package Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::GenomicIOLib; # PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile:,v $ # AUTHOR: Lukasz Szajkowski, Richard Carter # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # # The library contains procedures and variables usefull in operating on Illumina # genomic data e.g.: export files. The library is trying to abstract access to # files. =pod =head1 NAME - The library contains procedures and variables usefull in operating on Illumina genomic data. =head2 SYNOPSIS use qw(); =head2 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). Created by Lukasz Szajkowski =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Overview The library contains procedures and variables usefull in operating on Illumina genomic data e.g.: export files. The library is trying to abstract access to files. =head2 Exports: writeRead(\%;\@) configureReadStorage(\%) flushReadFiles(\%;$) getNextRead(\%) rewindTo(\%;$;$) getExperimentName(\@;\%) readFeaturesENST($;\%) readFeaturesENST2($;$;\%) parseSpliceName($\%) Global variables: %sortFields %exportFields %positionFields =head1 SOURCE CODE The most current release of the Perl source code for this module is available through CVS at genie01 a.k.a. cvs co BullFrog =cut BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(&writeRead2Scaffold &writeRead &configureReadStorage &flushReadFiles &readFasta &rewindTo &getNextRead &readFeaturesENST &readFeaturesUCSCB &readFeaturesENST2 &printFeatureCounts &saveFeatureCounts &readFeatureCounts %positionFields &parseSpliceName &sortFields %exportFields %doubleExportFields %featureCounts &outputSEread &outputPEread %predictedMateStrand $readsIdxHeader %readsIdxFields @nmnmTags $VERSION); } use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); use IO::File; use Carp; use Casava::Common::Log; use Casava::Common::IOLib qw(bufferedPrint); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::Config qw(%chrEnds %CONF_PROJ); sub writeRead2Scaffold(\%;$;\@); sub writeRead(\%;\@); sub configureReadStorage(\%); sub flushReadFiles(\%;$); sub getPathForReadType(\%;$;$;$); sub getNextRead(\%); sub rewindTo(\%;$;$); sub getExperimentName(\@;\%); sub readFeaturesENST($;\%); sub readFasta($); sub printFeatureCounts($$\%$$); sub saveFeatureCounts($$\%$); sub readFeatureCounts($;$;\%); sub readFeaturesUCSCB($;$;\%); sub readFeaturesENST2($;$;\%); sub getGenesFromExons(\%;\%); sub parseSpliceName($\%); sub outputSEread(\%$$\@$); sub outputPEread(\%$$$\@\@$); ## expot.txt format fields our %exportFields = ( MachineName => 0, RunNumber => 1, Lane => 2, Tile => 3, X => 4, Y => 5, Index => 6, ReadNum => 7, Seq => 8, QualityString => 9, Chr => 10, Contig => 11, Posn => 12, Strand => 13, Descriptor => 14, SingleScore => 15, PairedScore => 16, PartnerChr => 17, PartnerContig => 18, PartnerOffset => 19, PartnerStrand => 20, Filter => 21 ); ## double expot.txt format fields our %doubleExportFields = ( MachineName => 0, RunNumber => 1, Lane => 2, Tile => 3, X => 4, Y => 5, Index => 6, ReadNum => 7, Seq => 8, QualityString => 9, Chr => 10, Contig => 11, Posn => 12, Strand => 13, Descriptor => 14, SingleScore => 15, PairedScore => 16, PartnerChr => 17, PartnerContig => 18, PartnerOffset => 19, PartnerStrand => 20, Filter => 21, read2MachineName => 22, read2RunNumber => 23, read2Lane => 24, read2Tile => 25, read2X => 26, read2Y => 27, read2Index => 28, read2ReadNum => 29, read2Seq => 30, read2QualityString => 31, read2Chr => 32, read2Contig => 33, read2Posn => 34, read2Strand => 35, read2Descriptor => 36, read2SingleScore => 37, read2PairedScore => 38, read2PartnerChr => 39, read2PartnerContig => 40, read2PartnerOffset => 41, read2PartnerStrand => 42, read2Filter => 43 ); ## sort.txt format fields our %sortFields = ( ExpName => 0, Seq => 