from info import __doc__ from numpy.version import version as __version__ import multiarray import umath import _internal # for freeze programs import numerictypes as nt multiarray.set_typeDict(nt.sctypeDict) import numeric from numeric import * import fromnumeric from fromnumeric import * import defchararray as char import records as rec from records import * from memmap import * from defchararray import chararray import scalarmath import function_base from function_base import * import machar from machar import * import getlimits from getlimits import * import shape_base from shape_base import * del nt from fromnumeric import amax as max, amin as min, \ round_ as round from numeric import absolute as abs __all__ = ['char','rec','memmap'] __all__ += numeric.__all__ __all__ += fromnumeric.__all__ __all__ += rec.__all__ __all__ += ['chararray'] __all__ += function_base.__all__ __all__ += machar.__all__ __all__ += getlimits.__all__ __all__ += shape_base.__all__ from numpy.testing import Tester test = Tester().test bench = Tester().bench # Make it possible so that ufuncs can be pickled # Here are the loading and unloading functions # The name numpy.core._ufunc_reconstruct must be # available for unpickling to work. def _ufunc_reconstruct(module, name): mod = __import__(module) return getattr(mod, name) def _ufunc_reduce(func): from pickle import whichmodule name = func.__name__ return _ufunc_reconstruct, (whichmodule(func,name), name) import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import copy_reg as copyreg else: import copyreg copyreg.pickle(ufunc, _ufunc_reduce, _ufunc_reconstruct) # Unclutter namespace (must keep _ufunc_reconstruct for unpickling) del copyreg del sys del _ufunc_reduce