package Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::Target; # PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile:,v $ # AUTHOR: Lukasz Szajkowski, Richard Carter # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # # The library contains procedures and variables usefull in operating on Illumina # genomic data e.g.: export files. The library is trying to abstract access to # files. =pod =head1 NAME - Perl library with all targets (steps of CASAVA) =head1 SYNOPSIS use qw(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Exports: checkTarget($;\%;\%;\%;$) # Global variable =head1 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). Created by Lukasz Szajkowski =head1 SOURCE CODE The most current release of the Perl source code for this module is available through CVS at genie01 a.k.a. cvs co BullFrog =cut BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(&checkTarget &splitPEexport &splitSEexport &commitExportSplit $VERSION); } use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use IO::File; use Carp; use Casava::Common::Log; use Casava::Common::IOLib qw(executeCmd executeCmdEx); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::GenomicIOLib qw(%exportFields %doubleExportFields $readsIdxHeader outputSEread outputPEread flushReadFiles parseSpliceName %predictedMateStrand @nmnmTags); use Casava::Common::Utils qw(apply_mismatch convertToAlignmentDescriptor expandMd compressMd getChromosomeSizes); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::Config qw(isSpliceJunctionChrom %chrEnds readProjectParameters); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::RnaSeqLib qw($tmpSpliceCountFileName); use Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::SamLib qw(matchDescToCigar); use Casava::PostAlignment::QC::Build_Spec; use Casava::PostAlignment::QC::Export_Dir_Spec; use Casava::PostAlignment::QC::Lane_Spec; #use Casava::Common::IOLib qw(bufferedPrint); sub checkTarget($\%\%\%); sub splitPEexport($$$$$\%\%\%); sub splitSEexport($$$$$\%\%\%); sub commitExportSplit($\%\%\%); sub calculateCrc32($); # save hash lookup time: my $exportMachineNameIndex = $exportFields{'MachineName'}; my $exportRunNumberIndex = $exportFields{'RunNumber'}; my $exportLaneIndex = $exportFields{'Lane'}; my $exportTileIndex = $exportFields{'Tile'}; my $exportXIndex = $exportFields{'X'}; my $exportYIndex = $exportFields{'Y'}; my $exportBarcodeIndex = $exportFields{'Index'}; my $exportFilterIndex = $exportFields{'Filter'}; my $exportChrIndex = $exportFields{'Chr'}; my $exportStrandIndex = $exportFields{'Strand'}; my $exportSingleScoreIndex = $exportFields{'SingleScore'}; my $exportPairedScoreIndex = $exportFields{'PairedScore'}; my $exportPosnIndex = $exportFields{'Posn'}; my $exportContigIndex = $exportFields{'Contig'}; my $exportSequenceIndex = $exportFields{'Seq'}; my $exportQualityIxdex = $exportFields{'QualityString'}; my $exportDescriptorIndex = $exportFields{'Descriptor'}; my $exportPartnerChrIndex = $exportFields{'PartnerChr'}; my $exportPartnerContigIndex = $exportFields{'PartnerContig'}; my $exportPartnerOffsetIndex = $exportFields{'PartnerOffset'}; my $exportPartnerStrandIndex = $exportFields{'PartnerStrand'}; =pod =head1 The procedure calculates a quick crc32 checksum for a given file =over 4 =item configureTargets($confStatus, $targetRef) The procedure calculates a checksum for a given file. In essence, this is just used to detect if several files are different or not. A real crc32 or md5 hash would be optimal, but this simple function does the job without adding more module dependencies. Parameters: $filename - input filename Returns: nothing =back =cut sub calculateCrc32($) { croak "ERROR: calculateCrc32\n" unless (@_ == 1); my ($filename) = @_; open(IN, $filename) or die "ERROR: Cannot open $filename: $!"; binmode(IN); # initialize the crc32 table my $CRC_POLY = 0x04c11db; my $INT_MASK = 0xffffffff; my @crc32_table = (); for(my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { my $c = $i << 24; for(my $j = 8; $j > 0; $j--) { $c = ($c & 0x80000000 ? ($c << 1) ^ $CRC_POLY : ($c << 1)); } push @crc32_table, $c & $INT_MASK; } # calculate the crc32 value my $crc = $INT_MASK; while(my $numBytesRead = read(IN, my $buffer, 4096)) { foreach my $byte (split(//, $buffer)) { $crc = ($crc << 8) ^ $crc32_table[(($crc >> 24) & 0xff) ^ ord($byte)]; } } return (~$crc & $INT_MASK); } =pod =head1 The procedure check if all required by CASAVA files exists and are non zero size =over 4 =item checkTarget The procedure check if all required by CASAVA files exists and are non zero size. Parameters: $projectDir - CASAVA project directory $CONF_APP - HASH MAP REF with application specific configuration $CONF_PROJ - HASH MAP REF with project specific configuration $runsConfig - HASH MAP REF with runs specific configuration Returns: genome sequence =back =cut sub checkTarget($\%\%\%) { my ( $projectDir, $CONF_APP_REF, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $runsConfigRef ) = @_; my $reads_indx_f = $CONF_APP_REF->{f_reads_indx}; errorExit "ERROR: No input directories were specified. Please use the --inputSampleDir option." unless exists $runsConfigRef->{inputDirectories}; # check for the sample-specific metadata files my @genomeSizeFiles = (); foreach my $alignedSampleDir (@{$runsConfigRef->{inputDirectories}->{sampleDirectory}}) { # grab the filenames in this directory opendir(DIR, $alignedSampleDir); my @dirFiles = map { "$alignedSampleDir/$_" } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # add the genome size files to our main array so that we can check # consistency between all genome size files. my @dirGenomeSizeFiles = grep(/_genomesize.xml$/, @dirFiles); my $numGenomeSizeFiles = scalar(@dirGenomeSizeFiles); push (@genomeSizeFiles, @dirGenomeSizeFiles); errorExit("ERROR: Could not find any genome size files (*_genomesize.xml) in $alignedSampleDir.") if ($numGenomeSizeFiles == 0); # check the genome size file my $genomesizeXml = $dirGenomeSizeFiles[0]; if(!