1, QualityString => 2, Chr => 3, Contig => 4, Posn => 5, Strand => 6, Descriptor => 7, SingleScore => 8, PairedScore => 9, PartnerChr => 10, PartnerContig => 11, PartnerOffset => 12, PartnerStrand => 13, read2ExpName => 15, read2Seq => 16, read2QualityString => 17, read2Chr => 18, read2Contig => 19, read2Posn => 20, read2Strand => 21, read2Descriptor => 22, read2SingleScore => 23, read2PairedScore => 24, read2PartnerChr => 25, read2PartnerContig => 26, read2PartnerOffset => 27, read2PartnerStrand => 28 ); ## sort.count format fields our %positionFields = ( position => 0, nA => 1, nC => 2, nG => 3, nT => 4, num_read => 6, num_call => 7, score => 8 ); ## codingExons_unig format fields our %featureFields = ( startPos => 0, endPos => 1, name => 2 ); ## refFlat exons format fields our %refFlatExonsFields = ( chrom => 0, start => 1, end => 2, names => 3 ); our %defaultConfiguration = ( isAppend => 0, binSize => 10000000, currentBinStart => -1, currentBinEnd => -1, readType => 'export', baseDir => '', fields => \%exportFields, ); ## codingExons nonRedundantSet_Ensembl_49 format fields our %featureFieldsENS2 = ( gene_stable_id => 0, struct_gene_id => 1, exon_stable_id => 2, str_chrom_name => 3, start => 4, end => 5, strand => 6, struct_biotype => 7 ); ## _count.txt fields our %featureCounts = ( scaffold => 0, start => 1, end => 2, id => 3, count => 4, absCount => 5, score => 6, ); our %predictedMateStrand = ( 'F' => 'R', 'R' => 'F' ); our %readsIdxFields = ( totalReads=>0, totalBases=>1, usedReads=>2, usedBases=>3, goodReads=>4, goodReadBases=>5, failedTileFilt=>6, failedFilt=>7, failedQC=>8, singleExclude=>9, nonUniqueAlign=>10, goodPairs=>11, mixedPairs=>12, riboCount=>13, mitoCount=>14, splicedReads=>15, exportFileDir=>16, exportSet=>17, date=>18, instrumentName=>19, runID=>20, laneNumber=>21, barcode=>22, highSDFragmentLength=>23, lowSDFragmentLength=>24, maxFragmentLength=>25, medianFragmentLength=>26, minFragmentLength=>27, nominalOrientation=>28, read1Length=>29, read2Length=>30 ); our $readsIdxHeader = '#\$ COLUMNS ' . join ("\t", sort {$readsIdxFields{$a} <=> $readsIdxFields{$b}} keys(%readsIdxFields)); our @nmnmTags = qw(TAG_noMatch TAG_qcFail TAG_nonUnique TAG_rm TAG_mixed TAG_control); =pod =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =cut =pod =item configureReadStorage($configRef) The procedure configures the read storage. B $configRef - configuration HASH MAP REF B HASH MAP REf to read storage =cut sub configureReadStorage(\%) { croak "ERROR: configureReadStorage wrong parameters \n" unless ( 1 == @_ ); my ( $configRef ) = @_; my $storageRef; foreach my $key ( keys %defaultConfiguration ) { if ( defined $configRef->{$key} ) { $storageRef->{config}->{$key} = $configRef->{$key}; } # if else { $storageRef->{config}->{$key} = $defaultConfiguration{$key}; } # else } # foreach #my @fields = keys %{ $storageRef->{config}->{fields} }; #my $strFi = join (',', @fields); #print "Init configureReadStorage $strFi\n"; if ( !defined $storageRef->{config}->{fields}->{Posn} ) { errorExit "ERROR configureReadStorage Fields->Posn not defined\n"; } # if if ( !defined $storageRef->{config}->{fields}->{Chr} ) { errorExit "ERROR configureReadStorage Fields->Chr not defined\n"; } # if return $storageRef; } =pod =item rewindTo($storageRef, $conting, $position) The procedure moves the read pointer to chromosome/position B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF $conting - chromosome/scaffold or contig name $position - position B read ARRAY =cut sub rewindTo(\%;$;$) { croak "ERROR: rewindTo wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $storageRef, $conting, $position ) = @_; my $binId = sprintf "%04d", $position / $storageRef->{config}->{binSize}; my $readType = $storageRef->{config}->{readType}; if ( defined $storageRef->{currentFile} ) { my $file = $storageRef->{currentFile}; close($file); } my $filePath = getPathForReadType( %{$storageRef}, $readType, $conting, $binId ); $storageRef->{currentFile} = IO::File->new( '<' . $filePath ) || errorExit "ERROR rewindTo() Couldn't " . "open file handle for $filePath $!