : undef; if (defined $message){ errorExit ("ERROR:$message") unless !$dieOnFailure; logWarning $message; } return $ret; } =pod =head1 The procedure executes the command. =over 4 =item executeCmd($command, $verbose) The procedure executes the command but exits with error code when command failed. Parameters: command - command to be executed verbose - verbose level (optional) =back =cut sub executeCmdOut2Str ($$) { my ( $command, $verbose ) = @_; printLog( $command . "\n", $verbose ); my $count = 0; my $returnCode = open( CMD, "$command 2>/dev/null |" ); if ( !$returnCode ) { die "ERROR: Couldn't run $command $! \n"; } my $resultContent = ''; my $resultContentNoEndOfLine = ''; while ( defined( my $line = ) ) { $resultContent .= $line; chomp($line); $resultContentNoEndOfLine .= $line; } my $exit_value = $? >> 8; my $signal_num = $? & 127; my $dumped_core = $? & 128; close(CMD); if ( $signal_num > 0 ) { die "ERROR: executeCmdOut2Str() Process killed by SIG($signal_num): $command : $resultContentNoEndOfLine\n"; } # if if ( $dumped_core > 0 ) { die "ERROR: executeCmdOut2Str() $command dumped core: $command : $resultContentNoEndOfLine\n"; } # if if ( $exit_value != 0 ) { die "ERROR: executeCmdOut2Str() EXIT_CODE($exit_value): $command : $resultContentNoEndOfLine $!\n"; } # if printLog( $resultContent, $verbose ); return $resultContent; } =pod =head1 The procedure creates files =over 4 =item createFilesInDirs($fileNamePref, $dirLocation, $filesRef, $dirsRef) The procedure creates files named $fileNamePref.txt in the @{$dirsRef} directories Parameters: $fileNamePref - file name pref used to create each file (eg.: wrong) $dirLocation - temp directory location $filesRef - Hash map where handles to files will be stored $dirsRef - list of directories Returns: nothing =back =cut sub createFilesInDirs ($;$;\%;\@) { croak "ERROR: createFilesInDirs wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 4 ); my ( $fileNamePref, $dirLocation, $filesRef, $dirsRef ) = @_; foreach my $dir ( @{$dirsRef} ) { unless ( defined $filesRef->{$dir} ) { my $outChrDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirLocation, $dir ); my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $outChrDir, $fileNamePref . '.txt' ); $filesRef->{$dir} = IO::File->new(">>$file") or die "ERROR: createFilesInDirs() Couldn't open " . "$file $!\n"; } # unless } # foreach } =pod =head1 The procedure creates directories =over 4 =item createDirs($dir) The procedure creates a directory Parameters: $dirLocation - dir to create $dirsRef - list of directories Returns: nothing =back =cut sub createDir ($) { my ( $dir ) = @_; unless ( -d $dir ) { mkdir $dir, 0775 or errorExit "ERROR: createDir() can't make $dir $!"; } } =pod =head1 The procedure creates directories =over 4 =item createDirs($dirLocation, $dirsRef) The procedure creates directories from @{$dirsRef} list Parameters: $dirLocation - temp directory location $dirsRef - list of directories Returns: nothing =back =cut sub createDirs ($\@) { my ( $dirLocation, $dirsRef ) = @_; foreach my $dir ( @{$dirsRef} ) { my $outChrDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirLocation, $dir ); createDir ( $outChrDir ); } } =pod =head1 Procedure to read the number of processors =over 4 =item getProcessorsCount() The procedure to count the number of processors on current machine. Returns: number of processors =back =cut sub getProcessorsCount () { croak "ERROR: getProcessorsCount wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 0 ); my $command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l 2> /dev/null"; my $count = 0; open( SGE, "$command |" ) || die "ERROR: getProcessorsCount() Couldn't run cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc $! \n"; while () { chomp($_); $count = $_; } # while close(SGE); return $count; } =pod =head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP from the file. =over 4 =item readParameters( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $fileName) The procedure reads HASH MAP with parameters from the parameters file. Parameters: $parametersRef - HASH MAP with parameters $sectionName - parameters section name in the file $fileName - file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub readParameters(\%$$) { my ( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $fileName ) = @_; my $sectionNameTmp = ""; my $currentParfRef = ""; open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || die "ERROR: readParameters() Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp $line; my $comment = ""; my $key = ""; my $value = ""; if ( $line =~ /(#.