Big thanks to Sandor Suhai, Karl-Heinz Glatting and Frieder Kern from the german cancer research centre (DKFZ Heidelberg) who made the release of MIRA as Open Source possible. Thomas Pfisterer who agreed to also release his EdIt package to Open Source. Jose Blanca wrote the initial sff_extract script to extract and pre-process data from SFFs. People who wrote scripts for MIRA and made alowed me to make them publicly available as 3rd party scripts: Jacqueline Weber-Lehmann, Stephen Taylor, Ross Whettten, Gregory Harhay Furthermore, I would like to thank Bernd Drescher for support, talks and tests of the earliest MIRA. He actually intiated this project at the DKFZ. Matthias Platzert testing out the earliest versions of MIRA Gerald Nyakatura testing out the earliest versions of MIRA James Bonfield for helpful tips on how to make MIRA output compatible to the Staden gap4 program. Norman Warthmann suggesting features for miraEST Paul Bickerstaff for pushing early miraEST to the limits and actually sending me the first MIRA postcard ever :-) Alexander Kuehn helping out with HP Testdrive to get MIRA compiled there Randolf Schulz finding the Apple linker error and (a solution to it) that prevented compiling MIRA on Darwin / MacOS X Jacqueline Weber for helping in finding out about the 454 adapter sequences and thoroughly testing the 454 assmblies Gerrit Schramm from Roche in helping me out to understand some of the less well known things regarding the 454 sequencing system Hernández Alvarez Alfredo José providing patches to have MIRA compile again on Solaris Lionel Guy implementing bug fixes in sff_extract and making available data sets to hunt down some ugly bugs in MIRA Sven Klages for insightful feedback and providing a fix for the ACE file format of tags Steven Cozza Helping to iron out problems in the build process on OpenSolaris Heng Li For having made available to everyone interested routines to load FASTQ. Thomas Vaughan For an explanation on how to compile on NetBSD 5 (i386) Liam Elbourne For finding out the cause which prevented MIRA to link and correctly on Mac OSX systems (the linker prefers system Peter Stockwell libraries over specific libraries) David P. Judge being the first to actually fix a dumb bug of mine in MIRA Bob Bruccoleri finding and sending fixes for problems in the configure build process Jorge Duarte from BIOGEMMA for making available test sets to track down memory corruption bugs Dag Ahren making available a test set to track down a rather nasty problem occuring during clipping Jan van Haarst Running benchmarks over NFS to find poorly performing input/output routines ... and numerous people on the mira_talk mailing list who reported successes, bugs and/or quirks either in the build process or while running mira.