/****************************************************************************** ** @source AJAX ALIGN (ajax alignment output) functions ** ** These functions align AJAX sequences and report them in a variety ** of formats. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Rice, LION Bioscience Ltd. ** @version 1.0 ** @modified Aug 21 2001 First version ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ajax.h" /* @datastatic AlignPData ***************************************************** ** ** Ajax Align Data object. ** ** Holds definition of feature alignment data. Stored in AjPAlign structure as ** an AjPList. ** ** @alias AlignSData ** @alias AlignOData ** ** @attr Start [ajint*] Start position for each sequence ** @attr End [ajint*] End position for each sequence ** @attr Len [ajint*] Original length for each sequence ** @attr Offset [ajint*] Offset for numbering start of each sequence ** @attr Offend [ajint*] Offset for numbering end of each sequence ** @attr SubOffset [ajint*] Offset of used subsequence within given sequence ** generally for cases where SeqExternal is set ** in the AjPAlign object that includes this ** AlignPData object. Used for fetching the ** actual sequence from the stored sequence, ** but ignored when calculating position. ** @attr Rev [AjBool*] Reverse each sequence (so far not used) ** @attr RealSeq [AjPSeq*] Sequences usually as copies of data from the ** application unless SeqExternal in the AjPAlign ** object is true ** @attr Seq [const AjPSeq*] Pointer to sequence in RealSeq ** unless SeqExternal in the AjPAlign ** object is true when pointer is to ** sequence elsewhere ** @attr LenAli [ajint] Length of the alignment ** @attr NumId [ajint] Number of identical positions, usually calculated ** @attr NumSim [ajint] Number of similar positions, usually calculated ** @attr NumGap [ajint] Number of gap positions, usually calculated ** @attr Score [AjPStr] Score to be reported - stored as a string for output ** set by functions using ajint or float input ** @attr Nseqs [ajint] Number of sequences, size of each array. This is ** duplicated in the AjPAlign object but is useful ** here for constructor and destructor efficiency. ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AlignSData { ajint* Start; ajint* End; ajint* Len; ajint* Offset; ajint* Offend; ajint* SubOffset; AjBool* Rev; AjPSeq* RealSeq; const AjPSeq* Seq; ajint LenAli; ajint NumId; ajint NumSim; ajint NumGap; AjPStr Score; ajint Nseqs; char Padding[4]; } AlignOData; #define AlignPData AlignOData* /* @datastatic AlignPFormat *************************************************** ** ** Ajax Align Formats ** ** List of alignment output formats available ** ** @alias AlignSFormat ** @alias AlignOFormat ** ** @attr Name [const char*] format name ** @attr Desc [const char*] Format description ** @attr Alias [AjBool] Name is an alias for an identical definition ** @attr Nucleotide [AjBool] ajTrue if format can use nucleotide sequences ** @attr Protein [AjBool] ajTrue if format can use protein sequences ** @attr Showheader [AjBool] ajTrue if header appears in output ** @attr Showseqs [AjBool] ajTrue if sequences appear in output ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Minseq [ajint] Minimum number of sequences, 2 for pairwise ** @attr Maxseq [ajint] Maximum number of sequences, 2 for pairwise ** @attr Write [(void*)] Function to write alignment ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AlignSFormat { const char *Name; const char *Desc; AjBool Alias; AjBool Nucleotide; AjBool Protein; AjBool Showheader; AjBool Showseqs; ajint Padding; ajint Minseq; ajint Maxseq; void (*Write) (AjPAlign thys); } AlignOFormat; #define AlignPFormat AlignOFormat* static ajint alignCigar(const AjPSeq qryseq, const AjPSeq refseq, ajint qstart, ajint qend, ajint rstart, AjPStr *mseq, AjPStr* cigar, AjBool seqExternal); static void alignConsStats(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, AjPStr *cons, ajint* retident, ajint* retsim, ajint* retgap, ajint* retlen); static AjBool alignConsSet(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint seqnum, AjPStr *cons); static AlignPData alignData(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); static void alignDataDel(AlignPData* pthys, AjBool external); static AlignPData alignDataNew(ajint nseqs, AjBool external); static void alignDataSetSequence(AlignPData thys, const AjPSeq seq, ajint i, AjBool external); static void alignDiff(AjPStr* pmark, const AjPStr seq, char idchar); static ajint alignLen(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); static const AjPSeq alignSeq(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iseq, ajint iali); static ajint alignSeqBegin(const AlignPData thys, ajint iseq); static ajint alignSeqEnd(const AlignPData thys, ajint iseq); static ajint alignSeqGapBegin(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq); static ajint alignSeqGapEnd(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq); static ajint alignSeqIncrement(const AlignPData thys, ajint iseq); static const AjPStr alignSeqName(const AjPAlign thys, const AjPSeq seq); static AjBool alignSeqRev(const AlignPData thys, ajint iseq); static const AjPSeq* alignSeqs(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); static void alignSame(AjPStr* pmark, const AjPStr seq, char idchar); static void alignSim(AjPStr* pmark, const char idch, const char simch, const char misch, const char gapch); static float alignTotweight(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); static void alignTraceData(const AjPAlign thys); /*static void alignWriteBam(AjPAlign thys);*/ static void alignWriteClustal(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteFasta(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMark(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint markx); static void alignWriteMarkX0(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMarkX1(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMarkX2(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMarkX3(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMarkX10(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMatch(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMega(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMeganon(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteMsf(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteNexus(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteNexusnon(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWritePhylip(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWritePhylipnon(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteSam(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteScore(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteSelex(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteSeqformat(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, const char* sqfmt); static void alignWriteSimple(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteSrs(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteSrsAny(AjPAlign thys, ajint imax, AjBool mark); static void alignWriteSrsPair(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteTCoffee(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteTrace(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteTreecon(AjPAlign thys); static void alignWriteHeaderNum(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali); /* @funclist alignFormat ****************************************************** ** ** Functions to write alignments ** ******************************************************************************/ static AlignOFormat alignFormat[] = { /* name description function */ /* Alias nucleic protein header min max zero */ /* standard sequence formats */ {"unknown", "Unknown format", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteSimple}, {"fasta", "Fasta format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteFasta}, {"a2m", "A2M (fasta) format sequence", /* same as fasta */ AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteFasta}, {"msf", "MSF format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteMsf}, {"clustal", "clustalw format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteClustal}, {"mega", "Mega format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteMega}, {"meganon", "Mega non-interleaved format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteMeganon}, {"nexus", "nexus/paup format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteNexus}, {"paup", "nexus/paup format sequence (alias)", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteNexus}, {"nexusnon", "nexus/paup non-interleaved format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteNexusnon}, {"paupnon", "nexus/paup non-interleaved format sequence (alias)", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteNexusnon}, {"phylip", "phylip format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWritePhylip}, {"phylipnon", "phylip non-interleaved format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWritePhylipnon}, {"selex", "SELEX format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteSelex}, {"treecon", "Treecon format sequence", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteTreecon}, /* trace for debug */ {"debug", "Debugging trace of full internal data content", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteTrace}, /* alignment formats */ {"markx0", "Pearson MARKX0 format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMarkX0}, {"markx1", "Pearson MARKX1 format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMarkX1}, {"markx2", "Pearson MARKX2 format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMarkX2}, {"markx3", "Pearson MARKX3 format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMarkX3}, {"markx10", "Pearson MARKX10 format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMarkX10}, {"match","Start and end of matches between sequence pairs", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteMatch}, {"multiple", "Simple multiple alignment", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteSimple}, {"pair", "Simple pairwise alignment", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteSimple}, {"simple", "Simple multiple alignment", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteSimple}, {"sam", "Sequence alignent/map (SAM) format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteSam}, /* {"bam", "Binary sequence alignent/map (BAM) format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteBam}, */ {"score", "Score values for pairs of sequences", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteScore}, {"srs", "Simple multiple sequence format for SRS", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteSrs}, {"srspair", "Simple pairwise sequence format for SRS", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, 0, 2, 2, alignWriteSrsPair}, {"tcoffee", "TCOFFEE program format", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, AJTRUE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, alignWriteTCoffee}, {NULL, NULL, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJTRUE, 0, 0, 0, NULL} }; static char alignDefformat[] = "simple"; /* pair only works if the alignment is defined as 2 sequences */ /* other formats to be defined: ** ** markx1 .. markx10 as for FASTA (code in matcher.c) ** blast to be implemented */ /* @funcstatic alignWriteTrace ************************************************ ** ** Writes an alignment in Trace format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteTrace(AjPAlign thys) { const AjPSeq seq = NULL; ajint nali; ajint iali; ajint iseq; ajint nseq; ajint identity = 0; ajint similarity = 0; ajint gaps = 0; ajint seqlen = 0; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Trace output\n"); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "============\n"); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "a: Type:'%S' Formatstr:'%S' Format:%d\n", thys->Type, thys->Formatstr, thys->Format); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "b: File:%F\n", thys->File); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Show: ShowAcc:%B ShowDes:%B ShowUsa:%B\n", thys->Showacc, thys->Showdes, thys->Showusa); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Booleans: Multi:%B Global:%B SeqOnly:%B SeqExternal:%B\n", thys->Multi, thys->Global, thys->SeqOnly, thys->SeqExternal); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Numbers: NMin:%d NMax:%d Nseqs:%d Count:%d Width:%d\n", thys->Nmin, thys->Nmax, thys->Nseqs, thys->Count, thys->Width); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Matrices: IMatrix:'%S'(%d) FMatrix:'%S'(%d)\n", ajMatrixGetName(thys->IMatrix), ajMatrixGetSize(thys->IMatrix), ajMatrixfGetName(thys->FMatrix), ajMatrixfGetSize(thys->FMatrix)); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Strings: Matrix:'%S' GapPen:'%S' ExtPen:'%S'\n", thys->Matrix, thys->GapPen, thys->ExtPen); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Header: '%S'\n", thys->Header); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "SubHeader: '%S'\n", thys->SubHeader); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Tail: '%S'\n", thys->Tail); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "SubTail: '%S'\n", thys->Tail); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Key: seqlen/len offset> start..end File, "\nalign%d: Nseqs:%d LenAli:%d " "NumId:%d NumSim:%d NumGap:%d Score:'%S'\n", iali, data->Nseqs, data->LenAli, data->NumId, data->NumSim, data->NumGap, data->Score); alignConsStats(thys, iali, &tmpstr, &identity, &similarity, &gaps, &seqlen); ajAlignSetStats(thys, iali, seqlen, identity, similarity, gaps, NULL); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "fixed%d: Nseqs:%d LenAli:%d " "NumId:%d NumSim:%d NumGap:%d Score:'%S'\n", iali, data->Nseqs, data->LenAli, data->NumId, data->NumSim, data->NumGap, data->Score); ajAlignSetSubStandard(thys, iali); outf = thys->File; /* turn off printing of the header, keep the calculation */ thys->File = NULL; alignWriteHeaderNum(thys,iali); thys->File = outf; nseq = thys->Nseqs; for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { seq = alignSeq(thys, iseq, iali); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Num%d.%d: %d/%d %d> %d..%d <%d (%d) Rev:%B %d..%d " "%d..%d\n", iali, iseq, (ajSeqGetLen(seq) - ajSeqCountGaps(seq)), data->Len[iseq], data->Offset[iseq], data->Start[iseq], data->End[iseq], data->Offend[iseq], data->SubOffset[iseq], data->Rev[iseq], alignSeqBegin(data, iseq), alignSeqEnd(data, iseq), alignSeqGapBegin(data, iseq), alignSeqGapEnd(data, iseq)); if (ajSeqGetLen(seq) <= 40) ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Seq%d.%d: %d '%S'\n", iali, iseq, ajSeqGetLen(seq), ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); else { ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), -20, -1); ajFmtPrintF(thys->File, "Seq%d.%d: %d '%20.20S...