+)$/ ) { $comment = $1; } # if elsif ( $line =~ /^\[(\S+)\]$/ ) { $sectionNameTmp = $1; if ( $sectionNameTmp eq $sectionName ) { $currentParfRef = $parametersRef; } # if elsif ( $currentParfRef ne "" ) { $currentParfRef = ""; } } # if elsif ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ && $currentParfRef ne "" ) { $key = $1; $value = $2; ${$currentParfRef}{$key} = $value; } # elsif } # while close FILE; } =pod =head1 The procedure writes/appends HASH MAP the file. =over 4 =item writeParameters( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $fileName, $sortType, $widthPar ) The procedure writes/appends HASH MAP with parameters to a parameters file Parameters: $parametersRef - HASH MAP with parameters $sectionName - parameters section name in the file $fileName - file name $sortType - sort type ( 0 - key sort lexical, 1 - key sort num 2 - value sort lexical, 3 -value sort num) $widthPar - optional width (default 20) Returns: 0 if success; -1 if error =back =cut sub writeParameters(\%;$;$;$;$) { croak "ERROR: writeParameters\n" unless ( @_ == 4 || @_ == 5 ); #print "writeParameters(". join (',', @_).")\n"; my ( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $fileName, $sortType, $widthPar ) = @_; my $sectionNameTmp = ""; my $overwrite = 0; my $found = 0; my $content = ""; my $width = 32; if ( defined $widthPar ) { $width = $widthPar; } my @keys = (); if ( $sortType == 0 ) { @keys = sort keys %{$parametersRef}; } # if elsif ( $sortType == 1 ) { @keys = sort { ${$parametersRef}{$a} <=> ${$parametersRef}{$b} } keys %{$parametersRef}; } # elsif elsif ( $sortType == 2 ) { @keys = sort { ${$parametersRef}{$a} cmp ${$parametersRef}{$b} } keys %{$parametersRef}; } # elsif elsif ( $sortType == 3 ) { @keys = sort { ${$parametersRef}{$a} <=> ${$parametersRef}{$b} } keys %{$parametersRef}; } # else my $contentBody .= "[$sectionName]\n"; foreach my $key (@keys) { my $value = ""; if ( defined( ${$parametersRef}{$key} ) ) { $value = ${$parametersRef}{$key}; } # if # if $contentBody .= ( sprintf "%-" . max($width, length($key) +1) . "s", $key ) . $value . "\n"; } # foreach $contentBody .= "\n"; if ( -e $fileName ) { # Merge with file open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || die "ERROR: writeParameters() Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp $line; # print $line . " "; my $comment = ""; my $key = ""; my $value = ""; if ( $line =~ /^\[(\S+)\]$/ ) { $sectionNameTmp = $1; if ( $sectionNameTmp eq $sectionName ) { $overwrite = 1; $found = 1; $content .= $contentBody . "\n"; } # if elsif ( $overwrite == 1 ) { $overwrite = 0; } # elsif } # if if ( $overwrite == 0 ) { $content .= $line . "\n"; } # if } # while close FILE; } # if if ( $found == 0 ) { # Add to the file (new section) $content .= "\n# This section contains CASAVA" . " parameters for $sectionName\n\n"; $content .= $contentBody . "\n"; } # if my $file = IO::File->new( ">${fileName}.tmp" ) || errorExit "ERROR: Failed to create ${fileName}.tmp. $!"; print $file $content; close $file; rename ("${fileName}.tmp", $fileName) || errorExit "ERROR: Cannot rename ${fileName}.tmp into $fileName. $!"; return 0; } =pod =head1 Buffered write to the file =over 4 =item bufferedPrint($fileHandle, $contentRef, $isFlush) The procedure writes the content to the file as bufferSize chunks of text; Parameters: $fileHandle - file to store the content $contentRef - reference to the content $content - flush the buffer Returns: nothing =back =cut sub bufferedPrint($;\$;$) { croak "ERROR: bufferedPrint " . join( ',', @_ ) unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $fileHandle, $contentRef, $isFlush ) = @_; if ( $fileHandle > -1 ) { print $fileHandle ${$contentRef}; if ( $isFlush ) { $fileHandle->flush(); } } } =pod =head1 The procedure tests if current machine supports a command. =over 4 =item testIfSupports($command) The procedure tests if current machine supports given command(executes it ). Parameters: $command - some command Returns: 1 if machine supports the command =back =cut sub testIfSupports($) { croak "ERROR: testIfSupports\n" unless ( @_ == 1 ); my ($command) = @_; my $res = 1; system( $command . " 1>/dev/null 2> /dev/null" ); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; my $signal_num = $? & 127; my $dumped_core = $? & 128; if ( $signal_num > 0 ) { $res = 0; } # if if ( $dumped_core > 0 ) { $res = 0; } # if if ( $exit_value != 0 ) { $res = 0; } # if return $res; } =pod =item string2file($content, $fileName) string2file procudure saves a string to a file. B $content - content to be saved $fileName - filename where content will be saved B nothing =cut sub string2file($;$) { croak "$0::ERROR: string2file " . join( ',', @_ ) unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $content, $fileName ) = @_; my $file = IO::File->new( ">" . $fileName ) || die "ERROR: string2file() Couldn't create/open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; print $file $content; close $file; } =pod =head1 The procedure stores table to a file =over 4 =item table2file($tableRef, $fileName) The procedure stores table to a file. Parameters: $tableRef - ARRAYref of ARRAYS reference to table $fileName - file name where table should be stored Returns: table as text =back =cut sub table2file(\@;$) { croak "$0:ERROR: table2file\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $tableRef, $fileName ) = @_; return table2fileEx(@$tableRef, $fileName, undef); } =pod =head1 The procedure stores table to a file =over 4 =item table2fileEx($tableRef, $fileName, $header) The procedure stores table to a file. Parameters: $tableRef - ARRAYref of ARRAYS reference to table $fileName - file name where table should be stored $header - header line(s) to be printed at the top of the file. Returns: table as text =back =cut sub table2fileEx(\@;$;$) { croak "$0:ERROR: table2file\n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $tableRef, $fileName, $header ) = @_; #print "table2file $fileName\n"; my $rowId = 0; my $content = ''; foreach my $rowRef ( @{$tableRef} ) { my $cellId = 0; my $found = 0; foreach my $cell ( @{$rowRef} ) { $found = 1; if ( $cellId == 0 ) { $content .= "$cell"; } # if else { $content .= "\t$cell"; } # else $cellId++; } # foreach if ( $found == 1 ) { $content .= "\n"; $rowId++; } } # foreach my $file = IO::File->new( ">" . $fileName ) || die "ERROR: table2file() Couldn't create/open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; if (defined $header) { print $file $header; } print $file $content; close $file; return $content; } =pod =head1 The procedure loads table from a file. It ignores file lines beginning with # =over 4 =item file2table($tableRef, $fileName) The procedure loads table from a file. Parameters: $tableRef - ARRAYref of ARRAYS reference to table $fileName - file name where table should be stored Returns: table as text =back =cut sub file2table(\@;$) { croak "ERROR: file2table\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $tableRef, $fileName ) = @_; if ( -d $fileName ) { die "ERROR: file2table() $fileName is directory. Path to a file expected.