package Casava::TaskManager; # PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile:,v $ # AUTHOR: Lukasz Szajkowski # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # =pod =head1 NAME - Perl libary for TaskManager(Firestarter) =head1 SYNOPSIS # include what functions you need... use Casava::TaskManager qw(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The library provides set of procedures and variables required to run TaskManager. Exports: # Global variable =head1 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). Created by Lukasz Szajkowski =head1 SOURCE CODE The most current release of the Perl source code for this module is available through CVS at genie01 a.k.a. cvs co BullFrog =cut # # Place functions/variables you want to *export*, ie be visible # from the caller package into @EXPORT_OK # use strict; use warnings 'all'; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(configureWorkflow executeOrSchedule %taskFields checkPointInit addEverything2CheckPoint executeSingleTask executeArrayTask executeArrayTaskEx executeCheckPoint addTask2checkPoint tryAddTask2CheckPoint closeTasksFile); use POSIX qw(strftime); use IO::File; use Sys::Hostname; use Carp; use Casava::Common::Log; use Casava::Common::IOLib qw(bufferedPrint executeCmd testIfSupports getProcessorsCount); sub executeOrSchedule ($$$$$$$;$); sub configureWorkflow ($$); sub checkPointInit ($$); sub executeSingleTask ($$$;$); sub executeArrayTask ($$$\% ); sub executeArrayTaskEx ($$$$\% ); sub executeCheckPoint (\%); sub addTask2checkPoint ($\%); sub tryAddTask2CheckPoint ($\%); sub addEverything2CheckPoint (\%); my %taskManagerConf = (); my %numberOfTasks = (); $taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} = "tasks.txt"; $taskManagerConf{cmdExecuteDef} = 1; $taskManagerConf{NA} = 'N/A '; $taskManagerConf{defaultStatus} = 'waiting'; our %taskFields = ( queueId => 0, taskId => 1, taskType => 2, appTag => 3, status => 4, Reuse => 1, ReuseAddr => 1, waitFor => 5, cmd => 6, submitTime => 7, startTime => 8, host => 9, finishTime => 10, ); my $cmdFile = undef; my $NA = 'N/A'; =pod =head1 The procedure configures the workflow. =over 4 =item configureWorkflow($isTaskManager, $taskDescriptionFile) The procedure determines if the executeOrSchedule shuld execute the command or write the task definition to the workflow file. Parameters: $isWorkflow - is TaskManager on $taskDescriptionFile - path to athe file with task descriptions Returns: nothing =back =cut sub configureWorkflow ($$) { my ( $isTaskManager, $taskDescriptionFile ) = @_; if ( defined $isTaskManager && $isTaskManager == 1 ) { $taskManagerConf{cmdExecuteDef} = 0; $taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} = $taskDescriptionFile; } # if else { $taskManagerConf{cmdExecuteDef} = 1; } # else } =pod =head1 The procedure initialize checkPoint =over 4 =item checkPointInit($checkPointId, $checkPointName) The procedure initialize checkPoint. Parameters: $checkPointId - checkpoint id (use it to depend other check points or tasks) $checkPointName - Human-readable description of the checkpoint Returns: HASH MAP REF to new checkPoint or undef if the checkpoint already exists. =back =cut sub checkPointInit ($$) { my ( $checkPointId, $checkPointName ) = @_; if (!defined $numberOfTasks{$checkPointId}) { my %checkPoint = (); $checkPoint{checkPointId} = $checkPointId; $checkPoint{checkPointName} = $checkPointName; return \%checkPoint; } return undef; } =pod =head1 The procedure adds single task to the checkpoint if the task exists in the workflow =over 4 =item tryAddTask2CheckPoint($queueId, $checkPointRef) The procedure initialize checkPoint. Parameters: $queueId - task's queue id $checkPointRef - HASH MAP REF to checkPoint Returns: undef if the task does not exist =back =cut sub tryAddTask2CheckPoint ($\%) { my ( $queueId, $checkPointRef ) = @_; createOrOpenTaskFile ($queueId) if ( ! $cmdFile ); return undef if ( !$numberOfTasks{$queueId} ); my $task .