%20S'\n", iali, iseq, ajSeqGetLen(seq), ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), tmpstr); } } } ajStrDel(&tmpstr); AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteClustal ********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in ClustalW format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteClustal(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "clustal"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMega ************************************************* ** ** Writes an alignment in Mega format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMega(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "mega"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMeganon ********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Mega non-interleaved format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMeganon(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "meganon"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMsf ************************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in MSF format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMsf(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "msf"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteNexus ************************************************ ** ** Writes an alignment in Nexus/PAUP interleaved format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteNexus(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "nexus"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteNexusnon ********************************************* ** ** Writes an alignment in Nexus/PAUP non-interleaved format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteNexusnon(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "nexusnon"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWritePhylip *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Phylip interleaved format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWritePhylip(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "phylip"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWritePhylipnon ******************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Phylip non-interleaved format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWritePhylipnon(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "phylipnon"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteSelex *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in SELEX format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteSelex(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "selex"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteTreecon ********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Treecon format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteTreecon(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "treecon"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteFasta *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in MSF format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteFasta(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteSeqformat(thys, 0, "fasta"); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteSeqformat ******************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in a sequence format. ** Usually called for only one alignment, ignoring any ** sub-alignments as they would overwrite. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @param [r] sqfmt [const char*] Sequence output format ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteSeqformat(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, const char* sqfmt) { AlignPData data = NULL; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPSeqout seqout; ajint iseq; ajint istart; ajint iend; ajint ilen; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; seqout = ajSeqoutNewFile(thys->File); thys->SeqOnly = ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(&seqout->Formatstr, sqfmt); seqout->File = thys->File; ajSeqoutOpen(seqout); ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, 0, (void**) &data); ilen = data->LenAli; for(iseq=0; iseq < thys->Nseqs; iseq++) { seq = ajSeqNewSeq(alignSeq(thys, iseq, iali)); istart = data->SubOffset[iseq]; iend = istart + ilen - 1; ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), istart, iend); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, tmpstr); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seq); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); seqout->File = NULL; ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMarkX0 *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Fasta MarkX 0 format. ** ** This is the standard default output format for FASTA programs. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMarkX0(AjPAlign thys) { ajint iali; ajint nali; nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); for(iali=0; iali < nali; iali++) alignWriteMark(thys, iali, 0); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMarkX1 *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Fasta MarkX 1 format. ** ** This is an alternative output format for FASTA programs in which ** identities are not marked. ** Instead conservative replacements are denoted by 'x' ** and non-conservative substitutions by 'X'. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMarkX1(AjPAlign thys) { ajint iali; ajint nali; nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); for(iali=0; iali < nali; iali++) alignWriteMark(thys, iali, 1); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMarkX2 *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Fasta MarkX 2 format ** ** This is an alternative output format for FASTA programs in which ** the residues in the second sequence are only shown if they are ** different from the first. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMarkX2(AjPAlign thys) { ajint iali; ajint nali; nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); for(iali=0; iali < nali; iali++) alignWriteMark(thys, iali, 2); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMarkX3 *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Fasta MarkX 3 format ** ** This is an alternative output format for FASTA programs in which ** the aligned library sequences are displayed in FASTA format ** These can be used to build a primitive multiple alignment. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMarkX3(AjPAlign thys) { ajint iali; ajint nali; nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); for(iali=0; iali < nali; iali++) alignWriteMark(thys, iali, 3); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMarkX10 ********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Fasta MarkX 10 format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMarkX10(AjPAlign thys) { ajint iali; ajint nali; nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); for(iali=0; iali < nali; iali++) alignWriteMark(thys, iali, 10); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMark ************************************************* ** ** Writes a pairwise alignment in a Fasta MarkX format. ** ** For now, seems to work with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. ** FASTA 3.4 has 4, 5, 6 and 9 as possible options ** but most seem to make no difference on pairwise comparisons. ** ** 0: identities marked with ':' similarities with '.' ** ** 1: differences marked with 'X' ** ** 2: identities marked with '.', differences with seq2 character ** ** 3: fasta format sequences with no description ** ** 10: aligned regions with associated data ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @param [r] markx [ajint] Markup type (as defined in Bill Pearson's ** FASTA suite ** @return [void] ** @@ ** Note: Modified 30-nov-04 (pmr) to replace the original code which had nasty ** dependencies on global variable settings in the original - which we had ** failed to reproduce in all possible circumstances, with code derived from ** the existing and working EMBOSS alignment formats. ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMark(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint markx) { AjPFile outf; int nseq; const AjPStr seq = NULL; const AjPSeq seqp = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint iseq; ajint i; ajint j; ajint jj; ajint kk; ajint istart; ajint iend; ajint ilen; ajint jstart; ajint jend; ajint iwidth = 50; const char* cp; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr mrkstr = NULL; AjPStr mrkcons = NULL; AjPStr cons = NULL; ajint identity = 0; ajint similarity = 0; ajint gaps = 0; ajint seqlen = 0; ajint* ipos = NULL; ajint* incs = NULL; AjBool* num = NULL; ajint jpos; ajint icnt; ajint increment = 1; AjPStr tmphdr = NULL; AjPStr tmpnum = NULL; AjBool lastline = ajFalse; AjBool isnuc = ajFalse; static ajint icount = 0; float ident = 0.0; ajDebug("alignWriteMark iali:%d markx:%d\n", iali, markx); icount++; nseq = thys->Nseqs; outf = thys->File; if(thys->Width) iwidth = thys->Width; ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, iali, (void**) &data); AJCNEW0(ipos, nseq); AJCNEW0(incs, nseq); AJCNEW0(num, nseq); ajStrDel(&cons); ajStrDel(&tmphdr); ilen = data->LenAli; alignConsStats(thys, iali, &cons, &identity, &similarity, &gaps, &seqlen); ajAlignSetStats(thys, iali, seqlen, identity, similarity, gaps, NULL); ajAlignSetSubStandard(thys, iali); alignWriteHeaderNum(thys,iali); isnuc = ajSeqIsNuc(data->Seq[0]); ident = (float) data->NumId / (float) data->LenAli; /*ajDebug("# Consens: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ if(markx == 1) alignSim(&cons, ' ', ' ', 'X', ' '); else if(markx == 2) { seq = ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[0]); alignConsSet(thys, iali, 1, &cons); ajDebug("alignWriteMark(%d)\nseq0:%S\ncons:%S\nseq1:%S\n", markx, seq, cons, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[1])); alignDiff(&cons, seq, '.'); ajDebug("alignWriteMark(%d)\nseq0:%S\ncons:%S\nseq1:%S\n", markx, seq, cons, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[1])); } else alignSim(&cons, ':', '.', ' ', ' '); /*ajDebug("# Modcons: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ ajDebug("# nseq:%d\n", nseq); ajDebug("# AliData [%d] len %d \n", iali, ilen); for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { incs[iseq] = alignSeqIncrement(data, iseq); ipos[iseq] = alignSeqBegin(data, iseq)-incs[iseq]; /*ajDebug("# Seq[%d]'%S'\n", iseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[iseq]));*/ } /* for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { ajDebug("# Seq[%d] Len:%d Start:%d End:%d Rev:%B Off:%d\n", iseq, data->Len[iseq], data->Start[iseq], data->End[iseq], data->Rev[iseq], data->Offset[iseq]); } */ if(markx==10) { if (isnuc) ajFmtPrintF(outf,">>>%s, %d nt vs %s, %d nt\n", ajSeqGetNameC(data->Seq[0]), data->Len[0], ajSeqGetNameC(data->Seq[1]), data->Len[1]); else ajFmtPrintF(outf,">>>%s, %d aa vs %s, %d aa\n", ajSeqGetNameC(data->Seq[0]), data->Len[0], ajSeqGetNameC(data->Seq[1]), data->Len[1]); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; mp_name: EMBOSS\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; mp_ver: %S\n", ajNamValueVersion()); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; pg_name: %S\n", ajUtilGetProgram()); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; pg_ver: %S\n", ajNamValueVersion()); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; pg_matrix: %S\n", thys->Matrix); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; pg_gap-pen: -%S -%S\n", thys->GapPen, thys->ExtPen); ajFmtPrintF(outf,">>#%d\n", icount); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sw_score: %S\n", data->Score); ident = (float) data->NumId / (float) data->LenAli; ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sw_ident: %5.3f\n", ident); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sw_overlap: %d\n", data->LenAli); } if(markx <= 2) { for(i=0; i < ilen; i += iwidth) { for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { seqp = data->Seq[iseq]; seq = ajSeqGetSeqS(seqp); istart = i + data->SubOffset[iseq]; iend = (istart+iwidth-1); if (iend >= (data->SubOffset[iseq]+ilen-1)) { iend = data->SubOffset[iseq]+ilen-1; lastline = ajTrue; } increment = incs[iseq]; ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, seq, istart, iend); ajStrAssignSubS(&mrkcons, cons, istart - data->SubOffset[iseq], iend - data->SubOffset[iseq]); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, ".", "-"); icnt = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - (size_t) ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, '-') - (size_t) ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, ' '); /* number the top sequence */ if (!iseq) { jpos = ipos[iseq]; ajStrAssignClear(&tmpnum); jj=7; cp = ajStrGetPtr(tmpstr); while (*cp) { jj ++; if ((*cp != '-') && (*cp != ' ')) { jpos += increment; if (jpos%10 == 0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpnum,"%*d",jj,jpos); jj=0; num[iseq] = ajTrue; } } cp++; } if (lastline && !num[iseq]) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpnum,"%*d",jj,jpos); jj=0; } if(jj) ajStrAppendCountK(&tmpnum, ' ', jj); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", tmpnum); } if(!iseq) ajStrAssignS(&mrkstr, tmpstr); else alignSame(&mrkstr, tmpstr, ' '); if(markx==2 && nseq==2 && iseq==1) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6.6S %S\n", alignSeqName(thys, seqp), mrkcons); } else { if(nseq==2 && iseq==1) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6.6S %S\n", alignSeqName(thys, seqp), tmpstr); } else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6.6S\n", alignSeqName(thys, seqp)); /* number the bottom sequence */ if (iseq+1 == nseq) { jpos = ipos[iseq]; ajStrAssignClear(&tmpnum); jj=7; kk=7; cp = ajStrGetPtr(tmpstr); while(*cp) { jj++; if((*cp != '-') && (*cp != ' ')) { kk = jj; jpos += increment; if(jpos%10 == 0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpnum,"%*d",jj,jpos); jj=0; kk=0; num[iseq] = ajTrue; } } cp++; } if(lastline && !num[iseq]) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpnum,"%*d",kk,jpos); jj = jj - kk; } if(jj) ajStrAppendCountK(&tmpnum, ' ', jj); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", tmpnum); } if(increment > 0) ipos[iseq] += icnt; else ipos[iseq] -= icnt; } } if(nseq > 2) /* 3 or more seqs, markup under */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } } else { for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { seqp = data->Seq[iseq]; seq = ajSeqGetSeqS(seqp); istart = data->SubOffset[iseq]; iend = istart + ilen - 1; ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, seq, istart, iend); ajStrAssignSubS(&mrkcons, cons, istart - data->SubOffset[iseq], iend - data->SubOffset[iseq]); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, ".", "-"); icnt = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - (size_t) ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, '-') - (size_t) ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, ' '); if(!iseq) ajStrAssignS(&mrkstr, tmpstr); else alignSame(&mrkstr, tmpstr, ' '); if(markx==3) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, ">%S ..\n", alignSeqName(thys, seqp)); } else if(markx==10) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,">%S ..