\n"; $storageRef->{currentPos} = $position; $storageRef->{currentBin} = $binId; $storageRef->{currentContig} = $conting; #my $binId = sprintf "%04d", $position / $storageRef->{config}->{binSize}; } =pod =item getNextRead($readRef) The procedure takes next read from a file. B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF B read ARRAY =cut sub getNextRead(\%) { croak "ERROR: getNextRead wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 1 ); my ($storageRef) = @_; my $file = $storageRef->{currentFile}; my $line = <$file>; my @read; if ( !defined $line || $line eq '' ) { close($file); my $conting = $storageRef->{currentContig}; my $position = $storageRef->{currentPos}; my $readType = $storageRef->{config}->{readType}; my $binId = sprintf "%04d", $storageRef->{currentBin} + 1; my $filePath = getPathForReadType( %{$storageRef}, $readType, $conting, $binId ); ## skip empty bins while ( -z $filePath ) { my $currentBinStart = ( $binId + 1 ) * $storageRef->{config}->{binSize}; $binId = sprintf "%04d", $currentBinStart / $storageRef->{config}->{binSize}; $filePath = getPathForReadType( %{$storageRef}, $readType, $conting, $binId ); } if ( -e $filePath ) { $storageRef->{currentFile} = IO::File->new( '<' . $filePath ) || errorExit "ERROR getNextRead() Couldn't " . "open file handle for $filePath $!\n"; $file = $storageRef->{currentFile}; $line = <$file>; $storageRef->{currentBin} = $binId; } # if else { ## Scaffold end - there is no more bins return 0; } # else } # if if ( !defined $line ) { errorExit "ERROR: getNextRead() inknown problem\n"; } @read = split "\t", $line; $storageRef->{currentPos}++; return \@read; } =pod =item writeRead2Scaffold($storageRef, $scaffoldFile, $readRef) The procedure writes read to a buffred file using the supplied scaffold file name instead of the chromosome name in the $readRef B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF $scaffoldFile - scaffold name to use $readRef - read ARRAY REF B status -0 ok; -1 error =cut sub writeRead2Scaffold(\%;$;\@) { croak "ERROR: writeRead2Scaffold wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $storageRef, $scaffoldFile, $readRef ) = @_; my $position = $readRef->[ $storageRef->{config}->{fields}->{Posn} ]; my $scaffold = $scaffoldFile; my $readType = $storageRef->{config}->{readType}; my $binId = sprintf "%04d", $position / $storageRef->{config}->{binSize}; my $fileHashKey = $scaffold . $binId . $readType; my $file = $storageRef->{files}->{$fileHashKey}; if ( !defined $file ) { my $filePath = getPathForReadType( %{$storageRef}, $readType, $scaffold, $binId ); my $operation = $storageRef->{config}->{isAppend} ? '>>' : '>'; $file = IO::File->new( $operation . $filePath ) || errorExit "$0::ERROR writeRead2Scaffold Couldn't create/open file handle for $filePath $!\n"; $storageRef->{files}->{$fileHashKey} = $file; } # if print $file ( join "\t", @{$readRef} ) . "\n"; } =pod =item writeRead($storageRef, $readRef) The procedure writes read to a buffered file. B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF $readRef - read ARRAY REF B status -0 ok; -1 error =cut sub writeRead(\%;\@) { croak "ERROR: writeRead wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $storageRef, $readRef ) = @_; my $chrom = $readRef->[ $storageRef->{config}->{fields}->{Chr} ]; return writeRead2Scaffold(%$storageRef, $chrom, @$readRef); } =pod =item flushReadFiles($storageRef, $isClose) The procedure writes flushes open storage files. B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF $isClose - 1 to close flushed