/* ** This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "ajax.h" static AjPRegexp featoutRegUfoFmt = NULL; static AjPRegexp featoutRegUfoFile = NULL; static AjPRegexp featoutRegQuote = NULL; static AjPStr featoutUfoTest = NULL; static AjPStr featoutFormatTmp = NULL; static AjPStr featoutValCopy = NULL; static AjPStr featoutValTmp = NULL; static AjPStr featoutSubStr = NULL; static AjPStr featoutTmpStr = NULL; static AjPStr featoutFmtTmp = NULL; static AjPStr featoutStr = NULL; static AjPStr featoutLimTmp = NULL; static AjBool featWriteEmbl(const AjPFeature thys, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid, AjBool IsEmbl); static AjBool featTypePirOut(AjPStr* type); static void featTagEmblDefault(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval); static void featTagGff2Default(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval); static void featCleanDasgff(AjPFile file); static void featDumpEmbl(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid, AjBool IsEmbl); static void featDumpRefseq(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid); static void featDumpRefseqp(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid); static void featDumpGff2(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPFeattable owner, AjPFile file); static void featDumpGff3(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPFeature parent, const AjPFeattable owner, AjPFile file); static AjBool featDumpGff3Tag(AjPFile file, const char* tag, const AjPStr value, AjBool firsttag); static void featDumpPir(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file); static void featDumpSwiss(const AjPFeature thys, AjPFile file, const AjPFeature gftop); static AjBool featFindOutFormatC(const char* format, ajint* iformat); static AjBool featFindOutFormatS(const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat); static void featLocEmblWrapC(AjPStr* pval, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, const char* preftyp, AjPStr* retstr); static void featTagEmblWrapC(AjPStr* pval, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, AjPStr* retstr); static void featTagQuoteEmbl(AjPStr* pval); static void featTagQuoteGff2(AjPStr* pval); static void featTagQuoteGff3(AjPStr* pval); static void featTagSwissWrapC(AjPStr* pval, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, AjPStr* retstr); static AjBool featoutUfoProcess(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr ufo); static AjBool feattableWriteEmbl(const AjPFeattable Feattab, AjPFile file, AjBool IsEmbl); static AjBool feattableWriteRefseq(const AjPFeattable Feattab, AjPFile file); static AjBool feattableWriteRefseqp(const AjPFeattable Feattab, AjPFile file); static AjBool featTagAllLimit(AjPStr* pval, const AjPStr values); static void featTagDasgffDefault(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval); /* @datastatic FeatPOutFormat ************************************************* ** ** Feature output formats ** ** @alias FeatSOutFormat ** @alias FeatOOutFormat ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Format name ** @attr Nucleotide [AjBool] True if suitable for nucleotide data ** @attr Protein [AjBool] True if suitable for protein data ** @attr Write [(AjBool*)] Function to write data ** @attr Desc [const char*] Description ** @attr Alias [AjBool] True if name is an alias for an identical definition ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct FeatSOutFormat { const char* Name; AjBool Nucleotide; AjBool Protein; AjBool (*Write) (AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys); const char* Desc; AjBool Alias; ajint Padding; } FeatOOutFormat; #define FeatPOutFormat FeatOOutFormat* /* @funclist featOutFormatDef ************************************************* ** ** Feature output formats ** ** Includes functions to write the output file (ajFeattableWrite) ** ******************************************************************************/ static FeatOOutFormat featOutFormatDef[] = { /* Name Nucleotide Prot VocInit WriteFunction Description Alias Padding */ {"unknown", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteGff3, "unknown format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"gff", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteGff3, "GFF version 3", AJFALSE, 0}, {"gff2", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteGff2, "GFF version 2", AJFALSE, 0}, {"gff3", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteGff3, "GFF version 3", AJTRUE, 0}, {"embl", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteEmbl, "embl format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"em", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteEmbl, "embl format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"genbank", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteGenbank, "genbank format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"gb", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteGenbank, "genbank format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"ddbj", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteDdbj, "ddbj format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"refseq", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, ajFeattableWriteGenbank, "genbank format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"refseqp", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteRefseqp, "genbank format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"pir", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWritePir, "PIR format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"nbrf", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWritePir, "PIR format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"swiss", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteSwiss, "SwissProt format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"sw", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteSwiss, "SwissProt format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"swissprot", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteSwiss, "SwissProt format", AJTRUE, 0}, {"dasgff", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteDasgff, "DAS GFF format", AJFALSE, 0}, {"debug", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, ajFeattableWriteDebug, "Debugging trace of full internal data content", AJFALSE, 0}, {NULL, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, NULL, NULL, AJFALSE, 0} }; static FeatPOutFormat featOutFormat = featOutFormatDef; /* @datastatic FeatPTypeOut *************************************************** ** ** Feature output types ** ** @alias FeatSTypeOut ** @alias FeatOTypeOut ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Specified name ** @attr Value [const char*] Internal type "P" or "N" ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct FeatSTypeOut { const char* Name; const char* Value; } FeatOTypeOut; #define FeatPTypeOut FeatOTypeOut* static FeatOTypeOut featOutTypes[] = { {"P", "P"}, {"protein", "P"}, {"N", "N"}, {"nucleotide", "N"}, {"any", ""}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* @func ajFeattabOutOpen ***************************************************** ** ** Processes the specified UFO, and opens the resulting output file. ** ** If the AjPFeattabOut has a filename, this is used in preference. ** If not, the ufo is processed. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @param [r] ufo [const AjPStr] UFO feature output specifier ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutOpen(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr ufo) { /*ajDebug("ajFeattabOutOpen ufo:'%S' dir:'%S' file:'%S'\n", ufo, thys->Directory, thys->Filename);*/ if(thys->Handle) return ajTrue; if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Filename)) { if(!featFindOutFormatS(thys->Formatstr, &thys->Format)) ajErr("unknown output feature format '%S' " "will write as %s instead\n", thys->Formatstr, featOutFormatDef[thys->Format].Name); } else { if(!featoutUfoProcess(thys, ufo)) return ajFalse; } /*ajDebug("trying to open dir:'%S' file:'%S' fmt:'%S'\n", thys->Directory, thys->Filename, thys->Formatstr);*/ thys->Handle = ajFileNewOutNamePathS(thys->Filename, thys->Directory); if(!thys->Handle) return ajFalse; /* ajDebug("after opening '%S'\n", thys->Filename);*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattabOutFile ***************************************************** ** ** Returns the feature table output file object ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @return [AjPFile] File object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFile ajFeattabOutFile(const AjPFeattabOut thys) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutFile\n");*/ return thys->Handle; } /* @func ajFeattabOutFilename ************************************************* ** ** Returns the name of a feature table output file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @return [AjPStr] Filename ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr ajFeattabOutFilename(const AjPFeattabOut thys) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutFilename\n");*/ if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Filename)) return thys->Filename; return NULL; } /* @func ajFeattabOutIsOpen *************************************************** ** ** Checks whether feature output file has already been opened ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if file is open ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutIsOpen(const AjPFeattabOut thys) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutIsOpen\n");*/ if(thys->Handle) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajFeattabOutIsLocal ************************************************** ** ** Checks whether feature output file has already been opened ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if file is open ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutIsLocal(const AjPFeattabOut thys) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutIsLocal Handle %x Local %B\n", thys->Handle, thys->Local);*/ if(thys->Handle && thys->Local) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func ajFeattabOutSet ****************************************************** ** ** Processes the specified UFO, and specifies the resulting output file. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @param [r] ufo [const AjPStr] UFO feature output specifier ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutSet(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr ufo) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutSet ufo:'%S' dir:'%S' file:'%S'\n", ufo, thys->Directory, thys->Filename);*/ if(thys->Handle) return ajTrue; if(!featoutUfoProcess(thys, ufo)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattabOutSetBasename ********************************************** ** ** Sets the base output filename for feature table output ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] feature table output ** @param [r] basename [const AjPStr] Output base filename ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeattabOutSetBasename(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr basename) { AjPStr tmpname = NULL; tmpname = ajStrNewS(basename); ajFilenameTrimAll(&tmpname); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&thys->Basename, tmpname); ajStrDel(&tmpname); /*ajDebug("ajFeattabOutSetBasename '%S' result '%S'\n", basename, thys->Basename);*/ return; } /* @func ajFeattabOutSetSeqname *********************************************** ** ** Processes the specified UFO, and specifies the resulting output file. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Features table output object ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] UFO feature output specifier ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutSetSeqname(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr name) { /* ajDebug("ajFeattabOutSet ufo:'%S' dir:'%S' file:'%S'\n", ufo, thys->Directory, thys->Filename);*/ ajStrAssignS(&thys->Seqname, name); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattabOutNewCSF *************************************************** ** ** Constructor for an empty feature table output object, using an ** existing open output file (the file sequence data is already written to) ** ** @param [r] fmt [const char*] feature format ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] sequence name ** @param [r] type [const char*] feature type ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @category new [AjPFeattabOut] Constructor with format, name, type ** and output file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFeattabOut ajFeattabOutNewCSF(const char* fmt, const AjPStr name, const char* type, AjPFile file) { AjPFeattabOut pthis; ajint iformat = 0; /*ajDebug("ajFeattabOutNewCSF '%S' '%S' '%s' '%F'\n", fmt, name, type, file);*/ if(!featFindOutFormatC(fmt, &iformat)) return NULL; pthis = ajFeattabOutNew(); ajStrAssignC(&pthis->Formatstr, featOutFormat[iformat].Name); pthis->Format = iformat; ajFeattabOutSetTypeC(pthis, type); ajStrAssignS(&pthis->Seqname, name); pthis->Handle = file; pthis->Local = ajTrue; /*ajDebug("ajFeatTabOutNewSSF %x\n", pthis);*/ return pthis; } /* @func ajFeattabOutNewSSF *************************************************** ** ** Constructor for an empty feature table output object, using an ** existing open output file (the file sequence data is already written to) ** ** @param [r] fmt [const AjPStr] feature format ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] sequence name ** @param [r] type [const char*] feature type ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @category new [AjPFeattabOut] Constructor with format, name, type ** and output file ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFeattabOut ajFeattabOutNewSSF(const AjPStr fmt, const AjPStr name, const char* type, AjPFile file) { AjPFeattabOut pthis; ajint iformat = 0; /*ajDebug("ajFeattabOutNewSSF '%S' '%S' '%s' '%F'\n", fmt, name, type, file);*/ if(!featFindOutFormatS(fmt, &iformat)) return NULL; pthis = ajFeattabOutNew(); ajStrAssignC(&pthis->Formatstr, featOutFormat[iformat].Name); pthis->Format = iformat; ajFeattabOutSetTypeC(pthis, type); ajStrAssignS(&pthis->Seqname, name); pthis->Handle = file; pthis->Local = ajTrue; /*ajDebug("ajFeatTabOutNewSSF %x\n", pthis);*/ return pthis; } /* @func ajFeattabOutNew ****************************************************** ** ** Constructor for an empty feature table output object ** ** @return [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table input object ** @category new [AjPFeattabOut] Constructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPFeattabOut ajFeattabOutNew(void) { AjPFeattabOut pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); /*ajDebug("ajFeattabOutNew %x\n", pthis);*/ return pthis; } /* @func ajFeattabOutClear **************************************************** ** ** Clears all data for a feature table output object ** ** @param [d] thys [AjPFeattabOut *] feature format ** @return [void] Feature table output object ** @category delete [AjPFeattabOut] Destructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeattabOutClear(AjPFeattabOut *thys) { AjPFeattabOut pthis; pthis = *thys; if(!pthis) return; ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Ufo); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Formatstr); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Filename); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Directory); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Seqid); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Type); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Seqname); ajStrSetClear(&pthis->Basename); if(pthis->Cleanup) pthis->Cleanup(pthis->Handle); pthis->Cleanup = NULL; pthis->Count = 0; /* "Local" tables have borrowed an open file with NewSSF */ if(!pthis->Local) ajFileClose(&pthis->Handle); return; } /* @func ajFeattabOutDel ****************************************************** ** ** Destructor for a feature table output object ** ** @param [d] thys [AjPFeattabOut *] feature format ** @return [void] Feature table output object ** @category delete [AjPFeattabOut] Destructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeattabOutDel(AjPFeattabOut *thys) { AjPFeattabOut pthis; pthis = *thys; if(!pthis) return; ajStrDel(&pthis->Ufo); ajStrDel(&pthis->Formatstr); ajStrDel(&pthis->Filename); ajStrDel(&pthis->Directory); ajStrDel(&pthis->Seqid); ajStrDel(&pthis->Type); ajStrDel(&pthis->Seqname); ajStrDel(&pthis->Basename); if(pthis->Cleanup) pthis->Cleanup(pthis->Handle); pthis->Cleanup = NULL; pthis->Count = 0; /* "Local" tables have borrowed an open file with NewSSF */ if(!pthis->Local) ajFileClose(&pthis->Handle); AJFREE(pthis); return; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteUfo ************************************************** ** ** Parses a UFO, opens an output file, and writes a feature table to it. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Feature output object ** @param [r] ftable [const AjPFeattable] Feature table to be written ** @param [r] ufo [const AjPStr] UFO feature spec (ignored if already open) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteUfo(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPFeattable ftable, const AjPStr ufo) { if(!ajFeattabOutIsOpen(thys)) ajFeattabOutOpen(thys, ufo); return ajFeattableWrite(thys, ftable); } /* @obsolete ajFeatUfoWrite ** @replace ajFeattableWriteUfo (1,2,3/2,1,3) */ __deprecated AjBool ajFeatUfoWrite(const AjPFeattable thys, AjPFeattabOut featout, const AjPStr ufo) { return ajFeattableWriteUfo(featout, thys, ufo); } /* @funcstatic featoutUfoProcess ********************************************** ** ** Converts a UFO Uniform Feature Object into an open output file. ** ** First tests for "format::" and sets format if it is found ** ** Then checks for a filename, and defaults to the sequence name (as stored ** in the AjPFeattabOut) or "unknown" if there is no name. ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table to be written. ** @param [r] ufo [const AjPStr] UFO. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featoutUfoProcess(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr ufo) { AjBool fmtstat = ajFalse; /* status returns from regex tests */ AjBool filstat = ajFalse; /* status returns from regex tests */ AjPFeattabOut featout = thys; if(!featoutRegUfoFmt) featoutRegUfoFmt = ajRegCompC("^([A-Za-z0-9]*):+(.*)$"); /* ** \1 format ** \2 remainder */ if(!featoutRegUfoFile) featoutRegUfoFile = ajRegCompC("^([^:]+)$"); /*ajDebug("featoutUfoProcess UFO '%S'\n", ufo);*/ ajStrAssignS(&featoutUfoTest, ufo); if(ajStrGetLen(ufo)) { fmtstat = ajRegExec(featoutRegUfoFmt, featoutUfoTest); /*ajDebug("feat format regexp: %B\n", fmtstat);*/ } if(fmtstat) { ajRegSubI(featoutRegUfoFmt, 1, &featout->Formatstr); ajStrAssignEmptyC(&featout->Formatstr, featOutFormat[0].Name); /* unknown */ ajRegSubI(featoutRegUfoFmt, 2, &featoutUfoTest); /* trim off format */ /*ajDebug("found feat format %S\n", featout->Formatstr);*/ } else { /*ajDebug("no feat format specified in UFO '%S' try '%S' or 'gff'\n", ufo, featout->Formatstr);*/ ajStrAssignEmptyC(&featout->Formatstr, "gff"); } if(!featFindOutFormatS(featout->Formatstr, &featout->Format)) ajErr("unknown output feature format '%S' " "will write as gff3 instead\n", featout->Formatstr ); /* now go for the filename */ filstat = ajRegExec(featoutRegUfoFile, featoutUfoTest); /*ajDebug("featRegUfoFile: %B\n", filstat);*/ if(filstat) { ajRegSubI(featoutRegUfoFile, 1, &featout->Filename); /*ajDebug("set from UFO featout Filename '%S'\n", featout->Filename);*/ } else { if(ajStrGetLen(featout->Basename)) ajFmtPrintS(&featoutUfoTest, "%S.%S", featout->Basename, featout->Formatstr); else if(ajStrGetLen(featout->Seqname)) ajFmtPrintS(&featoutUfoTest, "%S.%S", featout->Seqname, featout->Formatstr); else ajFmtPrintS(&featoutUfoTest, "unknown.%S", featout->Formatstr); ajStrAssignEmptyS(&featout->Filename, featoutUfoTest); /*ajDebug("generate featout filename '%S' dir '%S'\n", featout->Filename, featout->Directory);*/ } /*ajDebug("\n");*/ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic featFindOutFormatC ********************************************* ** ** Looks for the specified format(s) in the internal definitions and ** returns the index. ** ** Given a single format, sets iformat. ** ** @param [r] format [const char*] Format required. ** @param [w] iformat [ajint*] Index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featFindOutFormatC(const char* format, ajint* iformat) { ajint i = 0; /*ajDebug("featFindOutFormatC '%s'\n", format);*/ if(!*format) return ajFalse; ajStrAssignC(&featoutFormatTmp, format); ajStrFmtLower(&featoutFormatTmp); for(i=0; featOutFormat[i].Name; i++) { /*ajDebug("test %d '%s' len=%d\n", i, featOutFormat[i].Name,ajStrGetLen(featoutFormatTmp));*/ if(ajStrMatchC(featoutFormatTmp, featOutFormat[i].Name)) { *iformat = i; ajStrDelStatic(&featoutFormatTmp); /*ajDebug("found '%s' at %d\n", featOutFormat[i].Name, i);*/ return ajTrue; } } ajStrDelStatic(&featoutFormatTmp); *iformat = 1; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic featFindOutFormatS ********************************************* ** ** Looks for the specified format(s) in the internal definitions and ** returns the index. ** ** Given a single format, sets iformat. ** ** @param [r] format [const AjPStr] Format required. ** @param [w] iformat [ajint*] Index ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featFindOutFormatS(const AjPStr format, ajint* iformat) { return featFindOutFormatC(ajStrGetPtr(format), iformat); } /* @func ajFeatOutFormatDefault *********************************************** ** ** Sets the default output format. ** Checks the _OUTFEATFORMAT variable, ** and uses GFF3 if no other definition is found. ** ** @param [w] pformat [AjPStr*] Default output feature format. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeatOutFormatDefault(AjPStr* pformat) { if(ajStrGetLen(*pformat)) { /*ajDebug("... output feature format '%S'\n", *pformat);*/ } else { if(ajNamGetValueC("outfeatformat", pformat)) { /*ajDebug("ajFeatOutFormatDefault '%S' from EMBOSS_OUTFEATFORMAT\n", *pformat);*/ } else { ajStrAssignEmptyC(pformat, "gff"); /* use the real name */ /*ajDebug("... output feature format not set, default to '%S'\n", *pformat);*/ } } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWrite ***************************************************** ** ** Generic interface function for writing features to a file ** defined by a feature table output object. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Specifies the external source ** (file) of the features to be written ** @param [r] features [const AjPFeattable] Feature set to be written out ** @return [AjBool] Returns ajTrue if successful; ajFalse otherwise ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWrite(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable features) { AjBool result = ajFalse; AjPFile file; ajint format; AjBool isnuc = ajFalse; AjBool isprot = ajFalse; AjBool ok = ajFalse; if(features) { if(!ftout) return ajFalse; if(ajFeattableIsNuc(features)) isnuc = ajTrue; if(ajFeattableIsProt(features)) isprot = ajTrue; ok = ajFalse; if(isnuc && featOutFormat[ftout->Format].Nucleotide) ok = ajTrue; else if(isprot && featOutFormat[ftout->Format].Protein) ok = ajTrue; if(!ok) { if(isnuc) ajErr("Feature format '%S' not supported for nucleotide " "sequence features", ftout->Formatstr); else if(isprot) ajErr("Feature format '%S' not supported for protein " "sequence features", ftout->Formatstr); else ajErr("Feature format '%S' failed: unknown sequence feature " "type", ftout->Formatstr); return ajFalse; } /*ajDebug("ajFeattableWrite Validating arguments\n");*/ file = ftout->Handle; if(!file) return ajFalse; format = ftout->Format; /*ajDebug("ajFeattableWrite format is %d OK\n",ftout->Format);*/ ajFeatVocabInit(featOutFormat[format].Name); result = featOutFormat[format].Write(ftout, features); ftout->Count++; return result; } /* ajDebug(" NO Features to output\n");*/ return AJTRUE; } /* @obsolete ajFeatWrite ** @rename ajFeattableWrite */ __deprecated AjBool ajFeatWrite(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable features) { return ajFeattableWrite(ftout, features); } /* @func ajFeattableWriteGff2 ************************************************* ** ** Write feature table in GFF 2.0 format ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] Feattab [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteGff2(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable Feattab) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFile file = ftout->Handle; /* Check arguments */ /* ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteGff2 Checking arguments\n"); */ if(!file) return ajFalse; /* Print header first */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "##gff-version 2.0\n") ; ajFmtPrintF(file, "##date %D\n", ajTimeRefTodayFmt("GFF")) ; if(ajStrMatchC(Feattab->Type, "N")) ajFmtPrintF(file, "##Type %s %S\n", "DNA", Feattab->Seqid); else if(ajStrMatchC(Feattab->Type, "P")) ajFmtPrintF(file, "##Type %s %S\n", "Protein", Feattab->Seqid); else ajFmtPrintF(file, "##Type unknown <%S> %S\n", Feattab->Type, Feattab->Seqid); /* For all features... relatively simple because internal structures are deliberately styled on GFF */ if(Feattab->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(Feattab->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); featDumpGff2(gf, Feattab, file); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteGff3 ************************************************* ** ** Write feature table in GFF format ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] Feattab [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteGff3(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable Feattab) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFile file = ftout->Handle; /* Check arguments */ /* ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteGff3 Checking arguments\n"); */ if(!file) return ajFalse; /* Print GFF3-specific header first with ## tags */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "##gff-version 3\n") ; ajFmtPrintF(file, "##sequence-region %S %u %u\n", Feattab->Seqid, ajFeattableGetBegin(Feattab), ajFeattableGetEnd(Feattab)); /* EMBOSS specific header with #! tags */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "#!Date %D\n", ajTimeRefTodayFmt("GFF")); if(ajStrMatchC(Feattab->Type, "P")) ajFmtPrintF(file, "#!Type Protein\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(file, "#!Type DNA\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, "#!Source-version EMBOSS %S\n", ajNamValueVersion()); /* For all features... relatively simple because internal structures are deliberately styled on GFF */ if(Feattab->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(Feattab->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); featDumpGff3(gf, NULL, Feattab, file); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteDdbj ************************************************* ** ** Write a feature table in DDBJ format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteDdbj(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { return feattableWriteEmbl(thys,ftout->Handle,ajFalse); } /* @func ajFeattableWriteEmbl ************************************************* ** ** Write a feature table in EMBL format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteEmbl(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { return feattableWriteEmbl(thys,ftout->Handle,ajTrue); } /* @func ajFeattableWriteGenbank ********************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in GenBank format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteGenbank(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { return feattableWriteEmbl(thys,ftout->Handle,ajFalse); } /* @func ajFeattableWriteRefseq *********************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in Refseq format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteRefseq(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { return feattableWriteRefseq(thys,ftout->Handle); } /* @func ajFeattableWriteRefseqp ********************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in Refseqp format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteRefseqp(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { return feattableWriteRefseqp(thys,ftout->Handle); } /* @funcstatic featWriteEmbl ************************************************** ** ** Write a feature in EMBL format. Include any subfeatures ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeature] Feature object ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] Seqid [const AjPStr] Sequence ID ** @param [r] IsEmbl [AjBool] ajTrue for EMBL (different line prefix) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featWriteEmbl(const AjPFeature thys, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid, AjBool IsEmbl) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjBool whole = ajFalse; /* has "complement(" been added */ AjPStr location = NULL; /* location list as a string */ AjPStr temp = NULL; AjPStr pos = NULL; ajuint exon = 0; location = ajStrNewRes(80); temp = ajStrNewRes(80); pos = ajStrNewRes(80); if((thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_MULTIPLE) && ajListGetLength(thys->Subfeatures)) { if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN) whole = ajTrue; if(whole) ajStrAppendC(&location,"complement("); /* location from subfeatures */ if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_ORDER) ajStrAppendC(&location,"order("); else ajStrAppendC(&location,"join("); iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Subfeatures); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); if(exon++) ajStrAppendC(&location,","); ajStrSetClear(&temp); ajStrSetClear(&pos); /* location start position */ if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_REMOTEID) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S:",gf->Remote); /* ajDebug("remote: %S\n", gf->Remote); */ } if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_LABEL) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S",gf->Label); /* ajDebug("label: %S\n", gf->Label); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"<%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"(%d.