\n"; } open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || die "ERROR: file2table() Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; next if $line =~ /^\#/; chomp $line; my @row = split "\t", $line; push @{$tableRef}, \@row; } # while close FILE; } =pod =head1 Loads a table from a file. It ignores file lines beginning with "#" which occur in a continuous block at the start of the file, except for lines beginning with "#$", where the remainder of the line is treated as a key-value pair which is parsed and stored in the metaDataRef hash. =over 4 =item file2tableEx($tableRef, $metaDataRef, $fileName) The procedure loads table from a file. Parameters: $tableRef - ARRAYref of ARRAYS reference to table $metaDataRef - HASHref of header meta-data $fileName - file name where table should be stored Returns: table as text =back =cut sub file2tableEx(\@;\%;$) { croak "ERROR: file2tableEx\n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $tableRef, $metaDataRef, $fileName ) = @_; if ( -d $fileName ) { die "ERROR: file2tableEx() $fileName is directory. Path to a file expected.\n"; } open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || die "ERROR: file2tableEx() Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; my $isHeader = 1; while () { my $line = $_; chomp $line; if( $isHeader ) { if($line =~ /^#/) { if($line =~ /^#\$/) { $line =~ s/^#\$\s+//; my ($k,$v) = split(/\s+/,$line,2); $$metaDataRef{$k} = $v; } next; } $isHeader = 0; } my @row = split "\t", $line; push @{$tableRef}, \@row; } # while close FILE; } =pod =head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP XML config file. =over 4 =item readXML($confRef, $fileName, $dieOnFailure=0) The procedure reads HASH MAP XML config file.. Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $fileName - config file name $dieOnFailure - if set, terminates the process in case file does not exist default - 0 Returns: nothing =back =cut sub readXML(\%;$;$) { croak "ERROR: readXML\n" unless ( @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 ); my ( $confRef, $fileName, $dieOnFailure ) = @_; my %keyAttr = (); my $xs = ''; if ( -d $fileName ) { errorExit "ERROR: readXML() $fileName is directory. Path to xml file expected.\n"; } $xs = new XML::Simple( searchpath => ".", forcearray => 1, ); if ( !-e $fileName ) { my $message = "readXML() file $fileName doesn't exist."; errorExit "ERROR:$message\n" unless ( defined $dieOnFailure and !$dieOnFailure ); logWarning $message; return 0; } else{ my $ref = $xs->XMLin($fileName); my ( $key, $value ); foreach my $key ( keys %{$ref} ) { ${$confRef}{$key} = ${$ref}{$key}; } } return 1; } =pod =head1 The procedure writes HASH MAPto the xml run file. =over 4 =item writeXML($confRef, $fileName) The procedure writes HASH MAP with runs config to the run xml config file. Parameters: $hamMapRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub writeXML(\%;$) { croak "ERROR: writeXML\n" unless ( @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 ); my ( $hamMapRef, $fileName, $keyAttrRef ) = @_; my %keyAttr = (); my $xs = ''; if ( -d $fileName ) { errorExit "ERROR: writeXML() $fileName is directory. Path to xml file expected.\n"; } if ( defined $keyAttrRef ) { %keyAttr = %{$keyAttrRef}; $xs = new XML::Simple( searchpath => ".", KeyAttr => %keyAttr, forcearray => 1, ); } else { $xs = new XML::Simple( searchpath => ".", forcearray => 1, ); } my $xml = $xs->XMLout($hamMapRef); my $file = IO::File->new( ">" . $fileName ) || errorExit "ERROR: writeRunsConfig() Couldn't create/open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; print $file $xml; close $file; } =pod =head1 The procedure counts number of lines from command ouput =over 4 =item wcl($cmd) The procedure counts number of lines from command oupu Parameters: $cmd - command to be executed Returns: nothing =back =cut sub wcl($) { my ($cmd) = @_; my $command = "$cmd | wc -l"; my $count = 0; open( CMD, "$command |" ) || errorExit "Could not $command $! \n"; while () { chomp($_); $count = $_; } close(CMD); return $count; } =pod =head1 Returns a string which is a concatenation of mean +/- stdev =over 4 =item formatValueWithDeviation($xml, $element) The procedure counts number of lines from command oupu Parameters: $xml - hashref with mean and stdev keys Returns: nothing =back =cut sub formatValueWithDeviation($;) { croak "ERROR: formatValueWithDeviation " unless ( @_ == 1 ); my ( $element ) = @_; my $ret = defined ($element->{mean}) ? $element->{mean} . " +/- " . $element->{stdev} : 0; return $ret; } 1; # says use was ok __END__