MA0009.1 17.8627489557575 T Beta-Hairpin-Ribbon ; acc "P20293" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "T" ; medline "8344258" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000006" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0059.1 14.2370460691273 MYC::MAX Zipper-Type ; acc "AAH36092,Q6LBK7" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Heterodimer of MYC and MAX " ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "8265351" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000038" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0146.1 13.0765950923237 Zfx Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P17012" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "18555785" ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0132.1 9.03956138518612 Pdx1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "NP_032840" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "14704343" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000824" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0162.1 14.4555832078878 Egr1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P08046" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "aka Zif268" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "16041365" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000345" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "bacterial 1-hybrid" MA0093.1 11.2902795805709 USF1 Zipper-Type ; acc "P22415" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "8052536" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000067" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0135.1 16.3541415144804 Lhx3 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P50481" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "11602361" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000827" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0027.1 6.42106534259983 En1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P09065" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "8096059" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000016" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0119.1 19.6648726674762 TLX1::NFIC Helix-Turn-Helix::Other ; acc "P31314,NP_995315.1" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "heterodimer between TLX1 and NFIC" ; family "Homeo::Nuclear Factor I-CCAAT-binding" ; medline "10327073" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000083" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0051.1 21.1344205827808 IRF2 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P14316" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "IRF" ; medline "7687740" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000033" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0035.2 10.877868413799 Gata1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P17679" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Data is from Frank Grosveld's Lab. " ; family "GATA" ; medline "-" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000022" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0152.1 9.85861516191245 NFATC2 Ig-fold ; acc "Q13469" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR NFAT1_MOUSE + NFAT1_HUMAN + NFAT1_RAT (TF0000191, TF0000193, TF0000195) in the pleiades genes project." ; family "Rel" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000193" ; species "10090,9606,10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0130.1 8.9580088251372 ZNF354C Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q86Y25" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "15555547" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000822" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0081.1 9.06007121381261 SPIB Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q01892" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "7624145" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000057" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0107.1 14.7568335646172 RELA Ig-fold ; acc "Q04206" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Rel" ; medline "1406630" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000078" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0159.1 16.0043149001931 RXR::RAR_DR5 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P10276,P19793" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Dimer. Annotations from PAZAR RXR/RAR_HUMAN (TF0000788) in the RARE project." ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000788" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0066.1 20.3650558402138 PPARG Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P37231" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "11139380" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000042" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0111.1 11.9065419262377 Spz1 Other ; acc "AAK15458" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Other" ; medline "11165476" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000079" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0098.1 7.07782163341167 ETS1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "CAG47050" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "1542566" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000070" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0083.1 17.9647716467558 SRF Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P11831" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "MADS" ; medline "2243767" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000058" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0077.1 9.07881462267178 SOX9 Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P48436" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "9973626" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000053" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0028.1 8.81228541287854 ELK1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P19419" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "1425594" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000017" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0154.1 11.564474858736 EBF1 Zipper-Type ; acc "Q07802" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR EBF1_MOUSE (TF0000762) in the Olf_Ebf_TFBS project." ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000762" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0092.1 10.1435823386149 Hand1::Tcfe2a Zipper-Type ; acc "Q64279,P15806" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "7791788" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000066" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0069.1 13.7977195202109 Pax6 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P26367" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "8132558" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000045" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0139.1 17.205108119684 CTCF Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P49711" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "17512414 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000607" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0076.1 14.123230134165 ELK4 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P28324" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "8524663" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000052" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0091.1 14.0701377487026 TAL1::TCF3 Zipper-Type ; acc "P17542,P15923" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Heterodimer between TAL1 and TCF3" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "8289805" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000065" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0258.1 13.6176585887245 ESR2 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q92731" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "18272478" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChIP-chip" MA0442.1 7.96992534516199 SOX10 Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P56693" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR SOX10_RAT + SOX10_HUMAN + SOX10_MOUSE (TF0000223, TF0000224, TF0000226) in the pleiades genes project." ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000224" ; species "10090,9606,10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0163.1 19.3519112748786 PLAG1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q6DJT9" ; collection "CORE" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "16041365" ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "bacterial 1-hybrid" MA0019.1 11.6518212262485 Ddit3::Cebpa Zipper-Type ; acc "Q62857,P05554" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "dimer between Ddit3 and Cebpa" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "8657121" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0036.1 5.68777359118543 GATA2 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P23769" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "GATA" ; medline "8321207" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000023" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0151.1 9.89631870738828 ARID3A Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q62431" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR ARID3A_MOUSE in the TFe project (TF0000816)." ; family "Arid" ; medline "8543152" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000816" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0125.1 9.57325017965508 Nobox Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q8VIH1" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "16997917" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000820" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0038.1 9.47016680639999 Gfi Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q07120" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8754800" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000025" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0102.2 8.71217594697575 CEBPA Zipper-Type ; acc "-" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "last 3 nt removed" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "1672737" ; species "-" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0052.1 15.7090560936245 MEF2A Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "EAX02249" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "MADS" ; medline "1748287" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000034" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0084.1 9.193014653455 SRY Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "Q05066" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "8190643" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000059" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0160.1 10.1646684725876 NR4A2 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P43354" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR NR4A2_MOUSE + NR4A2_RAT + NR4A2_HUMAN (TF0000135, TF0000153, TF0000157) in the pleiades genes project." ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000135" ; species "10090,10116,9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0095.1 8.10118850374216 YY1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P25490" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "7816599" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000069" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0144.1 13.6006725893023 Stat3 Ig-fold ; acc "P42227" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Stat" ; medline "18555785 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000492" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0063.1 8.26972545955296 Nkx2-5 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P42582" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "7797561" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000040" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0161.1 6.98267909425061 NFIC Other ; acc "P08651" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Half-site reported based on MEME analysis of SELEX sequences" ; family "NFI CCAAT-binding" ; medline "12101405" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000368" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "High-throughput SELEX SAGE" MA0047.2 13.2676176116311 Foxa2 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P35583" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "19553195 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000029" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0080.2 9.64024742918024 SPI1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P17947" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR PU.1 in the pleiades genes project (TF0000134)." ; family "Ets" ; medline "17916232 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000056" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0072.1 17.4248426117905 RORA_2 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "NP_599022" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "isoform type" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "7926749" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000048" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0055.1 15.9141418791189 Myf Zipper-Type ; acc "" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "9571041" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0109.1 7.46926530914378 Hltf Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q95216" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "updated matrix sincle last release" ; family "GATA" ; medline "12198246" ; species "9986" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0030.1 14.8237690744434 FOXF2 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q12947" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "7957066" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000019" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0007.1 15.703395549218 Ar Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P15207" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "1491700" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000005" ; species "10117" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0090.1 15.6777724709562 TEAD1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P28347" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "9571041" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000064" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0070.1 14.6408952002356 PBX1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q5T486" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "7910944" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000046" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0060.1 12.9251245779655 NFYA Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P23511" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "NFY CCAAT-binding" ; medline "9469818" ; species "9606,10090,10116,9031,8355,8364,9913,9986" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0099.2 9.19332543812042 AP1 Zipper-Type ; acc "P05412,P01100" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Dimer. Annotations from PAZAR C-JUN + JUN_RAT + JUN_MOUSE + JUN_HUMAN + FOS/JUN_HUMAN + FOS_HUMAN in the pleiades genes project (TF0000129, TF0000147, TF0000234, TF0000243, TF0000670, TF0000287)." ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000071" ; species "9606,10116,10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0141.1 12.8061908151661 Esrrb Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q61539" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "18555785 " ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0040.1 14.0702573602851 Foxq1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q63244" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "8139574" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0157.1 11.7336527653393 FOXO3 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "O43524" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR FOXO3_MOUSE + FOXO3_HUMAN (TF0000811, TF0000812) in the TFe project." ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090,9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0149.1 32.8714828380974 EWSR1-FLI1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q9BZD1" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "fusion protein between EWSR1 and FLI1 in an oncogenic event." ; family "Ets" ; medline "19305498" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000660" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0061.1 13.3447617958635 NF-kappaB Ig-fold ; acc "" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Rel" ; medline "8449662" ; species "9606,10090,10116,9986" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0037.1 6.62989113890047 GATA3 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P23771" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "GATA" ; medline "8321207" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000024" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0062.2 13.3349242365611 GABPA Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q91YY8" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "19160518 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000039" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0087.1 10.8307137071314 Sox5 Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P35710" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "1396566" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000062" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0071.1 13.1897301896459 RORA_1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "NP_599023" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "isoform type" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "7926749" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000047" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0116.1 17.9252482810031 Zfp423 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "O08961" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "9774661" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000081" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0014.1 12.4319608285825 Pax5 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q02650" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "8406007" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000011" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0075.1 9.06306510239134 Prrx2 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q06348" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "7901837" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000051" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0155.1 14.8617070293245 INSM1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q01101" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR INSM1_HUMAN (TF0000773) in the TFe project." ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000773" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0117.1 6.76893921374478 Mafb Zipper-Type ; acc "P54842" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "9571165" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000082" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0079.2 11.1288626921664 SP1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P08047" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR SP1 + SP1_MOUSE + SP1_HUMAN + SP1_RAT in the pleiades genes project (TF0000105, TF0000121, TF0000137, TF0000146)." ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000055" ; species "9606,10090,10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0156.1 12.1208832040133 FEV Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q99581" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR FEV_RAT + FEV_HUMAN (TF0000158, TF0000163) in the pleiades genes project." ; family "Ets" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000163" ; species "10116,9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0004.1 10.9916749479967 Arnt Zipper-Type ; acc "P53762" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "7592839" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000003" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0024.1 13.8381257170687 E2F1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "NP_005216" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "E2F" ; medline "1411535" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000014" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0137.2 13.1188406182014 STAT1 Ig-fold ; acc "Q53XW4" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Stat" ; medline "17558387" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000829" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0106.1 26.2394386341062 TP53 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P04637" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Loop-Sheet-Helix" ; medline "1588974" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000077" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0153.1 16.821228089066 HNF1B Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P35680" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR HNF1B_HUMAN + HNF1B_MOUSE (TF0000780, TF0000782) in the TFe project." ; family "Homeo" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000780" ; species "9606,10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0029.1 17.9085403297222 Evi1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "AAI39763" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8321231" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000018" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0140.1 11.2966184456867 Tal1::Gata1 Zipper-Type ; acc "P22091,P17679" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Heterodimer between TAL1 and GATA1. Data is from Frank Grosveld's Lab." ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "-" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000022" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0122.1 8.54224977193481 Nkx3-2 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P97503" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "12746429" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000084" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0065.2 11.6630620376181 PPARG::RXRA Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P37238,P28700" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Heterodimer between PPARG and RXRA" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "18981474" ; pazar_tf_id "" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0150.1 14.3935983450542 NFE2L2 Zipper-Type ; acc "Q16236" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR NFE2L2(NRF2) in the AREs project (TF0000699)." ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000699" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0105.1 15.6269629573419 NFKB1 Ig-fold ; acc "P19838" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Rel" ; medline "1406630" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000076" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0041.1 12.9448284802064 Foxd3 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q63245" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "8139574" ; species "10116" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0025.1 14.1385069219678 NFIL3 Zipper-Type ; acc "NP_005375" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "1620116" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000015" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0158.1 8.75888972531638 HOXA5 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P20719" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR HOXA5_MOUSE + HOXA5_HUMAN (TF0000293, TF0000501) in the pleiades genes project." ; family "Homeo" ; medline "17916232" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000501" ; species "10090,9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0142.1 14.8078141694759 Pou5f1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P20263" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "18555785" ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "Chip-seq" MA0058.1 12.6854143466175 MAX Zipper-Type ; acc "AAH36092" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "8265351" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000037" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0088.1 17.5411729665119 znf143 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q91853" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "9009278" ; species "8355" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0259.1 9.73982400956926 HIF1A::ARNT Zipper-Type ; acc "EAW80806,EAW53510" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "dimer between HIF1A and ARNT" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "16234508" ; species "9606,10090,10117,9986" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0100.1 9.88327768496603 Myb Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P06876" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Myb" ; medline "1861984" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000072" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0145.1 11.6502911096776 Tcfcp2l1 Other ; acc "Q3UNW5" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "CP2" ; medline "18555785 " ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0074.1 20.4511671987138 RXRA::VDR Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P19793,P11473" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "heterodimer between RXRA and VDR" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "8674817" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000050" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0164.1 12.0283841788908 Nr2e3 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q9QXZ7" ; collection "CORE" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "15634773" ; pazar_tf_id "-" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0046.1 15.5481691262781 HNF1A Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "ABR09270" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "9047360" ; species "7742" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0033.1 6.06853671151551 FOXL1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q12952" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "7957066" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000021" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0114.1 9.61741421120951 HNF4A Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P41235" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "12385991" ; species "" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0048.1 14.1315572207903 NHLH1 Zipper-Type ; acc "Q02575" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "8289804" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000030" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0108.2 