REBASE version 106 withrefm.106 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REBASE, The Restriction Enzyme Database Copyright (c) Dr. Richard J. Roberts, 2001. All rights reserved. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rich Roberts May 31 2001 Restriction enzyme name. Other enzymes with this specificity. These are written from 5' to 3', only one strand being given. If the point of cleavage has been determined, the precise site is marked with ^. For enzymes such as HgaI, MboII etc., which cleave away from their recognition sequence the cleavage sites are indicated in parentheses. For example HgaI GACGC (5/10) indicates cleavage as follows: 5' GACGCNNNNN^ 3' 3' CTGCGNNNNNNNNNN^ 5' In all cases the recognition sequences are oriented so that the cleavage sites lie on their 3' side. REBASE Recognition sequences representations use the standard abbreviations (Eur. J. Biochem. 150: 1-5, 1985) to represent ambiguity. R = G or A Y = C or T M = A or C K = G or T S = G or C W = A or T B = not A (C or G or T) D = not C (A or G or T) H = not G (A or C or T) V = not T (A or C or G) N = A or C or G or T ENZYMES WITH UNUSUAL CLEAVAGE PROPERTIES: Enzymes that cut on both sides of their recognition sequences, such as BcgI, Bsp24I, CjeI and CjePI, have 4 cleavage sites each instead of 2. Bsp24I 5' ^NNNNNNNNGACNNNNNNTGGNNNNNNNNNNNN^ 3' 3' ^NNNNNNNNNNNNNCTGNNNNNNACCNNNNNNN^ 5' This will be described in some REBASE reports as: Bsp24I (8/13)GACNNNNNNTGG(12/7) The site of methylation by the cognate methylase when known is indicated X(Y) or X,X2(Y,Y2), where X is the base within the recognition sequence that is modified. A negative number indicates the complementary strand, numbered from the 5' base of that strand, and Y is the specific type of methylation involved: (6) = N6-methyladenosine (5) = 5-methylcytosine (4) = N4-methylcytosine If the methylation information is different for the 3' strand, X2 and Y2 are given as well. Organism from which this enzyme had been isolated. Either an individual or a National Culture Collection. Each commercial source of restriction enzymes and/or methylases listed in REBASE is assigned a single character abbreviation code. For example: K Takara (1/98) M Boehringer Mannheim (10/97) N New England Biolabs (4/98) The date in parentheses indicates the most recent update of that organization's listings in REBASE. only the primary references for the isolation and/or purification of the restriction enzyme or methylase, the determination of the recognition