##gff-version 3 # #Discontinuous Features # #In addition to nested features, another common type of genomic #annotation is the discontinuous feature in which a single feature #spans multiple discontinuous portions of the genome. The primary #example is an alignment, such as a cDNA sequence that has been #aligned to genomic sequence. GFF3 deals with these features by #representing each continuous segment as a distinct row, and then #giving each segment the same ID to tie them together. For example: # #Note that this is distinct from the nested features we looked at in #the previous section. In the former case, there is a single parent #feature and multiple child features that are linked to the parent via #a Parent tag. The IDs of the children are distinct from each other #(or absent altogether). In the latter case, each segment of the #discontinuous feature has the same ID. There is no parent. # #Note that this method of grouping discontinuous features is not #currently supported by the GMOD Chado bulk GFF3 loader. Parent-child #grouping is required. # ctg123 example match 26122 26126 . + . ID=match001 ctg123 example match 26497 26869 . + . ID=match001 ctg123 example match 27201 27325 . + . ID=match001 ctg123 example match 27372 27433 . + . ID=match001 ctg123 example match 27565 27565 . + . ID=match001