$CONF_PROJ_REF->{ignoreMissingMetadata}) { my $chromSizesRef = getChromosomeSizes($genomesizeXml, {contigName=>'contigName', fileName=>'fileName'}->{$CONF_PROJ_REF->{chromNameSource}}); for my $chrom (keys %{$chromSizesRef}) { errorExit "ERROR: Chromosome $chrom found in $genomesizeXml is not present in $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}" unless (exists $chrEnds{$chrom}); errorExit "ERROR: Chromosome $chrom size found in $genomesizeXml is different than expected. " ."Expected: $chrEnds{$chrom}->{length}. Actual: $chromSizesRef->{$chrom}. " ."Reference: $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirRefSeq}" if ( $chromSizesRef->{$chrom} != $chrEnds{$chrom}->{length} ); } } } # check the consistency of all genome size files my @genomeSizeChecksums = (); foreach my $genomeSizeFilename (@genomeSizeFiles) { my $crc = calculateCrc32($genomeSizeFilename); push (@genomeSizeChecksums, $crc); } my %genomeSizeChecksumSet = map { $_ => 1 } @genomeSizeChecksums; my $numDistinctChecksums = scalar keys(%genomeSizeChecksumSet); errorExit("ERROR: Expected to find identical genome size files (*_genomesize.xml) in all aligned sample directories, but found $numDistinctChecksums different genome size files.") unless ($numDistinctChecksums == 1); # check all the export files foreach my $exportSet (@{$runsConfigRef->{exportFiles}}) { # check the read 1 export files if($exportSet->{Read1}) { errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the read 1 export file (" . $exportSet->{Read1} . ")." unless (-s $exportSet->{Read1}); } # check the read 2 export files if($exportSet->{Read2}) { errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the read 2 export file (" . $exportSet->{Read2} . ")." unless (-s $exportSet->{Read2}); } # check for paired.xml if we have both read 1 and read 2 export files if('paired' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{readMode}) { errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the pair.xml file associated with " . $exportSet->{Read1} . " and " . $exportSet->{Read2} . "." unless (-s $exportSet->{PairXml}); } } } =pod =head1 Produces hash of filtered tiles from build file. =over 4 =item getFilteredTileHash($buildFilePath) Parameters: $buildFilePath - build file path $exportFileDir - export directory (GERALD directory) $laneNum - lane number Returns: Hash mapping filtered tiles to 1; mappings for other tiles do not exist. =back =cut sub getFilteredTileHash($;$;$) { my ($buildFilePath, $exportFileDir, $laneNum) = @_; if (!$buildFilePath) { return (); } my $buildSpec = Casava::PostAlignment::QC::Build_Spec->new($buildFilePath); my $exportDirSpec = $buildSpec->get_export_dir_spec($exportFileDir); my $laneSpec = $exportDirSpec->get_lane_spec($laneNum); my @badTiles = $laneSpec->get_bad_tiles(); # The `int' is needed to strip off leading zeros for comparison with # the tile column in an export file. my %isFilteredTile = map {int($_) => 1} @badTiles; return %isFilteredTile; } # part of the annoation is shared by both reads: # sub markShadowReadCommon(\@) { my ( $ref ) = @_; $ref->[$exportPairedScoreIndex] = 0; $ref->[$exportPartnerChrIndex] = ''; $ref->[$exportPartnerContigIndex] = ''; $ref->[$exportPartnerOffsetIndex] = 0; $ref->[$exportPartnerStrandIndex] = 'N'; } # # makes field changes required to indicate a mapped/shadow read pair # sub markShadowReadPair(\@;\@) { my ( $mappedReadRef , $shadowReadRef ) = @_; $shadowReadRef->[$exportChrIndex] = "NM"; $shadowReadRef->[$exportPosnIndex] = $mappedReadRef->[$exportPosnIndex]; $shadowReadRef->[$exportStrandIndex] = $predictedMateStrand{$mappedReadRef->[$exportStrandIndex]}; $shadowReadRef->[$exportDescriptorIndex] = '-'; $shadowReadRef->[$exportSingleScoreIndex] = -1; markShadowReadCommon(@$shadowReadRef); markShadowReadCommon(@$mappedReadRef); } # sub unMatchRead(\@) { my ( $ref ) = @_; $ref->[$exportChrIndex] = "NM"; for ($exportContigIndex..$exportPartnerStrandIndex) { $ref->[$_] = ''; } } # # consolidate repeated index open code: # sub getIDXFH($) { my ( $readsIndexFile ) = @_; # relax restriction against rerunning the 'sort' target: # # if ( -e $readsIndexFile ) { # errorExit "ERROR: sortExport $readsIndexFile " # . "already added to this build. " # . "Each lane can be processed only once."; # } my $IDXFH; open($IDXFH, ">$readsIndexFile" ) or errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the index file " . "$readsIndexFile for writing $!\n"; return $IDXFH; } sub getUnmapFH($;$) { my ( $CONF_APP_REF, $NMNM_DIR ) = @_; my %unmapFH; for my $key (@nmnmTags) { my $label = $CONF_APP_REF->{$key}; my $path = File::Spec->catfile($NMNM_DIR, $label .".txt"); $unmapFH{$key} = IO::File->new(">$path") or errorExit "ERROR: Couldn't create file handle for $path $!\n"; } return \%unmapFH; } =pod =head1 The procedure splits pair-ended PE export files into chromosomes and bins =over 4 =item splitPEexport The procedure splits pair-ended export files into chromosomes and bins Parameters: $projectDir - CASAVA project directory $buildFilePath - build file path $read1ExportFilename - read 1 export filename $read2ExportFilename - read 2 export filename $exportSet - the export set ID $CONF_PROJ_REF - HASH MAP REF with application specific configuration $CONF_APP_REF - HASH MAP REF with project specific configuration $runsConfigRef - HASH MAP REF with runs specific configuration Returns: genome sequence =back =cut sub splitPEexport($$$$$\%\%\%) { my ($projectDir, $buildFilePath, $read1ExportFilename, $read2ExportFilename, $exportSet, $CONF_APP_REF, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $runsConfigRef) = @_; my $totalReads = 0; my $totalBases = 0; my $usedReads = 0; my $usedBases = 0; my $goodReads = 0; my $goodReadBases = 0; my $originalReads = 0; my $includedReads = 0; my $failedTileFilt = 0; my $failedFilt = 0; my $failedQC = 0; my $unanchored = 0; my $nonUniquePairs = 0; my $nmnmPairs = 0; my $riboCount = 0; my $goodPairs = 0; my $mixedPairs = 0; my $controlPairs = 0; my $bufferSize = 0; my %OUTPUTFILES; my $NMNM_TAG = $CONF_APP_REF->{TAG_NMNM}; my $timeStampFormat = $CONF_APP_REF->{formatTimeStamp}; my $reads_indx_f = $CONF_APP_REF->{f_reads_indx}; my $binSize = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{binSizeProject}; my $toNMScore = (defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{toNMScore}) ? $CONF_PROJ_REF->{toNMScore} : -1; my $readSampleRateInput = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{readSampleRateInput}; my $resultsDir = File::Spec->catdir( $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirBuildExport}, 'sets', $exportSet ); my $isKeepAllReads = ((defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortKeepAllReads}) and $CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortKeepAllReads}); my $isCompressPair = (not ((defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortNoCompressPair}) and ($CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortNoCompressPair}))); my $isKeepFilteredReads = $isKeepAllReads; my $isKeepUnmappedReads = $isKeepAllReads; my $NMNM_DIR = File::Spec->catdir( $resultsDir, $NMNM_TAG ); my %Fields = %exportFields; my $fieldSize = scalar( keys %Fields ); # TODO: Make it possible to get the filtered tile #my %isFilteredTile #= getFilteredTileHash($buildFilePath, $exportFileDir, $lane); my $IDXFH = getIDXFH( File::Spec->catfile( $resultsDir, $reads_indx_f ) ); my $confDir = $CONF_APP_REF->{dirConf}; my $dirsPath = File::Spec->catfile( $projectDir , $confDir , "project.dirs.tar" ); my $cmd = "tar -C $resultsDir/ -xf $dirsPath"; executeCmd( $cmd, 5 ); my $unmap; $unmap = getUnmapFH($CONF_APP_REF,$NMNM_DIR) if($isKeepUnmappedReads); my $compFH; if($isCompressPair) { my $libexecDir = '/home/psgendb/local/pkg/CASAVA_v1.8.2-build/libexec/CASAVA-1.8.2'; my $cxp = File::Spec->catfile($libexecDir,'compressXPair'); my $cmd = "| $cxp -s '$resultsDir'"; open($compFH,$cmd) or errorExit("ERROR: failed to open process '$cmd' $!\n"); } # grab the fragment length statistics from the pair.xml file my $pairXmlFilename = $read1ExportFilename; $pairXmlFilename =~ s/.gz$//; $pairXmlFilename =~ s/_export.txt/_pair.xml/; $pairXmlFilename =~ s/_R1_/_/; errorExit("ERROR: Unable to find the pair.xml file (${pairXmlFilename}).\n") unless (-s $pairXmlFilename); # open the XML file my $xs = new XML::Simple( KeyAttr => [], ); my $insertSizeRef = $xs->XMLin($pairXmlFilename); # grab the fragment length data my $highSDFragmentLength = $insertSizeRef->{InsertSize}->{HighSD}; my $lowSDFragmentLength = $insertSizeRef->{InsertSize}->{LowSD}; my $maxFragmentLength = $insertSizeRef->{InsertSize}->{Max}; my $medianFragmentLength = $insertSizeRef->{InsertSize}->{Median}; my $minFragmentLength = $insertSizeRef->{InsertSize}->{Min}; my $nominalOrientation = $insertSizeRef->{Orientation}->{Nominal}; #print STDERR "\n"; printLog( "Looking at $read1ExportFilename & $read2ExportFilename\n", 5 ); my $exportFile1 = $read1ExportFilename; my $exportFile2 = $read2ExportFilename; open( EXPT_1, "gunzip -fc $exportFile1 |" ) || errorExit "ERROR: Could not open export file $exportFile1 $!\n"; open( EXPT_2, "gunzip -fc $exportFile2 |" ) || errorExit "ERROR: Could not open export file $exportFile2 $!\n"; my %exportStorage = (); $exportStorage{ref2Output} = \%OUTPUTFILES; $exportStorage{resultsDir} = $resultsDir; $exportStorage{binSize} = $binSize; $exportStorage{isCompressPair} = $isCompressPair; $exportStorage{compFH} = $compFH; my $needRunIdFix = 0; my $needRunConfigData = 1; my $instrumentName; my $runID; my $laneNumber; my $barcodeSequence; #my $machineName = $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{machine}; #my $exportRunId = $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{exportRunId}; #if ( $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{fixId} ne 'none' ) { # $needRunIdFix = 1; #} my ($read1SeqLength, $read2SeqLength) = (0,0); while () { chomp; my @read1 = split /\t/, $_; # read1 array my $read2Str = ; # retrieve the instrument name, run ID, lane, and barcode if($needRunConfigData) { $instrumentName = $read1[$exportMachineNameIndex]; $runID = $read1[$exportRunNumberIndex]; $laneNumber = $read1[$exportLaneIndex]; $barcodeSequence = $read1[$exportBarcodeIndex]; $needRunConfigData = 0; } ++$originalReads; next if($readSampleRateInput && $originalReads * $readSampleRateInput <= $includedReads); ++$includedReads; chomp($read2Str); my @read2 = split /\t/, $read2Str; # read2 array if ( scalar(@read1) != $fieldSize ) { errorExit "ERROR: parsing $exportFile1 file at $originalReads (wrong number of fields " . scalar(@read1) . " != " . $fieldSize . ")\n"; } if ( scalar(@read2) != $fieldSize ) { errorExit "ERROR: parsing $exportFile2 file at $originalReads (wrong number of fields " . scalar(@read2) . " != " . $fieldSize . ")\n"; } $totalReads += 2; $read1SeqLength = length($read1[$exportSequenceIndex]); $read2SeqLength = length($read2[$exportSequenceIndex]); $totalBases += $read1SeqLength + $read2SeqLength; # Ignore tiles specified as filtered out. # TODO: Make it possible to get the filtered tile #if (exists($isFilteredTile{$read1[$exportTileIndex]})) { # ++$failedTileFilt; # next; #} #if ( $needRunIdFix == 1 ) { # ## those reads need to be fixed (machine name and run id) # $read1[ $exportMachineNameIndex ] = $machineName; # $read2[ $exportMachineNameIndex ] = $machineName; # $read1[ $exportRunNumberIndex ] = $exportRunId; # $read2[ $exportRunNumberIndex ] = $exportRunId; #} # # # # assert read-pair clusters, offset and PE score: # # # if( ($read1[ $exportMachineNameIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportMachineNameIndex ]) or # ($read1[ $exportRunNumberIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportRunNumberIndex ]) or # ($read1[ $exportLaneIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportLaneIndex ]) or # ($read1[ $exportTileIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportTileIndex ]) or # ($read1[ $exportXIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportXIndex ]) or # ($read1[ $exportYIndex ] ne $read2[ $exportYIndex ])) { # errorExit "ERROR: Mate pair reads with different clusters. Line Number: $originalReads in pair export files:\n". # "(1) $exportFile1\n". # "(2) $exportFile2\n"; # } # my $PEVal1 = $read1[ $exportPairedScoreIndex ]; # my $PEVal2 = $read2[ $exportPairedScoreIndex ]; # my $chrVal1 = $read1[$exportChrIndex]; # my $chrVal2 = $read2[$exportChrIndex]; # my $POffsetVal1 = $read1[ $exportPartnerOffsetIndex ]; # my $POffsetVal2 = $read2[ $exportPartnerOffsetIndex ]; # if(($PEVal1 ne "") and ($PEVal2 ne "") and ($PEVal1 ne $PEVal2)) { # errorExit "ERROR: Mate pair reads with different paired-end score. Line Number: $originalReads in pair export files:\n". # "(1) $exportFile1\n". # "(2) $exportFile2\n"; # } # if(($POffsetVal1 ne "") and ($POffsetVal2 ne "") and ($chrVal1 eq $chrVal2) and ($POffsetVal1 != -$POffsetVal2)) { # errorExit "ERROR: Mate pair reads with incompatible paired-offset score. Line Number: $originalReads in pair export files:\n". # "(1) $exportFile1\n". # "(2) $exportFile2\n"; # } # make adjustment for SAM: if( ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne '') and ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] < 1)) { if( ($read2[ $exportPosnIndex] eq '') or ($read2[ $exportPosnIndex ] < 1)) { # not a shadow -- both reads are bad: unMatchRead(@read1); unMatchRead(@read2) if($read2[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne ''); } else { # read1 shadow case: markShadowReadPair(@read2,@read1); } } elsif(($read2[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne '') and ($read2[ $exportPosnIndex ] < 1)) { if( ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex] eq '') or ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] < 1)) { # not a shadow -- both reads are bad: unMatchRead(@read2); unMatchRead(@read1) if($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne ''); } else { # read2 shadow case: markShadowReadPair(@read1,@read2); } } my $filterVal1 = $read1[$exportFilterIndex] eq "N"; my $filterVal2 = $read2[$exportFilterIndex] eq "N"; errorExit ("ERROR: Ends of a pair have different filter values (" . join (" ", @read1, "...", join " ", @read2) . ")\n Run aborted \n") unless ($filterVal1 eq $filterVal2); my $read1Sras = $read1[ $exportSingleScoreIndex ]; $read1Sras = 0 if ('' eq $read1Sras); my $read2Sras = $read2[ $exportSingleScoreIndex ]; $read2Sras = 0 if ('' eq $read2Sras); my $pras = $read1[ $exportPairedScoreIndex ]; $pras = 0 if ('' eq $pras); my $pras2 = $read2[ $exportPairedScoreIndex ]; $pras2 = 0 if ('' eq $pras2); errorExit ("ERROR: Ends of a pair have different pair alignment scores (" . join (" ", @read1, "...", join " ", @read2) . ")\n Run aborted \n") unless ($pras eq $pras2); ## Re-classify anomalous reads if ( ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne "") && ($read2[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne "") && (0 == $pras) ) { # read 1 shadow, read 2 singleton ? if ( ( $read1Sras < $toNMScore ) && ( $read2Sras >= $toNMScore ) ) { markShadowReadPair(@read2,@read1); } # if # read 2 shadow, read 1 singleton ? elsif ( ( $read2Sras < $toNMScore ) && ( $read1Sras >= $toNMScore ) ) { markShadowReadPair(@read1,@read2); } # if } my $strandVal1 = $read1[$exportStrandIndex]; my $strandVal2 = $read2[$exportStrandIndex]; my $strandPosn1 = $read1[$exportPosnIndex]; my $strandPosn2 = $read2[$exportPosnIndex]; my $chrVal1 = $read1[$exportChrIndex]; my $chrVal2 = $read2[$exportChrIndex]; if ( $filterVal1 ) { # enumerate any pairs that fail the filters $failedFilt++; next unless($isKeepFilteredReads); } my $unmapTag; if ( ( $chrVal1 eq "QC" ) && ( $chrVal2 eq "QC" ) ) { # enumerate any reads where neither reads passes QC $failedQC++; $unmapTag="TAG_qcFail"; } elsif ( ( $chrVal1 =~ /\d+:\d+:\d+/ ) && ( $chrVal2 =~ /\d+:\d+:\d+/ ) ) { # enumerate any reads where neither reads aligns uniquely $nonUniquePairs++; $unmapTag="TAG_nonUnique"; } elsif ( ( $chrVal1 eq "NM" ) && ( $chrVal2 eq "NM" ) ) { # grab the NM-NM matches and put them to one side # in case they are needed for de novo $nmnmPairs++; $unmapTag="TAG_noMatch"; } elsif ( ($chrVal1 eq "RM") and ($chrVal2 eq "RM") ) { $riboCount++; $unmapTag="TAG_rm"; } elsif ( ($chrVal1 eq "CONTROL") and ($chrVal2 eq "CONTROL") ) { $controlPairs++; $unmapTag="TAG_control"; } elsif (($chrVal1 =~ /^(NM|QC|RM|CONTROL|\d+:\d+:\d+)$/) and ($chrVal2 =~ /^(NM|QC|RM|CONTROL|\d+:\d+:\d+)$/)) { $mixedPairs++; $unmapTag="TAG_mixed"; } if(defined $unmapTag) { if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { my $unmapFH = $unmap->{$unmapTag}; print $unmapFH join("\t", @read1),"\n", join("\t", @read2),"\n"; } next; } if ( $read1Sras == 0 && $read2Sras == 0 ) { # all alignment scores are zero $unanchored++; } ## look at the normal pairs ## if ( ( $pras =~ /^\d+$/ ) && ( $pras > 0 ) ) { # if we have a paired read score if ( $chrVal1 eq $chrVal2 ) { # both reads on the same chromosome # ignores contigs currently # would have to check that both reads are on same contig my $chrom = $chrVal1; if ( ( $strandVal1 eq "F" ) && ( $strandVal2 eq "R" ) ) { my $start = $strandPosn1; my $end = $strandPosn2 + $read2SeqLength; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrom, @read1, @read2, "norm" ); } elsif ( ( $strandVal1 eq "R" ) && ( $strandVal2 eq "F" ) ) { my $start = $strandPosn2; my $end = $strandPosn1 + $read1SeqLength; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrom, @read1, @read2, "norm" ); } else { errorExit ("ERROR: Non standard entry (". join ("\t", @read1) . ")\n Run aborted \n"); } ++$goodPairs if (($pras > $CONF_PROJ_REF->{QVCutoff}) and (not $filterVal1)); } else { errorExit "ERROR: splitPEexport: PairedScore > 0 when chr_read1 != chr_read2 \n"; } } ## look at the anomalous matches else { # if only one read maps # put it in the orphan file if ( ( $chrVal1 =~ /^(NM|QC|RM|CONTROL|\d+:\d+:\d+)$/ ) ) { # if read 1 is bad my $start = $strandPosn2; my $end = $strandPosn2 + $read2SeqLength; my $chrom = $chrVal2; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrom, @read2, @read1, "orphan" ); } elsif ( ( $chrVal2 =~ /^(NM|QC|RM|CONTROL|\d+:\d+:\d+)$/ ) ) { # if read2 is bad my $start = $strandPosn1; my $end = $strandPosn1 + $read1SeqLength; my $chrom = $chrVal1; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrom, @read1, @read2, "orphan" ); } elsif (($chrVal2) && 1 == ( $chrVal1 cmp $chrVal2 ) ) { # cross chromosome match # put it in the anom file to be sorted # store everything by chrVal1 my $start = $strandPosn1; errorExit ("Invalid position:\n" . join(' ', @read1) . '\n' . join(' ', @read2)) unless ( $strandPosn1 =~ /^\d+$|^-\d+$/ ) && ( $strandPosn2 =~ /^\d+$|^-\d+$/ ); my $end = ( $strandVal1 eq "F" ) ? $strandPosn2 + $read2SeqLength : $strandPosn2; $end = "$chrVal2:$end"; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrVal1, @read1, @read2, "anom" ); } elsif (($chrVal2) && 1 == ( $chrVal2 cmp $chrVal1 ) ) { # cross chromosome match # put it in the anom file to be sorted # store everything by chrVal2 my $start = $strandPosn2; errorExit ("Invalid position:\n" . join(' ', @read1) . '\n' . join(' ', @read2)) unless ( $strandPosn1 =~ /^\d+$|^-\d+$/ ) && ( $strandPosn2 =~ /^\d+$|^-\d+$/ ); my $end = ( $strandVal2 eq "F" ) ? $strandPosn1 + $read1SeqLength : $strandPosn1; $end = "$chrVal1:$end"; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrVal2, @read2, @read1, "anom" ); } elsif ( ( $strandVal1 eq "F" ) && ( $strandVal2 eq "R" ) ) { # oversized pairs to go into anomaly file my $start = $strandPosn1; errorExit ("Invalid position:\n" . join(' ', @read1) . '\n' . join(' ', @read2)) unless ( $start =~ /^-?\d+$/ ); my $end = $strandPosn2 + $read2SeqLength; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrVal1, @read1, @read2, "anom" ); } elsif ( ( $strandVal1 eq "R" ) && ( $strandVal2 eq "F" ) ) { # oversized # to go into anomaly file my $start = $strandPosn2; errorExit ("Invalid position:\n" . join(' ', @read1) . '\n' . join(' ', @read2)) unless ( $start =~ /^-?\d+$/ ); my $end = $strandPosn1 + $read1SeqLength; outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrVal1, @read1, @read2, "anom" ); } elsif ( ($strandVal1 eq $strandVal2) && ('R' eq $strandVal1 || 'F' eq $strandVal1) ) { # Fwd-Fwd OR Rev-Rev anomalous match to go into anomaly file my ($start, $end) = ( $strandPosn1 < $strandPosn2 ) ? ($strandPosn1, $strandPosn2 + $read2SeqLength ) : ($strandPosn2, $strandPosn1 + $read1SeqLength ); outputPEread( %exportStorage, $start, $end, $chrVal1, @read1, @read2, "anom" ); } else { errorExit "ERROR: Unexpected read record content:\n" . join (" ", @read1) . "\n" . join(" ", @read2); } } if(not $filterVal1){ ++$usedReads; $usedBases += $read1SeqLength + $read2SeqLength; if ($read1Sras > $CONF_PROJ_REF->{QVCutoffSingle}) { ++$goodReads; $goodReadBases += $read1SeqLength; } if ($read2Sras > $CONF_PROJ_REF->{QVCutoffSingle}) { ++$goodReads; $goodReadBases += $read2SeqLength; } } } close(EXPT_1); close(EXPT_2); if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { for(values %$unmap) { close } } if($isCompressPair) { close($compFH) or errorExit("ERROR: failed to close process: $!\n"); } else { flushReadFiles(%OUTPUTFILES, 1); } my $date = strftime $timeStampFormat, localtime; print $IDXFH "$readsIdxHeader\n"; print $IDXFH "$totalReads" . "\t$totalBases" . "\t$usedReads" . "\t$usedBases" . "\t$goodReads" . "\t$goodReadBases" . "\t$failedTileFilt" . "\t$failedFilt" . "\t$failedQC" . "\t$unanchored" . "\t$nonUniquePairs" . "\t$goodPairs" . "\t$mixedPairs" . "\t$riboCount" . "\t0" #$mitoCount" . "\t0" #$splicedReads" . "\t" . ($CONF_PROJ_REF->{skipVariableMetadata} ? '' : dirname($exportFile1)) . "\t$exportSet" #$lane" . "\t$date" . "\t$instrumentName" . "\t$runID" . "\t$laneNumber" . "\t$barcodeSequence" . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $highSDFragmentLength : '') . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $lowSDFragmentLength : '') . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $maxFragmentLength : '') . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $medianFragmentLength : '') . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $minFragmentLength : '') . "\t" . (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $nominalOrientation : '') . "\t$read1SeqLength" . "\t$read2SeqLength" . "\n" unless $needRunConfigData; #don't print the line if we did not parse a single read close($IDXFH); } # # convert export MD to alignment # sub getAlignment($) { my ($read) = @_; my $cigar = matchDescToCigar( $read->[$exportDescriptorIndex] ); if($cigar !~ /^(\d+[MID])*$/) { errorExit("ERROR: unexected cigar string '$cigar', generated for read: ".join("\t",@$read)."