#!/usr/bin/perl # (c) Steven Salzberg 2001 # Make an xfig plot for a comparison of a reference chromosome (or single # molecule) versus a multifasta file of contigs from another genome. # The input file here is a NUCmer coords file such as: # 2551 2577 | 240 266 | 27 27 | 96.30 | 20302755 1424 | 0.00 1.90 | 2R 1972084 # generated by running 'show-coords -c -l ' # For the above example, D. melanogaster chr 2R is the reference and the query # is an assembly with 1000s of contigs from D. pseudoobscura # The file needs to be sorted by the smaller contig ids, via: # tail +6 Dmel2R-vs-Dpseudo.coords | sort -k 19n -k 4n > Dmel2R-vs-Dpseudo-resort.coords # and remember to get rid of top 5 (header) lines. # Usage: plot-drosoph-align-xfig.perl Dmel2R-vs-Dpseudo-resort.coords unless (open(coordsfile,$ARGV[0])) { die ("can't open file $ARGV[0].\n"); } $Xscale = 0.005; $Yscale = 20; $chrcolor = 4; # 4 is red, 1 is blue, 2 is green $green = 2; $contigcolor = 1; # contigs are blue # print header info print "#FIG 3.2\nLandscape\nCenter\nInches\nLetter \n100.00\nSingle\n-2\n1200 2\n"; $first_time = 1; while () { ($s1,$e1,$x1,$s2,$e2,$x2,$l1,$l2,$x3,$percent_id,$x4,$Rlen,$Qlen,$x5,$Rcov,$Qcov,$x6,$Rid,$Qid) = split(" "); if ($prevQid eq $Qid) { # query contig is same as prev line $dist = abs($s1 - $prev_s1); if ( $dist > 2 * $Qlen) { # if this match is too far away # print the contig here if the matching bit is > 1000 if ($right_end{$Qid} - $left_end{$Qid} > 1000) { # print it at y=50 rather than 100 because the scale is 0-50, # where 0=50% identical and 50 is 100% identical print_xfig_line($left_end{$Qid},50,$right_end{$Qid},50,$contigcolor); print_label($left_end{$Qid},50,$right_end{$Qid},$Qid,5); } $left_end{$Qid} = $s1; # then re-set the start and end of the contig $right_end{$Qid} = $e1; # and we'll print it again later } else { # extend the boundaries of the match if ($s1 < $left_end{$Qid}) { $left_end{$Qid} = $s1; } if ($e1 > $right_end{$Qid}) { $right_end{$Qid} = $e1; } } } else { # this is a different contig, first time seeing it $left_end{$Qid} = $s1; $right_end{$Qid} = $e1; # print the previous contig as a line at y=100 for 100% if ($first_time < 1) { print_xfig_line($left_end{$prevQid},50,$right_end{$prevQid},50,$contigcolor); print_label($left_end{$prevQid},50,$right_end{$prevQid},$prevQid,5); } else { $first_time = 0; } } $prevQid = $Qid; $prev_s1 = $s1; $prev_Qlen = $Qlen; # next print the matching bit as a separate line, with a separate color, # with its height determined by percent match $Xleft = int($Xscale * $s1); $Xright = int($Xscale * $e1); if ($Xleft == $Xright) { $Xright += 1; } if ($percent_id < 50) { $percent_id = 50; } print_xfig_line($s1,$percent_id - 50,$e1,$percent_id - 50,$green); } # print very last contig $left_end{$Qid} = $s1; $right_end{$Qid} = $e1; print_xfig_line($s1,50,$e1,50,$contigcolor); print_label($s1,50,$e1,$Qid,5); close(coordsfile); # now draw the horizontal chr line for the reference $label_xpos = $Xscale * $Rlen; print "4 0 0 100 0 0 12 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf("%.0f %.0f",$label_xpos, 0); print " ", $Rid, "\\001\n"; print "2 1 0 2 $chrcolor 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf("\t %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", 0, 0, $Xscale * $Rlen, 0); # print some X-axis coordinates $pointsize = 5; for ($i = 250000; $i < $Rlen - 50000; $i+= 250000) { print "4 0 0 100 0 0 $pointsize 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf("%.0f %.0f",$i * $Xscale + 20, -20 + ($Yscale * -0.5)); print " $i", "\\001\n"; #print a vertical tic mark print "2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf("%.0f %.0f %.0f -50\n", $i * $Xscale, 0, $i * $Xscale); } # print tic marks indicating % identity on the y-axis for ($percent_id = 50; $percent_id < 101; $percent_id += 10) { print "4 0 0 100 0 0 $pointsize 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf("-150 %.0f", ($percent_id - 50) * $Yscale + 10); # shift down 10 pixels print " $percent_id", "\\001\n"; # print the tic mark print "2 1 0 1 0 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf("-50 %.0f 0 %.0f\n", ($percent_id - 50) * $Yscale, ($percent_id - 50) * $Yscale); } # print a line in the appropriate color, scaled with Xscale,Yscale sub print_xfig_line { my ($xleft,$yleft,$xright,$yright,$color) = @_; # print it at the given coordinates, scaled $xleft_scaled = int($Xscale * $xleft); $xright_scaled = int($Xscale * $xright); # Xfig has a bug: if we re-scale and the resulting X coordinates are equal, # then it will print a fixed-size (large) rectangle, rather than a 1-pixel # wide one. So check fo this and correct. if ($xleft_scaled == $xright_scaled) { $xright_scaled += 1; } # set up and print line in xfig format print "2 1 0 2 $color 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf("\t %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", $xleft_scaled, $Yscale * $yleft, $xright_scaled, $Yscale * $yright); } # print a label for each contig using its ID sub print_label { my ($xleft,$yleft,$xright,$id,$psize) = @_; # print it at the left edge of the contig. The angle # of 4.7124 means text goes down vertically. 5th argument # here is pointsize of the label. # bump the label down 20 pixels $yposition = $yleft * $Yscale + 20; # to keep the display clean, don't print the label unless the # contig itself is wider than the width of the text in the label $xleft_scaled = $xleft * $Xscale; $xright_scaled = $xright * $Xscale; # each point of type is 8 pixels $textheight = $psize * 8; if ($xright_scaled - $xleft_scaled > $textheight) { print "4 0 0 50 0 0 $psize 4.7124 4 135 435 "; printf("%.0f %.0f",$xleft_scaled, $yposition); print " $id", "\\001\n"; } }