>>>>L46634 ID L46634 standard; DNA; VRL; 1272 BP. XX AC L46634; L46689; XX SV L46634.1 XX DT 06-NOV-1995 (Rel. 45, Created) DT 30-APR-1996 (Rel. 47, Last updated, Version 2) XX DE Human herpesvirus 7 (clone ED132'1.2) telomeric repeat region. XX KW telomeric repeat. XX OS Human herpesvirus 7 OC Viruses; dsDNA viruses, no RNA stage; Herpesviridae; Betaherpesvirinae. XX RN [1] RP 1-1272 RX MEDLINE; 96079055. RA Secchiero P., Nicholas J., Deng H., Xiaopeng T., van Loon N., Ruvolo V.R., RA Berneman Z.N., Reitz M.S., Dewhurst S.; RT "Identification of human telomeric repeat motifs at the genome termini of RT human herpesvirus 7: structural analysis and heterogeneity"; RL J. Virol. 69:8041-8045(1995). XX CC NCBI gi: 1019148 XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1. .1272 FT /db_xref="taxon:10372" FT /organism="Human herpesvirus 7" FT /strain="JI" FT /clone="ED132'1.2" FT repeat_region 207. .928 FT /note="long and complex repeat region composed of various FT direct repeats, including TAACCC (TRS), degenerate copies FT of TRS motifs and a 14-bp repeat, TAGGGCTGCGGCCC" FT misc_signal 938. .998 FT /note="pac2 motif" FT misc_feature 1009 FT /note="right genome terminus (. . .ACA)" XX SQ Sequence 1272 BP; 346 A; 455 C; 222 G; 249 T; 0 other;