= "${queueId}[" . ( $numberOfTasks{$queueId} - 1 ) . "],"; push @{ $checkPointRef->{tasks} }, $task; return 1; } =pod =head1 The procedure adds single task to the checkpoint =over 4 =item addTask2checkPoint($checkPointId, $checkPointRef) The procedure initialize checkPoint. Parameters: $queueId - task's queue id $checkPointRef - HASH MAP REF to checkPoint Returns: nothing =back =cut sub addTask2checkPoint ($\%) { my ( $queueId, $checkPointRef ) = @_; errorExit "Unable to add undefined queueId $queueId to checkpoint $checkPointRef->{checkPointId}" if ( !tryAddTask2CheckPoint($queueId, %$checkPointRef) ); } =pod =head2 closeTasksFile Flushes and closes cached workflow file handle =over 4 =item * Parameters: none =item * Returns: nothing =item * Exceptions none =back =cut sub closeTasksFile() { if ($cmdFile) { $cmdFile->flush(); # There might be some pending data. Flush file before reading it. $cmdFile->close(); undef $cmdFile; } } =pod =head1 The procedure adds every leaf (task or checkpoint) to the checkpoint =over 4 =item addEverything2CheckPoint($checkPointRef) The procedure initialize checkPoint. Parameters: $checkPointRef - HASH MAP REF to checkPoint that will receive the new dependencies Returns: nothing =back =cut sub addEverything2CheckPoint (\%) { my ( $checkPointRef ) = @_; # the file is going to be re-parsed. Close cached handle if we have one closeTasksFile(); open( FILE, "<$taskManagerConf{workflowFileName}" ) || errorExit "Couldn't open file handle for $taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} $!\n"; my %queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers = ();# collects the queue ends my @checkPointDependencies = ();# collects the dependencies of checkpoints while () { chomp; my @taskDesc = split '\t', $_; my $taskQueueId = $taskDesc[$taskFields{queueId}] ; if( !defined $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $taskQueueId } ) { $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $taskQueueId } = 0; } elsif (-1 != $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $taskQueueId }) { # unless we've already detected that this queue merges with another one... ++$queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $taskQueueId }; } my $waitForQueueId = $taskDesc[ $taskFields{waitFor} ]; if ( $waitForQueueId !~ /$NA/ ) { # signal the fact that the queue is merged with another queue # so it can't have a leaf $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $waitForQueueId } = -1; } my $taskType = $taskDesc[$taskFields{taskType}]; if ('synch' eq $taskType) { my $cmd = $taskDesc[ $taskFields{cmd} ]; my ($dependencies) = $cmd =~ /TASKS\s+\((\S+)\)/; push @checkPointDependencies, $dependencies; } } close FILE; foreach my $checkpointTaskDependency (@checkPointDependencies) { if (defined $checkpointTaskDependency) { foreach my $waitFor (split ',', $checkpointTaskDependency) { my ($waitForQueueId, $waitForTaskId) = $waitFor =~ /(\S+)\[(\S+)?\]/; if ($waitForTaskId == $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $waitForQueueId }) { # signal the fact that this queue is merged with checkpoint $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{ $waitForQueueId } = -1; } } } } # by now all queue ends that are not -1 are leafs. Add them as dependencies foreach my $taskQueueName (keys %queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers) { my $taskId = $queueEndLeafCandidateTaskNumbers{$taskQueueName}; if (-1 != $taskId) { my $task = "$taskQueueName\[" . $taskId . "\],"; push @{ $checkPointRef->{tasks} }, $task; } } } =pod =head1 The procedure executes or schedules the task. The task also gets added to checkPoint. =over 4 =item executeSingleTask( $command, $queueId, $queueName; $waitFor ) The procedure executes or schedules the task. Parameters: $command - command to be executed $queueId - queue Id where command should be scheduled $queueName - human-readable decription of task. tabs and new-lines are not allowed $waitFor - the command has to wait for $waitFor = CheckPointId or $waitFor = $queueId or N/A or undef Returns: nothing =back =cut sub executeSingleTask ($$$;$ ) { my ( $command, $queueId, $queueName, $waitFor ) = @_; $waitFor = $NA unless defined $waitFor; executeOrSchedule( $command, 0, $queueName, 0, 1, $queueId, $waitFor ); } =pod =head1 The procedure executes or schedules the task. The task also gets added to checkPoint. =over 4 =item executeArrayTaskEx( $command, $queueId, $queueName, $waitForCheckPoint, $checkPointRef ) The procedure executes or schedules the task. The task also gets added to checkPoint. Parameters: $command - command to be executed $queueId - queue Id where command should be scheduled $queuName - human-readable decription of task. tabs and new-lines are not allowed $waitForCheckPoint - the command has to wait for $waitForCheckPoint $checkPointRef - the command whould be added to $checkPointRef Returns: nothing =back =cut sub executeArrayTaskEx ($$$$\% ) { my ( $command, $queueId, $queueName, $waitForCheckPoint, $checkPointRef ) = @_; $waitForCheckPoint = $NA unless defined $waitForCheckPoint; if ( !