********************* * PROJECT STRUCTURE * ********************* apidoc/ (autogenerated) - contains autogenerated documentation build/ (autogenerated) - contains generated class files release/ (autogenerated) - output: windows installer and zip package. tools/ - various small tools related to the PathVisio project lib/ - contains the 5 external libraries that PathVisio needs. example-data/ - mapp and gpml files for quick testing modules/ - the java source code for each of the different modules pathvisio.bat - shortcut for running PathVisio from the command line. readme.txt - this file build.xml - ant build file (see below) GPML.xsd - Latest version of the XML Schema used by PathVisio. pathvisio.iss - inno-setup script, to generate installer **************************** * HOW TO IMPORT IN ECLIPSE * **************************** For up-to-date instructions, please see: http://pathvisio.org/wiki/EclipseSetup ************************* * HOW TO BUILD WITH ANT * ************************* Using the ant build file, you can build the project from the command line. You can also use ant to generate the apidocs and to create an executable jar. It is also possible to set up eclipse to build ant targets. First make sure ant is set up properly. It comes with eclipse, but you'll have to check if the path is set correctly if you want to run it from the command line. The ant build file provides the following targets, which you can invoke it from the directory which contains build.xml with ant where is one of: compile: just compile all classes docs: generate all apidocs jar: generate executable jar file clean: remove all generated files dist: generate zip package and windows installer. The zip package only includes files needed to *run* not compile. all: clean, then compile, jar, dist and docs. ******************************** * HOW TO RUN FROM THE TERMINAL * ******************************** If you have managed to build the classes with ant or with eclipse, you can use pathvisio.bat to start java from the command line. ********************************** * HOW TO BUILD WINDOWS INSTALLER * ********************************** With the ant target "dist", you generate a zip file and an automatic installer. These files are put in the dist directory and include the revision nr. in the filename. You need the following external tools: Inno-Setup http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php make sure "iscc.exe" is in your path. svnversion.exe This .exe comes with the windows version of svn (not TortoiseSvn) http://subversion.tigris.org/