files. B nothing =cut sub flushReadFiles(\%;$) { croak "ERROR: flushReadFiles wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $storageRef, $isClose ) = @_; foreach my $fileKey (keys %{$storageRef->{files}}) { my $file = $storageRef->{files}->{$fileKey}; $file->flush(); if ($isClose) { close($file); delete $storageRef->{files}->{$fileKey}; } } } =pod =item getPathForReadType(\%;$;$;$) The procedure maps file type to file path. B $storageRef - storage HASH MAP REF $readType - read type B Path to file =cut sub getPathForReadType(\%;$;$;$) { croak "ERROR: getPathForReadType wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 4 ); my ( $storageRef, $readType, $chrom, $binId ) = @_; my $fileName; my $baseDir = $storageRef->{config}->{baseDir}; my $path = File::Spec->catdir( $baseDir, $chrom, $binId ); if ( $readType eq 'sort' ) { $fileName = 'export.txt'; } if ( $readType eq 'sorted' ) { $fileName = 'sorted.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'rmDup' ) { $fileName = 'sort_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'rmDup_orph' ) { $fileName = 'sort_orph_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'rmDup_anom' ) { $fileName = 'sort_anom_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'corect_sort' ) { $fileName = 'corect_sort_' . $binId . '_export.txt'; $path = $baseDir; } elsif ( $readType eq 'corect_sort_anom' ) { $fileName = 'corect_sort_anom_' . $binId . '_export.txt'; $path = $baseDir; } elsif ( $readType eq 'corect_sort_orph' ) { $fileName = 'corect_sort_orph_' . $binId . '_export.txt'; $path = $baseDir; } elsif ( $readType eq 'unsort.wrong' ) { $fileName = 'wrong_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'anom.unsort.wrong' ) { $fileName = 'anom_wrong_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'sort.wrong' ) { $fileName = 'sort_wrong_export.txt'; } elsif ( $readType eq 'unsort_single' ) { $fileName = 'single_export.txt'; } else { errorExit "ERROR: getPathForReadType() unsuported read type [$readType].\n"; } my $filePath = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $fileName ); return $filePath; } =pod =item getExperimentName($readRef) The procedure generates experiment name (unique read id). B $readRef - read ARRAY REF $fieldsRef - HASH MAP REF with fields B experiment name (read id) =cut sub getExperimentName(\@;\%) { croak "ERROR: getExperimentName wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $readRef, $fieldsRef ) = @_; my $expName = @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{MachineName} ]; $expName .= "_" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{RunNumber} ]; $expName .= ":" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{Lane} ]; $expName .= ":" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{Tile} ]; $expName .= ":" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{X} ]; $expName .= ":" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{Y} ]; $expName .= ":" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{Index} ]; $expName .= ":-" . @{$readRef}[ $fieldsRef->{ReadNum} ]; return $expName; } =pod =item readFeatureCoverage($featureStorage) The procedure reads features and their coverage from a file printed by readFeatureCoverage B $featurefileName - feature count file (e.g.: c22_genes_count.txt) $fileName - feature count file $chrom - chromosome name $featureStorage - HASH MAP REF to features read with readFeatures procedure B nothing =cut sub readFeatureCounts($;$;\%) { croak "ERROR: readFeatureCounts wrong parameters \n" unless ( @_ == 3 ); my ( $featurefileName, $chrom, $featureStorage ) = @_; my $featurefile = IO::File->new($featurefileName) || errorExit "ERROR: readFeatureCounts() Couldn't create/open file handle for $featurefileName $!