QUAST 2.3 INSTALLATION README 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS QUAST can be run on Linux or Mac OS. 2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS python 2 (2.5 or higher) perl 5.6.0 or higher g++ make sh csh sed awk ar All those tools are usually preinstalled on Linux. Mac OS, however, initially misses make, g++ and ar, so you will have to install Xcode (or only Command Line Tools for Xcode) to make them available. It is also highly recommended to install the Matplotlib Python library for drawing plots. We recommend to use Matplotlib version 1.0 or higher. Tested with Matplotlib v.1.3.1. Installation can be done with Python pip-installer: pip install matplotlib Or with the Easy Install Python module: easy_install matplotlib Or on Ubuntu by typing: sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib 3. INSTALLATION To download the QUAST source code tarball and extract it, type: wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/quast/quast-2.3.tar.gz tar -xzf quast-2.3.tar.gz cd quast-2.3 QUAST automatically compiles all its sub-parts when needed (on the first use). Thus, there is no special installation command for QUAST. However, we recommend you to run: python quast.py --test (if you plan to use only quast.py) or python metaquast.py --test (if you plan to use only metaquast.py) or both. These commands run all QUAST and metaQUAST modules and check correctness of their work on your platform. NOTE: You should place quast-2.3 directory in the final destination before the first use (e.g. before run with --test). If you want to move QUAST to some new place after several usages you should use a clean copy of quast-2.3. This limitation is caused by auto-generation of absolute paths in compiled modules of QUAST.