package org.rosuda.JRI; /** This class implements a (not so) simple mutex. The initial state of the mutex is unlocked. */ public class Mutex { public static boolean verbose=false; /** defines the current mutex state */ private boolean locked=false; /** thread that locked this mutex (used for simple deadlock-detection) */ private Thread lockedBy=null; /** locks the mutex. If the mutex is already locked, waits until the mutex becomes free. Make sure the same thread doesn't issue two locks, because that will cause a deadlock. Use {@link #safeLock()} instead if you wish to detect such deadlocks. */ public synchronized void lock() { while (locked) { if (lockedBy==Thread.currentThread()) System.err.println("FATAL ERROR: org.rosuda.JRI.Mutex detected a deadlock! The application is likely to hang indefinitely!"); if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" is locked by "+lockedBy+", but "+Thread.currentThread()+" waits for release (no timeout)"); try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" caught InterruptedException"); } } locked=true; lockedBy=Thread.currentThread(); if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" locked by "+lockedBy); } /** locks the mutex. If the mutex is already locked, waits until the mutex becomes free. Make sure the same thread doesn't issue two locks, because that will cause a deadlock. @param to timeout in milliseconds, see {@link #wait()}. @return true if the lock was successful, false if not */ public synchronized boolean lockWithTimeout(long to) { if (locked) { if (lockedBy==Thread.currentThread()) System.err.println("FATAL ERROR: org.rosuda.JRI.Mutex detected a deadlock! The application is likely to hang indefinitely!"); if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" is locked by "+lockedBy+", but "+Thread.currentThread()+" waits for release (timeout "+to+" ms)"); try { wait(to); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" caught InterruptedException"); } } if (!locked) { locked=true; lockedBy=Thread.currentThread(); if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" locked by "+lockedBy); return true; } if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" timeout, failed to obtain lock for "+Thread.currentThread()); return false; } /** attempts to lock the mutex and returns information about its success. @return 0 if the mutex was locked sucessfully
1 if the mutex is already locked by another thread
-1 is the mutex is already locked by the same thread (hence a call to {@link #lock()} would cause a deadlock). */ public synchronized int tryLock() { if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" tryLock by "+Thread.currentThread()); if (locked) return (lockedBy==Thread.currentThread())?-1:1; locked=true; lockedBy=Thread.currentThread(); if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" locked by "+lockedBy); return 0; } /** Locks the mutex. It works like {@link #lock()} except that it returns immediately if the same thread already owns the lock. It is safer to use this function rather than {@link #lock()}, because lock can possibly cause a deadlock which won't be resolved. @return true is the mutex was successfully locked, false if deadlock was detected (i.e. the same thread has already the lock). */ public synchronized boolean safeLock() { if (locked && lockedBy==Thread.currentThread()) { if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" unable to provide safe lock for "+Thread.currentThread()); return false; } lock(); return true; } /** Locks the mutex. It works like {@link #lockWithTimeout(long)} except that it returns immediately if the same thread already owns the lock. It is safer to use this function rather than {@link #lockWithTimeout(long)}, because lock can possibly cause a deadlock which won't be resolved. @return true is the mutex was successfully locked, false if deadlock was detected or timeout elapsed. */ public synchronized boolean safeLockWithTimeout(long to) { if (locked && lockedBy==Thread.currentThread()) { if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" unable to provide safe lock (deadlock detected) for "+Thread.currentThread()); return false; } return lockWithTimeout(to); } /** unlocks the mutex. It is possible to unlock an unlocked mutex, but a warning may be issued. */ public synchronized void unlock() { if (locked && lockedBy!=Thread.currentThread()) System.err.println("WARNING: org.rosuda.JRI.Mutex was unlocked by other thread than locked! This may soon lead to a crash..."); locked=false; if (verbose) System.out.println("INFO: "+toString()+" unlocked by "+Thread.currentThread()); // notify just 1 in case more of them are waiting notify(); } public String toString() { return super.toString()+"["+((locked)?"":"un")+"locked"+((!locked)?"":(", by "+((lockedBy==Thread.currentThread())?"current":"another")+" thread"))+"]"; } }