/* @source showpep application ** ** Display a sequence with translations, features and other bits ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** 14 Sept 1999 - GWW - written ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static void showpep_FormatShow(EmbPShow ss, const AjPStr format, const AjPRange uppercase, const AjPRange highlight, AjBool threeletter, AjBool numberseq, const AjPFeattable feat, const AjPRange annotation); static AjBool showpep_MatchFeature(const AjPFeature gf, AjPFeature newgf, const AjPStr matchsource, const AjPStr matchtype, AjBool testscore, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr matchtag, const AjPStr matchvalue, AjBool *tagsmatch, AjBool stricttags); static AjBool showpep_MatchPatternTags(const AjPFeature gf, AjPFeature newgf, const AjPStr tpattern, const AjPStr vpattern, AjBool stricttags); static void showpep_FeatureFilter(const AjPFeattable featab, AjPFeattable newfeatab, const AjPStr matchsource, const AjPStr matchtype, AjBool testscore, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr matchtag, const AjPStr matchvalue, AjBool stricttags); static AjPFeature showpep_FeatCopy(const AjPFeature orig); /* @prog showpep ************************************************************** ** ** Display a sequence with features, translation etc ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ajint begin; ajint end; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; EmbPShow ss; AjPFile outfile; AjPStr formatname; AjPStr *thinglist; AjPRange uppercase; AjPRange highlight; AjBool threeletter; AjBool numberseq; AjBool nameseq; ajint width; ajint length; ajint margin; AjBool description; ajint offset; AjBool html; AjBool stricttags; AjPStr descriptionline; AjPFeattable feattab; AjPFeattable newfeattab;/* feature table copy, unwanted features removed */ AjPRange annotation; /* holds ACD or constructed format for output */ AjPStr format; ajint i; /* feature filter criteria */ AjPStr matchsource = NULL; AjPStr matchtype = NULL; float minscore; float maxscore; AjPStr matchtag = NULL; AjPStr matchvalue = NULL; AjBool testscore = AJFALSE; embInit("showpep", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); formatname = ajAcdGetListSingle("format"); thinglist = ajAcdGetList("things"); uppercase = ajAcdGetRange("uppercase"); highlight = ajAcdGetRange("highlight"); annotation = ajAcdGetRange("annotation"); threeletter = ajAcdGetBoolean("threeletter"); numberseq = ajAcdGetBoolean("number"); width = ajAcdGetInt("width"); length = ajAcdGetInt("length"); margin = ajAcdGetInt("margin"); nameseq = ajAcdGetBoolean("name"); description = ajAcdGetBoolean("description"); offset = ajAcdGetInt("offset"); html = ajAcdGetBoolean("html"); /* feature filter criteria */ matchsource = ajAcdGetString("sourcematch"); matchtype = ajAcdGetString("typematch"); minscore = ajAcdGetFloat("minscore"); maxscore = ajAcdGetFloat("maxscore"); matchtag = ajAcdGetString("tagmatch"); matchvalue = ajAcdGetString("valuematch"); stricttags = ajAcdGetBoolean("stricttags"); testscore = (minscore || maxscore); if(minscore && !maxscore) if(minscore > maxscore) maxscore = minscore; if(!minscore && maxscore) if(minscore > maxscore) minscore = maxscore; format = ajStrNew(); /* get the format to use */ if(ajStrMatchC(formatname, "0")) for(i=0; thinglist[i]; i++) { ajStrAppendS(&format, thinglist[i]); ajStrAppendC(&format, " "); } else if(ajStrMatchC(formatname, "1")) ajStrAssignC(&format, "S A "); else if(ajStrMatchC(formatname, "2")) ajStrAssignC(&format, "B N T S A F "); else if(ajStrMatchC(formatname, "3")) ajStrAssignC(&format, "B N T S A "); else if(ajStrMatchC(formatname, "4")) ajStrAssignC(&format, "B N T S T C T A F "); else ajFatal("Invalid format type: %S", formatname); /* make the format upper case */ ajStrFmtUpper(&format); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { begin = ajSeqGetBegin(seq)-1; end = ajSeqGetEnd(seq)-1; /* do the name and description */ if(nameseq) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "


\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(description) { /* ** wrap the description line at the width of the sequence ** plus margin */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "


\n", ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); else { descriptionline = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&descriptionline, ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); ajStrFmtWrap(&descriptionline, width+margin); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S\n", descriptionline); ajStrDel(&descriptionline); } } /* get the feature table of the sequence */ feattab = ajSeqGetFeatCopy(seq); /* new feature table to hold the filetered features */ newfeattab = ajFeattableNew(NULL); ajDebug("created newfeattab %x\n", newfeattab); /* only copy features in the table that match our criteria */ showpep_FeatureFilter(feattab, newfeattab, matchsource, matchtype, testscore, minscore, maxscore, matchtag, matchvalue, stricttags); /* make the Show Object */ ss = embShowNew(seq, begin, end, width, length, margin, html, offset); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "

	showpep_FormatShow(ss, format,
			   uppercase, highlight, threeletter,
			   numberseq, newfeattab,

	embShowPrint(outfile, ss);



