format-version: 1.2 data-version: 1.27 date: 19:05:2011 19:54 saved-by: mchibucos auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.1-beta12 default-namespace: evidence_code2.obo ontology: eco [Term] id: ECO:0000000 name: evidence def: "A type of information that is used to support an assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "evidence_code" RELATED [] [Term] id: ECO:0000001 name: inference from background scientific knowledge def: "A curator inference that links the current annotation to a different evidence-based annotation via background knowledge of the curator." [ECO:go, ECO:MCC] synonym: "IC" EXACT [GO:IC] synonym: "inferred by curator" EXACT [GO:IC] is_a: ECO:0000205 ! curator inference [Term] id: ECO:0000002 name: direct assay result def: "Experimental evidence that is based on direct measurement of some aspect of a biological feature." [ECO:MCC, GO:IDA] synonym: "IDA" EXACT [GO:IDA] synonym: "inferred from direct assay" EXACT [GO:IDA] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000003 name: reconstitution assay is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000004 name: cell fractionation data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on separation of subcellular components based on their physical properties, such as density in sucrose density gradients. This evidence is used mostly for annotations to the cellular component ontology." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: cell fractionation" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000100 ! fractionation data [Term] id: ECO:0000005 name: enzyme assay data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on assays that determine the catalytic activity of enzymes." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: enzyme assays" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000006 name: experimental evidence def: "An evidence type that is based on the results of a laboratory assay." [ECO:MCC, GOC:ecd] synonym: "EXP" EXACT [GO:EXP] synonym: "inferred from experiment" EXACT [GO:EXP] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000007 name: immunofluorescence analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on methods that detect the presence of macromolecules, proteins, and compounds by the use of a fluorescent-labeled antibody." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: immunofluorescence" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000008 name: expression pattern evidence def: "Experimental evidence that is based on characterization of gene expression." [ECO:MCC, GO:IEP] comment: Use this evidence type when the annotation is inferred from the timing or location of expression of a gene. It may be difficult to determine whether the expression pattern truly indicates that a gene plays a role in a given process. synonym: "IEP" EXACT [GO:IEP] synonym: "inferred from expression pattern" EXACT [GO:IEP] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000009 name: transcript expression evidence is_a: ECO:0000008 ! expression pattern evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000010 name: protein expression analysis is_a: ECO:0000008 ! expression pattern evidence is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000011 name: genetic interaction experiment synonym: "IGI" EXACT [GO:IGI] synonym: "inferred from genetic interaction" EXACT [Go:IGI] xref: TAIR:TED\:0000006 is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000012 name: functional complementation assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a functional complementation assay in which a wild-type copy of the gene in question is inserted into a mutant background in the organism of the gene's origin or a heterologous organism with a mutation in the homologous gene." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IGI: functional complementation" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000011 ! genetic interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000013 name: transgenic rescue experiment is_a: ECO:0000012 ! functional complementation assay [Term] id: ECO:0000015 name: mutant phenotype def: "The IMP evidence code covers those cases when the function, process or cellular localization of a gene product is inferred based on differences in the function, process, or cellular localization between two different alleles of the corresponding gene. The IMP code is used for cases where one allele may be designated 'wild-type' and another as 'mutant'. It is also used in cases where allelic variation occurs naturally and no specific allele is designated as wild-type or mutant. Caution should be used when making annotations from gain-of-function mutations as it may be difficult to infer a gene's normal function from a gain of function mutation, although it is sometimes possible." [GO:IMP] synonym: "IMP" EXACT [GO:IMP] synonym: "inferred from mutant phenotype" EXACT [GO:IMP] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000016 name: loss-of-function mutant phenotype analysis is_a: ECO:0000015 ! mutant phenotype [Term] id: ECO:0000017 name: ectopic expression analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the analysis of the phenotype of a wild-type or mutant transgenic organism that has been engineered to overexpress or ectopically express the gene product in question." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: analysis of overexpression/ectopic expression phenotype" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000018 name: anti-sense experiment def: "Used when an annotation is based on a phenotype observed when expressing an anti-sense version of a gene product in a wild-type (for that gene product) background." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: anti-sense experiments" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000019 name: RNAi experiment def: "Inference based on a phenotype observed when expressing an RNAi construct that includes a fragment of the gene product in a wild-type (for that gene product) background. A double-stranded RNA specifically suppresses the expression of the gene bearing its complementary sequence." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: RNAi experiments" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000020 name: specific protein inhibition experiment is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000021 name: physical interaction def: "Experimental evidence that is based on characterization of an interaction between a gene product and another molecule." [ECO:MCC, GO:IPI] comment: Molecules interacted with might include protein, nucleic acid, ion, or complex. synonym: "inferred from physical interaction" EXACT [GO:IPI] synonym: "IPI" EXACT [GO:IPI] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000022 name: co-purification experiment def: "Used in component annotations when a subunit is isolated as part of purification of its larger complex." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: co-purification" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000023 name: ligand binding experiment is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000024 name: protein binding experiment is_a: ECO:0000023 ! ligand binding experiment is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000025 name: hybrid interaction experiment is_a: ECO:0000023 ! ligand binding experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000026 name: nucleic acid hybridization experiment is_a: ECO:0000073 ! experimental genomic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000027 name: structural similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the structural similarity of the annotated gene or gene product to a single other gene or group of genes. In the case of a single gene, an accession for the related gene's sequence is entered in the evidence_with field." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "inferred from sequence or structural similarity" BROAD [GO:ISS] synonym: "ISS" BROAD [GO:ISS] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000028 name: motif similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the presence of a recognized domain or motif in a gene product's (usually protein) primary sequence." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "ISS: recognized domains" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000029 name: match to InterPro signature is_a: ECO:0000202 ! match to sequence model [Term] id: ECO:0000030 name: BLAST evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of BLAST evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "curated BLAST analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion [Term] id: ECO:0000031 name: protein BLAST evidence used in manual assertion def: "Protein BLAST evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "curated protein BLAST analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000208 ! protein BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000208 ! protein BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion [Term] id: ECO:0000032 name: nucleotide BLAST evidence used in manual assertion def: "Nucleotide BLAST evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "curated nucleic acid BLAST analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000207 ! nucleotide BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000207 ! nucleotide BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion [Term] id: ECO:0000033 name: traceable author statement def: "An author statement that is based on a cited reference." [ECO:MCC, GO:TAS] comment: The traceable author statement (TAS) evidence code covers author statements that are attributed to a cited source. Typically this type of information comes from review articles. Material from the introductions and discussion sections of non-review papers may also be suitable if another reference is cited as the source of experimental work or analysis. When annotating with this code the curator should use caution and be aware that authors often cite papers dealing with experiments that were performed in organisms different from the one being discussed in the paper at hand. Thus a problem with the TAS code is that it may turn out from following up the references in the paper that no experiments were performed on the gene in the organism actually being characterized in the primary paper. For this reason we recommend (when time and resources allow) that curators track down the cited paper and annotate directly from the experimental paper using the appropriate experimental evidence code. When this is not possible and it is necessary to annotate from reviews, the TAS code is the appropriate code to use for statements that are associated with a cited reference. Once an annotation has been made to a given term using an experimental evidence code, we recommend removing any annotations made to the same term using the TAS evidence code. synonym: "TAS" EXACT [GO:TAS] is_a: ECO:0000204 ! author statement [Term] id: ECO:0000034 name: non-traceable author statement def: "An author statement that is not associated with results presented or a cited reference." [ECO:MCC, GO:NAS] comment: The non-traceable author statement evidence code should be used in all cases where the author makes a statement that a curator wants to capture but for which there are neither results presented nor a specific reference cited in the source used to make the annotation. The source of the information may be peer reviewed papers, textbooks, database records or vouchered specimens. synonym: "NAS" EXACT [GO:NAS] is_a: ECO:0000204 ! author statement [Term] id: ECO:0000035 name: no biological data found def: "A curator inference that states that a search found no information about a biological feature." [ECO:MCC, GO:ND] synonym: "ND" EXACT [GO:ND] synonym: "no biological data available" EXACT [GO:ND] is_a: ECO:0000205 ! curator inference [Term] id: ECO:0000037 name: not_recorded def: "An evidence that reflects an annotation was made before curators began tracking evidence types." [ECO:MCC, GO:NR] comment: The evidence not_recorded appears in some legacy annotations; it should not be used for new annotations. synonym: "not recorded" EXACT [GO:NR] synonym: "NR" EXACT [GO:NR] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: ECO:0000038 name: transient rescue experiment is_a: ECO:0000012 ! functional complementation assay [Term] id: ECO:0000039 name: protein assay data is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000040 name: immunological assay data is_a: ECO:0000023 ! ligand binding experiment is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000041 name: similarity def: "An evidence type that is based on comparing likeness of distinct biological entities." [ECO:MCC, PhenoScape:IS] synonym: "inferred from similarity" RELATED [] synonym: "IS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000042 name: gain-of-function mutant phenotype analysis is_a: ECO:0000015 ! mutant phenotype [Term] id: ECO:0000044 name: sequence similarity def: "A type of similarity based on biomolecular sequence." [ECO:MCC, TAIR:TED] comment: A sequence similarity analysis may involve a gene or a gene product, and it could be based on similarity to a single other gene or to a group of other genes. synonym: "inferred from sequence or structural similarity" BROAD [GO:ISS] synonym: "inferred from sequence similarity" EXACT [] synonym: "ISS" BROAD [GO:ISS] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000045 name: protein expression spatial pattern analysis is_a: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis [Term] id: ECO:0000046 name: protein expression level analysis is_a: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis [Term] id: ECO:0000047 name: spatial pattern of transcript expression analysis is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000048 name: transcript expression level data is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000049 name: reporter gene assay def: "Used when an annotation is made on the basis of the expression pattern of a reporter gene. The reporter gene may consist of the native promoter of the gene in question that drives the expression of a readily assayable gene product such as GUS or GFP. The reporter gene may also be a marker of a particular type of physiological response." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: expression of a reporter gene" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000050 name: voucher specimen analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made on the basis of for a phenotype description for a species or higher level group that given by an author who explicitly references an observation of a voucher specimen(s). Voucher specimens are defined as those specimens with permanent museum catalog numbers. Thus it would be possible for a person to examine this particular specimen and observe the annotated phenotype." [PhenoScape:DOA] synonym: "IVS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000051 name: genetic similarity def: "A type of similarity based on genotype without respect to expression." [ECO:MCC, PhenoScape:IGTS] comment: A genetic similarity analysis might consider genetic markers, polymorphisms, alleles, or other characteristics sometimes considered as part of the field of traditional genetics. Although an attempt has been made to treat as distinct the concepts of "genetic", "genotypic", "genomic", and "sequence", there is considerable overlap in usage throughout the field of biology. synonym: "IGTS" EXACT [] synonym: "inferred from genetic similarity" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000052 name: suppressor/enhancer interaction experiment synonym: "IGI: 'traditional' genetic interactions (e.g. suppressors, synthetic lethals)" RELATED [] xref: TAIR:TED\:0000063 is_a: ECO:0000011 ! genetic interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000053 name: computational combinatorial analysis def: "A type of combinatorial analysis where data are combined and evaluated by an algorithm." [ECO:go, ECO:MCC] comment: Combinatorial analyses could include experimental or computational results. Examples include: (i) large-scale experiment such as a genome-wide two-hybrid or genome-wide synthetic interactions; (ii) integration of large-scale data sets of various types; and (iii) text-based-computation, e.g. text-mining. For simple sequence comparisons, one should use the sequence similarity analysis evidence type. For microarray results alone, expression pattern analysis is appropriate; whereas, large-scale computational analysis should be used when microarray results are combined with the results of other types of large-scale experiments. synonym: "inferred from reviewed computational analysis" RELATED [GO:RCA] synonym: "RCA" RELATED [GO:RCA] xref: TAIR:TED\:0000004 is_a: ECO:0000212 ! combinatorial analysis [Term] id: ECO:0000054 name: double mutant analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the phenotype of double mutant organism that contains a mutation in the gene product of interest in addition to a second mutation at an unrelated locus." [TAIT:TED] synonym: "IGI: double mutant analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000011 ! genetic interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000055 name: array experiment evidence is_a: ECO:0000008 ! expression pattern evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000056 name: epistatic interaction analysis def: "Used when an annotation is based on results of epistatis analysis of an allele of the gene in question and a mutant allele at another locus." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IGI: epistatic interactions" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000011 ! genetic interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000057 name: phenotypic similarity def: "A type of similarity based on the expression of a genotype in an environment." [ECO:MCC, PhenoScape:IPTS] comment: Phenotype is defined as the outcome of the expression of a genotype in a given environment. A comparison might involve whole organisms or sub-parts of organisms. synonym: "inferred from phenotypic similarity" RELATED [] synonym: "IPTS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000058 name: expression microarray evidence is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000059 name: experimental phenotypic evidence alt_id: ECO:0000014 def: "Experimental evidence that is based on the expression of a genotype in an environment." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "inferred from phenotype" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000060 name: positional similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the similarity of the location and or arrangement of structures." [PhenoScape:IPS] synonym: "IPS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000061 name: quantitative trait analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made for a gene product that has not been cloned but is associated with a quantitative trait locus." [TAIR:tn] synonym: "IGI: quantitative trait analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000062 name: genomic microarray experiment is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000063 name: compositional similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the similarity of the histological makeup of structures." [PhenoScape:ICS] synonym: "ICS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000064 name: functional complementation in heterologous system assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a functional complementation assay in which a wild-type copy of the gene in question is inserted into a heterologous organism with a mutation in the homologous gene." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IGI: functional complementation in heterologous system" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000012 ! functional complementation assay [Term] id: ECO:0000065 name: CpG island microarray experiment is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000066 name: yeast one-hybrid assay def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction of a protein with a DNA fragment in a yeast one-hybrid assay. The assay involves screening a library of candidate proteins for the ability bind to a target, cis-regulatory element or any other short, DNA binding sequence placed 5' to a yeast reporter gene." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: yeast one-hybrid assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000025 ! hybrid interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000067 name: developmental similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the similarity of embryological and/or post-embryonic origin of structures." [PhenoScape:IDS] synonym: "IDS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000068 name: yeast 2-hybrid assay def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction between two proteins in a yeast two-hybrid assay. The assay involves screening a trap-tagged library with a bait-tagged vector. The library is tagged with a DNA-binding domain (trap) and the bait is tagged with a transcriptional activation domain. Interaction between a library-trap protein and the bait results in activation of a yeast reporter gene whose transcription can be experimentally assayed." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: yeast two-hybrid assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000025 ! hybrid interaction experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000069 name: differential methylation hybridization experiment is_a: ECO:0000026 ! nucleic acid hybridization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000070 name: co-immunoprecipitation experiment def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction of one gene product with another in a co-immunoprecipitation assay (two or more proteins are precipitated when treated with an antibody specific to a single protein). The interacting protein is referenced in the evidence_with column." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: co-immunoprecipitation" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000085 ! immunoprecipitation experiment data [Term] id: ECO:0000071 name: morphological similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the similarity of the shape, structure or overall configuration of structures." [PhenoScape:IMS] synonym: "IMS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000072 name: Sos-recruitment assay def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction of two proteins in a Sos-recruitment assay. The assay is a genetic screening system that detects protein-protein interactions and is not based on a transcriptional readout." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: Sos-recruitment assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000073 name: experimental genomic evidence def: "Experimental evidence that characterizes an attribute of the genome underlying a gene product." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "inferred from genomic analysis" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000074 name: split-ubiquitin assay def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction of two proteins in a split-ubiquitin assay. The bait protein is fused to the C-terminal ubiquitin (Cub) domain followed by a reporter protein, and the prey protein is fused to a mutated N terminal ubiquiting (NubG) domain. If bait and prey interact, their interaction brings the NubG and Cub domains close enough together to reconstitute split-ubiquitin, resulting in the release of the reporter protein by the action of the UBPs." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: split-ubiquitin assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000075 name: gene expression similarity def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the similarity of expression of genes in structures." [PhenoScape:IGES] synonym: "IGES" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000057 ! phenotypic similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000076 name: far-Western assay def: "Used when an annotation is based on the interaction of protein with another in a far-Western assay. The assay involves separating target proteins on an SDS-PAGE gel, blotting to a membrane, hybridization with a protein probe and visualization using a probe-directed antibody. The interacting protein is referenced in the evidence_with column." