package Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::Config; # PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile:,v $ # AUTHOR: Lukasz Szajkowski, Richard Carter # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. =pod =head1 NAME - Perl utility library for configuring BullFrog. =head1 SYNOPSIS The library contains procedures and variables usefully in configuring BullFrog application. It allows to store constants and variables and external files with format: [SECTION_NAME] key spaces value # include what functions you need... use qw(); =head1 DESCRIPTION # Global variable $globalAppConfFileName default CASAVA.conf %CONF_PROJ %CONF_APP %CONF_RUNS %CONF_RUN %chrEnds %export %doubleExport %CASAVA %runsConfig =head1 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). Created by Lukasz Szajkowski =cut BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( %CONF_PROJ %CONF_APP %CONF_RUNS %CONF_RUN %chrEnds &configure &addExportFiles &writeConfig &readConfig &getRunConf &updateRunConf &updateRunConfValue &loadConfiguration &configureSampleDirectories %runsConfig &configureTargets &updateProjectConfValue &readSampleDirsConfigXML &configureDirectories inputBltQC &writeSampleDirsConfigXML &isSpliceJunctionChrom &getSpliceJunctionFileName readProjectParameters); } use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime ceil); use XML::Simple; use File::Spec qw(catdir splitpath); use Cwd qw(abs_path); use Sys::Hostname; use Carp; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); use List::Util qw(max); use IO::File; use Casava::Common::Log; use Casava::Common::IOLib qw(writeParameters readParameters createDirs executeCmd readXML); use Casava::TaskManager qw(configureWorkflow); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::SortLib qw(checkSortBin); #use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::DnaSeqLib qw(configureBuild); sub inputBltQC(\%); sub inputQC ($$\%\%\%\%$); sub addExportFiles(\%\@); sub configure($$\%\%\@\@$); sub configureDirectories($$\%); sub configureChromDirectories($$\%\%\@); #sub configureRuns(\@\@\@\@\%$); sub configureSampleDirectories(\@\%$); sub configureTargets($\@\@$); sub getRunConf($;\%;\%); sub loadConfiguration($;\%); #sub readRunsConfig(\%;$); #sub readRunsConfigXML(\%;$;$); sub readSampleDirsConfigXML($\@;\@); sub readConfig(\%;\%; $); #sub listRuns(\%); #sub removeRun(\%;$;$); sub updateRunConf(\%;$;\%;\%); sub updateRunConfValue($;$); sub updateProjectConfValue($;$); #sub repairNonUniqueRunIds(\%); sub writeRunsConfig(\%;$); #sub writeRunsConfigXML(\%;$); sub writeSampleDirsConfigXML(\%;$); sub writeConfig(\%\%$); #sub createExperiments ($;$;\%); sub isSpliceJunctionChrom ($\%); sub getSpliceJunctionFileName (\%); our $globalAppConfFileName = "global.conf"; our %CONF_PROJ = (); our %CONF_APP = (); our %CONF_RUNS = (); our %CONF_RUN = (); our %chrEnds = (); our %runsConfig = (); =pod =head1 Adds export files found in the aligned sample directories. =over 4 =item addExportFiles($runsConfig, $exportFilesRef) Adds export files found in the aligned sample directories. Parameters: $runsConfig - REF to hash map with all sample configuration $exportFilesRef - REF to array containing all of the export files Returns: nothing =back =cut sub addExportFiles(\%\@) { croak "ERROR: addExportFiles\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ($runsConfig, $exportFilesRef) = @_; # evaluate all of the aligned sample directories my @filteredExportFiles = (); foreach my $alignedSampleDir (@{$runsConfig->{inputDirectories}->{sampleDirectory}}) { # grab all of the export filenames opendir(DIR, $alignedSampleDir); my @dirExportFiles = map { "$alignedSampleDir/$_" } grep(/(L00\d_R\d_\d\d\d_export.txt$|L00\d_R\d_\d\d\d_export.txt.gz$)/, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); if ($CONF_PROJ{lanes}) { my $allowedLanes = join('|', split(/[\s,]/, $CONF_PROJ{lanes})); my $grepRegex = "_L00($allowedLanes)_R\\d_\\d\\d\\d_export.txt"; print STDERR "$grepRegex\n"; @dirExportFiles = grep /$grepRegex/, @dirExportFiles; } if ($CONF_PROJ{barcodes}) { my $allowedBarcodes = join('|', split(/[\s,]/, $CONF_PROJ{barcodes})); my $grepRegex = "_($allowedBarcodes)_L00\\d_R\\d_\\d\\d\\d_export.txt"; print STDERR "$grepRegex\n"; @dirExportFiles = grep /$grepRegex/, @dirExportFiles; } # add these elements to another array since grep doesn't append push(@filteredExportFiles, @dirExportFiles); } # these are POSSIBLE pair xml file names. The actual ones might very well not exist. my %pairXmlsHash= (); map {my $ori = $_; (s/_R(\d)_(\d\d\d)_export.txt(\.gz)?/_$2_pair.xml/); $pairXmlsHash{$_}->{PairXml}=$_;$pairXmlsHash{$_}->{"Read$1"}=$ori; } @filteredExportFiles; foreach my $pairXmlFile (keys %pairXmlsHash) { my $readMode = "paired"; $readMode = 'single' if(!-s $pairXmlFile); #assume non-paired data if pair.xml is not avaialble if ($CONF_PROJ{read} && 1 == $CONF_PROJ{read}) { $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read2} = ""; $readMode = "single"; } elsif ($CONF_PROJ{read} && 2 == $CONF_PROJ{read}) { $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read1} = ""; $readMode = "single"; } $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{PairXml} = "" if 'single' eq $readMode; if (!$pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read1} && !$pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read2}) { delete $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}; #remove entries for which data has been masked out } else { errorExit("ERROR: Missing read1 export file for $pairXmlFile") if 'paired' eq $readMode && !$pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read1}; errorExit("ERROR: Missing read2 export file for $pairXmlFile") if 'paired' eq $readMode && !$pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read2}; errorExit("ERROR: Mixed read mode is not allowed. Current project read mode is '$CONF_PROJ{readMode}'. " . "Will not add $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read1} $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}->{Read2} " . "with readMode $readMode") if $CONF_PROJ{readMode} && $CONF_PROJ{readMode} ne $readMode; updateProjectConfValue('readMode', $readMode) if !$CONF_PROJ{readMode}; push @{$exportFilesRef}, $pairXmlsHash{$pairXmlFile}; } } # die Data::Dumper::Dumper($exportFilesRef); } =pod =item inputBltQC($CONF_PROJ_Ref) Checks validity of configuration options for the blt-based alleleCaller B $CONF_PROJ_Ref - B nothing =cut sub inputBltQC (\%) { croak "ERROR: init " . join( ',', @_ ) unless ( @_ == 1 ); my ( $CONF_PROJ_Ref ) = @_; # check for required configuration options: my @conf_used = qw( binSizeBuild dirBuildParsed QVCutoff QVCutoffSingle qualityType singleScoreForPE dirRefSeq snpThreshold snpThreshold2 snpMaxRatio variantsMDFilterCount variantsMDFilterFlank); for my $k (@conf_used) { if(not defined $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{$k}){ errorExit "ERROR: can't find required blt alleleCaller configuration option: $k\n"; } } if(not (($CONF_PROJ_Ref->{qualityType} eq "Phred64") or ($CONF_PROJ_Ref->{qualityType} eq "Solexa64"))){ errorExit "ERROR: invalid qualityType for blt alleleCaller: $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{qualityType}\n"; } } =pod =item inputQC($projectDir, $buildResultsDir, $chrEndsRef, $CONF_PROJ_Ref, $runsConfigRef, $CONF_APP_Ref) The inputQC initialises AlleleCaller B $projectDir - $buildResultsDir - $chrEndsRef - $CONF_PROJ_Ref - $runsConfigRef - $CONF_APP_Ref - B nothing =cut sub inputQC ($$\%\%\%\%$) { my ( $projectDir, $buildResultsDir, $chrEndsRef, $CONF_PROJ_Ref, $runsConfigRef, $CONF_APP_Ref, $checkExportInputs ) = @_; my $sortExportCmd = File::Spec->catfile('/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/libexec/CASAVA-1.8.2', $CONF_APP_Ref->{cmdExport}); my $maxNumberOfBins; my $error = 0; if ( !-d $projectDir ) { errorExit "ERROR: unable to resolve --projectDir=${projectDir} into a folder path. Path to a directory is expected."; } printLog( sprintf( "CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "Directory structure", "OK" ), 0 , 'info'); if ( !