	/* add a newline at the end of the sequence */
	ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n");

	    ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "
\n"); } ajStrDel(&format); ajFileClose(&outfile); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDelarray(&thinglist); ajStrDel(&formatname); ajStrDel(&matchsource); ajStrDel(&matchtype); ajStrDel(&matchtag); ajStrDel(&matchvalue); ajRangeDel(&uppercase); ajRangeDel(&highlight); ajRangeDel(&annotation); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showpep_FormatShow ********************************************* ** ** Set up the EmbPShow object, according to the required format ** ** @param [u] ss [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] format [const AjPStr] format codes for the required ** things to display ** @param [r] uppercase [const AjPRange] ranges to uppercase ** @param [r] highlight [const AjPRange] ranges to colour in HTML ** @param [r] threeletter [AjBool] use 3-letter code ** @param [r] numberseq [AjBool] put numbers on sequences ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeattable] sequence's feature table ** NULL after - pointer stored internally ** @param [r] annotation [const AjPRange] ranges to annotate ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showpep_FormatShow(EmbPShow ss, const AjPStr format, const AjPRange uppercase, const AjPRange highlight, AjBool threeletter, AjBool numberseq, const AjPFeattable feat, const AjPRange annotation) { AjPStrTok tok; char white[] = " \t\n\r"; char whiteplus[] = " \t,.!@#$%^&*()_+|~`\\={}[]:;\"'<>,.?/"; AjPStr code = NULL; /* start token to parse format */ tok = ajStrTokenNewC(format, white); while(ajStrTokenNextParseC(&tok, whiteplus, &code)) { ajStrFmtUpper(&code); if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "S")) embShowAddSeq(ss, numberseq, threeletter, uppercase, highlight); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "B")) embShowAddBlank(ss); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "T")) embShowAddTicks(ss); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "N")) embShowAddTicknum(ss); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "C")) embShowAddComp(ss, numberseq); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "F")) embShowAddFT(ss, feat); else if(!ajStrCmpC(code, "A")) embShowAddNote(ss, annotation); else ajFatal("Formatting code not recognised: '%S'", code); } ajStrDel(&code); ajStrTokenDel(&tok); return; } /* @funcstatic showpep_FeatureFilter ****************************************** ** ** Removes unwanted features from a feature table ** ** @param [r] featab [const AjPFeattable] Feature table to filter ** @param [u] newfeatab [AjPFeattable] Retured table of filtered features ** @param [r] matchsource [const AjPStr] Required Source pattern ** @param [r] matchtype [const AjPStr] Required Type pattern ** @param [r] testscore [AjBool] Filter by score values ** @param [r] minscore [float] Min required Score pattern ** @param [r] maxscore [float] Max required Score pattern ** @param [r] matchtag [const AjPStr] Required Tag pattern ** @param [r] matchvalue [const AjPStr] Required Value pattern ** @param [r] stricttags [AjBool] If false then only display tag/values ** that match the criteria ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showpep_FeatureFilter(const AjPFeattable featab, AjPFeattable newfeatab, const AjPStr matchsource, const AjPStr matchtype, AjBool testscore, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr matchtag, const AjPStr matchvalue, AjBool stricttags) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature newgf = NULL; AjBool tagsmatch; tagsmatch = ajFalse; /* foreach feature in the feature table */ if(featab) { iter = ajListIterNewread(featab->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = (AjPFeature)ajListIterGet(iter); newgf = showpep_FeatCopy(gf); /* copy of gf that we can add */ /* required tags to */ if(showpep_MatchFeature(gf, newgf, matchsource, matchtype, testscore, minscore, maxscore, matchtag, matchvalue, &tagsmatch, stricttags)) /* ** There's a match, so add the copy of gf ** to the new feature table */ ajFeattableAdd(newfeatab, newgf); else ajFeatDel(&newgf); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } return; } /* @funcstatic showpep_MatchFeature ******************************************* ** ** Test if a feature matches a set of criteria ** ** @param [r] gf [const AjPFeature] Feature to test ** @param [u] newgf [AjPFeature] Copy of feature with filtered ** Tag/Value list ** @param [r] source [const AjPStr] Required Source pattern ** @param [r] type [const AjPStr] Required Type pattern ** @param [r] testscore [AjBool] Filter by score values ** @param [r] minscore [float] Min required Score pattern ** @param [r] maxscore [float] Max required Score pattern ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] Required Tag pattern ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Required Value pattern ** @param [u] tagsmatch [AjBool *] true if a