\n"); } my @align; push @align, [$1,$2] while($cigar =~ /(\d+)([MID])/g); # eliminate any edge deletions: while(scalar(@align) and ($align[0][1] eq "D")) {shift @align;} while(scalar(@align) and ($align[-1][1] eq "D")) {pop @align;} @align = reverse(@align) if($read->[$exportStrandIndex] eq 'R'); return @align; } # # trim any part of alignment below position 1 and return new start # position # sub trimAlignment($;$) { my ($alignRef,$startPos) = @_; my @align2; my $pos = $startPos; my ($i,$readPos) = (0,0); for (@$alignRef){ my ($length,$type) = @$_; if(($type eq 'M') and ($pos+$length >= 1)) { my $left=$readPos+(1-$pos); push @align2, [$left,'S'] if($left); push @align2, [($length-$left),$type] if($length-$left); $startPos=1; last; } elsif(($type eq 'D') and (($pos+$length) >= 1)) { push @align2, [$readPos,'S'] if($readPos); $startPos=$pos+$length; last; } $pos+=$length if($type =~ /[MD]/); $readPos+=$length if($type =~ /[MI]/); $i++; } splice(@$alignRef,0,$i+1,@align2) if(@align2); return $startPos; } =pod =head1 outputSpliceJunctionReadGap($exportStorage, $read1, $inputFileLine) The procedure outputs SE splice junction-aligned read as a single genome-aligned read with an invalid MD string, '-', and a BAM cigar string in export field 23. In case of an off-junction read or exotic/non-colinear splice site, the function returns a nonzero error value without writing the read. =over 4 =item # Bases that are overhanging at either end of the splice site are marked as soft clipped in BAM cigar =item # If read does not cover the splice junction by at least one base, a warning is emitted and no read is output by this function. An error code is returned in this case. Rationale: this means a bug in pickBestAlignmentRNA and it should be fixed there. For archival bin/sort, it is expected that these error reads will be written as unmapped. =item # If an indel occurs adjacent to or across the splice junction no read is output and an error code is returned. Rationale: Allowing alternate splice sites would be a form a splice site discovery which would make the current splice and exon statistics inaccurate. =back Parameters: $exportStorage - output storage $read - Refernce to array containing components of a read line $inputLineNumber Line location in input file. Used for diagnostics output Returns: zero if the read covers junction point =cut sub outputSpliceJunctionReadGap(\%\@$\%$) { use constant { SUCCESS => 0, ERROR_NON_COLINEAR => 1, ERROR_OFF_JUNCTION => 2, ERROR_JUNCTION_INDEL => 3, }; my ( $exportStorage, $read, $inputLineNumber, $spliceJunctionCount, $isCountable) = @_; my %spliceJunctionFeature = (); my $contig = $read->[$exportContigIndex]; parseSpliceName( $contig, %spliceJunctionFeature ); # sleft = number of bases in the splice read to the left of the splice site # sright = number of bases in the splice read to the right of the splice site # eleft = 1-indexed location of the last base of the left exon # eright = 1-indexed location of the first base of the right exon # my ( $spliceLeftSize, $spliceRightSize, $chrom, $exonLeftEnd, $exonRightStart ) = ($spliceJunctionFeature{length1}, $spliceJunctionFeature{length2}, $spliceJunctionFeature{scaffold}, $spliceJunctionFeature{start}, $spliceJunctionFeature{end}); unless($exonLeftEnd < $exonRightStart) { logWarning "Skipping non-colinear splice site: $exportContigIndex"; return ERROR_NON_COLINEAR; } my @align = getAlignment($read); my $startPos = $read->[$exportPosnIndex]; my $endPos= $startPos-1; for(@align) { $endPos += $_->[0] if($_->[1] =~ /[MD]/) }; if(($startPos > $spliceLeftSize) or ($endPos < $spliceLeftSize)) { logWarning "Splice read does not cross splice junction: " . join ("\t", @$read); return ERROR_OFF_JUNCTION; } # soft clip segments of read hanging off either end of the splice read: # if($startPos<1){ $startPos = trimAlignment(\@align,$startPos); } my $spliceSize=($spliceLeftSize+$spliceRightSize); if($endPos>$spliceSize){ @align = reverse(@align); trimAlignment(\@align,(1+$spliceSize-$endPos)); @align = reverse(@align); # my $str; $str .= $_->[0] . $_->[1] for(@align); # print STDERR "END SPLICE: $spliceSize $endPos $str\n"; } # find genomic start coordinate and spliced CIGAR. # my ($startPosGenome, $splicedCigar); { my $splicePos = $startPos; my (@align2, $index2); for my $i (0..$#align){ my ($length,$type) = @{$align[$i]}; if(($type eq 'M') and ($splicePos <= $spliceLeftSize) and (($splicePos+$length) > $spliceLeftSize)) { my $left = 1+$spliceLeftSize-$splicePos; $index2=$i; push @align2, [ $left, $type ] if($left); push @align2, [ ($exonRightStart-$exonLeftEnd)-1 , 'N' ]; push @align2, [ ($length-$left), $type ] if($length-$left); $startPosGenome=1+$exonLeftEnd+($startPos-($splicePos+$left)); } if((($type eq 'D') and ($splicePos <= ($spliceLeftSize+1)) and (($splicePos+$length) >= $spliceLeftSize)) or (($type eq 'I') and ($splicePos == ($spliceLeftSize+1)))) { # This is not an error condition so much as an # expression of ELAND-RNA's restriction against splice # site discovery, so leave this warning out of # production version: # # logWarning "Splice read contains indel at junction point. " . join ("\t", @$read); return ERROR_JUNCTION_INDEL; } $splicePos += $length if($type =~ /[MD]/); } splice(@align,$index2,1,@align2); $splicedCigar .= $_->[0] . $_->[1] for(@align); } if((not $startPosGenome) or (not $splicedCigar)){ errorExit("ERROR: failed to splice read: ".join("\t",@$read)."\n"); } $read->[$exportChrIndex] = $chrom; $read->[$exportContigIndex] = ''; $read->[$exportDescriptorIndex] = '-'; $read->[$exportPosnIndex] = $startPosGenome; push @$read, "CIGAR:".