$queueName || !defined $checkPointRef->{checkPointId} ) { errorExit "ERROR: executeArrayTask - task name or checkPointId not defined\n"; } # if executeOrSchedule( $command, 0, $queueName, 0, 1, $queueId, $waitForCheckPoint ); addTask2checkPoint( $queueId, %{$checkPointRef} ); } =pod =head1 The procedure executes or schedules the task. The task also gets added to checkPoint. =over 4 =item executeArrayTask( $command, $queueId, $waitForCheckPoint, $checkPointRef ) The procedure executes or schedules the task. The task also gets added to checkPoint. Parameters: $command - command to be executed $queueId - queue Id where command should be scheduled $waitForCheckPoint - the command has to wait for $waitForCheckPoint $checkPointRef - the command whould be added to $checkPointRef Returns: nothing =back =cut sub executeArrayTask ($$$\% ) { my ( $command, $queueId, $waitForCheckPoint, $checkPointRef ) = @_; if ( !defined $checkPointRef->{checkPointName} ) { errorExit "ERROR: executeArrayTask - checkPointName or checkPointId not defined\n"; } # if executeArrayTaskEx ( $command, $queueId, $checkPointRef->{checkPointName}, $waitForCheckPoint, %{$checkPointRef} ); } =pod =head1 The procedure executes or schedules the checkPoint. =over 4 =item executeCheckPoint($checkPointRef) The procedure executes or schedules the checkPoint. Parameters: $checkPointRef - HASH MAP REF to checkPoint Returns: nothing =back =cut sub executeCheckPoint (\%) { my ($checkPointRef) = @_; # use Data::Dumper; # print Dumper($checkPointRef); my $task = "TASKS ("; my $taskType = "printNumbers"; my @taskIds = defined $checkPointRef->{tasks} ? @{ $checkPointRef->{tasks} } : (); foreach my $taskId (@taskIds) { $task .= $taskId; } # foreach $task .= ")"; my $status = (@taskIds) ? undef : 'finished'; executeOrSchedule( $task, 0, $checkPointRef->{checkPointName}, 0, 2, $checkPointRef->{checkPointId}, "N/A", $status ); } # executeCheckPoint =pod =head1 The procedure executes the command or writes the command to workflow file. =over 4 =item executeOrSchedule($command, $verbose, $appTag, $cmdExecute, $verboseCmd, $queueId, $waitFor, [$status]) The procedure executes the command or writes the command to workflow file. Calling procedure has to manage the dependencies. Parameters: $command - command to be process $verbose - verbose level $appTag - application tag (e.g.: application tag id or stage id) $cmdExecute - if 1 then command will be executed $verboseCmd - ? $queueId - name of queue where the command should be scheduled $waitFor - the command has to wait for $waitFor SYNCH to finish $status - 'waiting' unless specified Returns: nothing =back =cut sub executeOrSchedule ($$$$$$$;$) { my ( $command, $verbose, $appTag, $cmdExecute, $verboseCmd, $queueId, $waitFor, $status ) = @_; if ( !defined $waitFor || $waitFor eq 'N/A' ) { $waitFor = $taskManagerConf{NA}; } # if $cmdExecute = $taskManagerConf{cmdExecuteDef}; $status = $taskManagerConf{defaultStatus} unless $status; if ( !$cmdFile && $verboseCmd > 0 ) { createOrOpenTaskFile ($queueId); } # if if ( !defined( $numberOfTasks{$queueId} ) ) { $numberOfTasks{$queueId} = 0; } # if if ( $verboseCmd == 1 && defined($appTag) ) { $appTag = sprintf( "\%-10s", $appTag ); print $cmdFile ( $queueId . "\t" . $numberOfTasks{$queueId} . "\t" . "task\t" . "$appTag\t" . "$status\t" . "$waitFor\t" . $command . "\n" ); $numberOfTasks{$queueId}++; } # if if ( $verboseCmd == 2 && defined($appTag) ) { $appTag = sprintf( "\%-10s", $appTag ); print $cmdFile ( $queueId . "\t" . $numberOfTasks{$queueId} . "\t" . "synch\t" . "$appTag\t" . "$status\t" . "$taskManagerConf{NA}\t" . $command . "\n" ); $numberOfTasks{$queueId}++; } # if if ( $cmdExecute > 0 && $verboseCmd != 2 ) { executeCmd( $command, $verbose ); } # if } # executeOrSchedule sub createOrOpenTaskFile { my $queueId = shift; %numberOfTasks = (); #my $header = "CASAVAWorkflow\t$numberOfTask\n"; my $opt = ">"; if ( -e $taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} ) { open( FILE, "<$taskManagerConf{workflowFileName}" ) || errorExit "Couldn't open file handle for $opt$taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} $!\n"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp($line); my @taskDesc = split '\t', $line; $numberOfTasks{ $taskDesc[0] }++; } # while close FILE; $opt = ">>"; } else { $numberOfTasks{$queueId} = 0; } # else $cmdFile = IO::File->new("$opt$taskManagerConf{workflowFileName}") or errorExit "$0:ERROR: Couldn't open $taskManagerConf{workflowFileName} $!\n"; } 1; # says use was ok __END__