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IPI: far-Western analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000077 name: methylation-specific PCR experiment is_a: ECO:0000082 ! PCR experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000078 name: Southern hybridization def: "Used when an annotation is based on the hybridization of a probe derived from the gene in question with a gene of known function/process/component. Can also be used when a probe derived from a gene of known function/process/component hybridizes with the gene in question." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "ISS: Southern blotting" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000026 ! nucleic acid hybridization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000079 name: affinity chromatography assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on affinity chromatography, which is a selective separation technique by which a compound (e.g., an antibody) is immobilized on a polymeric matrix and used to bind selectively other compounds. Following removal of the unattached components, the bound compound is displaced by changing the concentration of protons, salts, or cofactors in the eluent." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: affinity chromatography" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000023 ! ligand binding experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000080 name: phylogenetic evidence def: "A type of similarity that indicates common ancestry." [ECO:MCC, PhenoScape:IP] synonym: "IP" EXACT [PhenoScape:IP] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000081 name: targeting sequence prediction def: "Used when a component annotation is made based on the presence of a targeting sequence in a protein's primary sequence. The presence of the targeting sequence may be detected by computational prediction and/or the author's manual examination of the sequence." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "ISS: targeting sequence prediction" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000082 name: PCR experiment is_a: ECO:0000073 ! experimental genomic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000083 name: transmembrane domain prediction def: "Used when a component annotation is made based on the presence of one or more transmembrane domains in a protein's primary sequence. The presence of the transmembrane domains may be detected by computational prediction and/or the author's manual examination of the sequence." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "ISS: transmembrane domain prediction" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity [Term] id: ECO:0000084 name: gene neighbors def: "Evidence that supports the identity of a gene product on the basis of the identity of neighboring genes." [ECO:MCC, GOC:mg] comment: Genomic cluster analyses include synteny and operon structure. synonym: "ICL" RELATED [] synonym: "inferred from genome cluster" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000177 ! genomic context created_by: mgiglio creation_date: 2009-03-20T11:55:18Z [Term] id: ECO:0000085 name: immunoprecipitation experiment data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a method that precipitates a multivalent antigen by a bivalent antibody." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: immunoprecipitation" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000086 name: intermethylated site amplification analysis is_a: ECO:0000073 ! experimental genomic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000087 name: immunolocalization experiment data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on methods that detect the presence of macromolecules, proteins, and compounds by the use of antibodies." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: immunolocalization" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data is_a: ECO:0000122 ! protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000088 name: system reconstruction def: "Evidence based on reconstruction of a biological system in order to determine whether a gene product participates." [ECO:MCC, GOC:mg] comment: The biological phenomenon in question might be a biological process that requires multiple steps or a physical complex comprising several components. The genome-wide analysis involves reconstructing the pathway or complex in question. A gene product can be said to fulfill a necessary function for a pathway or complex when, with all of the other necessary functions or components also present, the pathway or complex is reconstructed. synonym: "inferred from system reconstruction" RELATED [] synonym: "ISR" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000177 ! genomic context created_by: mgiglio creation_date: 2009-03-20T12:00:17Z [Term] id: ECO:0000089 name: restriction landmark genomic scanning experiment is_a: ECO:0000073 ! experimental genomic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000090 name: immunogold labelling experiment data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on immunolocalization method that detects an antigen in cytological preparations by using a gold-labeled secondary antibody." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: immunogold labelling" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000092 name: epitope-tagged protein immunolocalization experiment data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on immunolocalization of recombinant proteins fused with epitopes that are recognized by antibodies." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: immunolocalization of epitope-tagged protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000087 ! immunolocalization experiment data [Term] id: ECO:0000093 name: oligonucleotide microarray experiment is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000094 name: biological assay data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on assays using living organisms to measure the effect of a substance, factor, or condition." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: bioassay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000096 name: electrophoretic mobility shift assay data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on electrophoretic mobility shift of macromolecules, compounds, and proteins. Most commonly used for detecting the binding of protein to DNA." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: electrophoretic mobility shift assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000097 name: cDNA microarray experiment is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000098 name: in situ hybridization experiment def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a method that hybridizes a labeled nucleic acid probe to a tissue or cell specimen in which the cellular structures are still intact. Depending on the label and protocol used, the probe may detect complementary DNA or RNA by hybridizing specifically to that gene or sequence." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: in situ hybridization" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000026 ! nucleic acid hybridization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000100 name: fractionation data is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000101 name: Affymetrix array experiment evidence is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000102 name: co-fractionation data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on fractionation of a protein with other compounds, factors, or macromolecules." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: co-fractionation" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000100 ! fractionation data [Term] id: ECO:0000104 name: microarray RNA expression level data def: "Used when an annotation is made based on levels of RNA expression determined by microarray experiment." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: transcript levels (e.g. microarray data)" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000048 ! transcript expression level data is_a: ECO:0000058 ! expression microarray evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000105 name: Nimblegen array experiment is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000106 name: Northern assay evidence def: "Used when an annotation is made based on levels of RNA expression determined by a Northern blot experiment." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: transcript levels (e.g. Northerns)" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000048 ! transcript expression level data [Term] id: ECO:0000108 name: RT-PCR transcription analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on levels of RNA expression determined by an RT-PCR experiment (quantitative or otherwise)." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: transcript levels (e.g. RT-PCR)" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000048 ! transcript expression level data is_a: ECO:0000109 ! RT-PCR experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000109 name: RT-PCR experiment is_a: ECO:0000082 ! PCR experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000110 name: RNA protection assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on levels of RNA expression determined by an RNA protection assay." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: RNA protection assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000112 name: Western blot assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on levels of protein expression determined by a Western blot assay." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: protein levels (e.g. Western blots)" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000046 ! protein expression level analysis [Term] id: ECO:0000114 name: expression library screen data def: "Used when an annotation is made on the basis of a protein expression library screen where a protein of interest is isolated on the basis of its hybridization to an antibody raised to a homologous protein." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: expression library screening" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000116 name: differential hybridization experiment def: "Used when an annotation is made based on results of a differential hybridization experiment that demonstrates expression of an RNA under one condition and not another." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: differential hybridization" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence is_a: ECO:0000026 ! nucleic acid hybridization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000118 name: subtractive hybridization experiment def: "Used when an annotation is made based on results of a subtractive hybridization experiment that demonstrates expression of an RNA under one condition and not another." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IEP: subtractive hybridization" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence is_a: ECO:0000026 ! nucleic acid hybridization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000120 name: over expression analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the analysis of the phenotype of a wild-type or mutant transgenic organism that has been engineered to overexpress the gene product in question." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: analysis of overexpression/ectopic expression phenotype" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000122 name: protein localization experiment is_a: ECO:0000039 ! protein assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000124 name: fusion protein localization experiment is_a: ECO:0000122 ! protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000126 name: green fluorescent protein fusion protein localization experiment synonym: "GFP fusion protein localization experiment" EXACT [] synonym: "IDA: localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000124 ! fusion protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000128 name: YFP fusion protein localization experiment synonym: "IDA: localization of GFP/YFP fusion protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000124 ! fusion protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000130 name: GUS fusion protein localization experiment synonym: "IDA: localization of GUS fusion protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000124 ! fusion protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000132 name: lacZ fusion protein localization experiment is_a: ECO:0000124 ! fusion protein localization experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000134 name: transport assay synonym: "IDA: transport assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000136 name: nucleic acid binding assay is_a: ECO:0000023 ! ligand binding experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000138 name: ribohomopolymer binding assay synonym: "IDA: ribohomopolymer binding assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000136 ! nucleic acid binding assay [Term] id: ECO:0000140 name: thin layer chromatographic assay synonym: "IDA: thin layer chromatography" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000142 name: protein:ion binding assay is_a: ECO:0000024 ! protein binding experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000144 name: Southwestern analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a Southwestern blot analysis, which detects DNA binding of proteins using labeled DNA as probe hybridizing to electrophoretically separated proteins." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: Southwestern analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000136 ! nucleic acid binding assay [Term] id: ECO:0000146 name: Northwestern analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on a Northwestern blot analysis, which detects RNA binding of proteins using labeled RNA as probe hybridizing to electrophoretically separated proteins." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: Northwestern analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000136 ! nucleic acid binding assay [Term] id: ECO:0000148 name: in vitro binding assay synonym: "IDA: in vitro binding assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction [Term] id: ECO:0000150 name: in vitro transcription reconstitution assay synonym: "IDA: in vitro reconstitution assay with recombinant protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000003 ! reconstitution assay [Term] id: ECO:0000152 name: in vitro recombinant protein transcription reconstitution assay synonym: "IDA: in vitro reconstitution assay with recombinant protein" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000150 ! in vitro transcription reconstitution assay [Term] id: ECO:0000154 name: heterologous protein expression analysis synonym: "IDA: protein expression in heterologous system" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis [Term] id: ECO:0000156 name: protein separation evidence is_a: ECO:0000100 ! fractionation data [Term] id: ECO:0000158 name: protein separation followed by direct sequencing evidence synonym: "IDA: protein separation and direct sequencing" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000156 ! protein separation evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000160 name: protein separation followed by fragment identification evidence synonym: "IDA: protein separation and fragment identification" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000156 ! protein separation evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000162 name: uptake in heterologous system assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on small molecule update assays carried out in a heterologous system that contains a recombinant protein." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: uptake assay in heterologous system" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000134 ! transport assay [Term] id: ECO:0000164 name: electrophysiology assay data is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000166 name: two-electrode voltage clamp experiment result synonym: "IDA: two-electrode voltage clamp technique" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000164 ! electrophysiology assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000168 name: transcription assay is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result [Term] id: ECO:0000170 name: transcriptional activation assay def: "Used when an annotation is made based on assays that show transcriptional activation of a specific target reporter gene." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IDA: transcriptional activation assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000168 ! transcription assay [Term] id: ECO:0000172 name: biochemical trait analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the analysis of a biochemical aspect of a mutant phenotype; for example, the accumulation of a biosynthetic intermediate." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: analysis of biochemical trait" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000174 name: mutant physiological response experiment def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the physiological response of a mutant to an external stimulus; for example, abnormal growth of the root in response to gravity, delay in flowering in response to varying light conditions." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: analysis of physiological response" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000176 name: mutant visible phenotype analysis def: "Used when an annotation is made based on the visual examination of a mutant phenotype; for example, abnormalities in organism morphology." [TAIR:TED] synonym: "IMP: analysis of visible trait" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000177 name: genomic context def: "An evidence type that is based on the location of a gene, which gives rise to a gene product, within the genome." [ECO:go, ECO:MCC] comment: This type of evidence might include identity of neighboring genes, operon structure, synteny, phylogenetic analysis, or other whole-genome analysis. synonym: "IGC" EXACT [GO:IGC] synonym: "inferred from genomic context" EXACT [GO:IGC] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000178 name: in vivo assay data is_a: ECO:0000094 ! biological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000179 name: animal model system study data is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000180 name: clinical study data is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence [Term] id: ECO:0000181 name: in vitro assay data is_a: ECO:0000094 ! biological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000182 name: in vitro culture assay data synonym: "ex vivo assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000094 ! biological assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000183 name: cell-free assay data synonym: "in vitro assay" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000181 ! in vitro assay data [Term] id: ECO:0000184 name: enzyme inhibition experiment data is_a: ECO:0000005 ! enzyme assay data is_a: ECO:0000020 ! specific protein inhibition experiment [Term] id: ECO:0000200 name: sequence alignment evidence alt_id: ECO:00000057 def: "Used when a sequence alignment is the basis for making an annotation, but only when the alignment has been manually reviewed; or if the information is in a published paper, the authors have manually reviewed the evidence. Such alignments may be pairwise alignments or multiple alignments. BLAST produces pairwise alignments and any annotations based solely on the evaluation of BLAST results should use this code." [url:http\://] synonym: "inferred from sequence alignment" EXACT [GO:ISA] synonym: "ISA" EXACT [GO:ISA] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-03-18T12:21:31Z [Term] id: ECO:0000201 name: sequence orthology evidence alt_id: ECO:00000060 def: "Orthology is a relationship between genes in different species indicating that the genes derive from a common ancestor. Orthology is established by multiple criteria generally including amino acid and/or nucleotide sequence comparisons and one or more of the following: phylogenetic analysis, coincident expression, conserved map location, functional complementation, immunological cross-reaction, similarity in subcellular localization, subunit structure, substrate specificity, and response to specific inhibitors." [url:http\://] synonym: "inferred from sequence orthology" EXACT [GO:ISO] synonym: "ISO" EXACT [GO:ISO] synonym: "ortholog evidence" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-03-18T12:30:06Z [Term] id: ECO:0000202 name: match to sequence model alt_id: ECO:00000063 def: "Sequence similarity evidence that is based on a sequence-based statistical model that predicts the function of a gene product." [ECO:MCC, url:http\://] comment: Used when evidence from any kind of statistical model of a sequence or group of sequences is used to make a prediction about the function of a protein or RNA. Examples of relevant evidence are: Hidden Markov Models, PROSITE motifs, and tools such as tRNASCAN. synonym: "inferred from sequence model" EXACT [GO:ISM] synonym: "ISM" EXACT [GO:ISM] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-03-18T12:32:30Z [Term] id: ECO:0000203 name: automatic assertion alt_id: ECO:00000067 def: "An assertion method that does not involve human review." [ECO:MCC, GO:IEA] comment: An automatic assertion is based on computationally generated information that is not reviewed by a person prior to making the assertion. For example, one common type of automatic assertion involves creating an association of evidence with an entity based on commonness of attributes of that entity and another entity for which an assertion already exists. The commonness is determined algorithmically. synonym: "IEA" EXACT [GO:IEA] synonym: "inferred from electronic annotation" EXACT [GO:IEA] is_a: ECO:0000217 ! assertion method created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-03-18T12:36:04Z [Term] id: ECO:0000204 name: author statement def: "An evidence type that is based on an assertion by the author of a paper, which is read by a curator." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-06-21T11:17:21Z [Term] id: ECO:0000205 name: curator inference def: "An evidence type that is based on conclusions drawn by a curator." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-18T05:55:12Z [Term] id: ECO:0000206 name: BLAST evidence def: "A type of sequence alignment evidence obtained with basic local alignment search tool (BLAST)." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000200 ! sequence alignment evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T04:48:24Z [Term] id: ECO:0000207 name: nucleotide BLAST evidence def: "BLAST evidence from aligning nucleotide sequence with nucleotide sequence." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T04:49:58Z [Term] id: ECO:0000208 name: protein BLAST evidence def: "BLAST evidence from aligning amino acid or translated nucleotide sequence with amino acid or translated nucleotide sequence." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T04:50:45Z [Term] id: ECO:0000209 name: BLAST evidence used in automatic assertion def: "A type of BLAST evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T04:55:21Z [Term] id: ECO:0000210 name: nucleotide BLAST evidence used in automatic assertion def: "Nucleotide BLAST evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000207 ! nucleotide BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000207 ! nucleotide BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T05:09:51Z [Term] id: ECO:0000211 name: protein BLAST evidence used in automatic assertion def: "Protein BLAST evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000208 ! protein BLAST evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000208 ! protein BLAST evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T05:11:04Z [Term] id: ECO:0000212 name: combinatorial analysis alt_id: ECO:0000036 alt_id: ECO:0000043 def: "A type of evidence that arises out of the integration of more than one line of evidence." [ECO:MCC] comment: A key aspect of this type of evidence is that two or more pieces of information are combined to generate an emergent type of evidence not possible with the constituent pieces of evidence alone. A combinatorial analysis typically involves incorporation of different types of evidence. synonym: "inferred from in-silico analysis" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T05:24:57Z [Term] id: ECO:0000213 name: combinatorial analysis used in automatic assertion def: "A type of combinatorial analysis that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] comment: Combinatorial analyses could include experimental or computational results. Examples include: (i) large-scale experiment such as a genome-wide two-hybrid or genome-wide synthetic interactions; (ii) integration of large-scale data sets of various types; and (iii) text-based-computation, e.g. text-mining. For simple sequence comparisons, one should use the sequence similarity analysis evidence type. For microarray results alone, expression pattern analysis is appropriate; whereas, large-scale computational analysis should be used when microarray results are combined with the results of other types of large-scale experiments. is_a: ECO:0000212 ! combinatorial analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000212 ! combinatorial analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-08-06T05:28:33Z [Term] id: ECO:0000214 name: biological aspect of descendant def: "A type of phylogenetic evidence whereby an aspect of an ancestral gene is inferred through the characterization of an aspect of a descendant gene." [ECO:MCC] comment: This type of evidence can be used in support of both positive and "not" GO annotations. It should be used to annotate ancestral genes but not extant ones. synonym: "IBD" EXACT [GO:IBD] synonym: "inferred from descendant sequence" EXACT [GO:IBD] is_a: ECO:0000080 ! phylogenetic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-10-05T11:16:50Z [Term] id: ECO:0000215 name: rapid divergence from ancestral sequence def: "A type of phylogenetic evidence characterized by long phylogenetic tree branch lengths following a duplication event." [ECO:MCC] comment: Long branch lengths indicate that descendant sequences may have acquired different or additional functions than the ancestral sequence. synonym: "inferred from rapid divergence" EXACT [GO:IRD] synonym: "IRD" EXACT [GO:IRD] is_a: ECO:0000080 ! phylogenetic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-10-05T03:41:34Z [Term] id: ECO:0000216 name: phylogenetic determination of loss of key residues def: "A type of phylogenetic evidence characterized by the absence of key sequence residues." [ECO:MCC] comment: The loss of certain residues important for function can indicate that a sequence lacks a particular function. synonym: "IKR" EXACT [GO:IKR] synonym: "IMR" EXACT [GO:IMR] synonym: "inferred from missing key residues" EXACT [GO:IKR, GO:IMR] is_a: ECO:0000080 ! phylogenetic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-10-05T03:43:17Z [Term] id: ECO:0000217 name: assertion method def: "A means by which a statement is made about an entity." [ECO:MCC] created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-12T04:17:37Z [Term] id: ECO:0000218 name: manual assertion def: "An assertion method that involves human review." [ECO:MCC] comment: A manual assertion could be based on evidence that is generated by and interpreted by a human or it could involve human review of computationally generated information. is_a: ECO:0000217 ! assertion method created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-12T04:20:02Z [Term] id: ECO:0000219 name: nucleotide sequencing assay result def: "A sequencing assay result for a biopolymer that comprises nucleotides." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "DNA sequencing" RELATED [OBI:0000626 "DNA sequencing"] is_a: ECO:0000220 ! sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T12:22:40Z [Term] id: ECO:0000220 name: sequencing assay result def: "A type of experimental evidence where the order of molecules that constitute a biopolymer is determined." [ECO:MCC, OBI:0600047 "sequencing assay"] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T01:44:45Z [Term] id: ECO:0000221 name: high throughput nucleotide sequencing assay result def: "A nucleotide sequencing assay result that is derived from a parallelized sequencing technique." [ECO:MCC] comment: Typically thousands to millions of reads are produced in parallel. is_a: ECO:0000219 ! nucleotide sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T02:19:34Z [Term] id: ECO:0000222 name: Illumina sequencing result def: "A high throughput nucleotide sequencing result derived by Illumina (Solexa) sequencing technology." [ECO:MCC] comment: In Illumina sequencing technology, adapters are ligated onto the ends of randomly fragmented DNA. After single-stranded fragments are bound to the inside surface of a flow cell channel, they undergo in-place bridge PCR amplification. To begin the sequencing cycle, labeled reversible terminators, primers and DNA polymerase are added, followed by laser excitation of the fluorescent label and high resolution scanning. After non-incorporated nucleotides are washed away and the dye is chemically removed, the next cycle repeats with four labeled reversible terminators, primers and DNA polymerase, again followed by imaging. synonym: "Solexa sequencing result" RELATED [OBI:0000724 "Solexa sequencing"] is_a: ECO:0000221 ! high throughput nucleotide sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T02:38:03Z [Term] id: ECO:0000223 name: 454 pyrosequencing result def: "A high throughput nucleotide sequencing result derived by 454 pyrosequencing technology." [ECO:MCC] comment: 454 pyrosequencing technology amplifies individual DNA fragments inside water droplets within an oil solution (emulsion PCR). Within each droplet, a single DNA template is attached to a single primer-coated bead. Each bead is subsequently captured in a picolitre well within the sequencing machine. A luciferase-based readout system is used to identify individual nucleotides added to the nascent DNA. synonym: "pyrosequencing" BROAD [OBI:0000730 "pyrosequencing"] is_a: ECO:0000221 ! high throughput nucleotide sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T03:50:14Z [Term] id: ECO:0000224 name: SOLiD sequencing result def: "A high throughput nucleotide sequencing result derived by SOLiD sequencing technology." [ECO:MCC, OBI:0000706 "SOLiD sequencing"] comment: SOLiD sequencing technology is based on sequencing by ligation. After library preparation, emulsion PCR and bead enrichment are performed, including 3' modification of templates on selected beads to allow covalent bonding to a slide. 3' modified beads are attached to a glass slide and primers are added. Four fluorescently labeled di-base probes are added and multiple cycles of ligation, detection and cleavage are performed. The number of cycles determines read length. After a number of ligation cycles, the extension product is removed and another round of ligation cycles is performed with a new primer complimentary to the n-1 position of the template. Five rounds of primer reset are performed for each sequence tag. is_a: ECO:0000221 ! high throughput nucleotide sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T04:17:41Z [Term] id: ECO:0000225 name: chain termination sequencing result def: "A nucleotide sequencing assay result derived by the chain termination sequencing method." [ECO:MCC, OBI:0000695 "chain termination sequencing"] comment: Chain termination sequencing, also called Sanger sequencing after its developer, uses dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs) as DNA chain terminators. Single-stranded DNA template, DNA primer, DNA polymerase, fluorescently or radioactively labeled nucleotides, and one of four ddNTPs are added together in each of four separate sequencing reactions. The synthesized and labeled DNA fragments from each of the four reactions are denatured, separated by size by gel electrophoresis, and visualized by autoradiography or UV light. synonym: "dye terminator sequencing" EXACT [] synonym: "Sanger sequencing" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000219 ! nucleotide sequencing assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-15T04:46:31Z [Term] id: ECO:0000226 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment def: "An immunoprecipitation experiment that is used to identify a protein binding site on a genomic DNA sequence." [ECO:MCC] comment: Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is used to investigate protein-DNA interactions in vivo. DNA and proteins are chemically cross-linked in vivo to form chromatin complexes, followed by cell lysis and DNA shearing. Fragmented DNA-protein complexes are selectively enriched for a protein of interest using a specific antibody (immunoprecipitation). Protein digestion and DNA purification are performed prior to DNA detection via molecular cloning and sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), microarray analysis (ChIP-on-chip), or direct high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq). synonym: "ChIP experiment" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000085 ! immunoprecipitation experiment data created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T01:29:08Z [Term] id: ECO:0000227 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation-PCR experiment def: "A chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment that uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DNA detection." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "ChIP-PCR" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000226 ! chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T05:02:00Z [Term] id: ECO:0000228 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation-qPCR experiment def: "A chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment that uses quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for DNA detection." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "ChIP-qPCR" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000226 ! chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T05:26:47Z [Term] id: ECO:0000229 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation-seq experiment def: "A chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment that uses high-throughput sequencing for DNA detection." [ECO:MCC, OBI:0000716 "ChIP-SEQ assay"] synonym: "ChIP-seq" EXACT [] synonym: "ChIP-SEQ" EXACT [OBI:0000716 "ChIP-SEQ assay"] is_a: ECO:0000226 ! chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T05:30:41Z [Term] id: ECO:0000230 name: chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip experiment def: "A chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment that uses a tiling microarray for DNA detection." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "ChIP-chip" EXACT [] synonym: "ChIP-on-chip" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000226 ! chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T05:43:55Z [Term] id: ECO:0000231 name: quantitative polymerase chain reaction def: "A polymerase chain reaction experiment where the reaction product is quantified in real-time across cycles by means of fluorescent dyes." [ECO:MCC] comment: Quantitative PCR enables both detection and quantification (as absolute number of copies or relative amount when normalized to DNA input or additional normalizing genes) of one or more specific sequences in a DNA sample. synonym: "Q-PCR" EXACT [] synonym: "qPCR" EXACT [] synonym: "quantitative PCR" EXACT [] synonym: "real-time PCR" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000082 ! PCR experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-16T05:57:20Z [Term] id: ECO:0000232 name: chromosome conformation capture-based evidence def: "A type of experimental evidence that is based on a five-step technique of cross-linking DNA in vivo, restriction digestion, intramolecular ligation, reversing DNA cross-links, and DNA processing and quantitation." [ECO:MCC] comment: Chromosome conformation capture technologies are used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. All types of chromosome conformation capture technology involve five primary steps: cross-linking of DNA in vivo, restriction digestion, intramolecular ligation, reversing cross-linkages, and DNA enrichment and quantitation. The last step is different for each type of chromosome conformation capture technology, and may include PCR (3C), inverse PCR (4C), or ligation-mediated amplification (5C). Methods for product quantitation can include agarose gel detection or real-time quantitative PCR in the case of 3C, or high-throughput sequencing or microarray analysis for 4C and 5C. synonym: "3C" NARROW [] synonym: "chromosome conformation capture" NARROW [] is_a: ECO:0000073 ! experimental