%d)",gf->Start,gf->Start2); /* ajDebug("start2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->Start, gf->Start2); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("start\n"); */ } /* location range and end position */ if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_POINT)) { if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"^%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug("between ^end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..>%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(">end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..(%d.%d)",gf->End2,gf->End); /* ajDebug("end2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->End2, gf->End); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(".. end\n"); */ } } if(gf->Strand == '-' && !whole) { ajStrAssignC(&temp,"complement("); ajStrAppendS(&temp,pos); ajStrAppendC(&temp,")"); /* ajDebug("strand '-', wrap exon with complement()\n"); */ } else { ajStrAssignS(&temp,pos); /* ajDebug("simple exon\n"); */ } ajStrAppendS(&location, temp); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); if(whole) ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); featDumpEmbl(thys, location, file, Seqid, IsEmbl); ajStrDel(&location); ajStrDel(&pos); ajStrDel(&temp); return ajTrue; } /* simple feature location */ if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN) whole = ajTrue; if(whole) ajStrAppendC(&location,"complement("); /* location start position */ if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_REMOTEID) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S:",thys->Remote); /* ajDebug("remote: %S\n", thys->Remote); */ } if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_LABEL) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S",thys->Label); /* ajDebug("label: %S\n", thys->Label); */ } else if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"<%d",thys->Start); /* ajDebug("Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"(%d.%d)",thys->Start,thys->Start2); /* ajDebug("start2 (%d.%d)\n", thys->Start, thys->Start2); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%d",thys->Start); /* ajDebug("start\n"); */ } /* location range and end position */ if(!(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_POINT)) { if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"^%d",thys->End); /* ajDebug("between ^end\n"); */ } else if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..>%d",thys->End); /* ajDebug(">end\n"); */ } else if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..(%d.%d)",thys->End2,thys->End); /* ajDebug("end2 (%d.%d)\n", thys->End2, thys->End); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..%d",thys->End); /* ajDebug(".. end\n"); */ } } if(thys->Strand == '-' && !whole) { ajStrAssignC(&temp,"complement("); ajStrAppendS(&temp,pos); ajStrAppendC(&temp,")"); /* ajDebug("strand '-', wrap exon with complement()\n"); */ } else { ajStrAssignS(&temp,pos); /* ajDebug("simple exon\n"); */ } ajStrAppendS(&location, temp); if(whole) ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); featDumpEmbl(thys, location, file, Seqid, IsEmbl); ajStrDel(&location); ajStrDel(&pos); ajStrDel(&temp); /* any other features grouped under this one - write separately */ if(ajListGetLength(thys->Subfeatures)) { iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Subfeatures); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); featWriteEmbl(gf, file, Seqid, IsEmbl); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic feattableWriteEmbl ********************************************* ** ** Write a feature table in EMBL format. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] IsEmbl [AjBool] ajTrue for EMBL (different line prefix) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool feattableWriteEmbl(const AjPFeattable thys, AjPFile file, AjBool IsEmbl) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; /* Check arguments */ /* ajDebug("feattableWriteEmbl Checking arguments\n"); */ if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ajFeattableIsNuc(thys)) return ajFalse; /* feature table heading */ if(IsEmbl) { ajFmtPrintF(file, "FH Key Location/Qualifiers\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, "FH\n"); } else ajFmtPrintF(file, "FEATURES Location/Qualifiers\n"); if(!thys->Features) return ajFalse; /* For all features... we need to process a group at a time */ ajListSort(thys->Features,*ajFeatCompByGroup); iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); featWriteEmbl(gf, file, thys->Seqid, IsEmbl); } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic feattableWriteRefseq ******************************************* ** ** Write a feature table in REFSEQ format. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file * @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool feattableWriteRefseq(const AjPFeattable thys, AjPFile file) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature gfprev = NULL; AjBool join = ajFalse; AjBool whole = ajFalse; /* has "complement(" been added */ AjPStr location = NULL; /* location list as a string */ AjPStr temp = NULL; AjPStr pos = NULL; ajuint oldgroup = UINT_MAX; /* Check arguments */ /* ajDebug("feattableWriteRefseq Checking arguments\n"); */ if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ajFeattableIsNuc(thys)) return ajFalse; /* feature table heading */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "FEATURES Location/Qualifiers\n"); location = ajStrNewRes(80); temp = ajStrNewRes(80); pos = ajStrNewRes(80); /* For all features... we need to process a group at a time */ ajListSort(thys->Features,*ajFeatCompByGroup); if(thys->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); if((oldgroup != gf->Group) && gfprev) /* previous location ready */ { if(join) { ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* close bracket for join */ /* ajDebug("join: closing ')' appended\n"); */ } if(whole) { ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"complement("); ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* ajDebug("wrap with complement(), reset whole %b to N\n", whole); */ whole = ajFalse; } /* ajDebug("calling featDumpRefseq for gfprev\n"); */ /* ajDebug("location: '%S'\n", location); */ featDumpRefseq(gfprev, location, file, thys->Seqid); /* gfprev has tag data */ /* reset the values from previous */ /* ajDebug("reset location\n"); */ ajStrSetClear(&location); /* ajDebug("reset join %b to N\n", join); */ join = ajFalse; } oldgroup = gf->Group; /* process the new gf */ /* ajDebug("\n'%S' group: %d exon: %d flags:%x tags: %d\n", gf->Type, gf->Group,gf->Exon, gf->Flags, ajListGetLength(gf->Tags)); */ if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN) { /* ajDebug("set2 whole %b to Y\n", whole); */ whole =ajTrue; } if(ajStrGetLen(location)) /* one location already there */ { if(!join) { /* ajDebug("insert 'join(', set join Y\n"); */ if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_ORDER) ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"order("); else ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"join("); join = ajTrue; } ajStrAppendC(&location,","); /* ajDebug("append ','\n"); */ } ajStrSetClear(&temp); ajStrSetClear(&pos); if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_REMOTEID) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S:",gf->Remote); /* ajDebug("remote: %S\n", gf->Remote); */ } if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_LABEL) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S",gf->Label); /* ajDebug("label: %S\n", gf->Label); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"<%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"(%d.%d)",gf->Start,gf->Start2); /* ajDebug("start2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->Start, gf->Start2); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("start\n"); */ } if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_POINT)) { if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"^%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug("between ^end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..>%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(">end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..(%d.%d)",gf->End2,gf->End); /* ajDebug("end2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->End2, gf->End); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(".. end\n"); */ } } if(gf->Strand == '-' && !whole) { ajStrAssignC(&temp,"complement("); ajStrAppendS(&temp,pos); ajStrAppendC(&temp,")"); /* ajDebug("strand '-', wrap exon with complement()\n"); */ } else { ajStrAssignS(&temp,pos); /* ajDebug("simple exon\n"); */ } ajStrSetClear(&pos); ajStrAppendS(&location,temp); /* this is the parent/only feature */ if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_CHILD)) gfprev=gf; } ajListIterDel(&iter); if(gfprev) { /* Don't forget the last one !!! */ if(join) { ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* close bracket for join */ /* ajDebug("last: join: closing ')' appended\n"); */ } if(whole) { ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"complement("); ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* ** ajDebug("last: wrap with complement(), reset whole %b " ** "to N\n", whole); */ whole = ajFalse; } /* ajDebug("last: calling featDumpRefseq for gfprev\n"); */ /* ajDebug("location: '%S'\n", location); */ featDumpRefseq(gfprev, location, file, thys->Seqid) ; /* gfprev has tag data */ } ajStrDel(&location); ajStrDel(&pos); ajStrDel(&temp); } /* ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteRefseq Done\n"); */ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic feattableWriteRefseqp ****************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in REFSEQP format. ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file * @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool feattableWriteRefseqp(const AjPFeattable thys, AjPFile file) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature gfprev = NULL; AjBool join = ajFalse; AjBool whole = ajFalse; /* has "complement(" been added */ AjPStr location = NULL; /* location list as a string */ AjPStr temp = NULL; AjPStr pos = NULL; ajuint oldgroup = UINT_MAX; /* Check arguments */ /* ajDebug("feattableWriteRefseqp Checking arguments\n"); */ if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ajFeattableIsNuc(thys)) return ajFalse; /* feature table heading */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "FEATURES Location/Qualifiers\n"); location = ajStrNewRes(80); temp = ajStrNewRes(80); pos = ajStrNewRes(80); /* For all features... we need to process a group at a time */ ajListSort(thys->Features,*ajFeatCompByGroup); if(thys->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); if((oldgroup != gf->Group) && gfprev) /* previous location ready */ { if(join) { ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* close bracket for join */ /* ajDebug("join: closing ')' appended\n"); */ } if(whole) { ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"complement("); ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* ajDebug("wrap with complement(), reset whole %b to N\n", whole); */ whole = ajFalse; } /* ajDebug("calling featDumpRefseqp for gfprev\n"); */ /* ajDebug("location: '%S'\n", location); */ featDumpRefseqp(gfprev, location, file, thys->Seqid); /* gfprev has tag data */ /* reset the values from previous */ /* ajDebug("reset location\n"); */ ajStrSetClear(&location); /* ajDebug("reset join %b to N\n", join); */ join = ajFalse; } oldgroup = gf->Group; /* process the new gf */ /* ajDebug("\n'%S' group: %d exon: %d flags:%x tags: %d\n", gf->Type, gf->Group,gf->Exon, gf->Flags, ajListGetLength(gf->Tags)); */ if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN) { /* ajDebug("set2 whole %b to Y\n", whole); */ whole =ajTrue; } if(ajStrGetLen(location)) /* one location already there */ { if(!join) { /* ajDebug("insert 'join(', set join Y\n"); */ if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_ORDER) ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"order("); else ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"join("); join = ajTrue; } ajStrAppendC(&location,","); /* ajDebug("append ','\n"); */ } ajStrSetClear(&temp); ajStrSetClear(&pos); if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_REMOTEID) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S:",gf->Remote); /* ajDebug("remote: %S\n", gf->Remote); */ } if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_LABEL) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%S",gf->Label); /* ajDebug("label: %S\n", gf->Label); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"<%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"(%d.