-d $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{dirRefSeq} ) { errorExit "ERROR: unable to resolve --refSequences=$CONF_PROJ_Ref->{dirRefSeq} into a folder path. Path to a directory with .fa files is expected."; } # foreach my $chrom ( sort keys %$chrEndsRef ) { # my $refSeqFile = $chrEndsRef->{$chrom}->{file}; # if ( isSpliceJunctionChrom($chrom, %{$CONF_PROJ_Ref}) ) # { # next; # } # unless ( -e $refSeqFile ) { # errorExit "ERROR: reference sequence $refSeqFile does not exist.\n" # . "Copy reference sequences to $projectDir/genomes or provide " # . "--refSequences option. \n"; # } # unless # } # foreach printLog( sprintf( "CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "Reference sequence exists", "OK" ), 0 , 'info'); if ($checkExportInputs) { # Check if export files exist and if lanes not already in build my $cmd = "$sortExportCmd --projectDir=$projectDir --target=check"; executeCmd( $cmd, 5 ); printLog( sprintf( "CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "All required input files exist", "OK" ), 0 , 'info'); } # allow CASAVA to be rerun on older builds: # if(not defined $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{snpThreshold2} ){ logWarning("Parameter 'snpThreshhold2' is undefined. Setting to value of 'snpThreshold'"); $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{snpThreshold2} = $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{snpThreshold}; } # check parameters for blt allele-caller: # inputBltQC(%$CONF_PROJ_Ref); # check that working sort program is found: # checkSortBin(%$CONF_APP_Ref); unless ( $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{qualityType} =~ "Phred64|Solexa64" ) { errorExit "ERROR: unsupported quality type $CONF_PROJ_Ref->{qualityType}\n"; } printLog( sprintf( "CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "Parameters validation", "OK" ), 0 , 'info'); } sub configureBuild(\@$$) { my ($refAlignSampleDirs, $buildDir, $checkExportInputs) = @_; my $reportsCmd = File::Spec->catfile( '/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/libexec/CASAVA-1.8.2', $CONF_APP{cmdReports} ); my $runConfPath = File::Spec->catfile( $buildDir, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{runConfFileName} ); # configure each of the provided project-sample directories configureSampleDirectories(@$refAlignSampleDirs, %runsConfig, $runConfPath); inputQC( $buildDir, $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildParsed}, %chrEnds, %CONF_PROJ, %runsConfig, %CONF_APP, $checkExportInputs); printLog(sprintf("CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "Creating/updating data directories", "IN-PROGRESS"), 0, 'info'); configureDirectories( $buildDir, $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildParsed}, %chrEnds); printLog(sprintf("CHECK %-40s [%s]\n", "Creating/updating data directories", "DONE"), 0, 'info'); executeCmd( "$reportsCmd --projectDir=$buildDir --target=configure", 4 ); executeCmd( "$reportsCmd --projectDir=$buildDir --target=main", 4 ); } =pod =head1 The procedure configures targets. =over 4 =item configureTargets($confStatus, $targetRef, $refAlignSampleDirs, $buildDir) The procedure configures targets. In case $confStatus == 1 (previous run failed) the procedure is trying provide guidance for run restart. It also confiugres the build folder layout if the target list includes 'all' or 'sort' targets Parameters: $confStatus - status returned by configure procedure $targetRef - REF to array of target names $refAlignSampleDirs - REF to array of input sample directories $buildDir - output folder Returns: nothing =back =cut sub configureTargets($\@\@$) { my ( $confStatus, $targetRef, $refAlignSampleDirs, $buildDir) = @_; my @targets = @{$targetRef}; # if the previous CASAVA run didn't finish if ( $confStatus == -1 ) { my %PREV_RUN_CON = %{ getRunConf( $CONF_PROJ{currentRunId}, %CONF_RUNS, %CONF_PROJ ) }; unless ( defined $targets[0] && $targets[0] eq 'allClean' ) { my $runContent = "----------RUN_$PREV_RUN_CON{_runId}-----------------\n"; map { $runContent .= "$_\t\t= " . $PREV_RUN_CON{$_} . "\n" } keys %PREV_RUN_CON; $runContent .= "------------------------------------------------\n"; my $ignoreCmd = "$0 $PREV_RUN_CON{argv} --force\n"; my $msg = "$runContent\nERROR: previous run " . "[$PREV_RUN_CON{_runId}] didn't finish\n" . "To ignore this warning use:\n$ignoreCmd"; errorExit($msg); } # unless } # if if ( $confStatus == 0 ) { push (@targets, 'all') if ( !scalar(@targets) ); configureBuild(@$refAlignSampleDirs, $buildDir, 1) if grep (/^sort$|^all$/, @targets); @{$targetRef} = (); foreach my $target (@targets) { if ('all' eq $target) { my $defaultStagesName = "defaultStages$CONF_PROJ{applicationType}$CONF_PROJ{readMode}"; errorExit "ERROR: application configuration is missing for $defaultStagesName" unless defined $CONF_APP{$defaultStagesName}; push @{$targetRef}, split (',', $CONF_APP{$defaultStagesName}); # if (defined $CONF_PROJ{applicationType}) # { # if($CONF_PROJ{applicationType} eq 'RNA') # { # push( @{$targetRef}, 'rnaCounts' ); # } # elsif ($CONF_PROJ{applicationType} eq 'DNA' # && $CONF_PROJ{readMode} eq 'paired') # { # my $sortPos = grep { $targetRef->[$_] eq 'sort' } 0..$#$targetRef; # if(defined $sortPos) { # splice(@{$targetRef},$sortPos,0,'assembleIndels'); # } else { # push( @{$targetRef}, 'assembleIndels' ); # } # } # } } elsif ($target =~ /^no(.*)/) { @{$targetRef} = grep (!/^$1$/, @{$targetRef}); } else { push (@{$targetRef}, $target); } } if (scalar( @{$targetRef} )) { if(${$targetRef}[0] ne 'continue') { my $sortPos = grep { $targetRef->[$_] eq 'sort' } 0..$#$targetRef; if(defined $sortPos) { splice(@{$targetRef},$sortPos,0,'refSeq'); } else { unshift( @{$targetRef}, 'refSeq' ); } push( @{$targetRef}, 'refSeqClean' ); if (scalar(@$targetRef) != scalar(keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @$targetRef}})) { errorExit "The target list must contain each target only once. " ."Please check the CASAVA command line. Current list: " . join( ',', @{$targetRef} ); } else { logInfo "Will configure following targets:" . join( ',', @{$targetRef}), 0; } } } else { logInfo "No targets to configure", 0; } updateRunConfValue( 'targets', join( ',', @{$targetRef} ) ); } # elsif } # sub configureTargets my $maxSamtoolsRefSize = 2**29; =pod =head2 scanDirRefSeq The procedure creates HASH with chromosome file information by scanning dirRefSeq and scanning all unmasked fasta files to find total and known reference length. I =over 4 =item * $projectDir project directory =item * $CONF_PROJ_REF project configuration hash reference =item * $chrEndsRef reference to hash to where to put the results I Nothing I =over 4 =item * Given reference sequence location has no reference files =item * New reference file found. Adding more reference files to a conifugred build is not allowed as the most common scenario for this to happen is when the user changes the --refSequences to a location with the sequence that uses different file chromsome naming convention such as chr instead c =item * Content of a reference file is different from the last time checked. It is not allowed to edit reference sequence once it has been used for the build. =back =cut sub scanDirRefSeq($\%\%) { my ( $projectDir, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $chrEndsRef) = @_; my $globMask = File::Spec->catfile( $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}, $CONF_PROJ_REF->{maskRefSeqFiles}); my @files = glob($globMask); errorExit "ERROR: Could not find a single reference in $globMask" if (!scalar(@files)); my $filesString = join (' ', map {"'$_'"} @files); my $countFastaBasesCmd = File::Spec->catfile('/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/libexec/CASAVA-1.8.2', 'countFastaBases') . " $filesString"; my @contigInfos = `$countFastaBasesCmd`; errorExit "ERROR: The following command failed with exit code $?: $countFastaBasesCmd" unless !