Generate an output of aligned sequences. Provision is made for mapping strings depending on either the composition (A, L, V, and I print as ``green'', Y, F, and T print as ``yellow'') or on the highlighted patterns. If you prefix the file name with an equals sign (``=''), the file will be searched for in the MASE directory (currently ``/usr/public/mase/''). OUTPUT-ALIGNED will display the number of the page being written. This is done to give the user something to watch lest he thinks MASE is idle. See ``MAPPING FOR OUTPUT'' in FILE FORMATS for information on the format of mapping files. OUTPUT-ALIGNED references the INTERNAL VARIABLES ``BASES-PER-COLUMN'', ``BASES-PER-PAGE'', ``LABEL-EACH-PAGE'', ``OUTPUT-POSITION'', ``PAGE-LENGTH'', and ``SKIP-LINES'' to modify the output style.