%d)",gf->Start,gf->Start2); /* ajDebug("start2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->Start, gf->Start2); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"%d",gf->Start); /* ajDebug("start\n"); */ } if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_POINT)) { if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"^%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug("between ^end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..>%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(">end\n"); */ } else if(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..(%d.%d)",gf->End2,gf->End); /* ajDebug("end2 (%d.%d)\n", gf->End2, gf->End); */ } else { ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"..%d",gf->End); /* ajDebug(".. end\n"); */ } } if(gf->Strand == '-' && !whole) { ajStrAssignC(&temp,"complement("); ajStrAppendS(&temp,pos); ajStrAppendC(&temp,")"); /* ajDebug("strand '-', wrap exon with complement()\n"); */ } else { ajStrAssignS(&temp,pos); /* ajDebug("simple exon\n"); */ } ajStrSetClear(&pos); ajStrAppendS(&location,temp); /* this is the parent/only feature */ if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_CHILD)) gfprev=gf; } ajListIterDel(&iter); if(gfprev) { /* Don't forget the last one !!! */ if(join) { ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* close bracket for join */ /* ajDebug("last: join: closing ')' appended\n"); */ } if(whole) { ajStrInsertC(&location,0,"complement("); ajStrAppendC(&location,")"); /* ** ajDebug("last: wrap with complement(), reset whole %b " ** "to N\n", whole); */ whole = ajFalse; } /* ajDebug("last: calling featDumpRefseqp for gfprev\n"); */ /* ajDebug("location: '%S'\n", location); */ featDumpRefseqp(gfprev, location, file, thys->Seqid) ; /* gfprev has tag data */ } ajStrDel(&location); ajStrDel(&pos); ajStrDel(&temp); } /* ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteRefseqp Done\n"); */ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteSwiss ************************************************ ** ** Write a feature table in SwissProt format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteSwiss(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList itersub = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature gfsub = NULL; AjPFile file = ftout->Handle; /* Check arguments */ ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteSwiss Checking arguments\n"); if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ajFeattableIsProt(thys)) return ajFalse; /* no FH header in SwissProt */ /* For all features... */ if(!thys->Features) return ajTrue; iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); if(ajListGetLength(gf->Subfeatures)) { itersub = ajListIterNewread(gf->Subfeatures); while(!ajListIterDone(itersub)) { gfsub = ajListIterGet(itersub); featDumpSwiss(gfsub, file, gf); } ajListIterDel(&itersub); } else { featDumpSwiss(gf, file, gf); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWritePir ************************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in PIR format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWritePir(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList itersub = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature gfsub = NULL; AjPStr location = NULL; /* location list as a string */ AjPStr pos = NULL; AjPFile file = ftout->Handle; /* const AjPTable tagstable = NULL; const AjPTable typetable = NULL; */ /* Check arguments */ /*ajDebug("ajFeattableWritePir Checking arguments\n");*/ if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ajFeattableIsProt(thys)) return ajFalse; if(!thys->Features) return ajTrue; /* tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("pir"); */ /* typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("pir"); */ location = ajStrNewRes(80); pos = ajStrNewRes(80); /* For all features... we need to process a group at a time */ ajListSort(thys->Features,*ajFeatCompByGroup); iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); ajStrSetClear(&location); if(ajListGetLength(gf->Subfeatures)) { itersub = ajListIterNewread(gf->Subfeatures); while(!ajListIterDone(itersub)) { gfsub = ajListIterGet(itersub); if(ajStrGetLen(location)) ajStrAppendC(&location,","); ajFmtPrintS(&pos,"%d",gfsub->Start); if(gfsub->End != gfsub->Start) ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"-%d",gfsub->End); ajStrAppendS(&location,pos); } featDumpPir(gf, location, file); ajListIterDel(&itersub); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&pos,"%d",gf->Start); if(gf->End != gf->Start) ajFmtPrintAppS(&pos,"-%d",gf->End); ajStrAppendS(&location,pos); featDumpPir(gf, location, file); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&location); ajStrDel(&pos); /*ajDebug("ajFeattableWritePir Done\n");*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteDasgff *********************************************** ** ** Write a feature table in DAS GFF format. ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteDasgff(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable thys) { /* ** Things to do: ** ** Where do the tag-values go? In for now ** ** Check standards for id, type etc. for table and features */ /*#define MULTINOTE 1*/ AjPFile file = ftout->Handle; AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList tagiter = NULL; const AjPStr outtyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr outtag = NULL; /* so please, please */ AjPTagval item = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; /* AjPFeature gftop = NULL; */ const AjPTable tagstable = NULL; const AjPTable typetable = NULL; ajuint oldgroup = UINT_MAX; ajuint nfeat = 0; char frame; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; AjPStr mytagname = NULL; AjPStr mytagval = NULL; #ifdef MULTINOTE ajuint ntags; ajuint itag; #endif const char* cp; /* Check arguments */ ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteDasgff Checking arguments\n"); if(!file) return ajFalse; if(!ftout->Count) { ftout->Cleanup = featCleanDasgff; ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n"); /* deleted in DAS 1.6 ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n"); */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); } ajFmtPrintF(file, " Seqid, 1+thys->Offset+thys->Start, 1+thys->Offset+thys->End); /* label is optional */ /* ajFmtPrintF(outseq->File, " label=\"%s\">", ""); */ /* type attribute is optional and may not mean this */ /* if(ajFeattableIsProt(thys)) ajFmtPrintF(outseq->File, " type=\"Protein\">"); else ajFmtPrintF(outseq->File, " type=\"DNA\">"); */ ajFmtPrintF(file, " version=\"%s\">\n", "0.0"); /* For all features... */ /* SEGMENT requires at least one feature - if none, make one up */ if(thys->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); nfeat++; if(gf->Protein) { typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("gff3protein"); tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("gff3protein"); ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteDasgff GFF3 protein table\n"); } else { typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesNuc("gff3"); tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsNuc("gff3"); ajDebug("ajFeattableWriteDasgff GFF3 nucleotide table\n"); } outtyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(gf->Type, typetable); if(oldgroup != gf->Group) { oldgroup = gf->Group; /* gftop = gf; */ } else { #if 0 if(!(gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_CHILD)) gftop = gf; /* this is the parent/only feature */ #endif } ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", thys->Seqid, gf->Source, gf->Group); ajFeatGetTagC(gf,"category",1, &mytagval); if(ajStrGetLen(mytagval)==0) ajStrAssignS(&mytagval, ajFeatTypeGetCategory(gf->Type)); ajFmtPrintF(file, " %S\n", gf->Type, mytagval, outtyp); ajStrDel(&mytagval); /* ** METHOD id should be something the server can return ** For application results this is the application name */ if(ajStrGetLen(gf->Source)) ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", gf->Source); else ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", gf->Source); /* ** START and END are optional in DAS 1.6 but we always have them */ ajFmtPrintF(file, " %d\n", gf->Start); ajFmtPrintF(file, " %d\n", gf->End); /* ** SCORE is optional in DAS 1.6 ** ** we don't know a value 'zero' means actual 'zero' ** or 'inapplicable', ** looks safer not printing the tag when the score is zero */ if(!E_FPZERO(gf->Score,U_FEPS)) ajFmtPrintF(file, " %.f\n", gf->Score); /* ** ORIENTATION is optional in DAS 1.6 ** for proteins or non-transcriptional features */ if(gf->Strand) ajFmtPrintF(file, " %c\n", gf->Strand); /* 0 or - or + */ else ajFmtPrintF(file, " 0\n"); /* ** PHASE is optional in DAS 1.6 ** for proteins or non-translational features */ if(ajFeatTypeIsCds(gf)) frame = ajFeatframeGetFrameNuc(gf->Frame); else frame = ajFeatframeGetFrame(gf->Frame); if(gf->Frame == 0) ajFmtPrintF(file, " -\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(file, " %c\n", frame); /* ** tag-value pairs are written as NOTES ** We write one note for each ** This displays well in various DAS client browsers */ if(gf->Tags) { #ifdef MULTINOTE ntags = ajListGetLength(gf->Tags); itag = 0; #endif tagiter = ajListIterNewread(gf->Tags); while(!ajListIterDone(tagiter)) { item = (AjPTagval)ajListIterGet(tagiter); outtag = ajFeattagGetNameS(item->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); if(!outtag) { ajFeatWarn("Unknown GFF3 feature tag '%S'", item->Tag); continue; } ajFeattagFormat(outtag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); #ifdef MULTINOTE if(ntags == 1) { ajFmtPrintF(file, " "); } else { if(!itag) ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); } #else ajFmtPrintF(file, " "); #endif ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "%S", outtag); ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, item->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /*ajDebug("case limited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /*ajDebug("case qlimited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); /*featTagQuoteGff3(&featoutValTmp);*/ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') :/* no space/quotes, wrap margin */ /*ajDebug("case text\n");*/ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','T') :/* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ /*featTagQuoteGff3(&featoutValTmp);*/ if(ajStrMatchC(outtag, "note") && ajStrGetCharFirst(featoutValTmp) == '*') { ajStrCutStart(&featoutValTmp,1); ajStrExtractWord(featoutValTmp, &mytagval, &mytagname); ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "%S:%S", mytagname, mytagval); ajStrDel(&mytagname); ajStrDel(&mytagval); } else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','W') :/* escape quotes, remove space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ /*featTagQuoteGff3(&featoutValTmp);*/ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /*ajDebug("case qspecial\n");*/ if(!ajFeattagSpecialGff3(outtag, &featoutValTmp)) featTagDasgffDefault(&featoutStr, outtag, &featoutValTmp); else { /*featTagQuoteGff3(&featoutValTmp);*/ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); } break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /*ajDebug("case special\n");*/ if(!ajFeattagSpecialGff3(outtag, &featoutValTmp)) featTagDasgffDefault(&featoutStr, outtag, &featoutValTmp); else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, ":%S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so an error here */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown GFF3 feature tag type '%S' " "for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, outtag); } /* TESTING: for single NOTE write ';' after each tag-value pair */ #ifdef MULTINOTE if(++itag < ntags) ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr,";"); if(ntags == 1) { ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\n",featoutStr); } else { ajFmtPrintF(file, " %S\n", featoutStr); if(itag == ntags) ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); } #else ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\n",featoutStr); #endif } ajListIterDel(&tagiter); } /* link to more information about the feature */ /* ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "url-here", "text-here); */ /* target in an alignment */ /* ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "target-id", target->start, target->stop,"target-name"); */ /* GROUP is deprecated in DAS 1.6 - replaced by PARENT and PART */ /* ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", thys->Seqid, gf->Group, thys->Seqid, gf->Group, thys->Seqid, gf->Group);*/ /* link to more GROUP information */ /* ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "url-here", "text-here); */ /* target in a GROUP alignment */ /* ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "target-id", target->start, target->stop,"target-name"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); */ ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); } ajListIterDel(&iter) ; } /* it seems unclear whether DASGFF allows empty segments ** this block can be used if some dummy features is mandatory ** but note that any feature will appear in a DASGFF viewer ** unless there is some official dummy type available ** ** Common practice is to ignore the DTD and write an empty SEGMENT ** so this section should not be needed. DAS 1.6 will correct the spec */ /* if(!nfeat) { ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", thys->Seqid); ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "dummy", "feature", "dummy)"; if(ajStrGetLen(gf->Source)) ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n", gf->Source); else ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " 1\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " %d\n", thys->Len); ajFmtPrintF(file, " 0.0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " 0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " -\n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " %s\n", "Written by EMBOSS"); ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); } */ ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic featCleanDasgff ************************************************ ** ** Writes the remaining lines to complete and close a DASGFF XML file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featCleanDasgff(AjPFile file) { ajFmtPrintF(file, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n"); return; } /* @func ajFeattabOutSetType ************************************************** ** ** Sets the type for feature output ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Feature output object ** @param [r] type [const AjPStr] Feature type "nucleotide" "protein" ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutSetType(AjPFeattabOut thys, const AjPStr type) { return ajFeattabOutSetTypeC(thys, ajStrGetPtr(type)); } /* @func ajFeattabOutSetTypeC ************************************************* ** ** Sets the type for feature output ** ** @param [u] thys [AjPFeattabOut] Feature output object ** @param [r] type [const char*] Feature type "nucleotide" "protein" ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattabOutSetTypeC(AjPFeattabOut thys, const char* type) { ajint i = 0; if(!