$?; my @scaffolds; my $isContigName = ('contigName' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromNameSource}); my %scannedContigs; foreach my $contigInfo ( @contigInfos ) { my ($fileName, $contigName, $knownBases, $totalBases) = split /\s/, $contigInfo; errorExit "ERROR: duplicate reference sequence name $contigName in $fileName is prohibited when --chromNameSource=$CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromNameSource}" if (exists $scannedContigs{$contigName}); $scannedContigs{$contigName} = $fileName; my $scaffold = ($isContigName ? $contigName : $fileName ); if ($isContigName && 'on' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromNameValidation} && $scaffold =~ /[$CONF_APP{contigNameForbiddenCharacters}]/) { my $msgTxt; eval "\$msgTxt = \"ERROR: Chromosome name cannot contain the following characters: $CONF_APP{contigNameForbiddenCharacters}\""; errorExit $msgTxt; } push @scaffolds, $scaffold; my $scaffoldFile = File::Spec->catfile( $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}, $fileName); my $singleFile = ($isContigName ? File::Spec->catfile($projectDir, $CONF_PROJ_REF->{refSeqCacheDirName}, $contigName): $scaffoldFile); $chrEndsRef->{$scaffold}->{file} = $singleFile; my $projConfKnownBasesKey = "knownBases_$scaffold"; my $projConfTotalBasesKey = "totalBases_$scaffold"; my $projConfTimeStampKey = "timeStamp_$scaffold"; my $scaffoldTs = (stat($scaffoldFile))[9]; # this is not the first time we're scanning the folder and we don't have timestamp for this file errorExit "ERROR: unexpected new reference sequence $scaffold found in $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}" if ($CONF_PROJ_REF->{refSeqLocked} && !defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfKnownBasesKey}); if (!defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTimeStampKey} || $scaffoldTs != $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTimeStampKey}) { if (defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTimeStampKey} && ($totalBases != $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTotalBasesKey} || $knownBases != $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfKnownBasesKey})) { errorExit "ERROR: The contents of the reference sequence file changed. " ."Expected: knownBases=$CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfKnownBasesKey}, totalBases=$CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTotalBasesKey}" ."Actual: knownBases=$knownBases, totalBases=$totalBases. "; } $CONF_PROJ{$projConfKnownBasesKey} = $knownBases; $CONF_PROJ{$projConfTotalBasesKey} = $totalBases; $CONF_PROJ{$projConfTimeStampKey} = $scaffoldTs; logInfo "Reference $scaffold has $knownBases known out of $totalBases bases total", 0; } if($CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTotalBasesKey} > $maxSamtoolsRefSize) { logWarning("Reference $scaffold has length " . $CONF_PROJ{$projConfKnownBasesKey} . ", which exceeds the maximum size of the BAM file index: $maxSamtoolsRefSize"); } $chrEndsRef->{$scaffold}->{knownBases} = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfKnownBasesKey}; $chrEndsRef->{$scaffold}->{length} = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTotalBasesKey}; } $CONF_PROJ{chromosomes} = join("\t", @scaffolds); $CONF_PROJ_REF->{refSeqLocked} = 'yes'; } =pod =head2 getChrEnds The procedure fills in the chrEnds HASH based on configuration data. I =over 4 =item * $projectDir project directory =item * $CONF_PROJ_REF project configuration hash reference =item * $chrEndsRef reference to hash to where to put the results I Nothing =cut sub getChrEnds($\%\%) { my ( $projectDir, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $chrEndsRef) = @_; my $filePath; if('contigName' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromNameSource}) { $filePath = File::Spec->catdir($projectDir, $CONF_PROJ_REF->{refSeqCacheDirName}); } else { $filePath = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}; } unless(defined($CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromosomes})){ errorExit("ERROR: Attempting to run with incompatible configuration file\n"); } my $chromString = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromosomes}; my @chroms = split("\t",$chromString); for my $chrom (@chroms) { my $projConfKnownBasesKey = "knownBases_$chrom"; my $projConfTotalBasesKey = "totalBases_$chrom"; $chrEndsRef->{$chrom}->{knownBases} = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfKnownBasesKey}; $chrEndsRef->{$chrom}->{length} = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{$projConfTotalBasesKey}; $chrEndsRef->{$chrom}->{file} = File::Spec->catfile($filePath,$chrom); } } =pod =head1 The procedure loads the application's config. =over 4 =item loadConfiguration($buildSampleDir; \%PARAMS) The procedure loads the application's config from $buildSampleDir/conf/. Should be run at the beginning of every script which want to use the configuration generated by configure procedure. Parameters: $buildSampleDir - path to project directory $PARAM - optional hash of properties that override the ones loaded Returns: nothing =back =cut sub loadConfiguration($;\%) { my ($buildSampleDir, $PARAMS_Ref) = @_; my $logPath = File::Spec->catfile( $buildSampleDir, "CASAVA.log" ); initLog($logPath, 0,4); my $globalConf = File::Spec->catfile( '/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/etc/CASAVA-1.8.2', $globalAppConfFileName ); readParameters( %CONF_APP, "APP_CONFIGURATION", $globalConf ); my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $buildSampleDir, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); errorExit "ERROR: loadConfiguration() CASAVA configuration [$projectConf] cannot be found" unless ( -e $projectConf ); readConfig( %CONF_PROJ, %CONF_RUNS, $projectConf ); my $currentAppMajorMinor = 'CASAVA-1.8.2'; $currentAppMajorMinor =~ s/(.*)\..*$/$1/; my $buildAppMajorMinor = $CONF_PROJ{appVersion}; $buildAppMajorMinor =~ s/(.*)\..*$/$1/; if ($buildAppMajorMinor ne $currentAppMajorMinor) { errorExit "ERROR: Project was produced by an incompatible version of CASAVA. " ."Expected: $currentAppMajorMinor.x. Actual: $CONF_PROJ{appVersion}." } errorExit "ERROR: applicationType cannot be changed for a configured project." if defined $PARAMS_Ref && $PARAMS_Ref->{applicationType} && $CONF_PROJ{applicationType} ne $PARAMS_Ref->{applicationType}; if (defined $PARAMS_Ref) { foreach my $k ( keys %$PARAMS_Ref ) { $CONF_PROJ{$k} = $PARAMS_Ref->{$k} if ( defined $PARAMS_Ref->{$k} ); } } $CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq} = abs_path($CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq}) if $CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq}; getChrEnds( $buildSampleDir, %CONF_PROJ, %chrEnds); my $runConf = File::Spec->catfile( $buildSampleDir, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{runConfFileName} ); my $runsConfigRef = \%runsConfig; readSampleDirsConfigXML($runConf, @{$runsConfigRef->{inputDirectories}->{sampleDirectory}}, @{$runsConfigRef->{exportFiles}}) if ( -s $runConf ); %CONF_RUN = %{ getRunConf( $CONF_PROJ{currentRunId}, %CONF_RUNS, %CONF_PROJ ) }; configureWorkflow( $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflow}, $CONF_PROJ{workflowFile} ); initLog($logPath, $CONF_PROJ{verbose},4); } =pod =head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP from the conf/project.conf file. =over 4 =item readProjectParameters( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $prorjectDir) The procedure reads HASH MAP with parameters from the parameters file. Parameters: $parametersRef - HASH MAP with parameters $sectionName - parameters section name in the file $prorjectDir - location of conf/project.conf Returns: nothing =back =cut sub readProjectParameters(\%$$) { my ( $parametersRef, $sectionName, $prorjectDir ) = @_; my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $prorjectDir, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); readParameters(%$parametersRef, $sectionName, $projectConf); } =pod =head1 The procedure configures the application. =over 4 =item configure The procedure configures the application. First time CASAVA is run for given $buildSampleDir the $buildSampleDir/conf/Project.conf file is generated based on etc/global.conf and current command line parameters. Then each time CASAVA is run for given projectDir the run configuration is updated in $buildSampleDir/conf/Project.conf Parameters: $buildSampleDir - project directory $argvStr - concatenated command line parameters $CUR_RUN_Ref - current run config REF $PARAMS_Ref - other parameters from the command line $targetsRef - $readModeRef - $usage - Returns: 0 - success; -1 - previous run problem =back =cut ## TODO: Refactor !!! sub configure($$\%\%\@\@$) { my ( $buildDir, $argvStr, $CUR_RUN_Ref, $PARAMS_Ref, $targetsRef, $readModeRef, $usage ) = @_; my $globalConf = File::Spec->catfile( '/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/etc/CASAVA-1.8.2', $globalAppConfFileName ); readParameters( %CONF_APP, "APP_CONFIGURATION", $globalConf ); unless ( -d $buildDir ) { mkdir $buildDir, 0775 or errorExit "ERROR: createDirs() can't make $buildDir $!