package CasavaTest::CasavaTesting; BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&runCasava $casavaScript); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); } # PROJECT: Pipeline # MODULE: # AUTHOR: L. Szajkowski # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # Functions used to test to test Casava # =pod =head1 NAME - Functions used to test to test Casava =head2 SYNOPSIS use qw(); =head2 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2007 Solexa, 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Overview Messaging Functions =head2 Exports Global variables: =head2 Depends on warnings, strict, POSIX, XML::Simple, constant, Carp, GATest::TestingTools =cut use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX; use XML::Simple; use constant DEBUG => 0; # set to 1 to get debug info use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use File::Copy; use CasavaTest::TestingTools; sub runCasava($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$); our $casavaScript = "bin/"; =pod =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 General Functions =over 4 =cut =pod =item runCasava($GA_TEST_DATA_PATH, $testId, $testSetId, $type, $testRef, $testSetRef) The procedure runs script for given $testId, $testSetId B $testsConfRef - HASH MAP Ref to struture with pipeline_tests.xml $GA_TEST_DATA_PATH - Path to GA_TEST_DATA folder (from command line) $ENV_NAME_GA_DIR_PATH - Path to pipeline installation $testId - Id of test in pipeline_tests.xml $testSetId - Id of test set in pipeline_tests.xml $type - Type of test [IPAR_1.01 | GA] $testRef - HASH MAP Ref to test $testSetRef - HASH MAP Ref to test set B status, message =cut ## runGoat, runBustar and run runCasava should be integrated into one procedure sub runCasava($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$) { croak("ERROR: runCasava wrong number of parameters") unless ( @_ == 8 ); my ( $testsConfRef, $GA_TEST_DATA_PATH, $ENV_NAME_GA_DIR_PATH, $testId, $testSetId, $type, $testRef, $testSetRef ) = @_; my $testSetFolderPath = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV_NAME_GA_DIR_PATH, $tempSpace, $testSetId ); my $currentDirectory = Cwd->getcwd(); chdir $testSetFolderPath; my $geraldFolderRef = getGeraldFolder( $type, %$testRef, %$testSetRef ); if ( !defined $geraldFolderRef ) { die "ERROR: the test $testId is not suported for $testSetId\n"; } my $dirsRef = parseGeraldPath( $geraldFolderRef->{path} ); ## run CASAVA my $casavaConfigPath = ""; my $runFolder = $dirsRef->{runFolder}; my $bustardPath = File::Spec->catdir( $testSetFolderPath, $dirsRef->{BustardFull} ); my $topFolderPath = $bustardPath; print "Running CASAVA in $bustardPath\n"; chdir $topFolderPath; my @casavaConfigs = @{ $testSetRef->{CASAVA} }; if ( scalar(@casavaConfigs) == 1 ) { $casavaConfigPath = File::Spec->catdir( $testSetFolderPath, $runFolder, $casavaConfigs[0] ); } else { die "ERROR: test framework supports one and only one casava config\n"; } my $casavaScriptPath = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV_NAME_GA_DIR_PATH, $casavaScript ); my $addCmdOption = $testRef->{addCmdOption}; my $scriptCmd = sprintf( "%s %s $addCmdOption --EXPT_DIR %s --FORCE", $casavaScriptPath, $casavaConfigPath, $topFolderPath ); #print "Running $casavaCmd\n"; my ( $content, $error ) = getCmdOutput($scriptCmd); my $makeRunDir = ""; if ( $error =~ /OUT_DIR\s+(\S+)\n/ ) { $makeRunDir = $1; chomp($makeRunDir); }; my $contentMake = ""; my $errorMake = ""; if ( $testRef->{runMake} ne "N" ) { my $isRecursive = ( $testRef->{runMake} eq "R" ) ? 1 : 0; ( $contentMake, $errorMake ) = runMake( $makeRunDir, 2 * getProcessorsCount(), $isRecursive ) ; } my ( $status, $msg ) = checkResults( %$testsConfRef, $testId, $testSetId, $type, $makeRunDir, $scriptCmd, $content . $contentMake, $error . $errorMake ); if ( $status != 0 ) { my $timeTmp = strftime "%d_%m_%y-%H_%M_%S", localtime; my $webadd = ""; my $errorDir = "$testId-$testSetId-err-$timeTmp"; my $temp = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV_NAME_GA_DIR_PATH, $tempSpace, $errorDir ); my $errorLog = File::Spec->catdir( $topFolderPath, "$errorDir.txt" ); chdir File::Spec->catdir($currentDirectory); write2file( $errorLog, "\n\n -------- Messages --------\n\n" . $msg . "\n\n -------- Content --------\n\n" . $content . "\n\n -------- Content Make --------\n\n" . $contentMake . "\n\n -------- Errors --------\n\n" . $error . "\n\n -------- Errors Make --------\n\n" . $errorMake ); my $httpAddr = $testsConfRef->{conf}[0]->{WEB_DIR_ROOT}[0]->{address}; my $httpPath = $errorLog; $httpPath =~ s/data//; # print "$errorDir.txt
        print "$httpAddr$httpPath\n";

        $msg =
"test $testId failed for $testSetId see for details $errorLog\n";

    if ( $testRef->{tearDown} eq "Y" ) {
        if ( $makeRunDir ne "" ) {
            executeCmd( "rm -fr $makeRunDir", 1 );

    chdir File::Spec->catdir($currentDirectory);

    return $status, $msg;
}    # runCasava

1;   # says use was ok