\n"; while (<$featurefile>) { chomp; next if (/^#/); my $featureRef; my @row = split "\t", $_; my $featureId = $row[ $featureCounts{id} ]; #if ( !defined $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId} ) #{ my %feature = (); #} $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId} = \%feature; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{start} = $row[ $featureCounts{start} ]; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{end} = $row[ $featureCounts{end} ]; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{name} = $row[ $featureCounts{id} ]; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{id} = $row[ $featureCounts{id} ]; push @{ $featureStorage->{positions} ->{ $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{start} } }, \%feature; $featureStorage->{count}++; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{normCoverage} = $row[ $featureCounts{count} ]; $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{coverage} = $row[ $featureCounts{absCount} ]; if ( !defined $row[ $featureCounts{score} ] ) { $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{score} = $row[ $featureCounts{score} ]; } } # while close($featurefile); } =pod =item printFeatureCounts The procedure prints feature counts (number of bases or reads starts in a feature) into an open handle e.g.: c22 15977189 15982257 ENSG00000183307 0.52 2648 c22 15998411 16026177 ENSG00000069998 0.78 21791 B $outputHandleRef - feature count file (e.g.: c22_genes_count.txt) $fileName - feature count file $chrom - chromosome name $featureStorage - HASH MAP REF to features read with readFeatures procedure $rpkmFactor - If undef, the legacy Illumina normalized value is printed instead of RPKM. For genes and exons rpkmFactor is total number of mapped bases in the experiment. For splice junctions, the rpkmFactor is total number of mapped reads in the experiment B nothing =cut sub printFeatureCounts($$\%$$) { my ( $outputHandleRef, $chrom, $featureStorage, $printScore, $rpkmFactor ) = @_; my @featuresIds = keys %{ $featureStorage->{feature} }; ## assertion foreach my $featureId (@featuresIds) { if ( !defined $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{start} ) { use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId} ); print "$featureId\n"; errorExit "ERROR: saveFeatureCounts() critical problem\n"; } } # end my @featuresSorted = sort { $featureStorage->{feature}->{$a}->{start} <=> $featureStorage->{feature} ->{$b}->{start} } @featuresIds; my %genes = (); my $content = ""; foreach my $featureId (@featuresSorted) { my $coverage = 0; my $coverageAvg = 0; my $size = 0; if ( defined $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{coverage} ) { $coverage = $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{coverage}; if ( defined $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{size} && $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{size} > 0 ) { $size = $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{size}; $coverageAvg = $coverage / $size; # Normalize for RPKM if total number of mapped bases is given if (defined $rpkmFactor) { $coverageAvg *= (10**9 / $rpkmFactor); } } } # if if ( defined $printScore && $printScore > 0 ) { my $score = 0; $score = defined $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{score}; $content = sprintf( "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%.5f\t%d\t%d\n", $chrom, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{start}, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{end}, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{name}, $coverageAvg, $coverage, $score ); } else { $content = sprintf( "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%.5f\t%d\n", $chrom, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{start}, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{end}, $featureStorage->{feature}->{$featureId}->{name}, $coverageAvg, $coverage ); } print $outputHandleRef $content; } } =pod =item saveFeatureCounts The procedure saves feature counts (number of bases or reads starts in a feature) into a file e.g.: c22 15977189 15982257 ENSG00000183307 0.52 2648 c22 15998411 16026177 ENSG00000069998 0.78 21791 B $featurefileName - feature count file (e.g.: c22_genes_count.txt) $fileName - feature count file $chrom - chromosome name $featureStorage - HASH MAP REF to features read with readFeatures procedure B nothing =cut sub saveFeatureCounts($$\%$) { my ( $featurefileName, $chrom, $featureStorage, $printScore ) = @_; my $featurefile = IO::File->new( ">" . $featurefileName ) || errorExit "ERROR: saveFeatureCounts() Couldn't create/open file handle for $featurefileName $!\n"; printFeatureCounts($featurefile, $chrom, %$featureStorage, $printScore, undef); close $featurefile; } =pod =item readFeaturesENST($featuFileName, $featureStorage) The procedure reads features from a file in ENST format. B $featuFileName - $featureStorage - B nothing =cut sub readFeaturesENST($;\%) { croak "ERROR: readFeaturesENST \n" unless ( @_ == 2 ); my ( $featuFileName, $featureStorage ) = @_; $featureStorage->{count} = 0; open( FEATURE, "<$featuFileName" ) || errorExit "ERROR: readFeaturesENST() Could not open $featuFileName: $!\n"; while () { next if (/^#/); my %feature = (); if (/(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/) { $feature{start} = $1; $feature{end} = $2; $feature{name} = $3; $feature{id} = $feature{name}; $feature{size} = $feature{end} - $feature{start} + 1; $feature{name} =~ /^(S+)\./; my @ganes = (); push @ganes, $1; $feature{genes} = \@ganes; } # if $featureStorage->{feature}->{ $feature{id} } = \%feature; push @{ $featureStorage->{positions}->{ $feature{start} } }, \%feature; $featureStorage->{count}++; } # while close(FEATURE); } # readFeaturesENST =pod =item readFeaturesENST2( $chrom, $featuFileName, $featureStorage) The procedure reads features from a file in Santa Cruz Browser format. e.g.: gene_stable_id struct_external_gene_id exon_stable_id str_chrom_name exon_chrom_start exon_chrom_end transcript_chrom_strand struct_biotype ENSG00000146556 Q7Z3N4_HUMAN ENSE00001367146 1 4274 4365 -1 protein_coding ENSG00000146556 Q7Z3N4_HUMAN ENSE00001383334 1 4863 4901 -1 protein_coding ENSG00000146556 Q7Z3N4_HUMAN ENSE00001388009 1 5659 5764 -1 protein_coding ENSG00000146556 Q7Z3N4_HUMAN ENSE00001375216 1 5767 5810 -1 protein_coding %featureFieldsENS2 gene_stable_id => 0, struct_gene_id => 1, exon_stable_id => 2, str_chrom_name => 3, exon_chrom_start => 4, exon_chrom_end => 5, strand => 6, struct_biotype => 7, B $chrom - if not "" then read only $chrom chromosome $featuFileName - $featureStorage - B nothing =cut sub readFeaturesENST2($;$;\%) { croak "ERROR: readFeaturesENST2 \n" unless ( 3 == @_); my ( $chrom, $featuFileName, $featureStorage ) = @_; $featureStorage->{count} = 0; open( FEATURE, "<$featuFileName" ) || errorExit "ERROR: readFeaturesENST2() Could not open $featuFileName: $!\n"; while () { next if (/^#/); chomp; my @row = split "\t", $_; my $chromTmp = $row[ $featureFieldsENS2{str_chrom_name} ]; if ( $chrom ne "" && $chrom eq $chromTmp ) { my %feature = (); $feature{chrom} = $chromTmp; my $start = 0; my $end = 0; $start = $row[ $featureFieldsENS2{start} ]; $end = $row[ $featureFieldsENS2{end} ]; $feature{start} = $start; $feature{end} = $end; $feature{name} = $row[ $featureFieldsENS2{exon_stable_id} ]; $feature{size} = $feature{end} - $feature{start} + 1; my @ganes = (); push @ganes, $row[ $featureFieldsENS2{gene_stable_id} ]; $feature{genes} = \@ganes; $feature{id} = sprintf( "%s:%d-%d", $feature{name}, $feature{start}, $feature{end} ); $featureStorage->{feature}->{ $feature{id} } = \%feature; push @{ $featureStorage->{positions}->{ $feature{start} } }, \%feature; $featureStorage->{count}++; } # if } # while close(FEATURE); } # readFeatures =pod =item readFeaturesUCSCB($chrom, $featuFileName, $featureStorage) The procedure reads features from a file in Santa Cruz Browser format. e.g.: chr1 58953 59871 OR4F5 chr1 357521 358460 OR4F16,OR4F29,OR4F3 B $chrom - if not "" then read only $chrom chromosome $featuFileName - $featureStorage - B nothing =cut sub readFeaturesUCSCB($;$;\%) { croak "ERROR: readFeaturesUCSCB \n" unless ( 3 == @_ ); my ( $chrom, $featuFileName, $featureStorage ) = @_; $featureStorage->{count} = 0; open( FEATURE, "<$featuFileName" ) || errorExit "ERROR: readFeaturesUCSCB() Could not open $featuFileName: $!\n"; while () { next if (/^#/); chomp; my @row = split "\t", $_; #my @names = split ",", $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{names} ]; #foreach my $geneName (@names) { my $chromTmp = $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{chrom} ]; if ( $chrom ne "" && $chrom eq $chromTmp ) { #print "$chrom $_"; my %feature = (); $feature{chrom} = $chromTmp; $feature{start} = $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{start} ]; $feature{end} = $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{end} ]; $feature{name} = $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{names} ]; $feature{size} = $feature{end} - $feature{start} + 1; my @ganes = (); push @ganes, split ",", $row[ $refFlatExonsFields{names} ]; $feature{genes} = \@ganes; #$feature{name} = $geneName; $feature{id} = sprintf( "%s:%d-%d", $feature{name}, $feature{start}, $feature{end} ); $featureStorage->{feature}->{ $feature{id} } = \%feature; push @{ $featureStorage->{positions}->{ $feature{start} } }, \%feature; $featureStorage->{count}++; #print "$feature{id} \n"; #} # foreach #return; } # if } # while close(FEATURE); } # readFeatures =pod =item readFasta($genomeSeqFile) The procedure reads the sequence from the file (fasta format). B $genomeSeqFile - sequence file name B genome sequence =cut sub readFasta($) { my ($genomeSeqFile) = @_; my $genomeSeq = ""; #get the genome reference seq open( GEN, "<$genomeSeqFile" ) or errorExit "ERROR: readFasta() Can't open $genomeSeqFile $!\n"; while () { chomp; next if ( $_ =~ m/>/ || length ($_) == 0); my $line = uc($_); if ( $line !~ /[ACGTN]+/ ) { errorExit "ERROR: Wrong fasta file(accepted are only ACGTN):\n[$line]\n "; } # if $genomeSeq .= $_; } # while close(GEN); return $genomeSeq; } #readFasta =pod =item parseSpliceName($spliceJunctioName, $spliceJunctioDesc) The procedure pareses splice jucntion name and returns information about scaffold name start stop and splice site size. B $spliceJunctioName - splice Junction Name $spliceJunctioDesc - HASH MAP REF returns the description of splice junction B genome sequence =cut sub parseSpliceName($\%) { my ( $spliceJunctioName, $spliceJunctioDesc ) = @_; if ( $spliceJunctioName =~ /^(\S+)_([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)_(\S+)_([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)$/ ) { $spliceJunctioDesc->{length1} = $2; $spliceJunctioDesc->{length2} = $3; $spliceJunctioDesc->{scaffold} = $6; $spliceJunctioDesc->{start} = $7; $spliceJunctioDesc->{end} = $8; } elsif ( $spliceJunctioName =~ /^(.+)_([0-9]+)\_([0-9]+)_(\S+)_([0-9]+)\_([0-9]+)$/ ) { my $scaffoldFile = $4; $spliceJunctioDesc->{length1} = $2; $spliceJunctioDesc->{length2} = $3; $spliceJunctioDesc->{start} = $5; $spliceJunctioDesc->{end} = $6; $spliceJunctioDesc->{scaffold} = $scaffoldFile; } else { errorExit "ERROR: parseSpliceName() [$spliceJunctioName]\n"; } # else $spliceJunctioDesc->{size} = $spliceJunctioDesc->{length1} + $spliceJunctioDesc->{length2}; $spliceJunctioDesc->{name} = $spliceJunctioName; $spliceJunctioDesc->{id} = $spliceJunctioName; } =pod =item