\n"; } # unless my %CURRENT_RUN_CONF = %{$CUR_RUN_Ref}; my %PARAMS = %{$PARAMS_Ref}; $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild} = $buildDir if ( !$PARAMS{dirBuild} ); $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild} = abs_path( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild} ); if ( scalar(@$targetsRef) == 0 ) { $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{target} = 'all'; } elsif ( scalar(@$targetsRef) == 1 ) { $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{target} = $targetsRef->[0]; } # check the forced read options if($PARAMS{forceRead1} && $PARAMS{forceRead2}) { errorExit "ERROR: Both --forceRead1 and --forceRead2 were specified on the command line. Please use choose only one of the options.\n\n$usage"; } $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{argv} = $argvStr; my $isCreate = 0; my $fullConfDir = File::Spec->catdir( $buildDir, $CONF_APP{dirConf} ); my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $fullConfDir, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); if ( $PARAMS{samtoolsRefFile} ) { errorExit "ERROR: Ambiguous, both --refSequences and --samtoolsRefFile are provided" if $PARAMS{dirRefSeq}; $PARAMS{samtoolsRefFile} = abs_path($PARAMS{samtoolsRefFile}); my @pathParts = File::Spec->splitpath($PARAMS{samtoolsRefFile}); $PARAMS{dirRefSeq} = File::Spec->catpath($pathParts[0], $pathParts[1]); $PARAMS{maskRefSeqFiles} = $pathParts[2]; $PARAMS{chromNameSource} = 'contigName'; } unless ( -e $projectConf) { # Create configuration errorExit "ERROR: $0:configure undefined PARAMS_Ref" unless ( defined($PARAMS_Ref) ); $isCreate = 1; my @dirs = ( $buildDir, $fullConfDir ); createDirs( "", @dirs ); readConfig( %CONF_PROJ, %CONF_RUNS, $globalConf ); $CONF_PROJ{buildId} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex( rand() . localtime() . hostname() ); $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild} = $buildDir; foreach my $keyTmp ( keys %PARAMS ) { $CONF_PROJ{$keyTmp} = $PARAMS{$keyTmp} if ( defined $PARAMS{$keyTmp} ); } $CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq} = abs_path($CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq}) if $CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq}; scanDirRefSeq( $buildDir, %CONF_PROJ, %chrEnds); } else { # load existing and update with %PARAMS readParameters( %CONF_PROJ, "PROJECT_CONFIGURATION", $globalConf ); loadConfiguration($buildDir, %PARAMS); } my $timeStr = strftime $CONF_APP{formatTimeStamp}, localtime; if ( !defined $CONF_PROJ{dirRefSeq} && $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{target} !~ /^clean/) { errorExit "ERROR: $0: configure -parameter --refSequences not defined\n"; } if ( !defined $PARAMS{workflowFile} ) { $CONF_PROJ{workflowFile} = $buildDir . "/tasks.$timeStr.txt"; } $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{'startTime'} = $timeStr; ## For CASAVA RNA always calculate exon counts and add spliceJunction as scaffold if ( $CONF_PROJ{applicationType} eq 'RNA' ) { if ( $CONF_PROJ{rnaCountMethod} ne 'readBases' ) { errorExit "unsuported value for rnaCountMethod=[$CONF_PROJ{rnaCountMethod}]\n"; } $CONF_PROJ{isDenseAlleleCalls} = 1; } if ( $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflowAuto} == 1 || $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflowSGE} == 1 || $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflowMake} == 1) { $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflow} = 1; } unless ( defined $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildParsed} ) { $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildParsed} = File::Spec->catdir( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}, 'Parsed'); $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildParsed} = File::Spec->catdir( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}, "Parsed_" . ( strftime $CONF_APP{formatDate}, localtime )) unless $CONF_PROJ{skipVariableMetadata}; } if ( $isCreate == 1 || !exists $CONF_PROJ{configured} || $CONF_PROJ{configured} == 0 ) { $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildExport} = File::Spec->catdir( $buildDir, $CONF_APP{dirDup} ); $CONF_PROJ{projectId} = $timeStr; $CONF_PROJ{previousRunId} = ""; $CONF_PROJ{configured} = 1; } else { $CONF_PROJ{previousRunId} = $CONF_PROJ{currentRunId}; if ( defined $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{target} && $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{target} eq 'continue' ) { writeConfig( %CONF_PROJ, %CONF_RUNS, $projectConf ); return 0; } elsif ( defined $CONF_RUN{currentStatus} && $CONF_RUN{currentStatus} ne $CONF_APP{stateFinished} && $CURRENT_RUN_CONF{force} != 1 ) { return -1; } # Check if target == continue } if (defined $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildTemp}) { $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildTemp} =~ s/^\$buildDir/$buildDir/; printLog "Using $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildTemp} for scratchpad\n", 0; unless ( -d $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildTemp} ) { mkdir $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildTemp}, 0775 or errorExit "ERROR: createDirs() can't make $buildDir $!\n"; } } if( $CONF_PROJ{readSampleRateStart} > $CONF_PROJ{readSampleRateEnd} ) { errorExit "ERROR: readSampleRateStart must be = readSampleRateEnd\n"; } if( defined $CONF_PROJ{readSampleRateInput} and ($CONF_PROJ{readSampleRateInput} <= 0.0 or $CONF_PROJ{readSampleRateInput} > 1.0) ) { errorExit "ERROR: readSampleRateInput must be in (0;1] range \n"; } configureWorkflow( $CONF_PROJ{isWorkflow}, $CONF_PROJ{workflowFile} ); updateRunConf( %CURRENT_RUN_CONF, $timeStr, %CONF_RUNS, %CONF_PROJ ); writeConfig( %CONF_PROJ, %CONF_RUNS, $projectConf ); %CONF_RUN = %{ getRunConf( $CONF_PROJ{currentRunId}, %CONF_RUNS, %CONF_PROJ ) }; return 0; } =pod =head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP with config from the config file. =over 4 =item readConfig($confProjRef, $confRunsRef, $fileName) The procedure reads HASH MAPs with project configuration, and all runs configuration name from the config file. Parameters: $confProjRef - project configuration $confRunsRef - all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub readConfig(\%;\%; $) { croak "ERROR: readConfig\n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $confProjRef, $confRunsRef, $fileName ) = @_; my $sectionName = ""; my $currentConfRef = ""; if ( -z $fileName ) { errorExit "ERROR: readConfig() empty file $fileName\n"; } open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || errorExit "ERROR: readConfig() Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp $line; # print $line . " "; my $comment = ""; my $key = ""; my $value = ""; if ( $line =~ /(#.+)$/ ) { $comment = $1; } # if elsif ( $line =~ /^\[(\S+)\]$/ ) { $sectionName = $1; if ( $sectionName eq "PROJECT_CONFIGURATION" ) { $currentConfRef = $confProjRef; } # if elsif ( $sectionName =~ /^RUN_(.