AC R00077 XX ID HS$ALBU_01 XX DT 20.06.90 (created); ewi. DT 24.08.95 (updated); hiwi. XX TY D XX DE albumin; Gene: G000188. XX SQ tGGTTAGtaattactaa. XX SF -363 ST -338 XX BF T00368; HNF-1A;Quality: 1; Species: human, Homo sapiens. BF T00369; HNF-1;Quality: 1; Species: rat, Rattus norvegicus. BF T01950; HNF-1B;Quality: 1; Species: human, Homo sapiens. BF T01951; HNF-1C;Quality: 1; Species: human, Homo sapiens. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX SO 0103; Hep3B SO 0289; rl XX MM gel retardation MM direct gel shift MM DNase I footprinting MM gel shift competition MM affinity chromatography MM methylation interference XX DR EMBL: M13075; HSALBEX1(695:711). XX RN [1] RA Frain M., Swart G., Monaci P., Nicosia A., Staempfli RA S., Frank R., Cortese R. RT The liver-specific transcription factor LF-B1 contains RT a highly diverged homeobox DNA binding domain RL Cell 59:145-157 (1989). 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XX SF -102 ST -79 XX BF T00599; NF-1/L;Quality: 6; Species: rat, Rattus norvegicus. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX SO 0289; rl XX MM gel retardation MM DNase I footprinting XX DR EMBL: M13075; HSALBEX1(959:963). DR EPD: E16042; EP016042. XX RN [1] RA Paonessa G., Gounari F., Frank R., Cortese R. RT Purification of a NF1-like DNA-binding protein from RT rat liver and cloning of the corresponding cDNA RL EMBO J. 7:3115-3123 (1988). XX // AC R00080 XX ID HS$ALBU_04 XX DT 20.06.90 (created); ewi. DT 24.08.95 (updated); hiwi. XX TY D XX DE albumin; Gene: G000188. XX SQ TTAATAAT. XX SF -91 ST 17 XX BF T00015; AFP1;Quality: 6; Species: human, Homo sapiens. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX SO 0115; HuH-7 XX MM direct gel shift XX DR EMBL: M13075; HSALBEX1(991:998). XX RN [1] RA Sawadaishi K., Morinaga T., Tamaoki T. RT Interaction of a Hepatoma-Specific Nuclear Factor RT with Transcription-Regulatory Sequences of the Human RT alpha-Fetoprotein and Albumin Genes RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 8:5179-5187 (1988). XX // AC R00081 XX ID HS$ALBU_05 XX DT 20.06.90 (created); ewi. DT 24.08.95 (updated); hiwi. XX TY D XX DE albumin; Gene: G000188. XX SQ TCTAGTTAATAATCTACAAT. XX SF -72 ST -42 XX BF T00369; HNF-1;Quality: 4; Species: rat, Rattus norvegicus. XX OS human, Homo sapiens OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; primates XX SO 0289; rl XX MM gel retardation MM DNase I footprinting MM gel shift competition MM methylation interference XX DR EMBL: M13075; HSALBEX1(986:1005). DR EPD: E16042; EP016042. XX RN [1] RA Hardon E. M., Frain M., Paonessa G., Cortese R. RT Two distinct factors interact with the promoter regions RT of several liver-specific genes RL EMBO J. 7:1711-1719 (1988). 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RT Characterization of the DNA-binding activity of GCR1: RT In vivo evidence for two GCR1-binding sites in the RT upstream activating sequence of TPI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RL Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:2690-2700 (1992). XX // AC R04412 XX ID MOUSE$FCGR3A_01 XX DT 14.05.97 (created); ewi. DT 14.05.97 (updated); ewi. XX TY D XX DE FcgammaRIIIA (low-affinity Fc receptor IIIA for IgG); Gene: G001014. XX SQ GTCTGCTGACC. XX EL MRR XX SF -88 ST -78 XX BF T00811; TFE3;Quality: 2; Species: human, Homo sapiens. BF T00874; USF;Quality: 2; Species: human, Homo sapiens. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX SO 0306; rec(human-E.coli) SO 0495; A20 SO 0848; RAW264.7 XX MM direct gel shift MM methylation interference XX DR EMBL: U11854; MM11854(1931:1941). XX RN [1] RA Feinman R., Qiu W. Q., Pearse R. N., Nikolajczyk B. RA S., Sen R., Sheffery M., Ravetch J. V. RT PU.1 and an HLH family member contribute to the myeloid-specific RT transcription of the FcgammaRIIIA promoter RL EMBO J. 13:3852-3860 (1994). XX // AC R04413 XX ID MOUSE$FCGR3A_02 XX DT 14.05.97 (created); ewi. DT 14.05.97 (updated); ewi. XX TY D XX DE FcgammaRIIIA (low-affinity Fc receptor IIIA for IgG); Gene: G001014. XX SQ TTCCTC. XX EL MRR XX SF -48 ST -43 XX BF T00702; PU.1;Quality: 3; Species: mouse, Mus musculus. XX OS mouse, Mus musculus OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; OC tetrapoda; mammalia; eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae XX SO 0495; A20 SO 0848; RAW264.7 XX MM direct gel shift MM methylation interference MM supershift (antibody binding) XX DR EMBL: U11854; MM11854(1971:1976). XX RN [1] RA Feinman R., Qiu W. Q., Pearse R. N., Nikolajczyk B. RA S., Sen R., Sheffery M., Ravetch J. V. RT PU.1 and an HLH family member contribute to the myeloid-specific RT transcription of the FcgammaRIIIA promoter RL EMBO J. 13:3852-3860 (1994). XX //