application: fuzzpro [ documentation: "Search for patterns in protein sequences" groups: "Protein:Motifs" gui: "yes" batch: "yes" cpu: "medium" relations: "EDAM:0000158 topic Sequence motifs" relations: "EDAM:0000382 operation Sequence motif recognition (protein)" relations: "EDAM:0000347 operation Sequence database search (by motif or pattern)" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "protein" relations: "EDAM:0002886 data Sequence record (protein)" ] pattern: pattern [ standard: "Y" information: "Search pattern" help: "The standard IUPAC one-letter codes for the amino acids are used. \ The symbol 'x' is used for a position where any amino acid is accepted. \ Ambiguities are indicated by listing the acceptable amino acids for a given position, between square parentheses '[ ]'. For example: [ALT] stands for Ala or Leu or Thr. \ Ambiguities are also indicated by listing between a pair of curly brackets '{ }' the amino acids that are not accepted at a given position. For example: {AM} stands for any amino acid except Ala and Met. \ Each element in a pattern is separated from its neighbor by a '-'. (Optional in fuzzpro). \ Repetition of an element of the pattern can be indicated by following that element with a numerical value or a numerical range between parenthesis. Examples: x(3) corresponds to x-x-x, x(2,4) corresponds to x-x or x-x-x or x-x-x-x. \ When a pattern is restricted to either the N- or C-terminal of a sequence, that pattern either starts with a '<' symbol or respectively ends with a '>' symbol. \ A period ends the pattern. (Optional in fuzzpro). \ For example, [DE](2)HS{P}X(2)PX(2,4)C" type: "protein" pmismatch: "0" relations: "EDAM:0001353 data Sequence motif" ] endsection: input section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] report: outfile [ parameter: "Y" taglist: "str:pat=Pattern int:mismatch=Mismatch" rformat: "seqtable" precision: "0" relations: "EDAM:0001298 data Sequence features (motifs)" ] endsection: output