*type) return ajTrue; for(i=0; featOutTypes[i].Name; i++) { if(ajCharMatchCaseC(featOutTypes[i].Name, type)) { if(featOutTypes[i].Value) ajStrAssignC(&thys->Type, featOutTypes[i].Value); return ajTrue; } } ajErr("Unrecognised feature output type '%s'", type); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic featLocEmblWrapC *********************************************** ** ** Splits EMBL feature location at the last possible comma ** and adds the appropriate prefix (e.g. the EMBL FT line type) ** ** @param [u] Ploc [AjPStr*] location as a string ** @param [r] margin [ajuint] Right margin ** @param [r] prefix [const char*] Left margin prefix string ** @param [r] preftyp [const char*] Left margin prefix string for first line ** (includes the feature key) ** @param [w] retstr [AjPStr*] string with formatted value. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featLocEmblWrapC(AjPStr *Ploc, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, const char* preftyp, AjPStr* retstr) { ajint left = 0; ajint width = 0; ajlong len = 0L; ajlong i; ajlong j; ajlong k; ajlong last; left = strlen(prefix); width = margin - left; /* available width for printing */ ajStrRemoveWhite(Ploc); /* no white space in locations */ len = ajStrGetLen(*Ploc); k = width; /* for safety - will be set in time */ ajDebug("featLocEmblWrapC %Ld <%d> '%S'\n", len, width, *Ploc); for(i=0; i < len; i+= k) { last = i + width - 1; ajDebug("try %Ld to %Ld (len %Ld)\n", i, last, len); if((last+1) >= len) /* no need to split */ { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, *Ploc, i, len-1); ajDebug("last %Ld >= len %Ld\n", last, len); j = 0; } else { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, *Ploc, i, last); /* save max string */ j = ajStrFindlastC(featoutTmpStr, ","); /* last comma in featoutTmpStr */ ajDebug("comma at %Ld\n", j); } if(j < 1) /* no comma found */ { ajDebug("no comma j=%Ld k=%u '%S'\n", j, ajStrGetLen(featoutTmpStr), featoutTmpStr); j = ajStrGetLen(featoutTmpStr); k = j; } else { /* print up to last comma */ j++; k = j; /* start after the comma */ } ajDebug("%Ld +%Ld k=%Ld featoutTmpStr: '%.*S'\n", i, j, k, (ajuint) j, featoutTmpStr); if(!i) ajFmtPrintAppS(retstr, "%s%.*S\n", preftyp,(ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); else ajFmtPrintAppS(retstr, "%s%.*S\n", prefix,(ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); } return; } /* @funcstatic featTagEmblWrapC *********************************************** ** ** Splits feature table output at the last possible space (or ** the last column if there are no spaces) and adds the appropriate ** prefix (e.g. the EMBL FT line type) ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @param [r] margin [ajuint] Right margin ** @param [r] prefix [const char*] Left margin prefix string ** @param [w] retstr [AjPStr*] string with formatted value. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagEmblWrapC(AjPStr *pval, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, AjPStr* retstr) { ajint left = 0; ajint width = 0; ajlong len = 0L; ajlong i; ajlong j; ajlong k; ajlong last; left = strlen(prefix); width = margin - left; /* available width for printing */ ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(pval); /* single spaces only */ len = ajStrGetLen(*pval); k = width; /* for safety - will be set in time */ /* ajDebug("featTagEmblWrapC %Ld <%Ld> '%S'\n", len, width, *pval); */ for(i=0; i < len; i+= k) { last = i + width - 1; /* ajDebug("try %Ld to %Ld (len %Ld)\n", i, last, len); */ if((last+1) >= len) /* no need to split */ { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, *pval, i, len-1); /* ajDebug("last %Ld >= len %Ld\n", last, len); */ j = 0; } else if(ajStrGetCharPos(*pval, (last+1)) == ' ') /* split at max width */ { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, *pval, i, last); j = last + 1 - i; } else { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, *pval, i, last); /* save max string */ j = ajStrFindlastC(featoutTmpStr, " "); /* last space in featoutTmpStr */ /* ajDebug("space at %Ld\n", j); */ } if(j < 1) /* no space found */ { j = ajStrGetLen(featoutTmpStr); k = j; } else /* print up to last space */ { k = j + 1; /* start after the space */ } /* ajDebug("%Ld +%Ld '%.*S'\n", i, j, (ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); */ ajFmtPrintAppS(retstr, "%s%.*S\n", prefix,(ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); } return; } /* @funcstatic featTagSwissWrapC ********************************************** ** ** Splits feature table output at the last possible space (or ** the last column if there are no spaces) and adds the appropriate ** prefix (e.g. the SwissProt FT line type) ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @param [r] margin [ajuint] Right margin ** @param [r] prefix [const char*] Left margin prefix string ** @param [w] retstr [AjPStr*] string with formatted value. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagSwissWrapC(AjPStr *pval, ajuint margin, const char* prefix, AjPStr* retstr) { ajuint left = 0; ajuint width = 0; ajuint len = 0; ajulong i; ajulong j; ajulong k; ajlong iftid = -1; AjBool isftidstart = ajFalse; /* AjBool isftid = ajFalse; */ AjPStr valstr = NULL; ajulong last; left = strlen(prefix); width = margin - left; /* available width for printing */ k = width; /* will be reset in the loop */ ajDebug("featTagSwissWrapC %d <%d> '%S'\n", ajStrGetLen(*pval), width, *pval); if(ajStrGetLen(*pval) <= left) /* no need to wrap */ { ajStrAssignS(retstr, *pval); ajStrAppendK(retstr, '\n'); /*ajDebug("simple '%S'\n", *retstr);*/ return; } ajStrAssignSubS(retstr, *pval, 0, left-1); ajStrAssignSubS(&valstr, *pval, left, -1); len = ajStrGetLen(valstr); /*ajDebug("rest '%S'\n", valstr);*/ if(ajStrPrefixC(valstr, "/FTId=")) { ajStrTrimEndC(retstr, " "); ajStrAppendK(retstr, '\n'); isftidstart = ajTrue; } for(i=0; i < len; i+= k) { last = i + width - 1; ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, len-1); iftid = ajStrFindC(featoutTmpStr, " /FTId="); /* isftid = ajFalse; */ /*ajDebug("try %d to %d (len %d) iftid:%d\n", i, last, len, iftid);*/ if(iftid >= 0 && iftid+(ajint)i <= (ajint)last) { if(iftid) { /* isftid = ajTrue; */ ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, (ajlong) i+iftid-1); j = iftid; } else { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, (ajlong) i+iftid-2); j = 0; } /*ajDebug("' /FTId=' found iftid:%d isftid:%B, j:%d\n", iftid, isftid, j);*/ } else if((last+1) >= len) /* no need to split */ { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, len-1); /*ajDebug("last %d >= len %d\n", last, len);*/ j = 0; } /* split at max width */ else if(ajStrGetCharPos(valstr, (ajlong) (last+1)) == ' ') { ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, (ajlong) last); j = width; /*ajDebug("split at max width last+1 %d\n", last+1);*/ } else { /* save max string */ ajStrAssignSubS(&featoutTmpStr, valstr, (ajlong) i, (ajlong) last); /* last space in featoutTmpStr */ j = ajStrFindlastC(featoutTmpStr, " "); /*ajDebug("space at %d\n", j);*/ } if(j < 1) /* no space found */ { j = ajStrGetLen(featoutTmpStr); k = j; } else /* print up to last space */ { k = j + 1; /* start after the space */ } /*ajDebug("%Ld +%Ld (%Ld) '%.*S'\n", i, j, k, (ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr);*/ if(i || isftidstart) ajFmtPrintAppS(retstr, "%s%.*S\n", prefix,(ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); else ajFmtPrintAppS(retstr, "%.*S\n", (ajuint)j, featoutTmpStr); } ajStrDel(&valstr); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpEmbl *************************************************** ** ** Write details of single feature to file in EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ format ** ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] location [const AjPStr] location list ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] Seqid [const AjPStr] Sequence ID ** @param [r] IsEmbl [AjBool] ajTrue if writing EMBL format (FT prefix) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpEmbl(const AjPFeature feat, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid, AjBool IsEmbl) { AjIList iter = NULL; ajint i = 0; AjPTagval tv = NULL; const AjPStr tmptyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr tmptag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPStr tmplim = NULL; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjPStr wrapstr = NULL; AjPStr preftyploc = NULL; AjPStr preftyptag = NULL; AjPStr tmploc = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable; const AjPTable typetable; ajDebug("featDumpEmbl '%S'\n", location); /* print the location */ tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsNuc("embl"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesNuc("embl"); ajStrAssignS(&tmploc, location); tmptyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(feat->Type, typetable); if(IsEmbl) { ajFmtPrintS(&preftyploc, "%s %-15.15S ", "FT", tmptyp); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyptag, "%s ", "FT"); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&preftyploc, "%s %-15.15S ", " ", tmptyp); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyptag, "%s ", " "); } if(IsEmbl) featLocEmblWrapC(&tmploc, 80, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), ajStrGetPtr(preftyploc), &wrapstr); else featLocEmblWrapC(&tmploc, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), ajStrGetPtr(preftyploc), &wrapstr); /*ajDebug("tmploc: '%S' wrapstr; '%S'\n", tmploc, wrapstr);*/ ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); /* print the qualifiers */ iter = ajListIterNewread(feat->Tags); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); ++i; tmptag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(tmptag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); /* ajDebug(" %3d %S value: '%S'\n", i, tv->Tag, tv->Value); */ /* ajDebug(" %3d %S format: '%S'\n", i, tmptag, featoutFmtTmp); */ ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "/%S", tmptag); if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /* ajDebug("case limited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /* ajDebug("case qlimited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /* ajDebug("case qspecial\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else { featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); } break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /* ajDebug("case special\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* no space, no quotes, wrap at margin */ /* ajDebug("case text\n"); */ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so an error here */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ break; case CASE2('Q','T') : /* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /* ajDebug("case qtext\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','W') : /* escape quotes, remove space */ /* ajDebug("case qword\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); /* no white space needed */ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown EMBL feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, tmptag); } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", featoutFmtTmp);*/ } if(IsEmbl) featTagEmblWrapC(&featoutStr, 80, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), &wrapstr); else featTagEmblWrapC(&featoutStr, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); } /* ajDebug("featDumpEmbl Done %d tags\n", i); */ ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&preftyploc); ajStrDel(&preftyptag); ajStrDel(&tmploc); ajStrDel(&tmplim); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpRefseq ************************************************* ** ** Write details of single feature to file in Refseq format ** ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] location [const AjPStr] location list ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] Seqid [const AjPStr] Sequence ID ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpRefseq(const AjPFeature feat, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid) { AjIList iter = NULL; ajint i = 0; AjPTagval tv = NULL; const AjPStr tmptyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr tmptag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPStr tmplim = NULL; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjPStr wrapstr = NULL; AjPStr preftyploc = NULL; AjPStr preftyptag = NULL; AjPStr tmploc = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable; const AjPTable typetable; /* ajDebug("featDumpRefseq Start\n"); */ /* print the location */ tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsNuc("embl"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesNuc("embl"); ajStrAssignS(&tmploc, location); tmptyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(feat->Type, typetable); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyploc, "%s %-15.15S ", " ", tmptyp); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyptag, "%s ", " "); featLocEmblWrapC(&tmploc, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), ajStrGetPtr(preftyploc), &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); /* print the qualifiers */ iter = ajListIterNewread(feat->Tags); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); ++i; tmptag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(tmptag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); /* ajDebug(" %3d %S value: '%S'\n", i, tv->Tag, tv->Value); */ /* ajDebug(" %3d %S format: '%S'\n", i, tmptag, featoutFmtTmp); */ ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "/%S", tmptag); if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /* ajDebug("case limited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /* ajDebug("case qlimited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /* ajDebug("case qspecial\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else { featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); } break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /* ajDebug("case special\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* no space, no quotes, wrap at margin */ /* ajDebug("case text\n"); */ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so an error here */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ break; case CASE2('Q','T') : /* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /* ajDebug("case qtext\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','W') : /* escape quotes, remove space */ /* ajDebug("case qword\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); /* no white space needed */ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown EMBL feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, tmptag); } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", featoutFmtTmp);*/ } featTagEmblWrapC(&featoutStr, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); } /* ajDebug("featDumpRefseq Done %d tags\n", i); */ ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&preftyploc); ajStrDel(&preftyptag); ajStrDel(&tmploc); ajStrDel(&tmplim); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpRefseqp ************************************************ ** ** Write details of single feature to file in RefSeq protein format ** ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] location [const AjPStr] location list ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] Seqid [const AjPStr] Sequence ID ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpRefseqp(const AjPFeature feat, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file, const AjPStr Seqid) { AjIList iter = NULL; ajint i = 0; AjPTagval tv = NULL; const AjPStr tmptyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr tmptag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPStr tmplim = NULL; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjPStr wrapstr = NULL; AjPStr preftyploc = NULL; AjPStr preftyptag = NULL; AjPStr tmploc = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable; const AjPTable typetable; /* ajDebug("featDumpRefseqp Start\n"); */ /* print the location */ tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("refseqp"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("refseqp"); ajStrAssignS(&tmploc, location); tmptyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(feat->Type, typetable); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyploc, "%s %-15.15S ", " ", tmptyp); ajFmtPrintS(&preftyptag, "%s ", " "); featLocEmblWrapC(&tmploc, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), ajStrGetPtr(preftyploc), &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); /* print the qualifiers */ iter = ajListIterNewread(feat->Tags); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); ++i; tmptag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(tmptag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); /* ajDebug(" %3d %S value: '%S'\n", i, tv->Tag, tv->Value); */ /* ajDebug(" %3d %S format: '%S'\n", i, tmptag, featoutFmtTmp); */ ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "/%S", tmptag); if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /* ajDebug("case limited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /* ajDebug("case qlimited\n"); */ ajFeattagGetLimit(tmptag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /* ajDebug("case qspecial\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else { featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); } break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /* ajDebug("case special\n"); */ if(!ajFeattagSpecial(tmptag, &featoutValTmp)) { ajFeatWarn("%S: Bad special tag value", Seqid); featTagEmblDefault(&featoutStr, tmptag, &featoutValTmp); } else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* no space, no quotes, wrap at margin */ /* ajDebug("case text\n"); */ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so an error here */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ break; case CASE2('Q','T') : /* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /* ajDebug("case qtext\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','W') : /* escape quotes, remove space */ /* ajDebug("case qword\n"); */ featTagQuoteEmbl(&featoutValTmp); ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); /* no white space needed */ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "=%S\n", featoutValTmp); break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown EMBL feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, tmptag); } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", featoutFmtTmp);*/ } featTagEmblWrapC(&featoutStr, 79, ajStrGetPtr(preftyptag), &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); } /* ajDebug("featDumpRefseqp Done %d tags\n", i); */ ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&preftyploc); ajStrDel(&preftyptag); ajStrDel(&tmploc); ajStrDel(&tmplim); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpPir **************************************************** ** ** Write details of single feature to output file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] location [const AjPStr] Location as a string ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpPir(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPStr location, AjPFile file) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPStr outtyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr outtag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPStr outcomm = NULL; AjPStr outfmt = NULL; AjPTagval tv = NULL; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjBool typmod; AjPFeature copy = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable; tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("pir"); copy = ajFeatNewFeat(thys); ajStrAssignClear(&outcomm); ajStrAssignS(&outtyp, copy->Type); typmod = featTypePirOut(&outtyp); /* try to pick the best type if any */ /* if changed, we append the original internal type */ if(typmod) { ajDebug("typmod %B append ', %S'\n", typmod, ajFeatTypeProt(copy->Type)); ajFeatSetDescApp(copy, ajFeatTypeProt(copy->Type)); } /* make sure it's PIR */ ajStrFmtTitle(&outtyp); ajStrExchangeCC(&outtyp, "_", " "); ajFmtPrintF(file, "F;%S/%S:", location, outtyp); /* For all tag-values... */ iter = ajFeatTagIter(copy); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); outtag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(outtag, tagstable, &outfmt); /*ajDebug("Tag '%S' => '%S' %S '%S'\n", tv->Tag, outtag, outfmt, tv->Value);*/ if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); if(ajStrMatchCaseC(outtag, "comment")) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&outcomm, " #%S", featoutValTmp); continue; } cp = ajStrGetPtr(outfmt); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { default: ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", outfmt);*/ } ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", featoutStr); ajStrDelStatic(&featoutStr); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajFeatDel(©); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\n", outcomm); ajStrDel(&outcomm); ajStrDel(&outfmt); ajStrDel(&outtyp); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpSwiss ************************************************** ** ** Write details of single feature to output file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] gftop [const AjPFeature] Parent feature ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpSwiss(const AjPFeature thys, AjPFile file, const AjPFeature gftop) { AjIList iter = NULL; const AjPStr outtyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr outtag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPStr outfmt = NULL; AjPStr tmplim = NULL; AjPTagval tv = NULL; ajint i =0; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjPStr wrapstr = NULL; AjPStr fromstr = NULL; AjPStr tostr = NULL; AjBool wasnote = ajFalse; const AjPTable tagstable; const AjPTable typetable; tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("swiss"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("swiss"); outtyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(thys->Type, typetable); if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE) { if(thys->Start) ajFmtPrintS(&fromstr, "?%d", thys->Start); else ajFmtPrintS(&fromstr, "?"); } else if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) ajFmtPrintS(&fromstr, "<%d", thys->Start); else ajFmtPrintS(&fromstr, "%d", thys->Start); if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE) { if(thys->End) ajFmtPrintS(&tostr, "?%d", thys->End); else ajFmtPrintS(&tostr, "?"); } else if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) ajFmtPrintS(&tostr, ">%d", thys->End); else ajFmtPrintS(&tostr, "%d", thys->End); ajFmtPrintS(&featoutStr, "FT %-8.8S %6.6S %6.6S", outtyp, fromstr, tostr); /* For all tag-values... from gftop which could be the same as thys */ iter = ajFeatTagIter(gftop); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); outtag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(outtag, tagstable, &outfmt); ajDebug("Tag '%S' => '%S' %S '%S'\n", tv->Tag, outtag, outfmt, tv->Value); if(i++) ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " ") ; else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " ") ; /* ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "%S", outtag); */ /* tag type is silent */ if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(outfmt); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /*ajDebug("case limited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &tmplim); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, tmplim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "%S.", featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&tmplim); wasnote = ajFalse; break; case CASE2('T','A') : /* tag=text */ /*ajDebug("case tagval\n");*/ if(ajStrMatchCaseC(outtag, "ftid")) /* fix case for tag */ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "/FTId=%S.",featoutValTmp); else /* lower case is fine */ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "/%S=%S",outtag, featoutValTmp); wasnote = ajFalse; break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* simple text, wrap at space */ /*ajDebug("case text\n");*/ ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "%S.", featoutValTmp); wasnote = ajTrue; break; case CASE2('B','T') : /* bracketed, wrap at space */ /*ajDebug("case btext\n");*/ if(wasnote) { ajStrCutEnd(&featoutStr, 2); /* remove ". " */ ajStrAppendK(&featoutStr, ' '); /* replace the space */ } ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "(%S).", featoutValTmp); wasnote = ajFalse; break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown SWISS feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", outfmt, outtag); wasnote = ajFalse; } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", outfmt);*/ } } ajListIterDel(&iter); featTagSwissWrapC(&featoutStr, 75, "FT ", &wrapstr); ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", wrapstr); ajStrDelStatic(&featoutStr); ajStrDel(&wrapstr); ajStrDel(&tostr); ajStrDel(&fromstr); ajStrDel(&outfmt); ajStrDel(&tmplim); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpGff2 *************************************************** ** ** Write details of single feature to GFF 2.0 output file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] owner [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** (used for the sequence name) ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpGff2(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPFeattable owner, AjPFile file) { AjIList iter = NULL; const AjPStr outtyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr outtag = NULL; /* so please, please */ /* don't delete them */ AjPTagval tv = NULL; ajint i = 0; AjBool knowntag = ajTrue; const char* cp; AjPStr flagdata = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable = NULL; const AjPTable typetable = NULL; if(thys->Protein) { tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("gff2protein"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("gff2protein"); } else { tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsNuc("gff2"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesNuc("gff2"); } /* header done by calling routine */ /*ajDebug("featDumpGff...