$splicedCigar; outputSEread( %$exportStorage, $startPosGenome, $chrom, @$read, "single" ); $spliceJunctionCount->{$chrom}{$contig}++ if($isCountable); return SUCCESS; } =pod =head1 The procedure splits single-ended SE export files into chromosomes and bins =over 4 =item splitSEexport The procedure splits single-ended SE export files into chromosomes and bins Parameters: $projectDir - CASAVA project directory $buildFilePath - build file path $read1ExportFilename - read 1 export filename $exportSet - export set ID $CONF_PROJ_REF - HASH MAP REF with application specific configuration $CONF_APP_REF - HASH MAP REF with project specific configuration $runsConfigRef - HASH MAP REF with runs specific configuration Returns: genome sequence =back =cut sub splitSEexport($$$$$\%\%\%) { my ($projectDir, $buildFilePath, $read1ExportFilename, $read2ExportFilename, $exportSet, $CONF_APP_REF, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $runsConfigRef) = @_; my $totalReads = 0; my $totalBases = 0; my $usedReads = 0; my $usedBases = 0; my $goodReads = 0; my $goodReadBases = 0; my $originalReads = 0; my $includedReads = 0; my $failedTileFilt = 0; my $failedFilt = 0; my $mitoCount = 0; my $riboCount = 0; my $controlCount = 0; my $splicedReads = 0; my $failedQC = 0; my $singleExclude = 0; my $nonUniqueAlign = 0; my $nonMappedAlign = 0; my %OUTPUTFILES; my $NMNM_TAG = $CONF_APP_REF->{TAG_NMNM}; my $timeStampFormat = $CONF_APP_REF->{formatTimeStamp}; my $reads_indx_f = $CONF_APP_REF->{f_reads_indx}; my $resultsDir = File::Spec->catdir( $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirBuildExport}, 'sets', $exportSet ); my $isKeepAllReads = ((defined $CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortKeepAllReads}) and $CONF_PROJ_REF->{sortKeepAllReads}); my $isKeepFilteredReads = $isKeepAllReads; my $isKeepUnmappedReads = $isKeepAllReads; my $regExpMitochondria = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{regExpMitochondria}; my $readSampleRateInput = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{readSampleRateInput}; my $minSEScore = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{QVCutoffSingle}; my $NMNM_DIR = File::Spec->catdir( $resultsDir, $NMNM_TAG ); my %Fields = %exportFields; my $fieldSize = scalar( keys %Fields ); my $binSize = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{binSizeBuild}; # TODO: Make it possible to get the filtered tile #my %isFilteredTile = getFilteredTileHash($buildFilePath, $exportFileDir, $lane); my $IDXFH = getIDXFH( File::Spec->catfile( $resultsDir, $reads_indx_f ) ); my $confDir = $CONF_APP_REF->{dirConf}; my $dirsPath = File::Spec->catfile( $projectDir , $confDir , "project.dirs.tar" ); my $cmd = "tar -C $resultsDir/ -xf $dirsPath"; executeCmd( $cmd, 5 ); my $unmap; $unmap = getUnmapFH($CONF_APP_REF,$NMNM_DIR) if($isKeepUnmappedReads); # my $rmHandle = undef; # if ( 'RNA' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{applicationType} ) # { # $rmHandle = IO::File->new(">$resultsDir/RM/rm.txt") # || errorExit "ERROR: Couldn't create file handle for $resultsDir/RM/rm.txt $!\n"; # } my %exportStorage = (); $exportStorage{ref2Output} = \%OUTPUTFILES; $exportStorage{resultsDir} = $resultsDir; $exportStorage{binSize} = $binSize; my $needRunIdFix = 0; my $needRunConfigData = 1; my $instrumentName; my $runID; my $laneNumber; my $barcodeSequence; #my $machineName = $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{machine}; #my $exportRunId = $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{exportRunId}; #if ( $runsConfigRef->{run}{$runId}{fixId} ne 'none' ) { # $needRunIdFix = 1; #} # try to replicate splice junction counting logic for each lane # during spliced read splitting: # # this structure stores: {chrom}{splice_site_id}{count} # my ($read1SeqLength, $read2SeqLength) = ('',''); my %spliceJunctionCount = (); my $exportFile; foreach my $exportFile1 (grep {$_} ($read1ExportFilename, $read2ExportFilename)) { $exportFile = $exportFile1; printLog( "Looking at $exportFile1\n", 4 ); open( EXPT_1, "gunzip -fc $exportFile1 |" ) || errorExit "ERROR: Could not open export file $exportFile1 $!\n"; my $readSeqLength=''; while () { $originalReads++; next if($readSampleRateInput && $originalReads * $readSampleRateInput <= $includedReads); ++$includedReads; chomp; my $line = $_; my @read1 = split /\t/, $line; # read1 array if ( scalar(@read1) != $fieldSize ) { errorExit "ERROR: parsing $exportFile1 file at $originalReads (wrong number of fields " . scalar(@read1) . " != " . $fieldSize . ")\n"; } # retrieve the instrument name, run ID, lane, and barcode if($needRunConfigData) { $instrumentName = $read1[$exportMachineNameIndex]; $runID = $read1[$exportRunNumberIndex]; $laneNumber = $read1[$exportLaneIndex]; $barcodeSequence = $read1[$exportBarcodeIndex]; $needRunConfigData = 0; } $totalReads++; $readSeqLength = length($read1[$exportSequenceIndex]); $totalBases += $readSeqLength; # Ignore tiles specified as filtered out. # TODO: Make it possible to get the filtered tile #if (exists($isFilteredTile{$read1[$exportTileIndex]})) { # ++$failedTileFilt; # next; #} #if ( $needRunIdFix == 1 ) { # ## those reads need to be fixed (machine name and run id) # $read1[ $Fields{'MachineName'} ] = $machineName; # $read1[ $Fields{'RunNumber'} ] = $exportRunId; #} # make adjustment for SAM: if(($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] ne '') and ($read1[ $exportPosnIndex ] < 1 ) and (not isSpliceJunctionChrom( $read1[$exportChrIndex], %$CONF_PROJ_REF))) { unMatchRead(@read1); } my $filterVal1 = $read1[$exportFilterIndex] eq 'N'; my $chrVal1 = $read1[$exportChrIndex]; my $strandVal1 = $read1[$exportStrandIndex]; my $strandPosn1 = $read1[$exportPosnIndex]; if ( $filterVal1 ) { # ignore any reads which fail the filters $failedFilt++; next unless($isKeepFilteredReads); } # if my $unmapTag; if ( $chrVal1 eq "QC" ) { $failedQC++; $unmapTag="TAG_qcFail"; } elsif ( $chrVal1 =~ /\d+:\d+:\d+/ ) { # ignore any read which doesn't aligns uniquely $nonUniqueAlign++; $unmapTag="TAG_nonUnique"; } elsif ( $chrVal1 eq "NM" ) # grab the NM matches and put them to one side { # in case it are needed for de novo $nonMappedAlign++; $unmapTag="TAG_noMatch"; } elsif ( $chrVal1 eq "RM" ) { # grab the RM matches and put them to one side $riboCount++; $unmapTag="TAG_rm"; } elsif ( $chrVal1 eq "CONTROL" ) { $controlCount++; $unmapTag="TAG_control"; } if(defined $unmapTag) { if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { my $unmapFH = $unmap->{$unmapTag}; print $unmapFH join("\t", @read1),"\n"; } next; } if ( $chrVal1 =~ /$regExpMitochondria/) { # count mitochondria (there is no standard for Mitochondria name) $mitoCount++; } # if my $readSras = $read1[ $exportSingleScoreIndex ]; if ( !