genomic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-17T12:27:14Z [Term] id: ECO:0000233 name: chromosome conformation capture evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture-based evidence that is derived by performing a type of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the final product quantitation step." [ECO:MCC] comment: 3C is used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. Like other types of chromosome conformation capture technology, 3C differs only in the fifth step, which involves performing either standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or quantitative PCR (qPCR) for product quantitation. synonym: "3C" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000232 ! chromosome conformation capture-based evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-17T12:46:15Z [Term] id: ECO:0000234 name: circularized chromosome conformation capture evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture-based evidence that is derived by inverse polymerase chain reaction (inverse PCR) on a prior circularized 3C library followed by product quantitation with a microarray." [ECO:MCC] comment: 4C is used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. Like other types of chromosome conformation capture technology, 4C differs only in the fifth step, which involves inverse polymerase chain reaction (inverse PCR) on a circularized 3C library prior to product quantitation. synonym: "4C" EXACT [] synonym: "chromosome conformation capture on chip" EXACT [] synonym: "circularized 3C" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000232 ! chromosome conformation capture-based evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-19T01:20:28Z [Term] id: ECO:0000235 name: carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture-based evidence that is derived by performing ligation-mediated amplification (LMA) prior to product quantitation." [ECO:MCC] comment: 5C is used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. Like other types of chromosome conformation capture technology, 5C differs only in the fifth step, which involves ligation-mediated amplification (LMA) followed by product quantitation. synonym: "5C" EXACT [] synonym: "carbon-copy 3C" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000232 ! chromosome conformation capture-based evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-19T01:22:20Z [Term] id: ECO:0000236 name: chromosome conformation capture-PCR evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture evidence that is derived by performing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the quantitation step." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "3C" BROAD [] synonym: "3C-PCR" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000233 ! chromosome conformation capture evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-19T03:00:47Z [Term] id: ECO:0000237 name: chromosome conformation capture-qPCR evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture evidence that is derived by performing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in the quantitation step." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "3C-qPCR" EXACT [] synonym: "3C-quantitative PCR" EXACT [] synonym: "3C-real-time PCR" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000233 ! chromosome conformation capture evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-19T03:06:47Z [Term] id: ECO:0000238 name: Hi-C evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture-based evidence that is derived by performing immunoprecipitation enrichment of ligated fragments events prior to product quantitation." [ECO:MCC] comment: Hi-C is used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. Hi-C is similar to other types of chromosome conformation capture technology, but involves the addition of biotinylated nucleotides during the second or fourth step and enrichment for ligated fragments using immunoprecipitation after the fourth step. is_a: ECO:0000232 ! chromosome conformation capture-based evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-19T04:24:03Z [Term] id: ECO:0000239 name: chromosome conformation capture sequencing evidence def: "A type of chromosome conformation capture-based evidence that is derived by inverse polymerase chain reaction (inverse PCR) on a circularized 3C library prior to product quantitation with high-throughput (HT) sequencing." [ECO:MCC] comment: 3C-seq is used to study the structural properties and spatial organization of chromosomes inside cells. Like other types of chromosome conformation capture technology, 3C-seq differs only in the fifth step, which involves inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a circularized 3C library prior to product quantitation. synonym: "3C sequencing" EXACT [] synonym: "3C-seq" EXACT [] synonym: "4C sequencing" EXACT [] synonym: "4C-seq" EXACT [] synonym: "circularized 3C sequencing" EXACT [] synonym: "circularized 3C-seq" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000232 ! chromosome conformation capture-based evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-11-30T03:22:25Z [Term] id: ECO:0000240 name: anatomical perturbation def: "Experimental phenotypic evidence where a structural feature of an organism is disrupted." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-06T12:24:16Z [Term] id: ECO:0000241 name: environmental perturbation def: "Experimental phenotypic evidence where the extra-organismal context of an organism is modified." [ECO:MCC] comment: Many environmental factors are subject to modification, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, and so forth. synonym: "mechanical constraint" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-06T12:33:58Z [Term] id: ECO:0000242 name: tissue ablation def: "A type of anatomical perturbation that is based on disruption of tissue." [ECO:MCC] comment: A tissue ablation experiment involves observing the phenotype of an entity whose tissues have been disrupted through genetic or biochemical manipulation, physical destruction, or some other means. synonym: "ablated tissue" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000240 ! anatomical perturbation created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-06T12:33:58Z [Term] id: ECO:0000243 name: tissue grafting def: "A type of anatomical perturbation that is based on adding tissue to an organism through a graft procedure." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000240 ! anatomical perturbation created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-06T12:33:58Z [Term] id: ECO:0000244 name: combinatorial analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of combinatorial analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] comment: Combinatorial analyses could include experimental or computational results. Examples include: (i) large-scale experiment such as a genome-wide two-hybrid or genome-wide synthetic interactions; (ii) integration of large-scale data sets of various types; and (iii) text-based-computation, e.g. text-mining. For simple sequence comparisons, one should use the sequence similarity analysis evidence type. For microarray results alone, expression pattern analysis is appropriate; whereas, large-scale computational analysis should be used when microarray results are combined with the results of other types of large-scale experiments. is_a: ECO:0000212 ! combinatorial analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000212 ! combinatorial analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T02:02:12Z [Term] id: ECO:0000245 name: computational combinatorial analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of computational combinatorial analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000053 ! computational combinatorial analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000053 ! computational combinatorial analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T02:37:54Z [Term] id: ECO:0000246 name: computational combinatorial analysis used in automatic assertion def: "A type of computational combinatorial analysis that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000053 ! computational combinatorial analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000053 ! computational combinatorial analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T02:37:54Z [Term] id: ECO:0000247 name: sequence alignment evidence used in manual assertion def: "Sequence alignment evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000200 ! sequence alignment evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000200 ! sequence alignment evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:12:27Z [Term] id: ECO:0000248 name: sequence alignment evidence used in automatic assertion def: "Sequence alignment evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000200 ! sequence alignment evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000200 ! sequence alignment evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:12:27Z [Term] id: ECO:0000249 name: sequence similarity used in automatic assertion def: "Sequence similarity evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:22:30Z [Term] id: ECO:0000250 name: sequence similarity used in manual assertion def: "Sequence similarity evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000044 ! sequence similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:22:30Z [Term] id: ECO:0000251 name: similarity used in automatic assertion def: "Similarity evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000041 ! similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:28:12Z [Term] id: ECO:0000252 name: similarity used in manual assertion def: "Similarity evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000041 ! similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000041 ! similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:28:12Z [Term] id: ECO:0000253 name: genetic similarity used in manual assertion def: "Genetic similarity evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000051 ! genetic similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000051 ! genetic similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T01:42:44Z [Term] id: ECO:0000254 name: genetic similarity used in automatic assertion def: "Genetic similarity evidence that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000051 ! genetic similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000051 ! genetic similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T01:42:44Z [Term] id: ECO:0000255 name: match to sequence model used in manual assertion def: "A match to sequence model evidence that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000202 ! match to sequence model intersection_of: ECO:0000202 ! match to sequence model intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:26:35Z [Term] id: ECO:0000256 name: match to sequence model used in automatic assertion def: "A match to sequence model evidence that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000202 ! match to sequence model intersection_of: ECO:0000202 ! match to sequence model intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:26:35Z [Term] id: ECO:0000257 name: motif similarity used in manual assertion def: "Motif similarity evidence that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:44:34Z [Term] id: ECO:0000258 name: motif similarity used in automatic assertion def: "Motif similarity evidence that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity intersection_of: ECO:0000028 ! motif similarity intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:44:34Z [Term] id: ECO:0000259 name: match to InterPro signature used in automatic assertion def: "A match to InterPro signature evidence that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000029 ! match to InterPro signature intersection_of: ECO:0000029 ! match to InterPro signature intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:54:51Z [Term] id: ECO:0000260 name: match to InterPro signature used in manual assertion def: "A match to InterPro signature evidence that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000029 ! match to InterPro signature intersection_of: ECO:0000029 ! match to InterPro signature intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T02:54:51Z [Term] id: ECO:0000261 name: targeting sequence prediction used in automatic assertion def: "A targeting sequence prediction that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000081 ! targeting sequence prediction intersection_of: ECO:0000081 ! targeting sequence prediction intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:02:49Z [Term] id: ECO:0000262 name: targeting sequence prediction used in manual assertion def: "A targeting sequence prediction that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000081 ! targeting sequence prediction intersection_of: ECO:0000081 ! targeting sequence prediction intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:02:49Z [Term] id: ECO:0000263 name: transmembrane domain prediction used in automatic assertion def: "Transmembrane domain prediction that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000083 ! transmembrane domain prediction intersection_of: ECO:0000083 ! transmembrane domain prediction intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:28:35Z [Term] id: ECO:0000264 name: transmembrane domain prediction used in manual assertion def: "Transmembrane domain prediction that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000083 ! transmembrane domain prediction intersection_of: ECO:0000083 ! transmembrane domain prediction intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:28:35Z [Term] id: ECO:0000265 name: sequence orthology evidence used in automatic assertion def: "Sequence orthology evidence that is employed in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "Ortholog evidence" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000201 ! sequence orthology evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000201 ! sequence orthology evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:39:41Z [Term] id: ECO:0000266 name: sequence orthology evidence used in manual assertion def: "Sequence orthology evidence that is employed in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "Ortholog evidence" RELATED [] is_a: ECO:0000201 ! sequence orthology evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000201 ! sequence orthology evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-10T03:39:41Z [Term] id: ECO:0000267 name: enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay def: "An immunological assay that binds an antigen to a substrate and utilizes an antibody directly or indirectly linked to an enzyme to determine the amount of bound antigen." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "ELISA" EXACT [] synonym: "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000040 ! immunological assay data created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-14T01:57:13Z [Term] id: ECO:0000268 name: flow cytometry data def: "A direct assay that passes a stream of cells or particles past a light source, followed by using a detector to monitor light scatter or fluorochrome excitation to characterize the cells or particles." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "FCM" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000002 ! direct assay result created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-14T02:07:08Z [Term] id: ECO:0000269 name: experimental evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of experimental evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000006 ! experimental evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:36:49Z [Term] id: ECO:0000270 name: expression evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of expression pattern evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000008 ! expression pattern evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000008 ! expression pattern evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:46:39Z [Term] id: ECO:0000271 name: array experiment evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of array experiment evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000055 ! array experiment evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:51:58Z [Term] id: ECO:0000272 name: Affymetrix array experiment evidence used in manual assertion. def: "A type of Affymetrix array experiment evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000101 ! Affymetrix array experiment evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000101 ! Affymetrix array experiment evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:53:36Z [Term] id: ECO:0000273 name: cDNA microarray experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of cDNA microarray experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000097 ! cDNA microarray experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000097 ! cDNA microarray experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:55:49Z [Term] id: ECO:0000274 name: CpG island microarray experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of CpG island microarray experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000065 ! CpG island microarray experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000065 ! CpG island microarray experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T05:58:44Z [Term] id: ECO:0000275 name: expression microarray evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of expression microarray evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000058 ! expression microarray evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000058 ! expression microarray evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:01:26Z [Term] id: ECO:0000276 name: genomic microarray experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of genomic microarray experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000062 ! genomic microarray experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000062 ! genomic microarray experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:03:28Z [Term] id: ECO:0000277 name: Nimblegen array experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of Nimblegen array experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000105 ! Nimblegen array experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000105 ! Nimblegen array experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:05:20Z [Term] id: ECO:0000278 name: oligonucleotide microarray experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of oligonucleotide microarray experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000093 ! oligonucleotide microarray experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000093 ! oligonucleotide microarray experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:09:45Z [Term] id: ECO:0000279 name: Western blot assay used in manual assertion def: "A type of Western blot assay that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000112 ! Western blot assay intersection_of: ECO:0000112 ! Western blot assay intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:20:01Z [Term] id: ECO:0000280 name: protein expression level analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of protein expression level analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000046 ! protein expression level analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000046 ! protein expression level analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:21:54Z [Term] id: ECO:0000281 name: expression library screen data used in manual assertion def: "A type of expression library screen data that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000114 ! expression library screen data intersection_of: ECO:0000114 ! expression library screen data intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:24:05Z [Term] id: ECO:0000282 name: heterologous protein expression analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of heterologous protein expression analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000154 ! heterologous protein expression analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000154 ! heterologous protein expression analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:27:04Z [Term] id: ECO:0000283 name: protein expression spatial pattern analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of protein expression spatial pattern analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000045 ! protein expression spatial pattern analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000045 ! protein expression spatial pattern analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:31:44Z [Term] id: ECO:0000284 name: protein expression analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of protein expression analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000010 ! protein expression analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:33:46Z [Term] id: ECO:0000285 name: microarray RNA expression level data used in manual assertion def: "A type of microarray RNA expression level data that is used in manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000104 ! microarray RNA expression level data intersection_of: ECO:0000104 ! microarray RNA expression level data intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:41:33Z [Term] id: ECO:0000286 name: transcript expression level used in manual assertion def: "A type of transcript expression level data that is used in manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000048 ! transcript expression level data intersection_of: ECO:0000048 ! transcript expression level data intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:52:03Z [Term] id: ECO:0000287 name: differential hybridization experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of differential hybridization experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000116 ! differential hybridization experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000116 ! differential hybridization experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:55:14Z [Term] id: ECO:0000288 name: RNA protection assay used in manual assertion def: "A type of RNA protection assay that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000110 ! RNA protection assay intersection_of: ECO:0000110 ! RNA protection assay intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:57:33Z [Term] id: ECO:0000289 name: spatial pattern of transcript expression analysis used in manual assertion def: "A type of spatial pattern of transcript expression analysis that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000047 ! spatial pattern of transcript expression analysis intersection_of: ECO:0000047 ! spatial pattern of transcript expression analysis intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T06:59:18Z [Term] id: ECO:0000290 name: subtractive hybridization experiment used in manual assertion def: "A type of subtractive hybridization experiment that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000118 ! subtractive hybridization experiment intersection_of: ECO:0000118 ! subtractive hybridization experiment intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T07:00:48Z [Term] id: ECO:0000291 name: transcript expression evidence used in manual assertion def: "A type of transcript expression evidence that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence intersection_of: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-20T07:02:08Z [Term] id: ECO:0000292 name: morpholino experiment def: "A type of experimental phenotypic evidence that uses anti-sense by introducing morpholino oligonucleotides into the cytosol of a cell." [ECO:MCC] comment: Morpholino oligonucleotides modify gene expression by blocking access of other molecules to specific, approximately 25-base-long regions of the base-pairing surfaces of ribonucleic acid (RNA). To achieve this anti-sense knockdown technique, delivery of the morpholino can be achieved via microinjection, electroporation, or another method. synonym: "anti-sense" BROAD [] is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-10T03:36:25Z [Term] id: ECO:0000293 name: systematic evolution of ligands by exponential amplification analysis def: "A type of physical interaction analysis where a combinatorial chemistry technique is used to identify oligonucleotides that bind to a target ligand." [ECO:MCC, url:http\://] comment: SELEX begins with the synthesis of a large oligonucleotide library, either