sequence and cleavage site or the methylation specificity are given. REBASE codes for commercial sources of enzymes A Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (1/01) B Life Technologies Inc. (1/98) C Minotech, Molecular Biology Products (12/00) D HYBAID GmbH (12/00) E Stratagene (11/00) F Fermentas AB (5/01) G Q-BIOgene (1/01) H American Allied Biochemical, Inc. (10/98) I SibEnzyme Ltd. (1/01) J Nippon Gene Co., Ltd. (6/00) K Takara Shuzo Co. Ltd. (2/01) L Transgenomic Ltd. (1/01) M Roche Molecular Biochemicals (1/01) N New England BioLabs (12/00) O Toyobo Biochemicals (11/98) P Megabase Research Products (5/99) Q CHIMERx (10/97) R Promega Corporation (6/99) S Sigma Chemical Corporation (11/98) T Advanced Biotechnologies Ltd. (3/98) U Bangalore Genei (2/01) V MRC-Holland (3/01) <1>AaeI <2>BamHI,AacI,AcaII,AccEBI,AinII,AliI,Ali12257I,Ali12258I,ApaCI,AsiI,AspTII,Atu1II,BamFI,BamKI,BamNI,Bca1259I,Bce751I,Bco10278I,BnaI,BsaDI,Bsp30I,Bsp46I,Bsp90II,Bsp98I,Bsp130I,Bsp131I,Bsp144I,Bsp4009I,BspAAIII,BstI,Bst1126I,Bst2464I,Bst2902I,BstQI,Bsu90I,Bsu8565I,Bsu8646I,BsuB519I,BsuB763I,CelI,DdsI,GdoI,GinI,GoxI,GseIII,MleI,Mlu23I,NasBI,Nsp29132II,NspSAIV,OkrAI,Pac1110I,Pae177I,Pfl8I,Psp56I,RhsI,Rlu4I,RspLKII,SolI,SpvI,SurI,Uba19I,Uba31I,Uba38I,Uba51I,Uba88I,Uba1098I,Uba1163I,Uba1167I,Uba1172I,Uba1173I,Uba1205I,Uba1224I,Uba1242I,Uba1250I,Uba1258I,Uba1297I,Uba1302I,Uba1324I,Uba1325I,Uba1334I,Uba1339I,Uba1346I,Uba1383I,Uba1398I,Uba1402I,Uba1414I <3>GGATCC <4> <5>Acetobacter aceti sub. liquefaciens <6>M. Van Montagu <7> <8>Seurinck, J., van Montagu, M., Unpublished observations. <1>AciI <2> <3>CCGC(-3/-1) <4>?(5),-2(5) <5>Arthrobacter citreus <6>NEB 577 <7>N <8>Lunnen, K.D., Heiter, D., Wilson, G.G., Unpublished observations. Polisson, C., Morgan, R.D., (1990) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 18, pp. 5911. <1>AclI <2>Psp1406I <3>AA^CGTT <4>3(5) <5>Acinetobacter calcoaceticus M4 <6>S.K. Degtyarev <7>IN <8>Degtyarev, S.K., Abdurashitov, M.A., Kolyhalov, A.A., Rechkunova, N.I., (1992) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 20, pp. 3787. Lunnen, K.D., Wilson, G.G., Unpublished observations. <1>BamHI <2>AacI,AaeI,AcaII,AccEBI,AinII,AliI,Ali12257I,Ali12258I,ApaCI,AsiI,AspTII,Atu1II,BamFI,BamKI,BamNI,Bca1259I,Bce751I,Bco10278I,BnaI,BsaDI,Bsp30I,Bsp46I,Bsp90II,Bsp98I,Bsp130I,Bsp131I,Bsp144I,Bsp4009I,BspAAIII,BstI,Bst1126I,Bst2464I,Bst2902I,BstQI,Bsu90I,Bsu8565I,Bsu8646I,BsuB519I,BsuB763I,CelI,DdsI,GdoI,GinI,GoxI,GseIII,MleI,Mlu23I,NasBI,Nsp29132II,NspSAIV,OkrAI,Pac1110I,Pae177I,Pfl8I,Psp56I,RhsI,Rlu4I,RspLKII,SolI,SpvI,SurI,Uba19I,Uba31I,Uba38I,Uba51I,Uba88I,Uba1098I,Uba1163I,Uba1167I,Uba1172I,Uba1173I,Uba1205I,Uba1224I,Uba1242I,Uba1250I,Uba1258I,Uba1297I,Uba1302I,Uba1324I,Uba1325I,Uba1334I,Uba1339I,Uba1346I,Uba1383I,Uba1398I,Uba1402I,Uba1414I <3>G^GATCC <4>5(4) <5>Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H <6>ATCC 49763 <7>ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUV <8>Brooks, J.E., Howard, K.A., US Patent Office, 1994. Brooks, J.E., Nathan, P.D., Landry, D., Sznyter, L.A., Waite-Rees, P., Ives, C.L., Moran, L.S., Slatko, B.E., Benner, J.S., (1991) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 19, pp. 841-850. Hattman, S., Keister, T., Gottehrer, A., (1978) J. Mol. Biol., vol. 124, pp. 701-711. Lee, S.P., Porter, D., Chirikjian, J.G., Knutson, J.R., Han, M.K., (1994) Anal. Biochem., vol. 220, pp. 377-383. Newman, M., Strzelecka, T., Dorner, L.F., Schildkraut, I., Aggarwal, A.K., (1994) Structure, vol. 2, pp. 439-452. Roberts, R.J., Wilson, G.A., Young, F.E., (1977) Nature, vol. 265, pp. 82-84. Roy, K.B., Vrushank, D., Jayaram, B., (1994) Anal. Biochem., vol. 220, pp. 160-164. Strzelecka, T., Newman, M., Dorner, L.F., Knott, R., Schildkraut, I., Aggarwal, A.K., (1994) J. Mol. Biol., vol. 239, pp. 430-432. Wilson, G.A., Young, F.E., (1975) J. Mol. Biol., vol. 97, pp. 123-125. Xu, S.-Y., Fomenkov, A., (1994) Biotechniques, vol. 17, pp. 57. <1>BceAI <2>BcefI,BctI <3>ACGGC(12/14) <4> <5>Bacillus cereus 1315 <6>NEB 1288 <7>N <8>Nkenfou, C., Polisson, C., Nkenfou, J., Notedji, A., Morgan, R., Unpublished observations. <1>Bsc4I <2>BsiYI,BflI,Bsc107I,Bse23I,BseLI,BslI,BsmYI <3>CCNNNNN^NNGG <4> <5>Bacillus schlegelii 4 <6>V.E. Repin <7>I <8>Degtyarev, S.K., Unpublished observations. Repin, V.E., Serov, G.D., Puchkova, L.I., Tereshenko, T.A., Lebedev, L.R., Chigikov, V.E., (1993) Bioorg. Khim., vol. 19, pp. 583-585. <1>Bse1I <2>BsrI,BscHI,BseNI,BsoHI,BsrSI,Bst11I,Tsp1I <3>ACTGG(1/-1) <4> <5>Bacillus stearothermophilus 1 <6>S.K. Degtyarev <7>I <8>Repin, V.E., Degtyarev, S.K., Unpublished observations. <1>BseYI <2> <3>CCCAGC(-5/-1) <4> <5>Bacillus species 2521 <6>NEB 1396 <7>N <8>Bhatia, T., Morgan, R.D., Unpublished observations. Nkenfou, C., Morgan, R.D., Unpublished observations. <1>BshI <2>HaeIII,AcaIV,Afl83II,Asp742I,AspTIII,AvrBI,Bal475I,Bal3006I,Bce71I,Bco33I,BecAII,Bfi458I,Bim19II,BliI,BluII,Bme46I,Bme74I,Bme361I,BsaRI,BscQI,BseI,Bse9I,Bse126I,BseQI,BshAI,BshBI,BshCI,BshDI,BshEI,BshFI,BsiAI,BsiDI,BsiHI,Bsp23I,Bsp44II,Bsp137I,Bsp211I,Bsp226I,Bsp881I,Bsp1261I,Bsp1593I,Bsp2013I,Bsp2362I,Bsp2500I,BspBDG2I,BspBRI,BspBSE18I,BspBake1I,BspCHE15I,BspGHA1I,BspH106II,BspKI,BspLRI,BspRI,BssCI,BstCI,BstJI,Bsu1076I,Bsu1114I,BsuRI,BteI,ClmI,CltI,Csp2I,DsaII,EsaBC4I,FinSI,FnuDI,HhgI,Hpy178VII,HpyF10V,HpyF26II,HpyF29I,HpyF33II,HpyF42I,HpyF46V,HpyF49IV,HpyF53I,HpyF57I,HpyF63I,HpyF69II,HpyF72I,HpyF73III,MchAII,MfoAI,MniI,MnnII,MthTI,NgoCII,NgoNII,NgoPII,NgoSII,NgoTII,NlaI,NspLKI,PaiI,PalI,Pde133I,PflKI,PlaI,Ple214I,PpuI,Psp29I,SagI,SbvI,SfaI,SplIII,SuaI,SulI,Tsp132I,Tsp266I,Tsp273II,Tsp281I,Tsp560I,TspZNI,TteAI,TtnI,Uba9I,Uba54I,Uba61I,Uba1097I,Uba1140I,Uba1146I,Uba1147I,Uba1150I,Uba1152I,Uba1153I,Uba1155I,Uba1169I,Uba1174I,Uba1175I,Uba1176I,Uba1178I,Uba1179I,Uba1207I,Uba1208I,Uba1209I,Uba1210I,Uba1214I,Uba1223I,Uba1228I,Uba1230I,Uba1231I,Uba1235I,Uba1288I,Uba1292I,Uba1293I,Uba1319I,Uba1322I,Uba1336I,Uba1377I,Uba1388I,Uba1392I,Uba1395I,Uba1408I,Uba1418I,Uba1422I,Uba1429I,Uba1449I,Uba1450I,Uth549I,Uth555I,Uth557I,Van91III,VhaI,Vha1168I,VniI <3>GG^CC <4> <5>Bacillus sphaericus <6>WHO/CCBC 1593 <7>T <8>Clark, D., Unpublished observations. <1>BsiSI <2>HpaII,Asp748I,Bco27I,BsaZI,BshMI,Bsp5I,Bsp47I,Bsp48I,Bsp116I,Bsp1591II,Bst40I,Bsu1192I,BsuFI,CboI,CceI,FinII,HapII,Hin2I,Hin5I,HpyVIII,HpyF43I,MniII,MnoI,MspI,Msp199I,Pde137I,Pme35I,SecII,SfaGUI,Sth134I,Uba1128I,Uba1141I,Uba1267I,Uba1338I,Uba1355I,Uba1439I <3>C^CGG <4> <5>Bacillus species <6>D. Clark <7>C <8>Rina, M., Bouriotis, V., (1990) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 18, pp. 1654. <1>BsiYI <2>AfiI,BflI,Bsc4I,Bsc107I,Bse23I,BseLI,BslI,BsmYI,Bst22I <3>CCNNNNN^NNGG <4> <5>Bacillus species <6>D. Clark <7>M <8>Mok, Y.K., Clark, D.R., Kam, K.M., Shaw, P.C., (1991) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 19, pp. 2321-2323. <1>BssKI <2>ScrFI,Bme1390I,BsaCI,BsoI,Bsp53I,Bsp73I,Bsp548I,BstMZ611I,DsaV,Ecl18kI,Eco43I,Eco51II,Eco80I,Eco85I,Eco93I,Eco153I,Eco200I,Eco13kI,Eco21kI,Eco137kI,HpyNI,Kpn2kI,Msp67I,MspR9I,NlaX,SenPI,SsoII,StyD4I,Uba17I,Uba1391I <3>^CCNGG <4> <5>Bacillus stearothermophilus <6>NEB 547 <7>N <8>Kong, H., Unpublished observations. <1>BsrI <2>BscHI,Bse1I,BseNI,BsoHI,BsrSI,Bst11I,Tsp1I <3>ACTGG(1/-1) <4>?