use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME PathwayTools::Pathway - a GPML Pathway =head1 SYNOPSIS use PathwayTools::Pathway; my $pathway = new PathwayTools::Pathway(); $pathway->from_file ("Hs_Apoptosis.gpml"); # add a datanode to the pathway $pathway->create_element ( centerx => 7000, centery => 8000, database => "Entrez gene", id => "1234"); # check for schema validity $pathway->validate(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The following functions are provided by this module =over 3 =cut package PathwayTools::Pathway; use PathwayTools::PathwayElement; use XML::LibXML; use Data::Dumper; #TODO: redundant with PathwayElement::$NS #Each namespace has a different schema. my %schemas = ( "" => "../../modules/org.pathvisio.core/resources/GPML.xsd", "" => "../../modules/org.pathvisio.core/resources/GPML2008a.xsd", "" => "../../modules/org.pathvisio.core/resources/GPML2007.xsd", ); my $preferredNamespace = ""; =item new PathwayTools::Pathway() create a new Pathway object. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %specs = @_; my %defaults = ( 'name' => "", 'datasource' => "", 'version' => "20080212", 'author' => "", 'maintainer' => "", 'email' => "", 'organism' => "Homo sapiens", 'boardwidth' => 10000, 'boardheight' => 10000, ); my $doc = new XML::LibXML::Document("1.0", "ISO-8859-1"); my $self = { 'document' => $doc }; for my $key (keys %defaults) { $self->{$key} = (exists $specs{$key} ? $specs{$key} : $defaults{$key}); } my $pwy = new XML::LibXML::Element("Pathway"); my $NS = $preferredNamespace; $pwy->setNamespace ($NS); $doc->setDocumentElement ($pwy); $pwy->setAttribute ("Name", $self->{name}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Data-Source", $self->{datasource}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Version", $self->{version}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Author", $self->{author}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Maintainer", $self->{maintainer}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Email", $self->{email}); $pwy->setAttribute ("Organism", $self->{organism}); my $infobox = $pwy->addNewChild($NS, "InfoBox"); $infobox->setAttribute ("CenterX", 0); $infobox->setAttribute ("CenterY", 0); my $graphics = $pwy->addNewChild($NS, "Graphics"); $graphics->setAttribute ("BoardWidth", $self->{boardwidth}); $graphics->setAttribute ("BoardHeight", $self->{boardheight}); $graphics->setAttribute ("WindowWidth", 10000); $graphics->setAttribute ("WindowHeight", 10000); my $legend = $pwy->addNewChild($NS, "Legend"); $legend->setAttribute ("CenterX", 0); $legend->setAttribute ("CenterY", 0); bless $self, $class; } sub get_namespace() { my $self = shift; return $self->{document}->getDocumentElement()->getNamespace()->getData(); } =item $pathway->from_string ($string) parse the pathway from a string =cut sub from_string($) { my $self = shift; my $gpml = shift; my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); $self->{document} = $parser->parse_string($gpml); } =item $pathway->to_string() return a string containing the pathway in gpml format. =cut sub to_string() { my $self = shift; # remove whitespace and sort my $e = $self->{document}->getDocumentElement(); rem_whitespace ($e); sort_element ($e); return $self->{document}->toString(1); #KH# changed the format parameter from 2 to 1 } =item $pathway->from_file ($filename) read a pathway from a file =cut sub from_file($) { my $self = shift; my $fnGpml = shift; my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); $self->{document} = $parser->parse_file($fnGpml); my $root = $self->{document}->getDocumentElement(); if ($root->getName() ne "Pathway") { die "Not a valid GPML, top-level element is named " . $root->getName(). ", expected Pathway"; } if (!exists $schemas{$root->getNamespace()->getData()}) { die "Unknown Namespace " . $root->getNamespace() . " expected e.g. " . $preferredNamespace; } $self->{filename} = $fnGpml; } =item $pathway->to_file ($filename) save this pathway to a file =cut sub to_file($) { my $self = shift; my $fnGpml = shift; # remove whitespace and sort my $e = $self->{document}->getDocumentElement(); rem_whitespace ($e); sort_element ($e); $self->{document}->toFile ($fnGpml, 1); #KH# changed the format parameter from 2 to 1 $self->{filename} = $fnGpml; } =item $pathway->validate() validate that the internal representation of this pathway conforms to the XML Schema for GPML. This function will 'die' and print an error message if the XML Schema fails to validate. NOTE, 5/6/09: This method needs to be debugged. =cut sub validate() { my $self = shift; # remove whitespace and sort my $e = $self->{document}->getDocumentElement(); rem_whitespace ($e); sort_element ($e); my $NS = $self->get_namespace(); my $schema = new XML::LibXML::Schema ( location => $schemas{$NS}); $schema->validate ($self->{document}); } =item $pathway->create_element (element => ..., width => ..., height => ..., ...) create a new element with the specified attributes and add it to the pathway. Some of the parameters you can specify: centerx, centery, width, height, database, id, type, backpage, textlabel, color The only parameter that is compulsory is element. See the GPML specification for more details. =cut sub create_element { my $self = shift; my %specs = @_; my $data = new PathwayTools::PathwayElement (%specs); my $root = $self->{document}->documentElement(); my $elt = $data->get_xml_node(); $root->appendChild ($elt); return $elt; } =item add_element ($pathway_element) add an element previously created with new PathwayElement() to this pathway =cut sub add_element { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $root = $self->{document}->documentElement(); my $elt = $data->get_xml_node(); $root->appendChild ($elt); return $elt; } =item rem_whitespace ($node) This is a helper function it trims whitespace recursively from any XML::LibXML::Node =cut # # usually, after sorting, whitespace is totally mixed up. # better to remove it altogether # sub rem_whitespace { my $e = shift; my $p = $e->firstChild(); while (defined $p) { my $n = $p->nextSibling(); if (ref $p eq "XML::LibXML::Element") { #recursive... rem_whitespace ($p); } elsif (ref $p eq "XML::LibXML::Text") { #only remove elements that contain nothing but whitespace if ($p->data =~ /^\s*$/) { $e->removeChild ($p); } } $p = $n; } } =item sort_element ($root) This is a helper function $root is the rootelement of the XML::LibXML representation of gpml. this function will sort the elements below the Pathway element so that it is valid according to the GPML definition. =cut sub sort_element { my $e = shift; if (!$e->hasChildNodes()) { return; } my @nodes; my $p = $e->firstChild(); while (defined $p) { my $n = $p->nextSibling(); if (ref $p eq "XML::LibXML::Element") { #~ #recursive... #~ sort_element ($p); #temporarily remove node and place it in an array push @nodes, ($e->removeChild ($p)); } $p = $n; } # the proper order for valid gpml my %order = ( Comment => 0, BiopaxRef => 1, Graphics => 2, DataNode => 3, State => 4, Line => 5, Label => 6, Link => 7, Shape => 8, Group => 9, InfoBox => 10, Legend => 11, Biopax => 12, ); #sort array of nodes on their nodeName. @nodes = sort { $order{$a->nodeName} <=> $order{$b->nodeName} } @nodes; # and put them back again for (@nodes) { $e->insertAfter ($_, $e->lastChild()); } } =back =cut 1;