\n");*/ /* simple line-by line with Gff tags */ outtyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(thys->Type, typetable); /*ajDebug("Type '%S' => '%S'\n", thys->Type, outtyp);*/ if(ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand) == '-' && thys->End < thys->Start) ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\t%S\t%S\t%d\t%d\t%.3f\t%c\t%c\t", owner->Seqid, thys->Source, outtyp, thys->End, thys->Start, thys->Score, ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand), ajFeatframeGetFrame(thys->Frame)); else ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\t%S\t%S\t%d\t%d\t%.3f\t%c\t%c\t", owner->Seqid, thys->Source, outtyp, thys->Start, thys->End, thys->Score, ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand), ajFeatframeGetFrame(thys->Frame)); if(thys->Flags) ajFmtPrintS(&flagdata, "0x%x", thys->Flags); if(thys->Start2) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, " "); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "start2:%d", thys->Start2); } if(thys->End2) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, " "); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "end2:%d", thys->End2); } if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Remote)) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, " "); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "remoteid:%S", thys->Remote); } if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Label)) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, " "); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "label:%S", thys->Label); } /* group and flags */ ajFmtPrintF(file, "Sequence \"%S.%d\"", owner->Seqid, thys->Group) ; i++; if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) { /* ** Move this code up to run for all features - to preserve the order ** when rewriting in EMBL format if(FEATFLAG_MULTIPLE) { (void) ajFmtPrintF(file, "Sequence \"%S.%d\" ; ", owner->Seqid, thys->Group) ; i++; } */ if(i++) ajFmtPrintF(file, " ; ") ; ajFmtPrintF(file, "FeatFlags \"%S\"", flagdata) ; } /* For all tag-values... */ iter = ajFeatTagIter(thys); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); outtag = ajFeattagGetNameS(tv->Tag, tagstable, &knowntag); ajFeattagFormat(outtag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); /*ajDebug("Tag '%S' => '%S' %S '%S'\n", tv->Tag, outtag, featoutFmtTmp, tv->Value);*/ if(i++) ajFmtPrintF(file, " ; ") ; ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, "%S", outtag); if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /*ajDebug("case limited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /*ajDebug("case qlimited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); featTagQuoteGff2(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* no space, no quotes, wrap at margin */ /*ajDebug("case text\n");*/ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','T') : /* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ featTagQuoteGff2(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','W') : /* escape quotes, remove space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ featTagQuoteGff2(&featoutValTmp); ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /*ajDebug("case qspecial\n");*/ if(!ajFeattagSpecialGff2(outtag, &featoutValTmp)) featTagGff2Default(&featoutStr, outtag, &featoutValTmp); else { featTagQuoteGff2(&featoutValTmp); ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); } break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /*ajDebug("case special\n");*/ if(!ajFeattagSpecialGff2(outtag, &featoutValTmp)) featTagGff2Default(&featoutStr, outtag, &featoutValTmp); else ajFmtPrintAppS(&featoutStr, " %S", featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so an error here */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown GFF 2.0 feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, outtag); } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", featoutFmtTmp);*/ } ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S", featoutStr); ajStrDelStatic(&featoutStr); } ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n") ; ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&flagdata); return; } /* @funcstatic featDumpGff3Tag ************************************************ ** ** Write tag-value pairs of features to GFF 3.0 output file ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] tag [const char*] Tag name ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Tag value ** @param [r] firsttag [AjBool] whether this is the first tag to be printed ** @return [AjBool] always returns ajFalse ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featDumpGff3Tag(AjPFile file, const char* tag, const AjPStr value, AjBool firsttag) { if(strlen(tag)==0) { ajFeatWarn("empty tag name for tag value '%S'", value); tag="Note"; } if(firsttag) ajFmtPrintF(file, "%s=%S", tag, value); else ajFmtPrintF(file, ";%s=%S", tag, value); (void)firsttag; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic featDumpGff3 *************************************************** ** ** Write details of single feature to GFF 3.0 output file ** ** @param [r] thys [const AjPFeature] Feature ** @param [r] parent [const AjPFeature] Parent feature ** @param [r] owner [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** (used for the sequence name) ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featDumpGff3(const AjPFeature thys, const AjPFeature parent, const AjPFeattable owner, AjPFile file) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjIList ftiter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; const AjPStr outtyp = NULL; /* these come from AjPTable */ const AjPStr outtag = NULL; const char* tagname = NULL; AjPTagval tv = NULL; ajint i = 0; const char* cp; AjPStr flagdata = NULL; const AjPTable tagstable = NULL; const AjPTable typetable = NULL; char frame; ajuint tmpbeg = 0; ajuint tmpend = 0; const AjPStr tmpid; AjPFeatGfftags gfftags = NULL; AjBool firsttag = ajTrue; ajDebug("featDumpGff3 prot: %B type '%S'\n", thys->Protein, thys->Type); if(thys->Protein) { tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsProt("gff3protein"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("gff3protein"); } else { tagstable = ajFeatVocabGetTagsNuc("gff3"); typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesNuc("gff3"); } /* header done by calling routine */ /*ajDebug("featDumpGff3...\n");*/ /* simple line-by line with Gff3 tags */ outtyp = ajFeattypeGetExternal(thys->Type, typetable); /*ajDebug("Type '%S' => '%S'\n", thys->Type, outtyp);*/ if(ajFeatTypeIsCds(thys)) frame = ajFeatframeGetFrameNuc(thys->Frame); else frame = ajFeatframeGetFrame(thys->Frame); if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "start_before:true"); } if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "end_after:true"); } /* FEATFLAG_CHILD known from subfeatures */ if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "between:true"); } if(thys->Start2) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "start2:%d", thys->Start2); } if(thys->End2) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "end2:%d", thys->End2); } /* FEATFLAG_POINT known from start=end */ /* FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN known from parent feature strand */ /* FEATFLAG_MULTIPLE known from subfeatures */ /* FEATFLAG_GROUP obsolete, known from subfeatures */ /* FEATFLAG_ORDER obsolete, known from subfeatures */ /* FEATFLAG_ONEOF obsolete, known from subfeatures */ /* FEATFLAG_REMOTEID known from non-matching seqid for a subfeature */ if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Label)) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "label:%S", thys->Label); } if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "start_unsure:true"); } if(thys->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE) { if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) ajStrAppendC(&flagdata, ","); ajFmtPrintAppS(&flagdata, "end_unsure:true"); } if(ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand) == '-' && thys->End < thys->Start) { tmpbeg = thys->End; tmpend = thys->Start; } else { tmpbeg = thys->Start; tmpend = thys->End; } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(thys->Remote)) tmpid = thys->Remote; else tmpid = owner->Seqid; if(thys->Score) ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\t%S\t%S\t%d\t%d\t%.3f\t%c\t%c\t", tmpid, thys->Source, outtyp, tmpbeg, tmpend, thys->Score, ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand), frame); else ajFmtPrintF(file, "%S\t%S\t%S\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%c\t%c\t", tmpid, thys->Source, outtyp, tmpbeg, tmpend, '.', ajFeatstrandGetStrand(thys->Strand), frame); gfftags = ajFeatGetGfftags(thys); /* For all GFF tag-values... */ if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Id)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "ID", gfftags->Id,firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Name)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Name", gfftags->Name, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Alias)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Alias", gfftags->Alias, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Parent)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Parent", gfftags->Parent, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Target)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Target", gfftags->Target, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Gap)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Gap", gfftags->Gap, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->DerivesFrom)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Derives_from", gfftags->DerivesFrom, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Note)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Note", gfftags->Note, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Dbxref)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Dbxref", gfftags->Dbxref, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->OntologyTerm)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Ontology_term", gfftags->OntologyTerm, firsttag); if(ajStrGetLen(gfftags->IsCircular)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "Is_circular", gfftags->IsCircular, firsttag); /* group and flags */ if(parent && !ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Parent)) { ajFmtPrintF(file, "%sParent=%S.%d", (firsttag?"":";"), owner->Seqid, parent->Group); firsttag = ajFalse; } else if(!parent && !ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Id) && !ajStrGetLen(gfftags->Name)) { ajFmtPrintF(file, "%sID=%S.%d", (firsttag?"":";"), owner->Seqid, thys->Group); firsttag = ajFalse; } ajFeatGfftagsDel(&gfftags); i++; if(ajStrGetLen(flagdata)) firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, "featflags", flagdata, firsttag); /* For all other tag-values... */ iter = ajFeatTagIter(thys); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { tv = ajListIterGet(iter); outtag = tv->Tag; if(!outtag) { ajFeatWarn("Unknown GFF3 feature tag '%S'", tv->Tag); continue; } ajFeattagFormat(outtag, tagstable, &featoutFmtTmp); /*ajDebug("Tag '%S' => '%S' %S '%S'\n", tv->Tag, outtag, featoutFmtTmp, tv->Value);*/ tagname = ajStrGetPtr(outtag); if(tv->Value) { ajStrAssignS(&featoutValTmp, tv->Value); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutFmtTmp); if(strlen(cp)>0) switch(CASE2(cp[0], cp[1])) { case CASE2('L','I') : /* limited */ /*ajDebug("case limited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'L') : /* limited, escape quotes */ /*ajDebug("case qlimited\n");*/ ajFeattagGetLimit(outtag, tagstable, &featoutLimTmp); featTagAllLimit(&featoutValTmp, featoutLimTmp); break; case CASE2('T','E') : /* no space, no quotes, wrap at margin */ /*ajDebug("case text\n");*/ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q','T') : /* escape quotes, wrap at space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ break; case CASE2('Q','W') : /* escape quotes, remove space */ /*ajDebug("case qtext\n");*/ ajStrRemoveWhite(&featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('Q', 'S') : /* special regexp, quoted */ /*ajDebug("case qspecial\n");*/ /* todo: double check whether we need following line */ ajFeattagSpecialGff3(outtag, &featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('S','P') : /* special regexp */ /*ajDebug("case special\n");*/ /* todo: double check whether we need following lines */ ajFeattagSpecialGff3(outtag, &featoutValTmp); break; case CASE2('V','O') : /* no value, so append 'true' */ /*ajDebug("case void\n");*/ ajStrAssignC(&featoutValTmp, "true"); break; default: ajFeatWarn("Unknown GFF3 feature tag type '%S' for '%S'", featoutFmtTmp, outtag); continue; } } else { /*ajDebug("no value, hope it is void: '%S'\n", featoutFmtTmp);*/ ajStrAssignC(&featoutValTmp, "true"); } featTagQuoteGff3(&featoutValTmp); firsttag=featDumpGff3Tag(file, tagname, featoutValTmp, firsttag); } ajFmtPrintF(file, "\n") ; ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&flagdata); if(ajListGetLength(thys->Subfeatures)) { ftiter = ajListIterNewread(thys->Subfeatures); while(!ajListIterDone(ftiter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(ftiter); featDumpGff3(gf, thys, owner, file); } ajListIterDel(&ftiter); return; } return; } /* @func ajFeattableWriteDebug ************************************************ ** ** Print contents of a feature table to a file ** ** @param [u] ftout [AjPFeattabOut] Feature table output object ** @param [r] ftable [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @return [AjBool] Always true ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattableWriteDebug(AjPFeattabOut ftout, const AjPFeattable ftable) { return ajFeattablePrint(ftable, ftout->Handle); } /* @func ajFeattablePrint ***************************************************** ** ** Print contents of a feature table to a file ** ** @param [r] ftable [const AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file object ** @return [AjBool] Always true ******************************************************************************/ AjBool ajFeattablePrint(const AjPFeattable ftable, AjPFile outf) { AjIList iterft = NULL; AjPFeature feature = NULL; AjIList itertag = NULL; AjPTagval tv = NULL; ajint i=0; ajint j=0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Format: %u (%S)", ftable->Format, ftable->Formatstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Start: %u\n", ftable->Start); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " End: %u\n", ftable->End); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Len: %u\n", ftable->Len); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Offset: %u\n", ftable->Offset); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Groups: %u\n", ftable->Groups); iterft = ajListIterNewread(ftable->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iterft)) { feature = (AjPFeature)ajListIterGet(iterft); i++; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n Feature %d\n", i); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Source: '%S'\n", feature->Source); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Type: '%S'\n", feature->Type); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Score: %.6f\n", feature->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Protein: %B\n", feature->Protein); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Strand: '%c'\n", feature->Strand); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Start: %d\n", feature->Start); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " End: %d\n", feature->End); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Start2: %d\n", feature->Start2); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " End2: %d\n", feature->End2); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Remote: '%S'\n", feature->Remote); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Label: '%S'\n", feature->Label); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Frame: %d\n", feature->Frame); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Exon: %u\n", feature->Exon); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Group: %u\n", feature->Group); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Flags: %x\n", feature->Flags); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " START_BEFORE_SEQ\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " END_AFTER_SEQ\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_CHILD) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " CHILD\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_BETWEEN_SEQ) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " BETWEEN_SEQ\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " START_TWO\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " END_TWO\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_POINT) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " POINT\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_COMPLEMENT_MAIN) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " COMPLEMENT_MAIN\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_MULTIPLE) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " MULTIPLE\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_ORDER) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " ORDER\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_REMOTEID) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " REMOTEID\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_LABEL) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " LABEL\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " START_UNSURE\n"); if(feature->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " END_UNSURE\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Tags: %u tags\n", ajListGetLength(feature->Tags)); j=0; itertag = ajListIterNewread(feature->Tags); while(!ajListIterDone(itertag)) { tv = ajListIterGet(itertag); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Tag %3d %S : '%S'\n", ++j, tv->Tag, tv->Value); } ajListIterDel(&itertag); } ajListIterDel(&iterft); return ajTrue; } /* @func ajFeatoutPrintFormat ************************************************* ** ** Reports the internal data structures for output feature formats ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] full [AjBool] Full report (usually ajFalse) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeatoutPrintFormat(AjPFile outf, AjBool full) { ajint i = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Feature output formats\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Format name (or alias)\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Alias Name is an alias\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Nuc Valid for nucleotide sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Pro Valid for protein sequences\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "# Name Alias Nuc Pro " "Description\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "OutFormat {\n"); for(i=0; featOutFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(full || !featOutFormatDef[i].Alias) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %-12s %5B %5B %5B \"%s\"\n", featOutFormatDef[i].Name, featOutFormatDef[i].Alias, featOutFormatDef[i].Nucleotide, featOutFormatDef[i].Protein, featOutFormatDef[i].Desc); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "}\n\n"); return; } /* @func ajFeatoutPrinthtmlFormat ********************************************* ** ** Reports the internal data structures for output feature formats ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeatoutPrinthtmlFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajFmtPrintF(outf, ""); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); for(i=0; featOutFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(!featOutFormatDef[i].Alias) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "" "\n", featOutFormatDef[i].Name, featOutFormatDef[i].Alias, featOutFormatDef[i].Nucleotide, featOutFormatDef[i].Protein, featOutFormatDef[i].Desc); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "
Features Output FormatAliasNucProDescription
\n"); return; } /* @func ajFeatoutPrintbookFormat ********************************************* ** ** Reports the output feature format internals in docbook format ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeatoutPrintbookFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; AjPList fmtlist; AjPStr* names; fmtlist = ajListstrNew(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); for(i=1; featOutFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(!featOutFormatDef[i].Alias) { namestr = ajStrNewC(featOutFormatDef[i].Name); ajListPush(fmtlist, namestr); namestr = NULL; } } ajListSort(fmtlist, ajStrVcmp); ajListstrToarray(fmtlist, &names); for(i=0; names[i]; i++) { for(j=0; featOutFormatDef[j].Name; j++) { if(ajStrMatchC(names[i],featOutFormatDef[j].Name)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", featOutFormatDef[j].Name); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", featOutFormatDef[j].Nucleotide); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", featOutFormatDef[j].Protein); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n", featOutFormatDef[j].Desc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, " \n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "
Output feature formats
Output FormatNucProDescription
\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); names = NULL; ajListstrFreeData(&fmtlist); return; } /* @func ajFeatoutPrintwikiFormat ********************************************* ** ** Reports the output feature format internals in wiki text format ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeatoutPrintwikiFormat(AjPFile outf) { ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; AjPStr namestr = NULL; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" border=\"2\"\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "!Format!!Nuc!!Pro!!" "class=\"unsortable\"|Description\n"); for(i=1; featOutFormatDef[i].Name; i++) { if(!featOutFormatDef[i].Alias) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|-\n"); ajStrAssignC(&namestr, featOutFormatDef[i].Name); for(j=i+1; featOutFormatDef[j].Name; j++) { if(featOutFormatDef[j].Write == featOutFormatDef[i].Write) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&namestr, " %s", featOutFormatDef[j].Name); if(!featOutFormatDef[j].Alias) { ajWarn("Feature output format '%s' same as '%s' " "but not alias", featOutFormatDef[j].Name, featOutFormatDef[i].Name); } } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|%S||%B||%B||%s\n", namestr, featOutFormatDef[i].Nucleotide, featOutFormatDef[i].Protein, featOutFormatDef[i].Desc); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "|}\n\n"); ajStrDel(&namestr); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagAllLimit ************************************************ ** ** Tests a string as a valid feature value, given a ** list of possible values. ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @param [r] values [const AjPStr] comma delimited list of values ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue for a valid value, possibly corrected ** ajFalse if invalid, to be converted to default (note) type ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featTagAllLimit(AjPStr* pval, const AjPStr values) { AjPStr limstr = NULL; const char* cp = NULL; const char* cq = NULL; ajint i=0; AjBool ret = ajFalse; /* ajDebug("featTagAllLimit '%S' '%S'\n", *pval, values); */ ajStrAssignResC(&limstr, 16, ""); cp = ajStrGetPtr(values); cq = cp; while(*cp) { if(*cp == ',') { ajStrAssignLenC(&limstr, cq, i); if(ajStrMatchCaseS(*pval, limstr)) { if(!ajStrMatchS(*pval, limstr)) { ajStrAssignS(pval, limstr); } ret = ajTrue; break; } ajStrAssignClear(&limstr); cq = cp+1; i=0; } else i++; cp++; } ajStrDel(&limstr); return ret; } /* @funcstatic featTagQuoteEmbl *********************************************** ** ** Internal quotes converted to two double quotes ** for EMBL feature tag values. ** ** Quotes added around the outside. ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagQuoteEmbl(AjPStr* pval) { const char* cp; /* ajDebug("featTagQuoteEmbl '%S'\n", *pval); */ if(ajStrFindAnyK(*pval, '"') < 0) { ajStrFmtQuote(pval); } else /* double up internal quotes */ { ajStrAssignS(&featoutTmpStr, *pval); ajStrAssignC(pval, "\""); cp = ajStrGetPtr(featoutTmpStr); while(*cp) { if(*cp == '"') ajStrAppendK(pval, '"'); ajStrAppendK(pval, *cp++); } ajStrAppendK(pval, '"'); } ajStrDelStatic(&featoutTmpStr); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagQuoteGff2 *********************************************** ** ** Internal quotes converted to escaped quotes ** for EMBL feature tag values ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagQuoteGff2(AjPStr* pval) { if(!featoutRegQuote) featoutRegQuote = ajRegCompC("([^\"]*)\""); /* ajDebug("featTagQuoteGff2 '%S'\n", *pval); */ ajStrAssignS(&featoutValCopy, *pval); ajStrDelStatic(pval); while(ajRegExec(featoutRegQuote, featoutValCopy)) { ajRegSubI(featoutRegQuote, 1, &featoutSubStr); /* ajDebug("part '%S'\n", substr); */ ajStrAppendS(pval, featoutSubStr); ajStrAppendC(pval, "\\\""); ajRegPost(featoutRegQuote, &featoutTmpStr); ajStrAssignS(&featoutValCopy, featoutTmpStr); } /* ajDebug("rest '%S'\n", featoutValCopy); */ ajStrAppendS(pval, featoutValCopy); ajStrFmtQuote(pval); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagQuoteGff3 *********************************************** ** ** Quoted text values ** ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagQuoteGff3(AjPStr* pval) { ajDebug("featTagQuoteGff3 '%S'\n", *pval); ajStrFmtPercentEncodeC(pval, ";=%&,\t"); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagEmblDefault ********************************************* ** ** Give up, and generate a default EMBL/Genbank feature tag ** ** @param [w] pout [AjPStr*] Output string ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] original tag name ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagEmblDefault(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval) { /*ajDebug("featTagEmblDefault '%S' '%S'\n", tag, *pval);*/ featTagQuoteEmbl(pval); ajFmtPrintS(pout, "/note=\"%S: %S\"", tag, *pval); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagGff2Default ********************************************* ** ** Give up, and generate a default GFF feature tag ** ** @param [w] pout [AjPStr*] Output string ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] original tag name ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagGff2Default(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval) { /*ajDebug("featTagGff2Default '%S' '%S'\n", tag, *pval);*/ featTagQuoteGff2(pval); ajFmtPrintS(pout, "note \"%S: %S\"", tag, *pval); return; } /* @funcstatic featTagDasgffDefault ******************************************* ** ** Give up, and generate a default DASGFF feature tag ** ** @param [w] pout [AjPStr*] Output string ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] original tag name ** @param [u] pval [AjPStr*] parameter value ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void featTagDasgffDefault(AjPStr* pout, const AjPStr tag, AjPStr* pval) { /*ajDebug("featTagDasgffDefault '%S' '%S'\n", tag, *pval);*/ featTagQuoteGff3(pval); ajFmtPrintS(pout, "%S:%S", tag, *pval); return; } /* @funcstatic featTypePirOut ************************************************* ** ** Converts an internal feature type into the corresponding PIR type, ** because internal types are based on GFF3. ** ** @param [u] type [AjPStr*] PIR feature type in, returned as internal type ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if the type name was found and changed ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool featTypePirOut(AjPStr* type) { const AjPStr pirtype = NULL; const AjPStr pirintype = NULL; AjBool ret = ajFalse; const AjPTable typetable; typetable = ajFeatVocabGetTypesProt("pir"); pirtype = ajFeattypeGetExternal(*type, typetable); pirintype = ajFeattypeGetInternalPir(pirtype); ajDebug("featTypePirOut '%S' in '%S' ext '%S'\n", *type, pirintype, pirtype); if(!ajStrMatchCaseS(*type, pirintype)) ret = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(type, pirtype); return ret; } /* @func ajFeatwriteExit ****************************************************** ** ** Cleans up feature table output internal memory ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void ajFeatwriteExit(void) { ajRegFree(&featoutRegUfoFmt); ajRegFree(&featoutRegUfoFile); ajRegFree(&featoutRegQuote); ajStrDel(&featoutFmtTmp); ajStrDel(&featoutFormatTmp); ajStrDel(&featoutUfoTest); ajStrDel(&featoutValCopy); ajStrDel(&featoutValTmp); ajStrDel(&featoutTmpStr); ajStrDel(&featoutStr); ajStrDel(&featoutSubStr); ajStrDel(&featoutLimTmp); return; }