(4) <5>Bacillus stearothermophilus <6>NEB 447 <7>N <8>Lunnen, K.D., Wilson, G.G., Unpublished observations. Polisson, C., Morgan, R.D., (1988) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 16, pp. 5205. Stickel, S.K., Roberts, R.J., Unpublished observations. <1>Bsu6I <2>Ksp632I,Bco5I,Bco116I,BcoKI,BcoSI,BcrAI,BseZI,BsrEI,Bst158I,Eam1104I,EarI,Uba1192I,Uba1276I,VpaKutEI,VpaKutFI,VpaO5I <3>CTCTTC(1/4) <4> <5>Bacillus subtilis 6vl <6>S.K. Degtyarev <7>I <8>Abdurashitov, M.A., Kileva, E.V., Dedkov, V.S., Degtyarev, S.K., Unpublished observations. <1>ClaI <2>AagI,Apu16I,Asp14I,Asp37I,Asp86I,Asp123I,Asp130I,Asp707I,BanIII,BavCI,BazI,BbvAII,Bci29I,BciBI,BcmI,Bco79I,BdiI,BfrAI,Bli41I,Bli86I,Bli576I,Bli585I,BliRI,Bsa29I,BscI,BscVI,BseCI,Bsh108AI,BsiXI,Bsp2I,Bsp4I,Bsp84I,Bsp106I,Bsp125I,Bsp126I,Bsp127I,Bsp145I,BspDI,BspJII,BspOVII,BspXI,BspZEI,BsrCI,Bst28I,BstLVI,BstNZ169I,Bsu15I,BtuI,Csp4I,LcaI,LplI,PgaI,Rme21I,Ssp27144I,Uba22I,Uba24I,Uba30I,Uba34I,Uba43I,Uba1096I,Uba1100I,Uba1133I,Uba1137I,Uba1138I,Uba1144I,Uba1145I,Uba1161I,Uba1168I,Uba1195I,Uba1196I,Uba1197I,Uba1198I,Uba1199I,Uba1200I,Uba1233I,Uba1238I,Uba1246I,Uba1257I,Uba1275I,Uba1286I,Uba1295I,Uba1315I,Uba1342I,Uba1366II,Uba1379I,Uba1380I,Uba1394I,Uba1412I,Uba1416I,Uba1427I,Uba1430I,Uba1451I,Uba1453I,ZhoI <3>AT^CGAT <4>5(6) <5>Caryophanon latum L <6>ATCC 49862 <7>ABHKMNRSTU <8>Longo, M.C., Smith, M.D., Chatterjee, D.K., US Patent Office, 1994. 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Pingoud, A., Alves, J., Fliess, A., Geiger, R., Rueter, T., Wolfes, H., (1987) Biol. Chem. Hoppe Seyler, vol. 368, pp. 1093. Winkler, F.K., (1994) J. Mol. Recognit., vol. 6, pp. 9. <1>EcoRII <2>Acc38I,AeuI,AorI,ApaORI,ApyI,Asp2HI,AtuII,Atu1I,AtuBI,BciBII,BinSI,BsaNI,Bse16I,Bse17I,Bse24I,BseBI,BshGI,BsiLI,BsiUI,BsiVI,BsoGI,Bsp44I,Bsp56I,Bsp103I,Bsp317I,BspH43I,BspNI,BspSI,Bst1I,Bst2I,Bst38I,Bst100I,BstGII,BstM6I,BstNI,BstOI,Bst7QII,Bst2UI,BthDI,BthEI,CbrI,Cdi27I,Cfr5I,Cfr11I,Cfr20I,Cfr22I,Cfr24I,Cfr25I,Cfr27I,Cfr28I,Cfr29I,Cfr30I,Cfr31I,Cfr35I,Cfr58I,CfrS37I,CthII,EagKI,EcaII,EclII,Ecl66I,Ecl136I,Ecl137II,EclS39I,Ecl37kII,Ecl54kI,Ecl57kI,Ecl1zII,Eco38I,Eco40I,Eco41I,Eco60I,Eco61I,Eco67I,Eco70I,Eco71I,Eco128I,Eco170I,Eco193I,Eco206I,Eco207I,Eco254I,Eco256I,Ese6II,Esp2I,Esp24I,EspHK7I,EspHK22I,EspHK30I,Fsp1604I,HhdI,Kox165I,Kpn10I,Kpn13I,Kpn14I,Kpn16I,KspHK12I,KspHK14I,Lla497I,Mlu2300I,MphI,MvaI,PspGI,Sau16I,Scg2I,SflHK1794I,SflHK2374I,SflHK2731I,SflHK6873I,SflHK7234I,SflHK7462I,SflHK8401I,SflHK10790I,Sfl2aI,Sfl2bI,Sgr20I,SleI,SniI,SslI,SspAI,Sth117I,Sth455I,TaqXI,TspAI,Uba11I,Uba13I,Uba20I,Uba81I,Uba82I,Uba1114I,Uba1118I,Uba1120I,Uba1121I,Uba1125I,Uba1171I,Uba1181I,Uba1185I,Uba1189I,Uba1193I,Uba1218I,Uba1243I,Uba1410I,Uba1428I,ZanI <3>^CCWGG <4>2(5) <5>Escherichia coli R245 <6>R.N. 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