$readSras ) { # alignment score is zero: #$singleExclude++; } if ( !isSpliceJunctionChrom($chrVal1, %$CONF_PROJ_REF) ) { outputSEread( %exportStorage, $strandPosn1, $chrVal1, @read1, "single" ); } else { $splicedReads++; my $isSpliceFail = 1; if ( 'readBases' eq $CONF_PROJ_REF->{rnaCountMethod} ) { my $isCountable = ((not $filterVal1) and ($readSras >= $minSEScore)); $isSpliceFail = outputSpliceJunctionReadGap (%exportStorage, @read1, $totalReads,%spliceJunctionCount,$isCountable); } if($isSpliceFail) { if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { unMatchRead(@read1); my $unmapFH=$unmap->{TAG_noMatch}; print $unmapFH join("\t", @read1),"\n"; } next; } } if(not $filterVal1) { ++$usedReads; #count only the orignal read (not the generated parts) $usedBases += $readSeqLength; if ($readSras >= $CONF_PROJ_REF->{QVCutoffSingle}) { ++$goodReads; $goodReadBases += $readSeqLength; } } } close(EXPT_1); $read1SeqLength = $readSeqLength if ($exportFile1 eq $read1ExportFilename); $read2SeqLength = $readSeqLength if ($exportFile1 eq $read2ExportFilename); } if($isKeepUnmappedReads) { for(values %$unmap) { close } } flushReadFiles(%OUTPUTFILES, 1); my $date = strftime $timeStampFormat, localtime; print $IDXFH "$readsIdxHeader\n"; print $IDXFH "$totalReads" . "\t$totalBases" . "\t$usedReads" . "\t$usedBases" . "\t$goodReads" . "\t$goodReadBases" . "\t$failedTileFilt" . "\t$failedFilt" . "\t$failedQC" . "\t$singleExclude" . "\t$nonUniqueAlign" . "\t0" #$goodPairs . "\t0" #$mixedPairs . "\t$riboCount" . "\t$mitoCount" . "\t$splicedReads" . "\t" . ($CONF_PROJ_REF->{skipVariableMetadata} ? '' : dirname($exportFile)) . "\t$exportSet" #$lane" . "\t$date" . "\t$instrumentName" . "\t$runID" . "\t$laneNumber" . "\t$barcodeSequence" . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $highSDFragmentLength : '') . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $lowSDFragmentLength : '') . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $maxFragmentLength : '') . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $medianFragmentLength : '') . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $minFragmentLength : '') . "\t" #. (defined $medianFragmentLength ? $nominalOrientation : '') . "\t$read1SeqLength" . "\t$read2SeqLength" . "\n" unless $needRunConfigData; #don't print the line if we did not parse a single read close($IDXFH); return if ( 'RNA' ne $CONF_PROJ_REF->{applicationType} ); # if RNA mode, write out splice junction counts: # for my $chrom (keys %spliceJunctionCount) { my $chromDir = File::Spec->catdir($resultsDir, $chrom); errorExit "ERROR: can't find input lane chromosome directory: $chromDir\n" if(not -d $chromDir); my $countPath = File::Spec->catfile($chromDir, $tmpSpliceCountFileName); open(my $countFH,">$countPath") or errorExit "ERROR: can't write to file: $countPath\n"; my $cRef = $spliceJunctionCount{$chrom}; print $countFH $_ ."\t". $cRef->{$_} ."\n" for (keys %$cRef); close($countFH); } } =pod =head1 The procedure commits all changes after export files has been split =over 4 =item commitExportSplit The procedure commits all changes after export files has been split. At this point we can start marging bins in each lane. Parameters: $projectDir - CASAVA project directory $CONF_PROJ_REF - HASH MAP REF with application specific configuration $CONF_APP_REF - HASH MAP REF with project specific configuration $runsConfig - HASH MAP REF with runs specific configuration Returns: genome sequence =back =cut sub commitExportSplit($\%\%\%) { my ( $projectDir, $CONF_PROJ_REF, $CONF_APP_REF, $runsConfigRef ) = @_; my $exportSetsDir = File::Spec->catdir( $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirBuildExport}, 'sets'); # (1) merge all lane read index files into a single copy in 'stats' # my $reads_indx_f = $CONF_APP_REF->{f_reads_indx}; my $dscIndex = File::Spec->catfile( $projectDir, 'stats', $reads_indx_f ); executeCmd( "echo '$readsIdxHeader' > $dscIndex", 5 ); for my $i (1 .. scalar(@{$runsConfigRef->{exportFiles}})) { my $setDir = File::Spec->catdir( $exportSetsDir, $i ); errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the set directory $setDir $!\n" unless ( -d $setDir ); my $srcIndex = File::Spec->catfile( $setDir, $reads_indx_f ); executeCmdEx( "cat $srcIndex | grep -vE '^#' >> $dscIndex", 0, 5 ); } errorExit("ERROR: The provided samples had absolutely no data.") if executeCmdEx( "cat $dscIndex | grep -vE '^#' 1>&2", 0, 5 ); return if ( 'RNA' ne $CONF_PROJ_REF->{applicationType} ); # (2) for RNA mode, merge all splice junction counts for each # chrom into a single copy: # my $currentBuildDir = $CONF_PROJ_REF->{dirBuildParsed}; my %buildChromsBinSizes = (); readProjectParameters( %buildChromsBinSizes, "BUILD_BIN_SIZES", $projectDir); my @chroms = keys %buildChromsBinSizes; for my $chrom (@chroms) { next if (isSpliceJunctionChrom($chrom, %$CONF_PROJ_REF)); my %mergedCounts = (); for my $set (1 .. scalar(@{$runsConfigRef->{exportFiles}})) { my $exportSetDir = File::Spec->catdir($exportSetsDir, $set); errorExit "ERROR: Could not find the export set directory ($exportSetDir) $!\n" unless ( -d $exportSetDir ); my $inCountPath = File::Spec->catfile( $exportSetDir, $chrom, $tmpSpliceCountFileName ); next unless(-e $inCountPath); open(my $CFH,"<$inCountPath") or errorExit "ERROR: can't open file: $inCountPath\n"; while(<$CFH>) { chomp; my @s = split(/\t/); $mergedCounts{$s[0]} += $s[1]; } close($CFH); } my $outCountPath = File::Spec->catfile($currentBuildDir,$chrom,$tmpSpliceCountFileName); open(my $OFH,">$outCountPath") or errorExit "ERROR: can't write to file: $outCountPath\n"; print $OFH $_ . "\t" . $mergedCounts{$_} . "\n" for (keys %mergedCounts); close($OFH); } } 1; # says use was ok __END__