10.0863285219951 TBP Beta-sheet ; acc "" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "column 7 error fixed in version 2 " ; family "TATA-binding" ; medline "2329577" ; species "" ; tax_group "vertebrates" MA0050.1 16.0080101497756 IRF1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P10914" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "IRF" ; medline "7687740" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000032" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0073.1 22.2782723704014 RREB1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q92766" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8816445" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000049" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0056.1 8.58551320253218 MZF1_1-4 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P28698" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8114711" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000035" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0143.1 12.9512704531914 Sox2 Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "P48432" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "18555785" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000779" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0104.2 11.10408707833 Mycn Zipper-Type ; acc "P03966" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "18555785" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000075" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-Seq" MA0101.1 10.514792387777 REL Ig-fold ; acc "Q04864" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Rel" ; medline "1406630" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000073" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0003.1 7.81209200796467 TFAP2A Zipper-Type ; acc "P05549" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "10497269" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000002" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0006.1 9.53241709191153 Arnt::Ahr Zipper-Type ; acc "P30561,P53762" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "dimer" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "7592839" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000004" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0057.1 9.40029161122265 MZF1_5-13 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P28698" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8114711" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000036" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0067.1 6.20567063978618 Pax2 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P32114" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "8132558" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000043" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0042.1 13.1829736117753 FOXI1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q12951" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "9153225" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000027" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0113.1 14.7489179581357 NR3C1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P04150" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "15563547" ; species "9606,10090,10116,9031,8022" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0115.1 27.8780468034389 NR1H2::RXRA Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P55055,P19793" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "heterodimer between NR1H2 and RXR" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "10187832" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000080" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0039.2 12.6183576805199 Klf4 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q60793" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "- " ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "18555785 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000026" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0112.2 13.5630609490181 ESR1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P03372" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "19339991" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000189" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0138.2 23.133898399507 REST Zinc-coordinating ; acc "NP_005603" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "17540862 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000830" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "Chip-seq" MA0018.2 10.1388499313822 CREB1 Zipper-Type ; acc "P16220" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Annotations from PAZAR CREB1_RAT + CREB1_HUMAN + CREB1_MOUSE in the pleiades genes project (TF0000110, TF0000150, TF0000732)." ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "17916232 " ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000013" ; species "10116,9606,10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0031.1 11.9264176788219 FOXD1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q16676" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "7957066" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0032.1 6.50807164809114 FOXC1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q12948" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "7957066" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000020" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0133.1 5.26063535577042 BRCA1 Other ; acc "P38398" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Multi-protein complex" ; family "Other" ; medline "14502648" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000825" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0002.2 10.4014248709659 RUNX1 Ig-fold ; acc "Q01196" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Data is from Frank Grosveld's Lab." ; family "Runt" ; medline "-" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000001" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0068.1 11.0044478832836 Pax4 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P32115" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "10567552" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000044" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0147.1 11.1572392768441 Myc Zipper-Type ; acc "P01108" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Helix-Loop-Helix" ; medline "18555785" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000420" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-seq" MA0089.1 7.9381437011596 NFE2L1::MafG Zipper-Type ; acc "Q14494,Q90889" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "Heterodimer between TCF11 and Mafg" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "9421508" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000063" ; species "9031" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0017.1 15.9238684526357 NR2F1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P10589" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Hormone-nuclear Receptor" ; medline "8496174" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000012" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "COMPILED" MA0043.1 11.1469251071435 HLF Zipper-Type ; acc "Q16534" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Leucine Zipper" ; medline "8065331" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000028" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0131.1 13.1966529939183 MIZF Zinc-coordinating ; acc "Q9BQA5" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "14752047" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000823" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0103.1 8.30486487593768 ZEB1 Zinc-coordinating ; acc "P36197" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "BetaBetaAlpha-zinc finger" ; medline "8065305" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000074" ; species "9031" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0078.1 10.5018372361999 Sox17 Other Alpha-Helix ; acc "Q61473" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "High Mobility Group" ; medline "8636240" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000054" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0136.1 8.69309549377962 ELF5 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Ets" ; medline "16704374" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000828" ; species "10090" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX" MA0148.1 12.5328023736824 FOXA1 Winged Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "P55317" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Forkhead" ; medline "18798982" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000263" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "ChiP-Seq" MA0124.1 11.1268616865409 NKX3-1 Helix-Turn-Helix ; acc "Q99801" ; collection "CORE" ; comment "-" ; family "Homeo" ; medline "10871372" ; pazar_tf_id "TF0000819" ; species "9606" ; tax_group "vertebrates" ; type "SELEX"