##gff-version 3 # #Alignments # #Nucleotide to genome, and protein to genome alignments are a little #tricky because they involve two coordinate systems, the coordinates #of the alignment on the genome (known as the "source" coordinates), #and the coordinates of the cDNA, EST or protein (known as the #"target" coordinates). In GFF3, the target coordinates are specified #using the Target tag. #This example shows three different alignment features of type #"EST_match". Each alignment has a distinct ID, and all the #discontinuous parts of the alignment have the same ID, as described #earlier. In addition to the ID and Name tags, each segment also has a #Target tag whose value has the format " #." For example, the very first line indicates that the #EST named agt830.5 aligns to genomic contig ctg123 such that #positions 1 through 451 of agt830.5 aligns to bases 1050-1500 of #ctg123. #Using the ##FASTA section of the GFF3 file, you can specify the #sequence of the ESTs as well as of the contig, and GBrowse will #display the DNA and/or protein sequences in the appropriate contexts. #See the GFF3 specification for instructions on how to represent #gapped alignments. ctg123 est EST_match 1050 1500 . + . ID=Match1;Name=agt830.5;Target=agt830.5 1 451 ctg123 est EST_match 3000 3202 . + . ID=Match1;Name=agt830.5;Target=agt830.5 452 654 ctg123 est EST_match 5410 5500 . - . ID=Match2;Name=agt830.3;Target=agt830.3 505 595 ctg123 est EST_match 7000 7503 . - . ID=Match2;Name=agt830.3;Target=agt830.3 1 504 ctg123 est EST_match 1050 1500 . + . ID=Match3;Name=agt221.5;Target=agt221.5 1 451 ctg123 est EST_match 5000 5500 . + . ID=Match3;Name=agt221.5;Target=agt221.5 452 952 ctg123 est EST_match 7000 7300 . + . ID=Match3;Name=agt221.5;Target=agt221.5 953 1253