\n", alignSeqName(thys, seqp)); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sq_len: %d\n", data->Len[iseq]); if(ajSeqIsNuc(data->Seq[iseq])) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sq_type: D\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; sq_type: p\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; al_start: %d\n", data->Offset[iseq] + data->Start[iseq]); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; al_stop: %d\n", data->Offset[iseq] + data->Start[iseq] + icnt - 1); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"; al_display_start: %d\n", data->Offset[iseq] + data->Start[iseq]); } else { } for(j=0; j < ilen; j += iwidth) { jstart = j + data->SubOffset[iseq]; jend = AJMIN(data->SubOffset[iseq]+ilen-1, jstart+iwidth-1); ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, seq, jstart, jend); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", tmpstr); } } ipos[iseq] += icnt; } } ajStrDel(&cons); ajStrDel(&mrkcons); ajStrDel(&mrkstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmphdr); ajStrDel(&tmpnum); AJFREE(ipos); AJFREE(incs); AJFREE(num); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteMatch ************************************************ ** ** Writes an alignment in Match format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteMatch(AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf; const AjPSeq seq1; const AjPSeq seq2; ajint nali; ajint iali; ajint len0; char fwd0 = '+'; char fwd1 = '+'; ajint endgaps = 0; ajint begingaps = 0; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; outf = thys->File; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); ajAlignWriteHeader(thys); for(iali=0; ialiEnd[0] - data->Start[0] + 1; if (alignSeqRev(data, 0)) fwd0 = '-'; if (alignSeqRev(data, 1)) fwd1 = '-'; begingaps = alignSeqGapBegin(data,0) + alignSeqGapBegin(data,1); endgaps = alignSeqGapEnd(data,0) + alignSeqGapEnd(data,1); seq1 = alignSeq(thys, 0, iali); seq2 = alignSeq(thys, 1, iali); if(thys->Global) { len0 = len0 - endgaps - begingaps; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d %-15.15S %c %8d..%-8d %-15.15S %c %8d..%d\n", len0, alignSeqName(thys, seq1), fwd0, alignSeqBegin(data,0) + alignSeqGapBegin(data,1), alignSeqEnd(data,0) - endgaps - alignSeqGapBegin(data,0), alignSeqName(thys, seq2), fwd1, alignSeqBegin(data,1) + alignSeqGapBegin(data,0), alignSeqEnd(data,1) - endgaps - alignSeqGapBegin(data,1)); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d %-15.15S %c %8d..%-8d %-15.15S %c %8d..%d\n", len0, alignSeqName(thys, seq1), fwd0, alignSeqBegin(data,0), alignSeqEnd(data,0), alignSeqName(thys, seq2), fwd1, alignSeqBegin(data,1), alignSeqEnd(data,1)); } } AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteSimple *********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in Simple format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteSimple(AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf; int nseq; int nali; const AjPStr seq = NULL; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint iali; ajint iseq; ajint i; ajint istart; ajint iend; ajint ilen; ajint iwidth = 50; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr mrkstr = NULL; AjPStr mrkcons = NULL; AjPStr cons = NULL; ajint identity = 0; ajint similarity = 0; ajint gaps = 0; ajint seqlen = 0; ajint icnt; ajint* ipos = NULL; ajint* incs = NULL; AjPStr tmphdr = NULL; ajDebug("alignWriteSimple\n"); nseq = thys->Nseqs; outf = thys->File; if(thys->Width) iwidth = thys->Width; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); AJCNEW0(ipos, nseq); AJCNEW0(incs, nseq); for(iali=0; ialiLenAli; alignConsStats(thys, iali, &cons, &identity, &similarity, &gaps, &seqlen); ajAlignSetStats(thys, iali, seqlen, identity, similarity, gaps, NULL); ajAlignSetSubStandard(thys, iali); alignWriteHeaderNum(thys, iali); /*ajDebug("# Consens: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ alignSim(&cons, '|', ':', '.', ' '); /*ajDebug("# Modcons: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ ajDebug("# Nali:%d nseq:%d\n", nali, nseq); ajDebug("# AliData [%d] len %d \n", iali, ilen); for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { incs[iseq] = alignSeqIncrement(data, iseq); ipos[iseq] = alignSeqBegin(data, iseq)-incs[iseq]; /* ajDebug("# Seq[%d]'%S'\n", iseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[iseq]));*/ } /* for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { ajDebug("# Seq[%d] Len:%d Start:%d End:%d Rev:%B\n", iseq, data->Len[iseq], data->Start[iseq], data->End[iseq], data->Rev[iseq]); } */ for(i=0; i < ilen; i += iwidth) { for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { seq = ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[iseq]); istart = i + data->SubOffset[iseq]; iend = AJMIN(data->SubOffset[iseq]+ilen-1, istart+iwidth-1); ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, seq, istart, iend); ajStrAssignSubS(&mrkcons, cons, istart - data->SubOffset[iseq], iend - data->SubOffset[iseq]); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, ".", "-"); icnt = incs[iseq] * (ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - (size_t)ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, '-') - (size_t)ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, ' ')); if(!iseq) ajStrAssignS(&mrkstr, tmpstr); else alignSame(&mrkstr, tmpstr, ' '); if(nseq==2 && iseq==1) /* 2 seqs, markup between them */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-13.13S %6d %S %6d\n", alignSeqName(thys, data->Seq[iseq]), ipos[iseq]+incs[iseq], tmpstr, ipos[iseq]+icnt); } else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-13.13S\n", alignSeqName(thys, data->Seq[iseq])); ipos[iseq] += icnt; } if(nseq > 2) /* 3 or more seqs, markup under */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } } ajStrDel(&cons); ajStrDel(&mrkcons); ajStrDel(&mrkstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); AJFREE(ipos); AJFREE(incs); AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteScore ************************************************ ** ** Writes an alignment in Score-only format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteScore(AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf; ajint nali; ajint iali; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; const AjPSeq seq1; const AjPSeq seq2; outf = thys->File; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); for(iali=0; ialiSeq[0]; seq2 = data->Seq[1]; if(ajStrGetLen(data->Score)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S %S %d (%S)\n", alignSeqName(thys, seq1), alignSeqName(thys, seq2), data->LenAli, data->Score); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S %S %d\n", alignSeqName(thys, seq1), alignSeqName(thys, seq2), data->LenAli); } AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteSam ************************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in sequence alignment/map (SAM) format ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteSam(AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf; ajint nali; ajint iali; ajint iseq; ajuint j; ajuint qrystart; ajuint qryend; ajuint qualstart; ajuint qualend; ajint refstart; ajint nmismatches; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint refpos = 0; /* 1-based leftmost position on the reference sequence */ const AjPSeq refseq; const AjPSeq qryseq; AjPStr seqacc = NULL; ajuint flag = 0; /* bitwise flag, section 2.2.2 in SAM specification */ ajuint mapq = 255; /* mapping quality, 255 means not available */ AjPStr cigar = NULL; /* extended CIGAR string */ AjPStr mrnm = NULL; /* mate reference sequence name */ ajuint mpos = 0; /* leftmost mate position of the clipped sequence */ ajuint isize = 0; /* inferred insert size */ AjPStr argstr; AjPStr mseq = NULL; /* match region of the query sequence */ mseq = ajStrNew(); mrnm = ajStrNewC("*");/* TODO: mate sequences not yet supported */ outf = thys->File; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); if(!thys->Count++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "@HD\tVN:1.0\n"); /* Program record */ argstr = ajStrNewS(ajUtilGetCmdline()); ajStrExchangeKK(&argstr, '\n', ' '); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "@PG\tID:%S\tVN:%S\tCL:%S\n", ajUtilGetProgram(), ajNamValueVersion(), argstr); ajStrDel(&argstr); } for(iali=0; ialiSeq[thys->RefSeq]; refpos = alignSeqBegin(data, thys->RefSeq) + 1 - alignSeqIncrement(data, thys->RefSeq); for(iseq=0; iseq < data->Nseqs; iseq++) { if (iseq==thys->RefSeq) continue; qryseq = data->Seq[iseq]; if(ajSeqIsReversed(qryseq)) flag |= 0x0010; if(thys->Global ||thys->SeqExternal) { qrystart = alignSeqBegin(data,iseq) - alignSeqIncrement(data,iseq); qryend = alignSeqEnd(data,iseq); refstart = refpos-1; } else { qrystart = 0; qryend = data->LenAli; refstart = 0; } qualstart = qrystart; qualend = AJMIN(qryend, qryseq->Qualsize); if(qryseq->Accuracy) { ajStrAssignClear(&seqacc); /* ASCII-33 gives the Phred base quality */ for(j=qualstart;j< qualend;j++) ajStrAppendK(&seqacc, (char) (33 + qryseq->Accuracy[j])); } else ajStrAssignC(&seqacc,"*"); ajStrAssignClear(&mseq); ajStrAssignClear(&cigar); /* get CIGAR, match region of the query sequence and #mismatches */ nmismatches = alignCigar(qryseq, refseq, qrystart, qryend, refstart, &mseq, &cigar, thys->SeqExternal); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\t%u\t%S\t%d\t%d\t%S\t%S\t%u\t%u\t%S\t%S\t" "AS:i:%S\tNM:i:%d\n", alignSeqName(thys, qryseq), flag, alignSeqName(thys, refseq), refpos, mapq, cigar, mrnm, mpos, isize, mseq, seqacc, data->Score, nmismatches); } } AJFREE(pdata); ajStrDel(&cigar); ajStrDel(&mrnm); ajStrDel(&seqacc); ajStrDel(&mseq); return; } /* #funcstatic alignWriteBam *************************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment in binary sequence alignment/map (BAM) format ** ** #param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** #return [void] ** ## ******************************************************************************/ /* static void alignWriteBam(AjPAlign thys) { ajint nali; ajint iali; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); for(iali=0; ialiFile; nseq = thys->Nseqs; if(nseq < 1) { ajAlignWriteHeader(thys); return; } if(thys->Width) iwidth = thys->Width; /* ** pair: if true, change consensus into |:. markup ** and put markup line between sequences */ if(imax == 2 && nseq == 2 && mark) pair = ajTrue; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); AJCNEW0(ipos, nseq); AJCNEW0(incs, nseq); for(iali=0; ialiLenAli; ajStrDel(&cons); ajStrDel(&tmphdr); alignConsStats(thys, iali, &cons, &identity, &similarity, &gaps, &seqlen); ajAlignSetStats(thys, iali, seqlen, identity, similarity, gaps, NULL); ajAlignSetSubStandard(thys, iali); alignWriteHeaderNum(thys, iali); /*ajDebug("# Consens: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ if(pair) alignSim(&cons, '|', ':', '.', ' '); /*ajDebug("# Modcons: '%S'\n\n", cons);*/ ajDebug("# Nali:%d nseq:%d\n", nali, nseq); ajDebug("# AliData [%d] len %d \n", iali, ilen); for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { incs[iseq] = alignSeqIncrement(data, iseq); ipos[iseq] = alignSeqBegin(data, iseq)-incs[iseq]; /*ajDebug("# Seq[%d] Off:%d Sta:%d End:%d '%S'\n", iseq, data->Offset[iseq], data->Start[iseq], data->End[iseq], ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[iseq]));*/ } /* for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) ajDebug("# Seq[%d] Start:%d End:%d Rev:%B\n", iseq, data->Start[iseq], data->End[iseq], data->Rev[iseq]); */ for(i=0; i < ilen; i += iwidth) { for(iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { seq = ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[iseq]); istart = i + data->SubOffset[iseq]; iend = AJMIN(data->SubOffset[iseq]+ilen-1, istart+iwidth-1); ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, seq, istart, iend); ajStrAssignSubS(&mrkcons, cons, istart - data->SubOffset[iseq], iend - data->SubOffset[iseq]); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, ".", "-"); icnt = incs[iseq] * (ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - (size_t)ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, '-') - (size_t)ajStrCalcCountK(tmpstr, ' ')); if(!iseq) ajStrAssignS(&mrkstr, tmpstr); else alignSame(&mrkstr, tmpstr, ' '); if(pair && iseq==1) /* 2 seqs, markup between them */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { if(icnt) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-13.13S %6d %S %6d\n", alignSeqName(thys, data->Seq[iseq]), ipos[iseq]+incs[iseq], tmpstr, ipos[iseq]+icnt); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-13.13S %6d %S %6d\n", alignSeqName(thys, data->Seq[iseq]), ipos[iseq], tmpstr, ipos[iseq]); } else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-13.13S\n", alignSeqName(thys, data->Seq[iseq])); ipos[iseq] += icnt; } if(mark && !pair) /* 3 or more seqs, markup under */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n", mrkcons); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } } ajStrDel(&mrkcons); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&mrkstr); ajStrDel(&cons); AJFREE(ipos); AJFREE(incs); AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteTCoffee ********************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment as a T-COFFEE library ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteTCoffee (AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf = thys->File; int nseq; int nali; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint iali; ajint iseq; ajint i; ajint s1,s2; ajint n1,n2; ajint ilen; AjPStr sseq= NULL; const AjPStr sseq1= NULL; const AjPStr sseq2= NULL; ajint pidentity=0; ajDebug("alignWriteTCoffee\n"); nseq = thys->Nseqs; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); thys->SeqOnly = ajTrue; /* suppress output of tail */ /* print header */ ajFmtPrintF (outf, "%d\n", nseq); /* number of sequences */ for (iseq=0; iseq < nseq; iseq++) { ajStrAssignS(&sseq,ajSeqGetSeqS(pdata[0]->Seq[iseq])); ajStrRemoveWhite(&sseq); ajStrExchangeCC(&sseq, "-",""); /* */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S %d %S\n", alignSeqName(thys, pdata[0]->Seq[iseq]), ajStrGetLen(sseq), sseq); ajStrDel(&sseq); } for (iali = 0; ialiLenAli; pidentity = (int)(0.5 + 100.0 * (float) data->NumId / (float) data->LenAli); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "! score=%S\n",data->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "! matrix=%S\n",thys->Matrix); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "! gapopen=%S gapext=%S\n", thys->GapPen,thys->ExtPen); /* go through all pairwise alignments */ for (s1=0; s1Seq[s1]); for (s2=s1+1; s2Seq[s2]); for (i=0; i='A' && ajStrGetCharPos(sseq2,i)>='A') { /* output aligned pair, sequence weight, residue weight, match weight (format as guessed from the T-coffee docs) */ ajFmtPrintF (outf, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", n1, n2, pidentity, 1, 0); } if (ajStrGetCharPos(sseq1,i)>='A') n1++; if (ajStrGetCharPos(sseq2,i)>='A') n2++; } } } } /* write footer */ ajFmtPrintF (outf, "! SEQ_1_TO_N\n"); AJFREE (pdata); return; } /* @func ajAlignDefine ******************************************************** ** ** Defines a sequence set as an alignment. The sequences are stored internally ** and may be edited by alignment processing. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [u] seqset [AjPSeqset] Sequence set object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignDefine(AjPAlign thys, AjPSeqset seqset) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajint i; const AjPSeq seq = NULL; if(!thys->Nseqs) thys->Nseqs = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); data = alignDataNew(thys->Nseqs, thys->SeqExternal); for(i=0; i < thys->Nseqs; i++) { seq = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seqset, i); alignDataSetSequence(data, seq, i, thys->SeqExternal); } data->LenAli = ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset); ajListPushAppend(thys->Data, data); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignDefineSS ****************************************************** ** ** Defines a sequence pair as an alignment. Either new copies of the ** sequences or direct references to them are made depending on the value ** of the SeqExternal attribute of the alignment object. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] seqa [const AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @param [r] seqb [const AjPSeq] Second sequence object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignDefineSS(AjPAlign thys, const AjPSeq seqa, const AjPSeq seqb) { AlignPData data = NULL; if (!thys->Nseqs) thys->Nseqs = 2; if(thys->Nseqs != 2) { ajErr("ajAlignDefineSS called with %d sequences in alignment", thys->Nseqs); } data = alignDataNew(2, thys->SeqExternal); ajDebug("ajAlignDefineSS '%S' '%S'\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seqa), ajSeqGetNameS(seqb)); alignDataSetSequence(data, seqa, 0, thys->SeqExternal); if(!thys->SeqExternal && !ajSeqIsTrimmed(data->RealSeq[0])) { ajSeqTrim(data->RealSeq[0]); } alignDataSetSequence(data, seqb, 1, thys->SeqExternal); if(!thys->SeqExternal && !ajSeqIsTrimmed(data->RealSeq[1])) { ajSeqTrim(data->RealSeq[1]); } data->LenAli = AJMIN(ajSeqGetLen(seqa), ajSeqGetLen(seqb)); ajListPushAppend(thys->Data, data); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignDefineCC ****************************************************** ** ** Defines a pair of char* strings as an alignment ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] seqa [const char*] First sequence ** @param [r] seqb [const char*] Second sequence ** @param [r] namea [const char*] Name of first sequence ** @param [r] nameb [const char*] Name of second sequence ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignDefineCC(AjPAlign thys, const char* seqa, const char* seqb, const char* namea, const char* nameb) { AlignPData data = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; if(!thys->Nseqs) thys->Nseqs = 2; data = alignDataNew(2, AJFALSE); ajStrAssignC(&tmpstr, seqa); data->Start[0] = 1; data->End[0] = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); data->Len[0] = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - ajSeqstrCountGaps(tmpstr); data->Offset[0] = 0; data->Offend[0] = 0; data->SubOffset[0] = 0; data->Rev[0] = ajFalse; /* no external option - we do need to create the AjPSeqs */ data->RealSeq[0] = ajSeqNewNameC(seqa, namea); ajSeqGapStandard(data->RealSeq[0], '-'); data->Seq[0] = data->RealSeq[0]; ajStrAssignC(&tmpstr, seqb); data->Start[1] = 1; data->End[1] = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr); data->Len[1] = ajStrGetLen(tmpstr) - ajSeqstrCountGaps(tmpstr); data->Offset[1] = 0; data->Offend[1] = 0; data->SubOffset[1] = 0; data->Rev[1] = ajFalse; data->RealSeq[1] = ajSeqNewNameC(seqb, nameb); ajSeqGapStandard(data->RealSeq[1], '-'); data->Seq[1] = data->RealSeq[1]; data->LenAli = AJMIN(strlen(seqa), strlen(seqb)); ajDebug("ajAlignDefineCC %s %d %s %d\n", namea, ajSeqGetLen(data->Seq[0]), nameb, ajSeqGetLen(data->Seq[1])); ajListPushAppend(thys->Data, data); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignDel *********************************************************** ** ** Destructor for Alignment objects ** ** @param [d] pthys [AjPAlign*] Alignment object reference ** @return [void] ** @category delete [AjPAlign] Default destructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignDel(AjPAlign* pthys) { AlignPData data = NULL; AjPAlign thys; thys = *pthys; if(!thys) return; ajDebug("ajAlignDel %d seqs\n", thys->Nseqs); ajStrDel(&thys->Formatstr); ajStrDel(&thys->Type); ajStrDel(&thys->Header); ajStrDel(&thys->SubHeader); ajStrDel(&thys->Tail); ajStrDel(&thys->SubTail); ajStrDel(&thys->Matrix); ajStrDel(&thys->GapPen); ajStrDel(&thys->ExtPen); ajMatrixDel(&thys->IMatrix); ajMatrixfDel(&thys->FMatrix); while(ajListPop(thys->Data, (void**) &data)) alignDataDel(&data, thys->SeqExternal); ajListFree(&thys->Data); AJFREE(*pthys); return; } /* @func ajAlignReset ********************************************************* ** ** Reset for Alignment objects ** ** @param [w] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object reference ** @return [void] ** @category modify [AjPAlign] Resets ready for reuse. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignReset(AjPAlign thys) { AlignPData data = NULL; while(ajListPop(thys->Data, (void**) &data)) alignDataDel(&data, thys->SeqExternal); ajListFree(&thys->Data); thys->Data = ajListNew(); thys->Nseqs = 0; return; } /* @func ajAlignOpen ********************************************************** ** ** Opens a new align file ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] File name ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignOpen(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr name) { if(!ajAlignValid(thys)) return ajFalse; thys->File = ajFileNewOutNameS(name); if(thys->File) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajAlignFormatDefault ************************************************* ** ** Sets the default format for an alignment ** ** @param [w] pformat [AjPStr*] Default format returned ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if format was returned ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignFormatDefault(AjPStr* pformat) { if(ajStrGetLen(*pformat)) ajDebug("... output format '%S'\n", *pformat); else { /* ajStrAssignEmptyC(pformat, alignFormat[0].Name);*/ ajStrAssignEmptyC(pformat, "gff"); /* use the real name */ ajDebug("... output format not set, default to '%S'\n", *pformat); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignGetLen ******************************************************** ** ** Returns the filename for an alignment. If the alignment has more than one ** sub-alignment, returns the total. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object. ** @return [ajint] Alignment length. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint ajAlignGetLen(const AjPAlign thys) { ajint ret = 0; ajint i; ajint nali; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; if(!thys) return 0; if(!thys->Data) return 0; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); for(i=0; iLenAli; } AJFREE(pdata); return ret; } /* @func ajAlignGetFilename *************************************************** ** ** Returns the filename for an alignment. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object. ** @return [const char*] Filename. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char * ajAlignGetFilename(const AjPAlign thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; if(!thys->File) return NULL; return ajFileGetPrintnameC(thys->File); } /* @func ajAlignGetFormat **************************************************** ** ** Returns the sequence format for an alignment. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object. ** @return [const AjPStr] Alignment format ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const AjPStr ajAlignGetFormat(const AjPAlign thys) { if(!thys) return NULL; return thys->Formatstr; } /* @func ajAlignFormatShowsSequences **************************************** ** ** Returns whether current alignment format includes sequences in output ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [AjBool] true if sequences appear in output ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignFormatShowsSequences(const AjPAlign thys) { if(!thys) return AJTRUE; return alignFormat[thys->Format].Showseqs; } /* @func ajAlignFindFormat **************************************************** ** ** Looks for the specified align format in the internal definitions and ** returns the index. ** ** @param [r] format [const AjPStr] Format required. ** @param [w] iformat [ajint*] Index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignFindFormat(const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat) { AjPStr tmpformat = NULL; ajint i = 0; ajDebug("ajAlignFindFormat '%S'\n", format); if(!ajStrGetLen(format)) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignS(&tmpformat, format); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpformat); while(alignFormat[i].Name) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(tmpformat, alignFormat[i].Name)) { *iformat = i; ajStrDel(&tmpformat); ajDebug("... found at %d\n", i); return ajTrue; } i++; } ajDebug("... not found\n"); ajStrDel(&tmpformat); return ajFalse; } /* @func ajAlignValid ********************************************************* ** ** Test for an alignment object. ** ** Checks the format works with the number of sequences. ** Checks the format works with the type (protein or nucleotide). ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignValid(AjPAlign thys) { ajDebug("ajAlignValid format '%S' %d Nmin %d Nmax %d\n", thys->Formatstr, thys->Format, thys->Nmin, thys->Nmax); if(!thys->Format) /* test acdc-alignbadformat */ { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Formatstr)) { if(!ajAlignFindFormat(thys->Formatstr, &thys->Format)) { ajErr("Unknown alignment format '%S'", thys->Formatstr); return ajFalse; } } else { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Formatstr,alignDefformat); ajAlignFindFormat(thys->Formatstr, &thys->Format); } } if( alignFormat[thys->Format].Minseq && thys->Nmin < alignFormat[thys->Format].Minseq) { ajErr("Alignment format %s specifies at least %d sequences, " "alignment has only %d", alignFormat[thys->Format].Name, alignFormat[thys->Format].Minseq, thys->Nmin); return ajFalse; } if( alignFormat[thys->Format].Maxseq && thys->Nmax > alignFormat[thys->Format].Maxseq) { ajErr("Alignment format %s specifies at most %d sequences, " "alignment has %d", alignFormat[thys->Format].Name, alignFormat[thys->Format].Maxseq, thys->Nmax); return ajFalse; } if(thys->Width < 10) { ajWarn("Alignment width (-awidth=%d) too narrow, reset to 10", thys->Width); thys->Width=10; } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignNew *********************************************************** ** ** Constructor for an alignment object ** ** @return [AjPAlign] New Alignment object ** @category new [AjPAlign] Default constructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPAlign ajAlignNew(void) { AjPAlign pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); pthis->Count = 0; pthis->Formatstr = ajStrNew(); pthis->Format = 0; pthis->File = NULL; pthis->Data = ajListNew(); pthis->RefSeq = 0; return pthis; } /* @func ajAlignWrite ********************************************************* ** ** Writes an alignment file ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @category output [AjPAlign] Master alignment output routine ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignWrite(AjPAlign thys) { ajDebug("ajAlignWrite\n"); ajAlignTraceT(thys, "ajAlignWrite start"); if(!thys->Format) if(!ajAlignFindFormat(thys->Formatstr, &thys->Format)) ajErr("unknown align format '%S'", thys->Formatstr); ajDebug("ajAlignWrite %d '%s'\n", thys->Format, alignFormat[thys->Format].Name); ajAlignSetType(thys); /* Calling funclist alignFormat() */ alignFormat[thys->Format].Write(thys); return; } /* @func ajAlignClose ********************************************************* ** ** Closes an alignment ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignClose(AjPAlign thys) { ajDebug("ajAlignClose '%F'\n", thys->File); if(!thys->SeqOnly) ajAlignWriteTail(thys); ajFileClose(&thys->File); return; } /* @func ajAlignWriteHeader *************************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment header. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object. Internal count is updated ** to avoid duplicate headers ** @return [void] ** @category output [AjPAlign] Master header output routine ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignWriteHeader(AjPAlign thys) { alignWriteHeaderNum(thys, 0); return; } /* @funcstatic alignWriteHeaderNum ******************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment header. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object. Internal count is updated ** to avoid duplicate headers ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [void] ** @category output [AjPAlign] Master header output routine ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void alignWriteHeaderNum(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { AjPFile outf; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjBool doSingle; ajint i; const AjPSeq seq; if(!alignFormat[thys->Format].Showheader) return; outf = thys->File; doSingle = ajFalse; /* turned off for now - always multi format */ if(!thys->Count) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "########################################\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Program: %S\n", ajUtilGetProgram()); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Rundate: %D\n", ajTimeRefTodayFmt("report")); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Commandline: %S\n", ajUtilGetProgram()); ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, ajUtilGetCmdline()); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); } ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, ajUtilGetInputs()); if(ajStrGetLen(tmpstr)) { ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Align_format: %S\n", thys->Formatstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Report_file: %F\n", outf); if(!doSingle || thys->Multi) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "########################################\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); } if(!doSingle || thys->Multi) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n#=======================================\n#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Aligned_sequences: %d\n", thys->Nseqs); for(i=0; i < thys->Nseqs; i++) { ajStrAssignClear(&tmpstr); seq = alignSeq(thys,i, iali); if(thys->Showacc) ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr, " (%S)", ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(thys->Showdes) ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr, " %S", ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %d: %S%S\n", i+1, alignSeqName(thys, seq), tmpstr); } if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Matrix)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Matrix: %S\n", thys->Matrix); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->GapPen)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Gap_penalty: %S\n", thys->GapPen); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->ExtPen)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Extend_penalty: %S\n", thys->ExtPen); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Header)) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, thys->Header); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); } if(ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader)) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, thys->SubHeader); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajStrDel(&thys->SubHeader); } if(!doSingle || thys->Multi) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#=======================================\n\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "########################################\n\n"); ++thys->Count; ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignWriteTail ***************************************************** ** ** Writes an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @category output [AjPAlign] Master footer output routine ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignWriteTail(AjPAlign thys) { AjPFile