single-stranded DNA or RNA, which consists of random fixed-length sequences flanked by constant 5' and 3' ends that serve as primers. The library is exposed to a target ligand, typically a protein or small organic compound. Unbound sequences are removed, typically with affinity chromatography. Bound sequences are eluted and the nucleic acid is extracted, followed by PCR amplification (RNA is first reverse transcribed). PCR product is converted to single stranded (DNA) or transcribed (RNA). Oligonucleotides are bound to the ligand again and the process is repeated with increasing elution stringency. After several rounds of the process, recovered oligonucleotides are sequenced and analyzed to reveal the binding specificity of the protein. synonym: "in vitro evolution" RELATED [] synonym: "in vitro selection" EXACT [] synonym: "SELEX" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000021 ! physical interaction created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-10T04:23:50Z [Term] id: ECO:0000294 name: bacterial one-hybrid assay def: "A type of hybrid interaction experiment that uses bacterial transformation with two plasmids to assess in vivo binding of a DNA-binding domain (bait) and DNA target site (prey)." [ECO:MCC] comment: Bacterial one-hybrid assay is a method for screening a library of candidate proteins (prey plasmid) for the ability to bind to a target, cis-regulatory element or any other short, DNA binding sequence placed 5' to reporter genes (bait plasmid). Transformation of a bacterial host with two different plasmids is required: One is designed to express the "bait". The other plasmid contains a "prey" which, if bound to by the chimeric fusion product, drives expression of downstream reporter genes. synonym: "B1H" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000025 ! hybrid interaction experiment created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-10T06:16:20Z [Term] id: ECO:0000295 name: RNA-seq data def: "A type of transcript expression evidence based on high-throughput (HT) sequencing of fragmented cDNA molecules." [ECO:MCC] comment: Total RNA is isolated from cells and mRNA is purified by targeting the 3' polyadenylated (poly(A)) tail with poly(T) oligos covalently attached to a substrate. Next, cDNA fragments are generated either by hydrolysis of RNA into 200-300 base oligonucleotides, preceded by reverse transcription, or by reverse transcription initiated by random primers. The cDNA second strand is synthesized, fragments are adapter ligated and high-throughput sequencing is performed by Roche 454, Illumina, ABI-SOLiD, or another HT sequencing technology. Resulting sort reads are aligned against a reference genome, and downstream analysis is performed. synonym: "RNA sequencing" RELATED [] synonym: "whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing" EXACT [PMID:18611170] synonym: "WTSS" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T12:54:50Z [Term] id: ECO:0000296 name: localization of green fluorescent protein transcript def: "A transcriptional activation assay that uses a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene." [ECO:MCC] comment: This term describes transcriptional activation; to describe immunolocalization of the protein, use the term "immunolocalization of green fluorescent protein". synonym: "localization of GFP transcript" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000170 ! transcriptional activation assay created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T02:31:19Z [Term] id: ECO:0000297 name: localization of LacZ transcript def: "A transcriptional activation assay that uses a LacZ reporter gene." [ECO:MCC] comment: This term describes transcriptional activation; to describe immunolocalization of the protein, use the term "immunolocalization of LacZ protein". is_a: ECO:0000170 ! transcriptional activation assay created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T02:53:19Z [Term] id: ECO:0000298 name: cleavage arrested development def: "A type of experimental phenotypic evidence where embryonic development proceeds although cytokinesis is blocked." [ECO:MCC] comment: In the embryos of some organisms, inhibition of cytokinesis blocks neither the cell cycle nor the unfolding of the developmental program. As such, embryonic morphology can be frozen, allowing analysis of the developmental fate of each cell present at the time of cleavage arrest. is_a: ECO:0000059 ! experimental phenotypic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T03:28:49Z [Term] id: ECO:0000299 name: cytochalasin experiment result def: "A type of cleavage arrested development that arises after treatment with cytochalasin." [ECO:MCC] comment: Cytochalasin inhibits cytokinesis by blocking the formation of contractile microfilaments. is_a: ECO:0000298 ! cleavage arrested development created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T03:30:29Z [Term] id: ECO:0000300 name: immunolocalization of green fluorescent protein def: "A type of immunolocalization experiment data that was generated using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker." [ECO:MCC] comment: This term describes immunolocalization of the protein; to describe transcriptional activation, use the term "localization of green fluorescent protein transcript". synonym: "immunolocalization of GFP" EXACT [] is_a: ECO:0000087 ! immunolocalization experiment data created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T03:48:50Z [Term] id: ECO:0000301 name: immunolocalization of LacZ protein def: "A type of immunolocalization experiment data that was generated using LacZ protein as a marker." [ECO:MCC] comment: This term describes immunolocalization of the protein; to describe transcriptional activation, use the term "localization of LacZ transcript". is_a: ECO:0000087 ! immunolocalization experiment data created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-11T04:06:40Z [Term] id: ECO:0000302 name: author statement used in manual assertion def: "A type of author statement that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000204 ! author statement intersection_of: ECO:0000204 ! author statement intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:26:47Z [Term] id: ECO:0000303 name: non-traceable author statement used in manual assertion def: "A type of non-traceable author statement that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "NAS" BROAD [GO:NAS] synonym: "non-traceable author statement" BROAD [GO:NAS] is_a: ECO:0000034 ! non-traceable author statement intersection_of: ECO:0000034 ! non-traceable author statement intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:29:50Z [Term] id: ECO:0000304 name: traceable author statement used in manual assertion def: "A type of traceable author statement that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] synonym: "TAS" BROAD [GO:TAS] synonym: "traceable author statement" BROAD [GO:TAS] is_a: ECO:0000033 ! traceable author statement intersection_of: ECO:0000033 ! traceable author statement intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:31:03Z [Term] id: ECO:0000305 name: curator inference used in manual assertion def: "A type of curator inference that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000205 ! curator inference intersection_of: ECO:0000205 ! curator inference intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:33:32Z [Term] id: ECO:0000306 name: inference from background scientific knowledge used in manual assertion def: "A type of inference from background scientific knowledge that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000001 ! inference from background scientific knowledge intersection_of: ECO:0000001 ! inference from background scientific knowledge intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:35:11Z [Term] id: ECO:0000307 name: no biological data found used in manual assertion def: "A type of no biological data found that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000035 ! no biological data found intersection_of: ECO:0000035 ! no biological data found intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-01-20T02:43:18Z [Term] id: ECO:0000308 name: biological aspect of ancestor def: "A type of phylogenetic evidence whereby an aspect of a descendant gene is inferred through the characterization of an aspect of an ancestral gene." [ECO:MCC] comment: First, a characteristic of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) is inferred from experimental evidence in descendants; this is followed by inferring a characteristic of a descendant of the MRCA. This type of evidence can be used in support of both positive and "not" GO annotations. synonym: "IBA" EXACT [GO:IBA] synonym: "inferred from ancestral sequence" EXACT [GO:IBA] is_a: ECO:0000080 ! phylogenetic evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-02-04T05:41:26Z [Term] id: ECO:0000309 name: cap analysis of gene expression def: "A type of transcript expression evidence based on high-throughput (HT) sequencing of the 5' ends of cDNA molecules that are selected by a cap-trapper system." [ECO:MCC] comment: cDNA is synthesized from microgram quantities of mRNA using first-strand cDNA primer (oligo dT12-18) and reverse transcriptase in the presence of trehalose and sorbitol, followed by selection of full-length cDNA with biotinylated cap-trapper. Linkers are attached to the 5' ends of full-length enriched cDNAs to introduce a recognition site for the restriction endonuclease MmeI, which creates a two base overhang. After amplification, sequencing tags are concatenated for high-throughput sequencing. Resulting sort reads are aligned against a reference genome, and downstream analysis is performed. synonym: "CAGE" EXACT [PMID:16489339] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-02-17T01:33:09Z [Term] id: ECO:0000310 name: nano-cap analysis of gene expression def: "A type of transcript expression evidence based on high-throughput (HT) sequencing of the 5' ends of cDNA molecules that are selected by reverse transcriptase template switching." [ECO:MCC] comment: NanoCAGE captures the 5' ends of molecules by template switching. When polymerizing the cDNA of a capped mRNA, the reverse transcriptase adds extra cytosines that are complementary to the cap. Each 5' full length cDNAs is extended upon hybridization of the riboguanosine-tailed template switching oligonucleotides to these extra cytosines. In semisuppressive PCR, the short templates fold intramolecularly and prevent the binding of primers, which precludes amplification; longer molecules are less likely to fold and are thus amplified. Templates derived from reaction artifacts form stable homoduplexes, also precluding amplification. After template switching, semisuppressive PCR, and EcoP151 cleavage, 25-bp tags are ligated to bar code-containing oligonucleotide adaptors. After PCR amplification, the nanoCAGE tags are sequenced by synthesis. NanoCAGE requires as little as 10 nanograms of total RNA. synonym: "nanoCAGE" RELATED [PMID:20543846] is_a: ECO:0000009 ! transcript expression evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-02-17T01:33:34Z [Term] id: ECO:0000311 name: imported information def: "An evidence type that is based on work performed by a person or group prior to a use by different person or group." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000000 ! evidence created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-03-02T05:24:13Z [Term] id: ECO:0000312 name: imported information used in manual assertion def: "A type of imported information that is used in a manual assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000311 ! imported information intersection_of: ECO:0000311 ! imported information intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000218 ! manual assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-03-02T05:29:44Z [Term] id: ECO:0000313 name: imported information used in automatic assertion def: "A type of imported information that is used in an automatic assertion." [ECO:MCC] is_a: ECO:0000311 ! imported information intersection_of: ECO:0000311 ! imported information intersection_of: used_in ECO:0000203 ! automatic assertion created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2011-03-02T05:33:43Z [Typedef] id: used_in name: used_in created_by: mchibucos creation_date: 2010-12-09T05:00:20Z