outputSEread($ref2Output, $refDirs, $start, $chr, $ref2read2, $fileType) The procedure prints one reads into bin files. B $exportStorageRef - HASH MAP REF with file handles $start - start position (of read1) $chr - chromosome folder name $ref2read1 - ARRAY REF with read $fileType - type of read (each type goes to diffrent file) B nothing =cut ## TODO marge with writeRead sub outputSEread(\%$$\@$) { my ( $exportStorageRef, $start, $chr, $ref2read1, $fileType ) = @_; if ( $fileType eq 'single' ) { my $bin = sprintf "%04d", $start / $exportStorageRef->{binSize}; my $binDir = File::Spec->catdir($exportStorageRef->{resultsDir}, $chr, $bin); my $file = File::Spec->catfile($binDir,"single_export.txt"); my $ref2Output = $exportStorageRef->{ref2Output}; my $thisFile = $ref2Output->{files}->{$file}; unless (defined $thisFile) { if (!($thisFile = IO::File->new(">$file"))) { if( !exists $chrEnds{$chr} ) { errorExit "Chromosome name $chr in input data is unexpected " ."while processing the following read:" .join( "\t", @{$ref2read1}); } errorExit "ERROR: Couldn't create file handle for $file $!\n"; } $ref2Output->{files}->{$file} = $thisFile; } print $thisFile join( "\t", @{$ref2read1} ), "\n"; } else { errorExit "ERROR outputSEread unsuported fileType [$fileType]\n"; } # else } # outputSEread =pod =item outputPEread($exportStorageRef, $start, $end, $chr, $ref2read1, $ref2read2, $fileType) The procedure prints two reads into bin files. B $exportStorageRef - HASH MAP REF with file handles and buffers $start - start position (of read1 or read2) $end - end position (of read1 or read2) $chr - chromosome folder name $ref2read1 - ARRAY REF with read1 $ref2read2 - ARRAY REF with read2 $fileType - type of read (each type goes to diffrent file) B nothing =cut sub outputPEread(\%$$$\@\@$) { my ( $exportStorageRef, $start, $end, $chr, $ref2read1, $ref2read2, $fileType ) = @_; my $bin = sprintf "%04d", $start / $exportStorageRef->{binSize}; my $fileHashKey = $chr . $bin . $fileType; my $ref2Output = $exportStorageRef->{ref2Output}; if($exportStorageRef->{isCompressPair}) { # the file split is done by compressXPair here, but perl has # more context for error messages so we maintain per-file # checking code in this option: # unless(exists $ref2Output->{files}->{$fileHashKey}){ my $binDir = File::Spec->catdir($exportStorageRef->{resultsDir}, $chr, $bin); unless(-d $binDir) { unless(exists $chrEnds{$chr}) { errorExit "ERROR: Chromosome name $chr in input data is unexpected " ."while processing the following read pair:" .join( "\t", $start, $end, @{$ref2read1}, @{$ref2read2}); } errorExit "ERROR: Can't find expected directory '$binDir'\n"; } $ref2Output->{files}->{$fileHashKey} = undef; } print ${$exportStorageRef->{compFH}} ( join( "\t", "$chr/$bin" , $fileType, $start, $end, @{$ref2read1}, @{$ref2read2} ) . "\n"); } else { my $thisFile = $ref2Output->{files}->{$fileHashKey}; unless (defined $thisFile) { my $binDir = File::Spec->catdir($exportStorageRef->{resultsDir}, $chr, $bin); my $file = ''; if ( $fileType eq 'norm' ) { $file = File::Spec->catfile($binDir,"unsort.txt"); } elsif ( $fileType eq 'orphan' ) { $file = File::Spec->catfile($binDir,"unsort_orph.txt"); } elsif ( $fileType eq 'anom' ) { $file = File::Spec->catfile($binDir,"unsort_anom.txt"); } else { errorExit "Invalid read file type '$fileType'"; } # else my $cmd = "> $file"; unless( open($thisFile,$cmd) ) { unless( exists $chrEnds{$chr} ) { errorExit "ERROR: Chromosome name $chr in input data is unexpected " ."while processing the following read pair:" .join( "\t", $start, $end, @{$ref2read1}, @{$ref2read2}); } errorExit "ERROR: Couldn't open output file '$file' $!\n"; } $ref2Output->{files}->{$fileHashKey} = $thisFile; } print $thisFile ( join( "\t", $start, $end, @{$ref2read1}, @{$ref2read2} ) . "\n"); } } # outputPERead 1; # says use was ok __END__