outf; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjBool doSingle; if(!alignFormat[thys->Format].Showheader) return; outf = thys->File; doSingle = ajFalse; /* turned off for now - always multi format */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); if(!doSingle || thys->Multi) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#---------------------------------------\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n########################################\n"); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->SubTail)) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, thys->SubTail); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajStrDel(&thys->SubTail); } if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Tail)) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, thys->Tail); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\n", "\1# "); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmpstr, "\1", "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# %S\n", tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#\n"); } if(!doSingle || thys->Multi) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#---------------------------------------\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "########################################\n"); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetHeader ***************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment header ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] header [const AjPStr] Align header with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetHeader(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr header) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->Header, header); ajDebug("ajAlignSetHeader len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Header), header); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetHeaderC **************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment header ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] header [const char*] Align header with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetHeaderC(AjPAlign thys, const char* header) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Header, header); ajDebug("ajAlignSetHeaderC len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Header), header); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetHeaderApp ************************************************** ** ** Appends to an alignment header ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] header [const AjPStr] Align header with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetHeaderApp(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr header) { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Header) && ajStrGetCharLast(thys->Header) != '\n') ajStrAppendC(&thys->Header, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->Header, header); ajDebug("ajAlignSetHeaderApp len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Header), header); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetTail ******************************************************* ** ** Defines an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const AjPStr] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetTail(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->Tail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetTail len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Tail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetTailC ****************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const char*] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetTailC(AjPAlign thys, const char* tail) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Tail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetTailC len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Tail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetTailApp **************************************************** ** ** Appends to an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const AjPStr] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetTailApp(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail) { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Tail) && ajStrGetCharLast(thys->Tail) != '\n') ajStrAppendC(&thys->Tail, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->Tail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetTailApp len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->Tail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubTail **************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const AjPStr] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubTail(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->SubTail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubTail len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubTail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubTailC *************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const char*] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubTailC(AjPAlign thys, const char* tail) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->SubTail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubTailC len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubTail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubTailApp ************************************************* ** ** Appends to an alignment tail ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] tail [const AjPStr] Align tail with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubTailApp(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr tail) { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->SubTail) && ajStrGetCharLast(thys->SubTail) != '\n') ajStrAppendC(&thys->SubTail, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->SubTail, tail); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubTailApp len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubTail), tail); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubHeader ************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment subheader (cleared after printing so it can ** be set again for the next alignment) ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] subheader [const AjPStr] Align subheader with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubHeader(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->SubHeader, subheader); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubHeader len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader), subheader); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubHeaderC ************************************************* ** ** Defines an alignment header (cleared after printing so it can ** be set again for the next alignment) ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] subheader [const char*] Align subheader with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubHeaderC(AjPAlign thys, const char* subheader) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Header, subheader); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubHeaderC len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader), subheader); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp *********************************************** ** ** Appends to an alignment subheader (cleared after printing so it can ** be set again for the next alignment) ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] subheader [const AjPStr] Align subheader with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader) { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader) && ajStrGetCharLast(thys->SubHeader) != '\n') ajStrAppendC(&thys->SubHeader, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&thys->SubHeader, subheader); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader), subheader); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubHeaderPre *********************************************** ** ** Prepends to an alignment subheader (cleared after printing so it can ** be set again for the next alignment) ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] subheader [const AjPStr] Align subheader with embedded newlines ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubHeaderPre(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr subheader) { if(ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader) && ajStrGetCharLast(subheader) != '\n') ajStrInsertC(&thys->SubHeader, 0, "\n"); ajStrInsertS(&thys->SubHeader, 0, subheader); ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubHeaderPre len %d '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(thys->SubHeader), subheader); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetMatrixName ************************************************* ** ** Defines an alignment matrix ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] matrix [const AjPStr] Matrix name ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetMatrixName(AjPAlign thys, const AjPStr matrix) { ajAlignSetMatrixNameC(thys, ajStrGetPtr(matrix)); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetMatrixNameC ************************************************ ** ** Defines an alignment matrix ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] matrix [const char*] Matrix name ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetMatrixNameC(AjPAlign thys, const char* matrix) { ajStrAssignC(&thys->Matrix, matrix); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetMatrixInt ************************************************** ** ** Defines an alignment matrix ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [u] matrix [AjPMatrix] Matrix object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetMatrixInt(AjPAlign thys, AjPMatrix matrix) { if(!thys->IMatrix) { thys->IMatrix = matrix; ajAlignSetMatrixName(thys, ajMatrixGetName(matrix)); } if(thys->FMatrix) ajMatrixfDel(&thys->FMatrix); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetMatrixFloat ************************************************ ** ** Defines an alignment matrix ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [u] matrix [AjPMatrixf] Matrix (floating point version) object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetMatrixFloat(AjPAlign thys, AjPMatrixf matrix) { if(!thys->FMatrix) { thys->FMatrix = matrix; ajAlignSetMatrixName(thys, ajMatrixfGetName(matrix)); } if(thys->IMatrix) ajMatrixDel(&thys->IMatrix); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetGapI ******************************************************* ** ** Defines alignment gap penalties ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] gappen [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] extpen [ajint] Gap extension penalty ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetGapI(AjPAlign thys, ajint gappen, ajint extpen) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%d", gappen); ajStrAssignS(&thys->GapPen, tmpstr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%d", extpen); ajStrAssignS(&thys->ExtPen, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetGapR ******************************************************* ** ** Defines alignment gap penalties ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] gappen [float] Gap penalty ** @param [r] extpen [float] Gap extension penalty ** @return [void] ** @@ *****************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetGapR(AjPAlign thys, float gappen, float extpen) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajint precision = 3; ajint i; ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%.*f", precision, gappen); for(i=1; iGapPen, tmpstr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%.*f", precision, extpen); for(i=1; iExtPen, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetScoreI ***************************************************** ** ** Defines alignment score ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] score [ajint] score ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetScoreI(AjPAlign thys, ajint score) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekLast(thys->Data, (void**) &data); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%d", score); ajStrAssignS(&data->Score, tmpstr); ajDebug("ajAlignSetScoreI: %d '%S' %d\n", score, data->Score, data->LenAli); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetScoreL ***************************************************** ** ** Defines alignment score ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] score [ajlong] score ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetScoreL(AjPAlign thys, ajlong score) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekLast(thys->Data, (void**) &data); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%Ld", score); ajStrAssignS(&data->Score, tmpstr); ajDebug("ajAlignSetScoreI: %Ld '%S' %d\n", score, data->Score, data->LenAli); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetScoreR ***************************************************** ** ** Defines alignment score ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] score [float] score ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetScoreR(AjPAlign thys, float score) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ajint precision = 3; ajint i; AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekLast(thys->Data, (void**) &data); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "%.