join has matching tag/values ** @param [r] stricttags [AjBool] If false then only display tag/values ** that match the criteria ** @return [AjBool] True if feature matches criteria ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool showpep_MatchFeature(const AjPFeature gf, AjPFeature newgf, const AjPStr source, const AjPStr type, AjBool testscore, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr tag, const AjPStr value, AjBool *tagsmatch, AjBool stricttags) { AjPStrTok tokens = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjBool val = ajFalse; /* ** is this a child of a join() ? ** if it is a child, then we use the previous result of MatchPatternTags */ if(!ajFeatIsMultiple(gf) || !ajFeatIsChild(gf)) *tagsmatch = showpep_MatchPatternTags(gf, newgf, tag, value, stricttags); /* ignore remote IDs */ if(!ajFeatIsLocal(gf)) return ajFalse; /* check source, type, sense, score, tags, values ** Match anything: ** for strings, '*' ** for sense, 0 ** for score, maxscore <= minscore */ if(!embMiscMatchPatternDelimC(ajFeatGetSource(gf), source,",;|") || (testscore && ajFeatGetScore(gf) < minscore) || (testscore && ajFeatGetScore(gf) > maxscore) || !*tagsmatch) return ajFalse; if(ajStrGetLen(type)) { val = ajFalse; tokens = ajStrTokenNewC(type, " \t\n\r,;|"); while (ajStrTokenNextParse( &tokens, &key)) { if (ajFeatTypeMatchWildS(gf, key)) { val = ajTrue; break; } } ajStrTokenDel( &tokens); ajStrDel(&key); if(!val) return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic showpep_MatchPatternTags *************************************** ** ** Checks for a match of the tagpattern and valuepattern to at least one ** tag=value pair ** ** @param [r] gf [const AjPFeature] Feature to process ** @param [u] newgf [AjPFeature] Copy of feature returned ** with filtered Tag/Value list ** @param [r] tpattern [const AjPStr] tags pattern to match with ** @param [r] vpattern [const AjPStr] values pattern to match with ** @param [r] stricttags [AjBool] If false then only display tag/values ** that match the criteria ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue = found a match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool showpep_MatchPatternTags(const AjPFeature gf, AjPFeature newgf, const AjPStr tpattern, const AjPStr vpattern, AjBool stricttags) { AjIList titer; /* iterator for feat */ AjPStr tagnam = NULL; /* tag name from tag structure */ AjPStr tagval = NULL; /* tag value from tag structure */ AjBool val = ajFalse; /* returned value */ AjBool tval; /* tags result */ AjBool vval; /* value result */ /* ** If there are no tags to match, but the patterns are ** both '*', then allow this as a match */ if(ajListGetLength(gf->Tags) == 0 && !ajStrCmpC(tpattern, "*") && !ajStrCmpC(vpattern, "*")) return ajTrue; /* iterate through the tags and test for match to patterns */ titer = ajFeatTagIter(gf); while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) { tval = embMiscMatchPatternDelimC(tagnam, tpattern,",;|"); /* ** If tag has no value then ** If vpattern is '*' the value pattern is a match ** Else check vpattern */ if(!ajStrGetLen(tagval)) { if(!ajStrCmpC(vpattern, "*")) vval = ajTrue; else vval = ajFalse; } else /* ** The value can be one or more words and the vpattern could ** be the whole phrase, so test not only each word in vpattern ** against the value, but also test to see if there is a match ** of the whole of vpattern without spitting it up into words. */ vval = (ajStrMatchS(tagval, vpattern) || embMiscMatchPatternDelimC(tagval, vpattern,",;|")); if(tval && vval) { val = ajTrue; /* ** if strict tags then only want to see the tags ** that match the criteria */ if(stricttags) ajFeatTagAdd(newgf, tagnam, tagval); } /* if not strict tags then need to see all the tags */ if(!stricttags) ajFeatTagAdd(newgf, tagnam, tagval); } ajListIterDel(&titer); ajStrDel(&tagnam); ajStrDel(&tagval); return val; } /* @funcstatic showpep_FeatCopy *********************************************** ** ** Makes a copy of a feature, except for the Tags list which is added later. ** This is mostly copied from the original in ajFeatCopy, ** but without the Tags stuff. ** ** @param [r] orig [const AjPFeature] Original feature ** @return [AjPFeature] New copy of feature ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPFeature showpep_FeatCopy(const AjPFeature orig) { AjPFeature ret; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Tags = ajListNew(); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Source, orig->Source); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Type, orig->Type); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Remote, orig->Remote); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Label, orig->Label); ret->Protein = orig->Protein; ret->Start = orig->Start; ret->End = orig->End; ret->Start2 = orig->Start2; ret->End2 = orig->End2; ret->Score = orig->Score; ret->Strand = orig->Strand; ret->Frame = orig->Frame; ret->Flags = orig->Flags; ret->Group = orig->Group; ret->Exon = orig->Exon; return ret; }