+)$/ ) { my $runId = $1; my %NEW_RUN_CONF = (); #print "[$runId = " . $runId . "]\n"; $NEW_RUN_CONF{_runId} = $runId; $currentConfRef = \%NEW_RUN_CONF; ${$confRunsRef}{$runId} = $currentConfRef; } # elsif else { $currentConfRef = ""; } } # elsif elsif ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ ) { # if if ( $currentConfRef ne "" ) { $key = $1; $value = $2; ${$currentConfRef}{$key} = $value; } # if } # elsif } # while close FILE; } =pod =head1 The procedure writes HASH MAP with config to the config file. =over 4 =item writeConfig($confRef, $confRunsRef, $fileName) The procedure writes HASH MAPs with project configuration, and all runs configuration to the config file. Parameters: $confProjRef - project configuration $confRunsRef - all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub writeConfig(\%\%$) { my ( $confRef, $confRunsRef, $fileName ) = @_; my $content = ""; my $sectionNameTmp; my $overwrite = 0; my $found = 0; my $padWidth = 32; my $contentProject .= "[PROJECT_CONFIGURATION]\n"; foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$confRef} ) { my $padding = max($padWidth, length($key) + 1); my $value = ""; if ( defined( ${$confRef}{$key} ) ) { $value = ${$confRef}{$key}; } # if $contentProject .= ( sprintf "%-$padding" . 's', $key ) . "$value\n"; } # foreach $contentProject .= "\n"; my $contentRuns = ""; foreach my $runId ( sort { $b cmp $a } keys %{$confRunsRef} ) { my $value = ""; $contentRuns .= "[RUN_$runId]\n"; my %RUN_CONFIG = %{ ${$confRunsRef}{$runId} }; foreach my $key ( sort keys %RUN_CONFIG ) { my $padding = max($padWidth, length($key) + 1); my $value = ""; if ( defined( $RUN_CONFIG{$key} ) ) { $value = $RUN_CONFIG{$key}; } # if $contentRuns .= ( sprintf "%-$padding" . 's', $key ) . "$value\n"; } # foreach $contentRuns .= "\n"; } # foreach $contentRuns .= "\n"; if ( -e $fileName ) { # Merge with file open( FILE, "<$fileName" ) || errorExit "ERROR: writeConfig() $0::Couldn't open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp $line; # print $line . " "; if ( $line =~ /^\[(\S+)\]$/ ) { $sectionNameTmp = $1; if ( $sectionNameTmp eq 'PROJECT_CONFIGURATION' ) { $overwrite = 1; $found = 1; $content .= $contentProject . $contentRuns . "\n"; } # if elsif (/^\[RUN_(\S+)\]$/) { } # elsif elsif ( $overwrite == 1 ) { $overwrite = 0; } # elsif } # if if ( $overwrite == 0 ) { $content .= $line . "\n"; } # if } # while close FILE; } # if if ( $found == 0 ) { # Add to the file (new section) $content .= "\n# This section contains CASAVA" . " parameters for PROJECT_CONFIGURATION\n\n"; $content .= $contentProject . $contentRuns . "\n"; } # if my $file = IO::File->new( ">${fileName}.tmp" ) || errorExit "ERROR: writeConfig Couldn't create file handle for ${fileName}.tmp $!\n"; print $file $content; close $file; rename ("${fileName}.tmp", $fileName) || errorExit "ERROR: Cannot rename ${fileName}.tmp into $fileName. $!"; #exit(0); } =pod =head1 The procedure configures run id and run directories stored in project.conf. =over 4 =item configureRuns($runIdsRef, $runDirsRef, $runLanesRef, $confRef, $fileName ) The procedure configures run id and run directories stored in project.conf. - produture adds or updates runs Parameters: $runIdsRef - reference to ARRAY of run ids $runDirsRef - reference to ARRAY of run directories $runLanesRef - reference to ARRAY of run lanes in each run $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut #sub configureRuns(\@\@\@\@\%$) { # my ( # $runIdsRef, $runDirsRef, $runLanesRef, # $readModeRef, $confRef, $fileName # ) # = @_; # my @runIds = @{$runIdsRef}; # my @runDirs = @{$runDirsRef}; # my @runLanes = @{$runLanesRef}; # my @readMode = @{$readModeRef}; # my $newConfig = 1; # my $defaultMode = "paired"; # if ( -e $fileName ) { # # #print("Reading run configuration from $fileName\n"); # readRunsConfigXML( %{$confRef}, $fileName, 0 ); # $newConfig = 1; # } # if ( scalar(@readMode) == 0 ) { # $defaultMode = "paired"; # } # elsif ( scalar(@readMode) == 1 ) { # if ( $readMode[0] ne "paired" && $readMode[0] ne "single" ) { # errorExit "ERROR:configureRuns --readMode [$readMode[0]] can be only paired or single\n"; # } # $defaultMode = $readMode[0]; # } # else { # my $str = join ",", @readMode; # errorExit "ERROR:configureRuns readMode ($str) can be only either paired or single\n"; # } # if ( scalar(@runIds) != scalar(@runDirs) # || scalar(@runDirs) != scalar(@runLanes) ) # { # errorExit # "ERROR: configureRurepairNonUniqueRunIdsns() inconsistent number of " # . "run ids, run directories and run lanes. " # . "Check command line parameters\n"; # } # if # # for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@runIds) ; $i++ ) { # my $runId = $runIds[$i]; # my $found = 0; # my $setIndex = 1; # if ( exists $confRef->{run}->{$runId} ) { # my %sets = %{ $confRef->{run}->{$runId}->{set} }; # foreach my $setId ( sort keys %sets ) { # my $runDir = $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{gerald}; # if ( abs_path($runDir) eq abs_path( $runDirs[$i] ) ) # { # update lanes # $found = 1; # my @lanesTemp = split( ',', $runLanes[$i] ); # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{lanes} = \@lanesTemp; # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{readMode} = $defaultMode; # } # if # $setIndex++; # } # foreach # } # if # else { # $confRef->{run}->{$runId}->{id} = $runId; # } # else # if ( $found == 0 ) { # my @lanesTemp = split( ',', $runLanes[$i] ); # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setIndex}->{lanes} = \@lanesTemp; # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setIndex}->{gerald} = abs_path( $runDirs[$i] ); # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setIndex}->{readMode} = $defaultMode; # } # if # } # for # # repairNonUniqueRunIds( %{$confRef} ); # # writeRunsConfigXML( %{$confRef}, $fileName ); #} =pod =head1 The procedure configures sample directories stored in run.conf.xml =over 4 =item configureSampleDirectories($alignSampleDirsRef, $sampleDirRef, $fileName) The procedure configures sample directories stored in run.conf.xml. Parameters: $alignSampleDirsRef - reference to ARRAY of sample directories $sampleDirRef - reference to hash map with sample directories $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub configureSampleDirectories(\@\%$) { # initialization my ($alignSampleDirsRef, $sampleDirRef, $xmlFilename) = @_; my @alignSampleDirs = @{$alignSampleDirsRef}; # convert the relative paths to absolute paths for my $i (0 .. $#alignSampleDirs) { my $absDir = abs_path($alignSampleDirs[$i]); errorExit("ERROR: The following sample directory does not exist: " . $alignSampleDirs[$i] . ". Please update your --inSampleDir parameter.") unless ($absDir && -e $absDir); $alignSampleDirs[$i] = $absDir; } # read in the configuration file if it exists if ( -e $xmlFilename ) { my @xmlDirs = (); readSampleDirsConfigXML($xmlFilename, @xmlDirs); push (@alignSampleDirs, @xmlDirs); } # throw everything into a set so that we can remove duplicate sample # directories my %dirSet = map { $_ => 1 } @alignSampleDirs; # convert the aligned sample directories to the absolute path my $dirIndex = 0; foreach my $dir (sort keys %dirSet) { $sampleDirRef->{inputDirectories}->{sampleDirectory}->[$dirIndex] = $dir; $dirIndex++; } addExportFiles(%$sampleDirRef, @{$sampleDirRef->{exportFiles}}); # populate the sample directory map and serialize it writeSampleDirsConfigXML(%{$sampleDirRef}, $xmlFilename); } =pod =head1 The procedure lists all runs (and lanes) in the configuration. =over 4 =item listRuns($confRef) The procedure lists all runs (and lanes) in the configuration. Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration Returns: nothing =back =cut #sub listRuns(\%) { # croak "ERROR: listRuns\n" unless ( @_ == 1 ); # my ($confRef) = @_; # my $ll = # "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"; # printLog( $ll, 0 ); # my $content = sprintf( "%-40s%-5s %-20s", 'Run Id', '| Set Id', '| lanes' ); # printLog( "$content\n", 0 ); # printLog( $ll, 0 ); # for my $runIdTmp ( sort keys %{ $runsConfig{run} } ) { # my %sets = %{ $runsConfig{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set} }; # foreach my $setIdTmp ( keys %sets ) { # my @lanes = # @{ $runsConfig{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set}->{$setIdTmp}->{lanes} }; # my $geraldFullDir = # $runsConfig{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set}->{$setIdTmp}->{gerald}; # my $lanesStr = join( ',', @lanes ); # my $content = sprintf( "%-40s| set%-4s| %-20s", # $runIdTmp, $setIdTmp, $lanesStr ); # printLog( "$content\n", 0 ); # }; # foreach # }; # foreach # printLog( $ll, 0 ); #} =pod =head1 The procedure removes run from run configuration. =over 4 =item listRuns($confRef) The procedure removes run from run configuration. Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $runId - run id to be removed $runConfigFile - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut #sub removeRun(\%;$;$) { # croak "ERROR: removeRun\n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); # my ( $confRef, $runId, $runConfigFile ) = @_; # if ( !exists $runsConfig{run}->{$runId} ) { # errorExit "ERROR: removeRun run [$runId] does not exists !$\n"; # } # delete $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}; # writeRunsConfigXML( %{$confRef}, $runConfigFile ); #} #=pod # #=head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP with runs config from the run XML config file. # #=over 4 # #=item readRunsConfigXML($confRef, $fileName) # #The procedure reads HASH MAP with runs config from the run config file. # #Parameters: # $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration # $fileName - config file name # $expand - if 1 then experiments will be expanded with runs # #Returns: # nothing # #=back # #=cut #sub readRunsConfigXML(\%;$;$) { # croak "ERROR: readRunsConfigXML\n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); # my ( $confRef, $fileName, $expand ) = @_; # my $xs = new XML::Simple( # searchpath => ".", # KeyAttr => { run => "+id", set => "+setid", experiment => "+id" }, # forcearray => 1, # ); # if ( !-e $fileName ) { # errorExit "ERROR: readRunsConfigXML file $fileName doesn't exist.\n"; # } # my $ref = $xs->XMLin($fileName); # my ( $key, $value ); # foreach my $key ( keys %{$ref} ) { # ${$confRef}{$key} = ${$ref}{$key}; # } # if ( $expand == 1 ) { # for my $runId ( sort keys %{ $runsConfig{run} } ) { # my %sets = %{ $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set} }; # foreach my $setId ( keys %sets ) { # my @lanes = # @{ $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{lanes} }; # my $runDir = # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{gerald}; # my $expId = # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{expid}; # ${$confRef}{experiment}->{$expId}->{run}->{$runId}->{set} # ->{$setId}->{gerald} = # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{gerald}; # ${$confRef}{experiment}->{$expId}->{run}->{$runId}->{set} # ->{$setId}->{expid} = # $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{expid}; # my @tmp = # @{ $runsConfig{run}->{$runId}->{set}->{$setId}->{lanes} }; # ${$confRef}{experiment}->{$expId}->{run}->{$runId}->{set} # ->{$setId}->{lanes} = \@tmp; # } # } # for # } # # # use Data::Dumper; # # print Dumper($ref); #} =pod =head1 The procedure reads HASH MAP with sample directories from the run.conf.xml file. =over 4 =item readSampleDirsConfigXML($fileName, $sampleDirRef, $exportSetsRef) The procedure reads HASH MAP with sample directories from the run.conf.xml file. Parameters: $sampleDirRef - reference to hash map with sample directories $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub readSampleDirsConfigXML($\@;\@) { my ( $xmlFilename, $sampleDirRef, $exportSetsRef) = @_; my $xs = new XML::Simple( KeyAttr => [], ForceArray => ['sampleDirectory', 'exportFiles'], ); if ( !-e $xmlFilename ) { errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the samples configuration file ($xmlFilename)\n"; } # read in the sample directories from the XML file my $xmlData = $xs->XMLin($xmlFilename); # convert the relative paths to absolute paths foreach my $dir (@{$xmlData->{inputDirectories}->{sampleDirectory}}) { my $absDir = abs_path($dir); errorExit("ERROR: The following sample directory does not exist: " . $dir . ". Please check your run.conf.xml configuration file.") unless (-e $absDir); push @{$sampleDirRef}, $absDir; } if (defined $exportSetsRef) { foreach my $exportSet (@{$xmlData->{exportFiles}}) { push @{$exportSetsRef}, $exportSet; } } } =pod =head1 The procedure writes HASH MAP with runs config to the run config file. =over 4 =item writeRunsConfig($confRef, $fileName) The procedure writes HASH MAP with runs config to the run config file. Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub writeRunsConfig(\%;$) { croak "ERROR: writeRunsConfig\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $confRef, $fileName ) = @_; my %runDirs = (); # print %{$confRef}; foreach my $runId ( keys %{$confRef} ) { $runDirs{$runId} = ${$confRef}{$runId}->{set1}->{gerald}; } # foreach my %runLanes = (); foreach my $runId ( keys %{$confRef} ) { $runLanes{$runId} = join( ',', @{ ${$confRef}{$runId}->{set1}->{lanes} } ); } # foreach writeParameters( %runDirs, 'CONF_RUN_DIRECTORIES', $fileName, 0, 50 ); writeParameters( %runLanes, 'CONF_RUN_LANES', $fileName, 0, 50 ); } =pod =head1 The procedure reads runs configuration and fixes run id if necessary. =over 4 =item repairerNonUniqueRunIds($confRef) The procedure reads runs configuration and fixes run id if necessary. Checks if all run ids are unique and non empty and replaces run id with int(check sum(s_1_export.txt)) if necessary Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration Returns: nothing =back =cut #sub repairNonUniqueRunIds(\%) { # croak "ERROR: repairNonUniqueRunIds\n" unless ( @_ == 1 ); # # my ($confRef) = @_; # my %uniqueRunIds = (); # foreach my $runIdTmp ( sort keys %{ $confRef->{run} } ) { # my $machineName = ""; # my $exportRunId = ""; # my $fixId = 'none'; # my %sets = %{ $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set} }; # my $firstExportFilePath = ""; # if ( !defined $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{machine} # || !defined $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{exportRunId} # || !$confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{fixId} ) # { # foreach my $setIdTmp ( keys %sets ) { # # #print "$runIdTmp $setIdTmp\n"; # my $geraldFullDir = # $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set}{$setIdTmp}{gerald}; # my @lanes = # sort { $a <=> $b } # @{ $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set}{$setIdTmp}{lanes} }; # my $readMode = 'paired'; # if ( # exists $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set}{$setIdTmp} # {readMode} ) # { # $readMode = # $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set}{$setIdTmp}{readMode}; # } # ## check machine name and run id from export files based on 1th export # my $laneTmp = shift @lanes; # my $exportFilePath = ""; # if ( $readMode eq 'paired' ) { # $exportFilePath = # File::Spec->catfile( $geraldFullDir, # "s_$laneTmp\_1_export.txt" ); # } # else { # $exportFilePath = # File::Spec->catfile( $geraldFullDir, # "s_$laneTmp\_export.txt" ); # } # if ( ! -s $exportFilePath and -s "$exportFilePath.gz" ) { # $exportFilePath = "$exportFilePath.gz"; # } # if ( $firstExportFilePath eq "" ) { # $firstExportFilePath = $exportFilePath; # } # # my $exportFile = IO::File->new("gunzip -cf $exportFilePath |") # || errorExit "ERROR repairNonUniqueRunIds() Couldn't " # . "open file handle for $exportFilePath $!