*f", precision, score); for(i=1; iScore, tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetStats ****************************************************** ** ** Sets standard properties for an alignment subheader. These are: ** Length, Identity, Gaps, Similarity, Score ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @param [r] len [ajint] Alignment length ** @param [r] ident [ajint] Number of identities ** @param [r] sim [ajint] Number of similarities ** @param [r] gaps [ajint] Number of gaps ** @param [r] score [const AjPStr] Alignment score (as saved by ** ajAlignSetScoreI or ajAlignSetScoreR) ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetStats(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint len, ajint ident, ajint sim, ajint gaps, const AjPStr score) { AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint nali; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); if(iali < 0) data = pdata[nali-1]; else data = pdata[iali]; /* ajDebug("ajAlignSetStats iali:%d len:%d id:%d " "sim:%d gap:%d score:'%S'\n", iali, len, ident, sim, gaps, score); */ data->LenAli = len; if(len > 0) { if(ident >= 0) data->NumId = ident; else data->NumId = -1; if(sim >= 0) data->NumSim = sim; else data->NumSim = -1; if(gaps >= 0) data->NumGap = gaps; else data->NumGap = -1; } if(ajStrGetLen(score)) ajStrAssignS(&data->Score, score); AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubStandard ************************************************ ** ** Sets standard subheader using the properties for an alignment. ** These are: ** Length, Identity, Gaps, Similarity, Score ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number (or -1 for the latest) ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetSubStandard(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { AjPStr tmphdr = NULL; AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint nali; float pct; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); if(iali < 0) data = pdata[nali-1]; else data = pdata[iali]; ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmphdr, "Length: %d\n", data->LenAli); if(data->LenAli > 0) { if(data->NumId >= 0) { pct = (float)100. * (float) data->NumId / (float) data->LenAli; ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmphdr, "Identity: %5d/%d (%4.1f%%)\n", data->NumId, data->LenAli, pct); } if(data->NumSim >= 0) { pct = (float)100. * (float) data->NumSim / (float) data->LenAli; ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmphdr, "Similarity: %5d/%d (%4.1f%%)\n", data->NumSim, data->LenAli, pct); } if(data->NumGap >= 0) { pct = (float)100. * (float) data->NumGap / (float) data->LenAli; ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmphdr, "Gaps: %5d/%d (%4.1f%%)\n", data->NumGap, data->LenAli, pct); } } if(ajStrGetLen(data->Score)) ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmphdr, "Score: %S\n", data->Score); ajAlignSetSubHeaderPre(thys, tmphdr); ajStrDel(&tmphdr); AJFREE(pdata); return; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqs ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the sequences for the nth alignment ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [const AjPSeq*] Pointer to the internal sequence array ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPSeq* alignSeqs(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, iali, (void**) &data); return data->Seq; } /* @funcstatic alignSeq ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the nth sequence for an alignment ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [const AjPSeq] Pointer to the internal sequence ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPSeq alignSeq(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iseq, ajint iali) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, iali, (void **) &data); return data->Seq[iseq]; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqBegin ************************************************** ** ** Returns the start position for the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** Reverse direction is tested and the reverse complement numbering is used. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [ajint] Start position ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignSeqBegin(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { ajint ret = 0; if (data->Rev[iseq]) { ret = data->Len[iseq] - data->Offend[iseq] - data->Start[iseq] + 1; ajDebug(" alignSeqBegin %d rev:%B len:%d Offend:%d Start:%d ret:%d\n", iseq, data->Rev[iseq], data->Len[iseq], data->Offend[iseq], data->Start[iseq], ret); } else { ret = data->Offset[iseq] + data->Start[iseq]; ajDebug(" alignSeqBegin %d rev:%B Offset:%d Start:%d ret:%d\n", iseq, data->Rev[iseq], data->Offset[iseq], data->Start[iseq], ret); } return ret; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqEnd **************************************************** ** ** Returns the end position for the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** Reverse direction is tested and the reverse complement numbering is used. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [ajint] Start position ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignSeqEnd(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { ajint ret = 0; ajint iend; if (data->End[iseq]) iend = data->End[iseq]; else iend = data->Len[iseq]; if (data->Rev[iseq]) ret = data->Len[iseq] - data->Offend[iseq] - iend + 1; else ret = data->Offset[iseq] + iend; return ret; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqIncrement ********************************************** ** ** Returns the position increment for the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** Reverse direction gives a value of -1 for counting down. ** ** Forward direction gives +1. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [ajint] Increment for position counting ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignSeqIncrement(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { ajint ret = 0; if (data->Rev[iseq]) ret = -1; else ret = 1; return ret; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqGapBegin *********************************************** ** ** Counts the gaps at the start of the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** Reverse direction is tested and the reverse complement numbering is used. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [ajint] Start position ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignSeqGapBegin(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { ajint ret = 0; static char testchars[] = "-~.? "; /* all known gap characters */ const char* cp; ajint i; if (data->Rev[iseq]) ret = data->Offend[iseq]; else ret = data->Offset[iseq]; cp = ajSeqGetSeqC(data->Seq[iseq]); i = strspn(cp+data->Start[iseq]-1, testchars); return ret+i; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqGapEnd ************************************************* ** ** Counts the gaps at the end of the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** Reverse direction is tested and the reverse complement numbering is used. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [ajint] End position ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignSeqGapEnd(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { ajint ret = 0; static char testchars[] = "-~.? "; /* all known gap characters */ const char* cp; const char* cpstart; ajint i; if (data->Rev[iseq]) ret = data->Offset[iseq]; else ret = data->Offend[iseq]; cpstart = ajSeqGetSeqC(data->Seq[iseq]); cp = cpstart + data->End[iseq]; for(i=0; cp > cpstart; cp--) { if (!strchr(testchars, *cp)) return ret+i-1; i++; } return ret+data->End[iseq]; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqRev ********************************************** ** ** Returns the direction for the nth sequence for an alignment. ** ** @param [r] data [const AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Sequence number ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence is reversed ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool alignSeqRev(const AlignPData data, ajint iseq) { AjBool ret = ajFalse; if(data->Rev[iseq]) ret = ajTrue; else ret = ajFalse; return ret; } /* @funcstatic alignData ****************************************************** ** ** Returns the nth data structure for an alignment ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [AlignPData] Pointer to the internal alignment structure ******************************************************************************/ static AlignPData alignData(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, iali, (void**) &data); return data; } /* @funcstatic alignLen ******************************************************* ** ** Returns the length of the nth sequence for an alignment ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [ajint] Length of the internal sequence ******************************************************************************/ static ajint alignLen(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajListPeekNumber(thys->Data, iali, (void**) &data); return data->LenAli; } /* @func ajAlignSetType ******************************************************* ** ** Sets the align type (if it is not set already) ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetType(AjPAlign thys) { const AjPSeq seq; ajint i; ajDebug("ajAlignSetType '%S'\n", thys->Type); if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Type)) return; if(!thys->Nseqs) return; for(i=0; i < thys->Nseqs; i++) { ajDebug("Calling alignSeq d 0\n", i); seq = alignSeq(thys, i, 0); if(ajStrGetLen(seq->Type)) { ajStrAssignS(&thys->Type, seq->Type); return; } } ajDebug("testing alignSeq 0 0\n", i); if (ajSeqIsNuc(alignSeq(thys, 0, 0))) ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "N"); else ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, "P"); return; } /* @func ajAlignSetExternal *************************************************** ** ** Sets the align object to use external sequence references, which are ** to be copied pointers rather than clones of the whole sequence. ** ** Intended for alignments of large sequences where there is no need to ** keep many copies. An example is the EMBOSS application wordmatch. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] external [AjBool] If true, do not make copies of sequence data ** and do not delete internal sequence data ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetExternal(AjPAlign thys, AjBool external) { ajDebug("ajAlignSetExternal old:%B new:%B\n", thys->SeqExternal, external); thys->SeqExternal = external; return; } /* @func ajAlignSetRefSeqIndx ************************************************** ** ** Sets the index of the reference sequence. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] refseq [ajint] index of the reference sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignSetRefSeqIndx(AjPAlign thys, ajint refseq) { thys->RefSeq = refseq; return; } /* @func ajAlignSetRange ****************************************************** ** ** Sets the alignment range in each sequence, but only for a ** pairwise alignment ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] start1 [ajint] Start in sequence 1 ** @param [r] end1 [ajint] End in sequence 1 ** @param [r] len1 [ajint] Length of sequence 1 ** @param [r] off1 [ajint] Offset of sequence 1 ** @param [r] start2 [ajint] Start in sequence 2 ** @param [r] end2 [ajint] End in sequence 2 ** @param [r] len2 [ajint] Length of sequence 2 ** @param [r] off2 [ajint] Offset of sequence 2 ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. Failure also writes an error message. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignSetRange(AjPAlign thys, ajint start1, ajint end1, ajint len1, ajint off1, ajint start2, ajint end2, ajint len2, ajint off2) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajint nali; ajDebug("ajAlignSetRange %d..%d (%d) %d..%d (%d)\n", start1, end1, len1, start2, end2, len2); if(thys->Nseqs != 2) { ajErr("ajAlignSetRange requires alignment of 2 sequences only"); return ajFalse; } ajListPeekLast(thys->Data, (void**) &data); nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); ajDebug("nali:%d set range %d\n", nali, nali-1); data->Start[0] = start1; data->End[0] = end1; data->Len[0] = len1; data->Offset[0] = off1; data->Rev[0] = ajFalse; data->Start[1] = start2; data->End[1] = end2; data->Len[1] = len2; data->Offset[1] = off2; data->Rev[1] = ajFalse; if(thys->SeqExternal) { data->LenAli = (end1 - start1) + 1; if(data->LenAli < (end2 - start2 + 1)) data->LenAli = (end2 - start2) + 1; ajDebug("len: %d\n", data->LenAli); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignSetSubRange *************************************************** ** ** Sets the local alignment sub range in each sequence, but only for a ** pairwise alignment. ** ** This sets the SubOffset in addition to the Start and End values, ** for use where the alignment has a large sequence, but only part of ** it is to be reported. ** ** The usual example is where there are many matches in a long sequence, ** defined with SeqExternal so we use pointers to one original to avoid ** making multiple copies in memory while building the AjPAlign and AlignPData ** structure. ** ** Resets the alignment length to be the length of the longest subsequence ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] substart1 [ajint] Subsequence offset in sequence 1 ** @param [r] start1 [ajint] Subsequence start in sequence 1 ** @param [r] end1 [ajint] Subsequence end in sequence 1 ** @param [r] rev1 [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence 1 is reversed ** @param [r] len1 [ajint] Length of sequence 1 ** @param [r] substart2 [ajint] Subsequence offset in sequence 2 ** @param [r] start2 [ajint] Subsequence start in sequence 2 ** @param [r] end2 [ajint] Subsequence end in sequence 2 ** @param [r] rev2 [AjBool] ajTrue if sequence 2 is reversed ** @param [r] len2 [ajint] Length of sequence 2 ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. Failure also writes an error message. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignSetSubRange(AjPAlign thys, ajint substart1, ajint start1, ajint end1, AjBool rev1, ajint len1, ajint substart2, ajint start2, ajint end2, AjBool rev2, ajint len2) { AlignPData data = NULL; ajint nali; ajDebug("ajAlignSetSubRange %d(%d)..%d (%d) %d(%d)..%d (%d)\n", start1, substart1, end1, len1, start2, substart2, end2, len2); if(thys->Nseqs != 2) { ajErr("ajAlignSetSubRange requires alignment of 2 sequences only"); return ajFalse; } ajListPeekLast(thys->Data, (void**) &data); nali = ajListGetLength(thys->Data); ajDebug("nali:%d set range %d\n", nali, nali-1); data->SubOffset[0] = substart1; data->Start[0] = start1; data->End[0] = end1; data->Len[0] = len1; data->Offset[0] = substart1; data->Offend[0] = len1 - (substart1 + end1 - start1 + 1); data->Rev[0] = rev1; data->SubOffset[1] = substart2; data->Start[1] = start2; data->End[1] = end2; data->Len[1] = len2; data->Offset[1] = substart2; data->Offend[1] = len2 - (substart2 + end2 - start2 + 1); data->Rev[1] = rev2; data->LenAli = (end1 - start1) + 1; if(data->LenAli < (end2 - start2 + 1)) { data->LenAli = (end2 - start2) + 1; } ajDebug("len: %d\n", data->LenAli); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic alignSeqName *************************************************** ** ** Returns the sequence name or USA depending on the setting in the ** Alignment object (derived from the ACD and command line -ausa option) ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Sequence object ** @return [const AjPStr] Sequence name for this alignment ******************************************************************************/ static const AjPStr alignSeqName(const AjPAlign thys, const AjPSeq seq) { if(thys->Showusa) return ajSeqGetUsaS(seq); return ajSeqGetNameS(seq); } /* @funcstatic alignDataDel *************************************************** ** ** Deletes an alignment data structure ** ** @param [d] pthys [AlignPData*] Alignment data structure ** @param [r] external [AjBool] Sequence is a pointer to an external ** object, do not delete. ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignDataDel(AlignPData* pthys, AjBool external) { AlignPData thys; ajint i; void *freeptr = NULL; thys = *pthys; AJFREE(thys->Start); AJFREE(thys->End); AJFREE(thys->Len); AJFREE(thys->Offset); AJFREE(thys->Offend); AJFREE(thys->SubOffset); AJFREE(thys->Rev); ajStrDel(&thys->Score); ajDebug("alignDataDel NSeqs: %d External: %B\n", thys->Nseqs, external); if(!external) for(i=0;iNseqs;++i) { ajDebug("alignDataDel seq[%d] %S %d\n", i, ajSeqGetNameS(thys->Seq[i]), ajSeqGetLen(thys->Seq[i])); ajSeqDel(&thys->RealSeq[i]); } AJFREE(thys->RealSeq); freeptr = (void *)thys->Seq; AJFREE(freeptr); AJFREE(*pthys); return; } /* @funcstatic alignDataNew *************************************************** ** ** Creates and initialises an alignment data object ** with a specified number of sequences ** ** @param [r] nseqs [ajint] Number of sequences alignment data object will ** store ** @param [r] external [AjBool] Sequence is a pointer to an external ** object, no need for an own copy. ** @return [AlignPData] Pointer to the new alignment data object ******************************************************************************/ static AlignPData alignDataNew(ajint nseqs, AjBool external) { AlignPData data = NULL; AJNEW0(data); data->Nseqs = nseqs; AJCNEW0(data->Start, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->End, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->Len, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->Offset, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->Offend, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->SubOffset, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->Rev, nseqs); AJCNEW0(data->Seq, nseqs); if(!external) AJCNEW0(data->RealSeq, nseqs); return data; } /* @funcstatic alignDataSetSequence ******************************************* ** ** Sets specified sequence in the alignment data object ** ** Note: In pre EMBOSS-6.3 the external option is set only by wordmatch ** and seqmatchall, both producing exact multiple matches and calling ** ajAlignSetSubRange after calling ajAlignDefineSS which repeats the settings ** made in this function when called via ajAlignDefineSS. ** Since ajSeqCountGaps function is time consuming for long sequences, ** function was modified to return quickly when the external option is true. ** After release 6.3 this function call hierarchy should be revised. ** ** ** @param [u] thys [AlignPData] Alignment data object ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Input sequence, either a new copy is made ** or a direct reference is made depending on ** the external parameter ** @param [r] iseq [ajint] Index of the sequence ** @param [r] external [AjBool] Sequence is a pointer to an external ** object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignDataSetSequence(AlignPData thys, const AjPSeq seq, ajint iseq, AjBool external) { if(external) { thys->Seq[iseq] = seq; return; } thys->Start[iseq] = ajSeqGetBegin(seq); thys->End[iseq] = ajSeqGetEnd(seq); thys->Len[iseq] = ajSeqGetLen(seq) + ajSeqGetOffset(seq) + ajSeqGetOffend(seq) - ajSeqCountGaps(seq); thys->Offset[iseq] = ajSeqGetOffset(seq); thys->Offend[iseq] = ajSeqGetOffend(seq); thys->SubOffset[iseq] = 0; thys->Rev[iseq] = ajSeqIsReversed(seq); thys->RealSeq[iseq] = ajSeqNewSeq(seq); ajSeqGapStandard(thys->RealSeq[iseq], '-'); thys->Seq[iseq] = thys->RealSeq[iseq]; return; } /* @funcstatic alignDiff ****************************************************** ** ** Blank out identities between two strings ** ** @param [w] pmark [AjPStr*] Mark string with spaces for identities ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] String (sequence) to compare ** @param [r] idchar [char] Character for identities ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignDiff(AjPStr* pmark, const AjPStr seq, char idchar) { ajuint i; ajuint ilen; char c; char d; ilen = ajStrGetLen(seq); ajStrGetuniqueStr(pmark); if(ajStrGetLen(*pmark) < ilen) ilen = ajStrGetLen(*pmark); for(i=0; i < ilen; i++) { c = ajStrGetCharPos(*pmark, i); if(c == ' ') continue; if(c == '-') continue; d = ajStrGetCharPos(seq, i); if(d == ' ') continue; if(d == '-') continue; if(toupper((int)c) == toupper((int)d)) ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i, idchar, 1); } return; } /* @funcstatic alignSame ****************************************************** ** ** Blank out differences between two strings ** ** @param [w] pmark [AjPStr*] Mark string with spaces for differences ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] String (sequence) to compare ** @param [r] diffchar [char] Character for differences ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignSame(AjPStr* pmark, const AjPStr seq, char diffchar) { ajuint i; ajuint ilen; char c; char d; ilen = ajStrGetLen(seq); ajStrGetuniqueStr(pmark); if(ajStrGetLen(*pmark) < ilen) ilen = ajStrGetLen(*pmark); for(i=0; i < ilen; i++) { c = ajStrGetCharPos(*pmark, i); if(c == ' ') continue; d = ajStrGetCharPos(seq, i); if(toupper((int)c) == toupper((int)d)) continue; ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i, diffchar, 1); } return; } /* @funcstatic alignSim ******************************************************* ** ** Convert upper case (identical) positions to an identity character, ** and lower case (similar) positions to a similarity character ** ** @param [w] pmark [AjPStr*] Mark string with spaces for differences ** @param [r] idch [const char] Identity character ** @param [r] simch [const char] Similarity character ** @param [r] misch [const char] Mismatch character ** @param [r] gapch [const char] Gap character ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignSim(AjPStr* pmark, const char idch, const char simch, const char misch, const char gapch) { ajint i; ajint ilen; char c; /*ajDebug("alignSim '%S'\n", *pmark);*/ ajStrGetuniqueStr(pmark); ilen = ajStrGetLen(*pmark); for(i=0; i < ilen; i++) { c = ajStrGetCharPos(*pmark, i); if(tolower((int)c) == '#') ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i, misch, 1); else if(isupper((int)c)) ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i, idch, 1); else if(islower((int)c)) ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i, simch, 1); else ajStrPasteCountK(pmark, i,gapch, 1); } /*ajDebug(" result '%S'\n", *pmark);*/ return; } /* @funcstatic alignConsStats ************************************************* ** ** Calculates alignment statistics (and a consensus). ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPAlign] Alignment object. Matrix will be defined ** if not already set. ** @param [r] iali [ajint] alignment number ** @param [w] cons [AjPStr*] the created consensus sequence ** @param [w] retident [ajint*] number of residues identical in all sequences ** @param [w] retsim [ajint*] number of residues similar in all sequences ** @param [w] retgap [ajint*] number of residues with a gap in 1 sequence ** @param [w] retlen [ajint*] length of the alignment ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignConsStats(AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, AjPStr *cons, ajint* retident, ajint* retsim, ajint* retgap, ajint* retlen) { ajint imat; /* iterate over identical and matching arrays */ ajint iseq; /* iterate over sequences (outer loop) */ ajint jseq; /* iterate over sequences (inner loop) */ ajint **matrix = NULL; float **fmatrix = NULL; ajint m1 = 0; ajint m2 = 0; ajint matsize; ajint matchingmaxindex; ajint identicalmaxindex; ajint nseqs; ajint mlen; float max; float contri = 0; float contrj = 0; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; AjPFloat posScore = NULL; /* cumulative similarity scores by sequence */ /* for matching all other sequences */ float *identical; /* cum. weight for each valid character */ float *matching; /* cum. weight for matching this character */ ajint highindex; /* position of highest score in posScore */ ajint kkpos; /* alignment position loop variable */ ajint kipos; /* alignment position kkpos + iseq start */ ajint kjpos; /* alignment position kkpos + jseq start */ ajint khpos; /* alignment position in highindex */ float himatch = 0.0; /* highest match score (often used) */ const char **seqcharptr; char res; char nocon; char gapch; float fplural; float fplurality = 51.0; float ident; AjBool isident; AjBool issim; AjBool isgap; const AjPSeq* seqs; ajint numres; /* number of residues (not spaces) */ AlignPData data = NULL; void *freeptr; data = alignData(thys, iali); if(!thys->IMatrix && !thys->FMatrix) { if(ajSeqIsNuc(alignSeq(thys, 0, iali))) ajStrAssignC(&thys->Matrix, "EDNAFULL"); else ajStrAssignC(&thys->Matrix, "EBLOSUM62"); thys->IMatrix = ajMatrixNewFile(thys->Matrix); } *retident=0; *retsim=0; *retgap=0; seqs = alignSeqs(thys, iali); nseqs = thys->Nseqs; mlen = alignLen(thys, iali); fplural = alignTotweight(thys, 0) * fplurality / (float)100.; ident = alignTotweight(thys, 0); ajDebug("alignConsStats ali:%d mlen:%d\n", iali, mlen); /* ajDebug("fplural:%.1f ident:%.1f mlen: %d\n", fplural, ident, mlen); */ if(thys->IMatrix) { matrix = ajMatrixGetMatrix(thys->IMatrix); cvt = ajMatrixGetCvt(thys->IMatrix); /* return conversion table */ matsize = ajMatrixGetSize(thys->IMatrix); } else { fmatrix = ajMatrixfGetMatrix(thys->FMatrix); cvt = ajMatrixfGetCvt(thys->FMatrix); /* return conversion table */ matsize = ajMatrixfGetSize(thys->FMatrix); } AJCNEW(seqcharptr,nseqs); AJCNEW(identical,matsize); AJCNEW(matching,matsize); posScore = ajFloatNew(); gapch = '-'; nocon = '#'; for(iseq=0;iseqSubOffset[iseq]; m1 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); if (m1 < 0) { ajUser("Bad character for matrix iseq:%d kipos:%d %x\n", iseq, kipos, (int) seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); m1 = 0; } if(m1) identical[m1] += seqs[iseq]->Weight; for(jseq=iseq+1;jseqSubOffset[jseq]; m2 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[jseq][kjpos]); if (m2 < 0) { ajDebug("Bad character for matrix jseq:%d kjpos:%d %x\n", jseq, kjpos, (int) seqcharptr[jseq][kjpos]); m2 = 0; } if(m1 && m2) { if(matrix) { contri = (float)matrix[m1][m2]*seqs[jseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); contrj = (float)matrix[m1][m2]*seqs[iseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,jseq); } else { contri = fmatrix[m1][m2]*seqs[jseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); contrj = fmatrix[m1][m2]*seqs[iseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,jseq); } ajFloatPut(&posScore,iseq,contri); ajFloatPut(&posScore,jseq,contrj); } } } /* ** highindex is the highest scoring position (seq no.) in posScore ** for 2 sequences this appears to be usually 0 */ highindex = -1; max = -FLT_MAX; numres = 0; for(iseq=0;iseqSubOffset[iseq]; if(seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] != ' ' && seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] != '-') numres++; if(ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq) > max) { highindex = iseq; max = ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); } } /* highindex is now set */ /* ** find +ve matches in the column ** m1 is non-zero for a valid character in iseq ** m2 is non-zero for a valid character in jseq */ for(iseq=0;iseqSubOffset[iseq]; m1 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); if (m1 < 0) { ajDebug("Bad character for matrix iseq:%d kipos:%d %x\n", iseq, kipos, (int) seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); m1 = 0; } if(E_FPZERO(matching[m1],U_FEPS)) { /* first time we have met this character */ for(jseq=0;jseqSubOffset[jseq]; m2 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[jseq][kjpos]); if (m2 < 0) { ajDebug("Bad character for matrix jseq:%d kjpos:%d " "%x\n", jseq, kjpos, (int) seqcharptr[jseq][kjpos]); m2 = 0; } if(matrix) { /* 'matching' if positive */ if(m1 && m2 && matrix[m1][m2] > 0) matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; } else if(m1 && m2 && fmatrix[m1][m2] > 0.0) matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; /* if( iseq != jseq) /# skip the sequence we are on #/ { m2 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[jseq][kjpos]); if(matrix) { if(m1 && m2 && matrix[m1][m2] > 0) /# 'matching' if positive #/ { matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; } } else { if(m1 && m2 && fmatrix[m1][m2] > 0.0) { matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; } } } */ } } } matchingmaxindex = 0; /* get max matching and identical */ identicalmaxindex = 0; for(iseq=0;iseqSubOffset[iseq]; m1 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); if(identical[m1] > identical[identicalmaxindex]) identicalmaxindex= m1; } for(iseq=0;iseqSubOffset[iseq]; m1 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); if(matching[m1] > matching[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex= m1; else if(E_FPEQ(matching[m1],matching[matchingmaxindex],U_FEPS)) { if(identical[m1] > identical[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex= m1; } if(seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] == '-' || seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] == ' ') isgap=ajTrue; } /* ajDebug("index[%d] ident:%d matching:%d high:%d\n", kpos, identicalmaxindex, matchingmaxindex, highindex); */ khpos = kkpos + data->SubOffset[highindex]; himatch = matching[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[highindex][khpos])]; if(thys->IMatrix) { /* debugstr1 = ajMatrixGetLabelNum(thys->IMatrix, identicalmaxindex-1); debugstr2 = ajMatrixGetLabelNum(thys->IMatrix, matchingmaxindex-1); */ /*ajDebug("index[%d] ident:%d '%S' %.1f matching:%d '%S' %.1f %.1f " "high:%d '%c' %.1f\n", kkpos, identicalmaxindex, debugstr1, identical[identicalmaxindex], matchingmaxindex, debugstr2, matching[matchingmaxindex], himatch, highindex, seqcharptr[highindex][khpos], seqs[highindex]->Weight); */ } else { /*debugstr1 = ajMatrixfGetLabelNum(thys->FMatrix, identicalmaxindex-1); debugstr2 = ajMatrixfGetLabelNum(thys->FMatrix, matchingmaxindex-1);*/ /* ajDebug("index[%d] ident:%d '%S' %.1f matching:%d '%S' %.1f " "%.1f " "high:%d '%c' %.1f\n", kkpos, identicalmaxindex, debugstr1, identical[identicalmaxindex], matchingmaxindex, debugstr2, matching[matchingmaxindex], himatch, highindex, seqcharptr[highindex][khpos], seqs[highindex]->Weight); */ } if(identical[identicalmaxindex] >= ident) isident=ajTrue; if(matching[matchingmaxindex] >= fplural) issim=ajTrue; /* plurality check */ if(himatch >= fplural) if(seqcharptr[highindex][khpos] != '-') res = toupper((int)seqcharptr[highindex][khpos]); if(E_FPEQ(himatch,seqs[highindex]->Weight,U_FEPS)) { if(numres > 1) res = nocon; else res = gapch; } if(issim && ! isident) res = tolower((int)res); ajStrAppendK(cons,res); if(isident) ++*retident; if(issim) ++*retsim; if(isgap) ++*retgap; /* ajDebug("id:%b sim:%b gap:%b res:%c '", isident, issim, isgap, res); */ for(iseq=0; iseqSubOffset[iseq]; /* ajDebug("%c", seqcharptr[iseq][kipos]); */ } /* ajDebug("\n"); */ } *retlen = alignLen(thys, iali); /* ajDebug("ret ident:%d sim:%d gap:%d len:%d\n", *retident, *retsim, *retgap, *retlen); */ freeptr = (void *) seqcharptr; AJFREE(freeptr); AJFREE(matching); AJFREE(identical); ajFloatDel(&posScore); return; } /* @funcstatic alignTotweight ************************************************* ** ** Returns the total weight for all sequences in an alignment. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] Alignment number ** @return [float] Total weight for all sequences ******************************************************************************/ static float alignTotweight(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali) { ajint i; const AjPSeq seq = NULL; float ret = 0.0; for(i=0; i < thys->Nseqs; i++) { seq = alignSeq(thys, i, iali); ret += seq->Weight; } return ret; } /* @func ajAlignTraceT ******************************************************** ** ** Reports an AjPAlign object to debug output ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] alignment object ** @param [r] title [const char*] Trace report title ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignTraceT(const AjPAlign thys, const char* title) { ajDebug("%s\n",title); ajAlignTrace(thys); return; } /* @func ajAlignTrace ********************************************************* ** ** Reports an AjPAlign object to debug output ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] alignment object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignTrace(const AjPAlign thys) { ajDebug("AjAlignTrace\n"); ajDebug("============\n"); ajDebug("Type: '%S'\n", thys->Type); ajDebug("Formatstr: '%S'\n", thys->Formatstr); ajDebug("Format: %d\n", thys->Format); ajDebug("File: '%F'\n", thys->File); ajDebug("Header: '%S'\n", thys->Header); ajDebug("SubHeader: '%S'\n", thys->SubHeader); ajDebug("Tail: '%S'\n", thys->Tail); ajDebug("SubTail: '%S'\n", thys->SubTail); ajDebug("Showusa: %B\n", thys->Showusa); ajDebug("Multi: %B\n", thys->Multi); ajDebug("Global: %B\n", thys->Global); alignTraceData(thys); ajDebug("Nseqs: %d\n", thys->Nseqs); ajDebug("WidthNmin: %d\n", thys->Nmin); ajDebug("Nmax: %d\n", thys->Nmax); ajDebug("Width: %d\n", thys->Width); ajDebug("Count: %d\n", thys->Count); ajDebug("IMatrix: %x\n", thys->IMatrix); ajDebug("FMatrix: %x\n", thys->FMatrix); ajDebug("Matrix: '%S'\n", thys->Matrix); ajDebug("GapPen: '%S'\n", thys->GapPen); ajDebug("ExtPen: '%S'\n", thys->ExtPen); ajDebug("SeqOnly: %B\n", thys->SeqOnly); ajDebug("SeqExternal: %B\n", thys->SeqExternal); return; } /* @funcstatic alignTraceData ************************************************* ** ** Report alignment internal list data to debug output ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void alignTraceData(const AjPAlign thys) { AlignPData* pdata = NULL; AlignPData data = NULL; ajint nali; ajint iali; ajint i; ajint nseq; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; nseq = thys->Nseqs; nali = ajListToarray(thys->Data, (void***) &pdata); ajDebug("Data list length: %d\n", nali); if(!nali) return; for(iali=0; ialiLenAli); ajDebug("%d NumId: %d\n", iali, data->NumId); ajDebug("%d NumSim: %d\n", iali, data->NumSim); ajDebug("%d NumGap: %d\n", iali, data->NumGap); ajDebug("%d Score: '%S'\n", iali, data->Score); ajDebug("%d Start: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %d", data->Start[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d End: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %d", data->End[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d Len: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %d", data->Len[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d Offset: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %d", data->Offset[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d SubOffset: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %d", data->SubOffset[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d Rev: {", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) ajDebug(" %b", data->Rev[i]); ajDebug(" }\n"); ajDebug("%d Seq: {\n", iali); for(i=0; i < nseq; i++) if(ajSeqGetLen(data->Seq[i]) > 40) { ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[i]), -20, -1); ajDebug("%6d [%d] '%20.20S...%20S'\n", ajSeqGetLen(data->Seq[i]), i, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[i]), tmpstr); } else ajDebug(" %d '%S'\n", i, ajSeqGetSeqS(data->Seq[i])); ajDebug(" }\n"); } AJFREE(pdata); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @func ajAlignPrintFormat *************************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report (usually ajFalse) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignPrintFormat(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajint i = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Alignment output formats\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Format name (or alias)\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Minseq Minimum number of sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Maxseq Minimum number of sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Nuc Valid for nucleotide sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Pro Valid for protein sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Header Include standard header/footer blocks\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Desc Format description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Alias Nuc Nuc Pro Minseq Maxseq " "Description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "AFormat {\n"); for(i=0; alignFormat[i].Name; i++) { if(full || !alignFormat[i].Alias) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12s %5B %3B %3B %3B %6d %6d \"%s\"\n", alignFormat[i].Name, alignFormat[i].Alias, alignFormat[i].Nucleotide, alignFormat[i].Protein, alignFormat[i].Showheader, alignFormat[i].Minseq, alignFormat[i].Maxseq, alignFormat[i].Desc); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); return; } /* @func ajAlignPrintbookFormat *********************************************** ** ** Reports the alignment format internals as Docbook text ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignPrintbookFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; AjPList fmtlist; AjPStr* names; fmtlist = ajListstrNew(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "The supported alignment formats are summarised " "in the table below. The columns are as follows: " "Output format (format name), " "Nuc (\"true\" indicates nucleotide " "sequence data may be represented), " "Pro (\"true\" indicates protein " "sequence data may be represented, " "Header (whether the standard EMBOSS " "alignment header is included), " "Minseq " "(minimum sequences in alignment), " "Maxseq " "(maximum sequences in alignment) and " "Description (short description of " "the format). \n\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); for(i=1; alignFormat[i].Name; i++) { if(!alignFormat[i].Alias) { namestr = ajStrNewC(alignFormat[i].Name); ajListPush(fmtlist, namestr); namestr = NULL; } } ajListSort(fmtlist, ajStrVcmp); ajListstrToarray(fmtlist, &names); for(i=0; names[i]; i++) { for(j=0; alignFormat[j].Name; j++) { if(ajStrMatchC(names[i],alignFormat[j].Name)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Nucleotide); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Protein); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Showheader); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Minseq); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Maxseq); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", alignFormat[j].Desc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "
Alignment formats
Output FormatNucProHeaderMinseqMaxseqDescription
\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); names = NULL; ajListstrFreeData(&fmtlist); return; } /* @func ajAlignPrinthtmlFormat *********************************************** ** ** Reports the internal data structures ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignPrinthtmlFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, ""); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# alignment output formats\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Format name (or alias)\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Minseq Minimum number of sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Maxseq Minimum number of sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Nuc Valid for nucleotide sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Pro Valid for protein sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Header Include standard header/footer blocks\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Desc Format description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Alias Nuc Nuc Pro Minseq Maxseq " "Description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "AFormat {\n"); for(i=0; alignFormat[i].Name; i++) { if(!alignFormat[i].Alias) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "" "" "\n", alignFormat[i].Name, alignFormat[i].Alias, alignFormat[i].Nucleotide, alignFormat[i].Protein, alignFormat[i].Showheader, alignFormat[i].Minseq, alignFormat[i].Maxseq, alignFormat[i].Desc); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); return; } /* @func ajAlignPrintwikiFormat *********************************************** ** ** Reports the alignment format internals as wikitext ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajAlignPrintwikiFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" border=\"2\"\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "!Format!!Nuc!!Pro!!Header!!Min||Max!!" "class=\"unsortable\"|Description\n"); for(i=1; alignFormat[i].Name; i++) { if(!alignFormat[i].Alias) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajStrAssignC(&namestr, alignFormat[i].Name); for(j=i+1; alignFormat[j].Name; j++) { if(alignFormat[j].Write == alignFormat[i].Write) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&namestr, "
%s", alignFormat[j].Name); if(!alignFormat[j].Alias) { ajWarn("Align output format '%s' same as '%s' " "but not alias", alignFormat[j].Name, alignFormat[i].Name); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|%S||%B||%B||%B||%d||%d||%s\n", namestr, alignFormat[i].Nucleotide, alignFormat[i].Protein, alignFormat[i].Showheader, alignFormat[i].Minseq, alignFormat[i].Maxseq, alignFormat[i].Desc); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|}\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); return; } /* @funcstatic alignConsSet *************************************************** ** ** Sets consensus to be a copy of a numbered sequence ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPAlign] Alignment object ** @param [r] iali [ajint] alignment number ** @param [r] numseq [ajint] Sequence number to use as the consensus ** @param [w] cons [AjPStr*] the created consensus sequence ** @return [AjBool] True on success ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool alignConsSet(const AjPAlign thys, ajint iali, ajint numseq, AjPStr *cons) { ajint nseqs; ajint mlen; ajint kkpos; /* alignment position loop variable */ const char *seqcharptr; char gapch; AlignPData data = NULL; const AjPSeq* seqs; const AjPSeq seq; data = alignData(thys, iali); seqs = alignSeqs(thys, iali); nseqs = thys->Nseqs; mlen = data->LenAli; ajDebug("alignConsSet iali:%d numseq:%d nseqs:%d mlen:%d\n", iali, numseq, nseqs, mlen); gapch = '-'; seq = seqs[numseq]; seqcharptr = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq); ajStrAssignClear(cons); /* For each position in the alignment, calculate consensus character */ for(kkpos=0; kkposSubOffset[0]; kkpos++) ajStrAppendK(cons, gapch); for(kkpos=0; kkpos< mlen; kkpos++) ajStrAppendK(cons,seqcharptr[kkpos+data->SubOffset[numseq]]); /* ajDebug("ret ident:%d sim:%d gap:%d len:%d\n", *retident, *retsim, *retgap, *retlen); */ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajAlignConsAmbig ************************************************* ** ** Calculates alignment consensus of ambiguity characters from a sequence set. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPSeqset] Sequence set. ** @param [w] cons [AjPStr*] the created consensus sequence ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignConsAmbig(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPStr *cons) { if(ajSeqsetIsNuc(thys)) return ajAlignConsAmbigNuc(thys, cons); return ajAlignConsAmbigProt(thys, cons); } /* @func ajAlignConsAmbigNuc ************************************************** ** ** Calculates alignment consensus of ambiguity characters from a sequence set. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPSeqset] Sequence set. ** @param [w] cons [AjPStr*] the created consensus sequence ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajAlignConsAmbigNuc(const AjPSeqset thys, AjPStr *cons) { ajint iseq; /* iterate over sequences (outer loop) */ ajint nseqs; ajint mlen; AjBool isgap; ajint kipos; /* alignment position */ const char **seqcharptr; char res; ajuint binres; void *freeptr = NULL; nseqs = thys->Size; mlen = thys->Len; AJCNEW(seqcharptr,nseqs); /* ajDebug("fplural:%.2f ident:%.1f mlen: %d\n", fplural, ident, mlen); */ for(iseq=0;iseqSize; mlen = thys->Len; AJCNEW(seqcharptr,nseqs); /* ajDebug("fplural:%.2f ident:%.1f mlen: %d\n", fplural, ident, mlen); */ for(iseq=0;iseqSize; mlen = thys->Len; fplural = ajSeqsetGetTotweight(thys) * fplurality / (float)100.; ident = ajSeqsetGetTotweight(thys); /* ajDebug("fplural:%.2f ident:%.1f mlen: %d\n", fplural, ident, mlen); */ matrix = ajMatrixGetMatrix(imatrix); cvt = ajMatrixGetCvt(imatrix); /* return conversion table */ matsize = ajMatrixGetSize(imatrix); AJCNEW(seqs,nseqs); AJCNEW(seqcharptr,nseqs); AJCNEW(identical,matsize); AJCNEW(matching,matsize); posScore = ajFloatNew(); gapch = '-'; nocon = 'x'; for(iseq=0;iseqWeight; for(jseq=iseq+1;jseqWeight +ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); contrj = (float)matrix[m1][m2]*seqs[iseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,jseq); } else { contri = fmatrix[m1][m2]*seqs[jseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); contrj = fmatrix[m1][m2]*seqs[iseq]->Weight +ajFloatGet(posScore,jseq); } ajFloatPut(&posScore,iseq,contri); ajFloatPut(&posScore,jseq,contrj); } } } /* ** highindex is the highest scoring position (seq no.) in posScore ** for 2 sequences this appears to be usually 0 */ highindex = -1; max = -FLT_MAX; numres = 0; for(iseq=0;iseq max) { highindex = iseq; max = ajFloatGet(posScore,iseq); } } /* highindex is now set */ /* ** find +ve matches in the column ** m1 is non-zero for a valid character in iseq ** m2 is non-zero for a valid character in jseq */ for(iseq=0;iseq 0) { /* 'matching' if positive */ matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; } } else { if(m1 && m2 && fmatrix[m1][m2] > 0.0) { matching[m1] += seqs[jseq]->Weight; } } } } } matchingmaxindex = 0; /* get max matching and identical */ identicalmaxindex = 0; for(iseq=0;iseq identical[identicalmaxindex]) identicalmaxindex= m1; } for(iseq=0;iseq matching[matchingmaxindex]) { matchingmaxindex= m1; } else if(E_FPEQ(matching[m1],matching[matchingmaxindex],U_FEPS)) { if(identical[m1] > identical[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex= m1; } if(seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] == '-' || seqcharptr[iseq][kipos] == ' ') isgap=ajTrue; } khpos = kkpos; himatch = matching[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[highindex][khpos])]; if(identical[identicalmaxindex] >= ident) isident=ajTrue; if(matching[matchingmaxindex] >= fplural) issim=ajTrue; /* plurality check */ res = gapch; if(himatch >= fplural) if(seqcharptr[highindex][khpos] != '-') res = toupper((int)seqcharptr[highindex][khpos]); if(nseqs > 1 && E_FPEQ(himatch,seqs[highindex]->Weight,U_FEPS)) { if(numres > 1) res = nocon; else res = gapch; } if(issim && ! isident) res = tolower((int)res); ajStrAppendK(cons,res); if(isident) ++*retident; if(issim) ++*retsim; if(isgap) ++*retgap; /* ajDebug("id:%b sim:%b gap:%b res:%c '", isident, issim, isgap, res); */ for(iseq=0; iseq0) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%dH",qoffend); else if(qoffset>0) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%dH",qoffset); for(; qstart0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uM",m); m=0; } if(i>0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uI",d); i=0; } } else if(strchr(gapchars,refseqc[rstart])) { i++; if(m>0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uM",m); m=0; } if(d>0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uD",i); d=0; } ajStrAppendK(qseq,qryseqc[qstart]); } else /* match */ { m++; ajStrAppendK(qseq,qryseqc[qstart]); if(toupper(qryseqc[qstart])!=toupper(refseqc[rstart])) nmismatches ++; if(d>0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uD",d); d=0; } if(i>0) { ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uI",i); i=0; } } } if(m>0) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uM",m); else if(d>0) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uD",d); else if(i>0) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%uI",i); if(ajSeqIsReversed(qryseq)&&qend>qseqlen) ajFmtPrintAppS(cigar, "%dH",qseqlen-qend); else if(qend
Alignment FormatAliasNucProShowheaderMinseqMaxseqDescription