-=- MUMmer3.x INSTALLATION README -=- -- TO INSTALL -- Extract the tarfile by typing: "tar -xvzf MUMmer3.x" After extracting the tarfile into the desired installation directory, change to the "MUMmer3.x" directory. Once in this directory, type: "make check" This command will check for the necessary utilities that the MUMmer package depends on. If you see no error messages, the check was successful. Next, type: "make install" This command will build the appropriate scripts and binaries in the current directory. Refer to the "README" file in this directory for further assistance, or the "docs" directory for detailed information on the various utilities. To make all of the scripts and executables accessible from different directories, simply add the full MUMmer directory path to your system PATH, or link the desired MUMmer programs to your favorite bin directory. Please note that the 'make' command dynamically generates the MUMmer scripts with the appropriate paths, therefore if the MUMmer directory is moved after the 'make' command is issued, the scripts will fail to run. If the MUMmer executables are needed in a directory other than the install directory, it is recommended that the install directory be left untouched and its files linked to the desired destination. An alternative would be to move the install directory and reissue the 'make' command at the new location. -- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -- MUMmer3.10 has been tested successfully on: - Redhat Linux 6.2, 7.3 (Pentium 4) - Compaq Tru64 UNIX 5.1 (alpha) - SunOS UNIX 5.8 (sparc) - Mac OS X 10.2.8 (PowerPC G4) Sufficient memory and disk space are necessary, but required sizes vary with input size. Be aware of your disk and memory usage, because insufficient capacities will result in incorrect or missing output. Required resources differ depending on the input size, but in general 512 MB of RAM and 1 GB of disk space is sufficient for most applications. It is possible to port the code to any system with a C++ compiler but this has not been tested and will not be supported. In addition, you may need to alter the Makefile to direct 'make' to your native compiler and other system resources. For Mac OSX, the Mac development kit must be downloaded and installed. This kit will include 'gcc', 'ar', and 'make' which are necessary for building MUMmer. MUMmer is not supported for any Mac operating system other than OSX. -- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS -- The MUMmer3.x package requires the following to run successfully. In the absence of one or more of these utilities, certain MUMmer programs may fail to run correctly. Listed in parenthesis are the versions used to test the MUMmer package. These versions, or subsequent versions should assure the proper execution of the various MUMmer programs. These utilities must be accessible via the system path: - make (GNU make 3.79.1) - perl (PERL 5.6.0) - sh (GNU sh 1.14.7) - csh (tcsh 6.10.00) - g++ (GNU gcc 2.95.3) - sed (GNU sed 3.02) - awk (GNU awk 3.0.4) - ar (GNU ar 2.9.5) -- OPTIONAL UTILITIES -- To use the visualization tools included with MUMmer, it may be necessary to download and install the following utilities: - fig2dev (fig2dev 3.2.3) - gnuplot (gnuplot 4.0) - xfig (xfig 3.2) -- UN-INSTALLATION -- In the "MUMmer3.x" base directory type: "make uninstall" This will remove all binary executables and runnable scripts from the base and aux_bin directories. The original source files will remain unchanged, thus reverting the package to its post-untar, pre-install state. Please address questions and bug reports to: Last update: May 12, 2005