# Usage: awk -f tandem-repeat.awk # Outputs tandem repeat regions based on repeat matches found # by repeat-match program. That program should be run with # the -t option (for tandem repeats) or at least the -f # option (fo forward strand only), and the output # sorted by first and then second column (with the first two # header lines removed). BEGIN { printf "%8s %8s %8s %10s\n", "Start", "Extent", "UnitLen", "Copies"; } { if ($1 + $3 < $2) next; if ($1 == prev) next; start = $1; extent = $2 + $3 - $1; unitlen = $2 - $1; printf "%8d %8d %8d %10.1f\n", start, extent, unitlen, extent / unitlen; prev = $1; }