\n"; # my $line = <$exportFile>; # if ( defined $line && $line ne '' ) { # my @row = split "\t", $line; # $machineName = $row[0]; # $exportRunId = $row[1]; # } # if # close($exportFile); # if ( $exportRunId eq "" && $machineName =~ /_/ ) { # my @tmp = split "_", $machineName; # if ( $tmp[1] =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { # $fixId = "parsed"; # $machineName = $tmp[0]; # $exportRunId = $tmp[1]; # } # else { # } # } # if ( defined $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{machine} ) { # if ( $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{machine} ne $machineName # || $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{exportRunId} ne # $exportRunId ) # { # errorExit #"ERROR: run $machineName:$exportRunId not unique for $runIdTmp\n"; # } # } # } # foreach # } # if # else { # $machineName = $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{machine}; # $exportRunId = $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{exportRunId}; # $fixId = $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{fixId}; # } # ## check for unique run ids # my $uniqueRunId = $machineName . "_" . $exportRunId; # if ( $exportRunId eq "" || defined $uniqueRunIds{$uniqueRunId} ) { # $fixId = 'generated'; # my $exportFile = IO::File->new( "gunzip -cf $firstExportFilePath |" ) # || errorExit "ERROR repairNonUniqueRunIds() Couldn't " # . "open file handle for $firstExportFilePath $!\n"; # my $content = ""; # my $headSize = 100; # for ( my $index = 0 ; $index < $headSize ; $index++ ) { # my $line = <$exportFile>; # $content .= $line; # } # if # close($exportFile); # my $digest = md5_hex($content); # $exportRunId = hex( substr( $digest, 0, 8 ) ); # } # else { # $uniqueRunIds{$uniqueRunId} = $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}; # } # $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{machine} = $machineName; # $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{exportRunId} = $exportRunId; # $confRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{fixId} = $fixId; # } # foreach #} # repairerNonUniqueRunIds =pod =head1 The procedure writes HASH MAP with runs config to the xml run config file. =over 4 =item writeRunsConfigXML($confRef, $fileName) The procedure writes HASH MAP with runs config to the run xml config file. Parameters: $confRef - reference to hash map with all runs configuration $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut #sub writeRunsConfigXML(\%;$) { # croak "ERROR: writeRunsConfig\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); # my ( $confRef, $fileName ) = @_; # unless (!keys %$confRef or !keys %{$confRef->{run}}) # { # my $xs = new XML::Simple( # searchpath => ".", # KeyAttr => { run => "+id", set => "+setid", experiment => "+id", file => "+id" }, # forcearray => 1, # ); # my $xml = $xs->XMLout($confRef); # my $file = IO::File->new( ">" . $fileName ) # || errorExit # "ERROR: writeRunsConfig() Couldn't create/open file handle for $fileName $!\n"; # print ($file $xml); # close $file; # } #} =pod =head1 The procedure writes HASH MAP with sample directories to the run.conf.xml file. =over 4 =item writeSampleDirsConfigXML($sampleDirRef, $fileName) The procedure writes HASH MAP with sample directories to the run.conf.xml file. Parameters: $sampleDirRef - reference to hash map with input sample directories $fileName - config file name Returns: nothing =back =cut sub writeSampleDirsConfigXML(\%;$) { croak "ERROR: writeSampleDirsConfigXML\n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $sampleDirRef, $fileName ) = @_; unless (!keys %$sampleDirRef) { my $xs = new XML::Simple( XMLDecl => 1, KeyAttr => [], ForceArray => 1, # KeepRoot => 1 ); my $xml = $xs->XMLout($sampleDirRef); my $file = IO::File->new( ">" . $fileName ) || errorExit "ERROR: writeSampleDirsConfigXML() couldn't open $fileName for writing. $!\n"; print ($file $xml); close $file; } } =pod =head1 The procedure adds run config to hash map with run configs. =over 4 =item updateRunConf($confNewRunRef, $newRunId, $confRunsRef, $confProjRef) The procedure adds run config to hash map with run configs. Parameters: $confNewRunRef - new run config $newRunId - new run config id $confRunsRef - all runs configuration $confProjRef - project configuration Returns: nothing =back =cut sub updateRunConf(\%;$;\%;\%) { croak "ERROR: updateRunConf [@_]\n" unless ( @_ == 4 ); my ( $confNewRunRef, $newRunId, $confRunsRef, $confProjRef ) = @_; ${$confNewRunRef}{_runId} = $newRunId; ${$confNewRunRef}{appVersion} = 'CASAVA-1.8.2'; ${$confRunsRef}{$newRunId} = $confNewRunRef; ${$confProjRef}{currentRunId} = $newRunId; } =pod =head1 The procedure add/update current run configuration value. =over 4 =item updateRunConfValue($key, $value) The procedure add/update current run configuration value. Parameters: $key - key name in run configuration $value - value name in run configuration Returns: nothing =back =cut sub updateRunConfValue($;$) { croak " ERROR: updateRunConfValue [@_] \n " unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $key, $value ) = @_; $CONF_RUN{$key} = $value; my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); writeParameters( %CONF_RUN, 'RUN_' . $CONF_PROJ{currentRunId}, $projectConf, 0 ); } =pod =head1 The procedure add/update current project configuration value. =over 4 =item updateProjectConfValue($key, $value) The procedure add/update current project configuration value. Parameters: $key - key name in run configuration $value - value name in run configuration Returns: nothing =back =cut sub updateProjectConfValue($;$) { croak " ERROR: updateProjectConfValue [@_] \n " unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $key, $value ) = @_; $CONF_PROJ{$key} = $value; my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); writeParameters( %CONF_PROJ, 'PROJECT_CONFIGURATION', $projectConf, 0 ); } =pod =head1 The procedure gets current run configuration. =over 4 =item updateProjectConfValue($runId, $confRunsRef, $confProjRef) The procedure gets current run configuration. Parameters: $runId - $confRunsRef - $confProjRef - Returns: RUN configu value =back =cut sub getRunConf($;\%;\%) { croak "ERROR: getRunConf \n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $runId, $confRunsRef, $confProjRef ) = @_; return ${$confRunsRef}{$runId}; } =pod =head1 The procedure configures/creates directories. =over 4 =item configureDirectories( $dirBuild, $dirBuildParsed, $chromsSizesRef) The procedure configures/creates directories based on Chromosomes names and bin sizes Parameters: $dirBuild - project directory $dirBuildParsed - build directory $chromsSizesRef - mapRef with chromosomes sizes Returns: nothing =back =cut # TODO refactor: this looks ... sub configureDirectories($$\%) { my ( $dirBuild, $dirBuildParsed, $chromsSizesRef) = @_; printLog( sprintf("DEBUG: configureDirectories\n"), 10 ); my @dirs = (); my $dirStructRef = \@dirs; # initialize my %numberOfBinsInChromsProject = (); my %numberOfBinsInChromsBuild = (); my @buildDirStructure = (); my $projectBinSize = $CONF_PROJ{binSizeProject}; my $buildBinSize = $CONF_PROJ{binSizeBuild}; my $dirBuildExport = $CONF_PROJ{dirBuildExport}; # define our directories my $dirBuildExportSets = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuildExport, 'sets' ); my $templateDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuildExportSets, 'template' ); my $templateBuildDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuildExportSets, '' ); my $html = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuild, 'html' ); my $stats = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuild, 'stats' ); my $htmlSets = File::Spec->catdir( $html, 'sets' ); my $statsSets = File::Spec->catdir( $stats, 'sets' ); # add these directories to our directory creation array push @{$dirStructRef}, $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}; push @{$dirStructRef}, $dirBuildExport; push @{$dirStructRef}, $dirBuildParsed; push @{$dirStructRef}, $html; push @{$dirStructRef}, $stats; push @{$dirStructRef}, $dirBuildExportSets; push @{$dirStructRef}, $templateDir; push @{$dirStructRef}, $templateBuildDir; push @{$dirStructRef}, $htmlSets; push @{$dirStructRef}, $statsSets; # add reference sequence-specific directories to our directory creation array configureChromDirectories( $templateDir, $projectBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsProject, @{$dirStructRef} ); configureChromDirectories( $dirBuildParsed, $buildBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsBuild, @{$dirStructRef} ); configureChromDirectories( $templateBuildDir, $buildBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsBuild, @{$dirStructRef} ); # add the NMNM directories to our directory creation array if we're keeping all reads my $isKeepAllReads = ((defined $CONF_PROJ{sortKeepAllReads}) and $CONF_PROJ{sortKeepAllReads}); my $isKeepUnmappedReads = $isKeepAllReads; if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir( $templateDir, $CONF_APP{TAG_NMNM} ); push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir( $templateBuildDir, $CONF_APP{TAG_NMNM} ); } # add the RNA features directory to our directory creation array if ( defined $CONF_PROJ{applicationType} && $CONF_PROJ{applicationType} eq 'RNA' ) { push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuild, 'features' ); } if ( $CONF_PROJ{readMode} eq 'single' ) { # at thsi point only one mode can be supported =cut my $singleReadDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuildExport, 'single-read' ); push @{$dirStructRef}, $singleReadDir; my $singleReadNMNMDir = File::Spec->catdir( $singleReadDir, $CONF_APP{TAG_NMNM} ); push @{$dirStructRef}, $singleReadNMNMDir; configureChromDirectories( $singleReadDir, $buildBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsBuild, @{$dirStructRef} ); ## Remove when in hybrid mode %numberOfBinsInChromsProject = (); my @tmp = (); configureChromDirectories( $dirBuildExport, $projectBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsProject, @tmp ); if ( defined $CONF_APP{applicationType} && $CONF_APP{applicationType} eq 'RNA' ) { my $singleReadRMDir = File::Spec->catdir( $singleReadDir, $CONF_APP{TAG_RM} ); push @{$dirStructRef}, $singleReadNMNMDir; } else { errorExit "ERROR RNA\n"; } =cut } else { # $CONF_PROJ{readMode} != 'single' %numberOfBinsInChromsProject = (); configureChromDirectories( $dirBuildExport, $projectBinSize, %{$chromsSizesRef}, %numberOfBinsInChromsProject, @{$dirStructRef} ); } # add another NMNM directory to our directory creation array if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { my $NMNM_DIR = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuildParsed, $CONF_APP{TAG_NMNM} ); push @{$dirStructRef}, $NMNM_DIR; } my $projectConf = File::Spec->catfile( $CONF_PROJ{dirBuild}, $CONF_APP{dirConf}, $CONF_APP{projectConf} ); writeParameters( %numberOfBinsInChromsProject, "PROJECT_BIN_SIZES", $projectConf, 0 ); writeParameters( %numberOfBinsInChromsBuild, "BUILD_BIN_SIZES", $projectConf, 0 ); # add the temporary split directories # N.B. this creates one temporary directory for each export set. for my $i (1 .. scalar(@{$runsConfig{exportFiles}})) { push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir($dirBuildExportSets, $i); push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir($htmlSets, $i); push @{$dirStructRef}, File::Spec->catdir($statsSets, $i); } createDirs( "", @{$dirStructRef} ); my $confDir = File::Spec->catdir( $dirBuild , $CONF_APP{dirConf} ); my $dirsPath = File::Spec->catfile( $confDir , "dirs.tar" ); my $cmd = " tar -C $templateBuildDir -cf $dirsPath ./"; executeCmd( $cmd, 5 ); my $pdirsPath = File::Spec->catfile( $confDir , "project.dirs.tar" ); $cmd = "tar -C $templateDir -cf $pdirsPath ./"; executeCmd( $cmd, 5 ); executeCmd( "rm -fr $templateDir", 5 ); executeCmd( "rm -fr $templateBuildDir", 5 ); } =pod =head1 The procedure configures/creates chromosome directories . =over 4 =item configureChromDirectories( $location, $binSize, $chromName, $chromsSizesRef, $numberOfBinsInChromsRef, $dirStructureRef) The procedure configures/creates directories based on Chromosomes names and bin sizes Parameters: $location - path where the directory shuld be created $binSize - size of bins $chromsSizesRef - mapRef with chromosomes sizes $numberOfBinsInChromsRef - mapRef where the number of bins in each chromosome should be stored $dirStructureRef - listRef where the structure of directories should be stored Returns: nothing =back =cut sub configureChromDirectories($$\%\%\@) { my ( $location, $binSize, $chromsSizesRef, $numberOfBinsInChromsRef, $dirStructureRef ) = @_; my $i; foreach my $chromKey ( keys %{$chromsSizesRef} ) { my $chromDir = "$location/$chromKey/"; my $numberOfBins = ceil( ${$chromsSizesRef}{$chromKey}->{length} / $binSize ); push @{$dirStructureRef}, $chromDir; ${$numberOfBinsInChromsRef}{$chromKey} = $numberOfBins; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numberOfBins ; $i++ ) { my $binName = sprintf "%04d", $i; my $binDir = "$chromDir$binName/"; push @{$dirStructureRef}, $binDir; } # for } # foreach return; } =pod =item createExperiments($runsConfigRef) The createExperiments converts export files to fastq B $buildSampleDir - path to project directory $runsConfigRef - HASH MAP Ref to runs.conf.xml B nothing =cut #sub createExperiments ($;$;\%) { # croak "ERROR: createExperiments " . join( ',', @_ ) unless ( @_ == 3 ); # my ( $buildSampleDir, $runConfigFile, $runsConfigRef ) = @_; # # for my $runIdTmp ( sort keys %{ $runsConfigRef->{run} } ) { # my %sets = %{ $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set} }; # foreach my $setIdTmp ( keys %sets ) { # my @lanes = # @{ $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runIdTmp}{set}{$setIdTmp}{lanes} }; # foreach my $laneTmp (@lanes) { # my @reads = (); # my $reportPath = # File::Spec->catdir( $buildSampleDir, "stats", 'runs', $runIdTmp, # $setIdTmp ); # my $geraldFullDir = # $runsConfigRef->{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set}->{$setIdTmp} # ->{gerald}; # my $localLanePath = # File::Spec->catdir( $buildSampleDir, "export", 'lanes', $runIdTmp, # $laneTmp ); # # my $readMode = # $runsConfigRef->{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set}->{$setIdTmp} # ->{readMode}; # my %sraConf = (); # my $expId = "unknown"; # # if ( $readMode eq 'single' ) { # @reads = (1); # } # else { # @reads = ( 1, 2 ); # my $pairsPath = # File::Spec->catfile( $reportPath, # "s_$laneTmp\_pair.xml" ); # my %pairs; # if (readXML( %pairs, $pairsPath, 0) ) # { # if (!defined $pairs{InsertSize}[0]{Median}[0]) # { # errorExit "ERROR: No median insert size defined in $pairsPath"; # } # else # { # my $insertSize = int( $pairs{InsertSize}[0]{Median}[0] / 100 ) * 100; # my $readLength1 = $pairs{Length}[0]{Read1}[0]{Total}[0]; # my $readLength2 = $pairs{Length}[0]{Read2}[0]{Total}[0]; # $expId = sprintf( "%dx%dx%d", $insertSize, $readLength1, $readLength2 ); # #$runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}->{id} = $expId; # $runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}->{id} = $expId; # $runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}->{readLength1} = $readLength1; # $runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}->{readLength2} = $readLength2; # $runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}->{insertSize} = $insertSize; # $runsConfigRef->{experiment}->{$expId}{readType} = 'double'; # $runsConfigRef->{run}->{$runIdTmp}->{set}->{$setIdTmp}->{expid} = $expId; # } # } # } # }; # foreach # }; # foreach # }; # foreach # writeRunsConfigXML( %{$runsConfigRef}, $runConfigFile ); # #} # createExperiments =pod =item isSpliceJunctionChrom($chrom, $CONF_PROJ_Ref) Checks if chromosome matches the splice junction file name B $chrom - Chromosome name $CONF_PROJ_Ref - HASH MAP ref to project configuration B 1 if chromosome matches the splice junction file name =cut sub isSpliceJunctionChrom ($\%) { my ( $chrom, $CONF_PROJ_Ref ) = @_; return ($chrom eq getSpliceJunctionFileName(%$CONF_PROJ_Ref)); } =pod =item getSpliceJunctionFileName($CONF_PROJ_Ref) Returns the name of configured splice junction file B $CONF_PROJ_Ref - HASH MAP ref to project configuration B file name =cut sub getSpliceJunctionFileName (\%) { my ( $CONF_PROJ_Ref ) = @_; return (File::Spec->splitpath ($CONF_PROJ_Ref->{spliceJunction}))[2]; } 1; # says use was ok __END__