package Vcf; our $VERSION = 'r953'; # # # # Authors: petr.danecek@sanger # for VCF v3.2, v3.3, v4.0, v4.1, v4.2 # =head1 NAME Module for validation, parsing and creating VCF files. Supported versions: 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 =head1 SYNOPSIS From the command line: perl -MVcf -e validate example.vcf perl -I/path/to/the/module/ -MVcf -e validate_v32 example.vcf From a script: use Vcf; my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'example.vcf.gz',region=>'1:1000-2000'); $vcf->parse_header(); # Do some simple parsing. Most thorough but slowest way how to get the data. while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_hash()) { for my $gt (keys %{$$x{gtypes}}) { my ($al1,$sep,$al2) = $vcf->parse_alleles($x,$gt); print "\t$gt: $al1$sep$al2\n"; } print "\n"; } # This will split the fields and print a list of CHR:POS while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_array()) { print "$$x[0]:$$x[1]\n"; } # This will return the lines as they were read, including the newline at the end while (my $x=$vcf->next_line()) { print $x; } # Only the columns NA00001, NA00002 and NA00003 will be printed. my @columns = qw(NA00001 NA00002 NA00003); print $vcf->format_header(\@columns); while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_array()) { # this will recalculate AC and AN counts, unless $vcf->recalc_ac_an was set to 0 print $vcf->format_line($x,\@columns); } $vcf->close(); =cut use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Exporter; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT/; @ISA = qw/Exporter/; @EXPORT = qw/validate validate_v32/; =head2 validate About : Validates the VCF file. Usage : perl -MVcf -e validate example.vcf.gz # (from the command line) validate('example.vcf.gz'); # (from a script) validate(\*STDIN); Args : File name or file handle. When no argument given, the first command line argument is interpreted as the file name. =cut sub validate { my ($fh) = @_; if ( !$fh && @ARGV ) { $fh = $ARGV[0]; } my $vcf; if ( $fh ) { $vcf = fileno($fh) ? Vcf->new(fh=>$fh) : Vcf->new(file=>$fh); } else { $vcf = Vcf->new(fh=>\*STDIN); } $vcf->run_validation(); } =head2 validate_v32 About : Same as validate, but assumes v3.2 VCF version. Usage : perl -MVcf -e validate_v32 example.vcf.gz # (from the command line) Args : File name or file handle. When no argument given, the first command line argument is interpreted as the file name. =cut sub validate_v32 { my ($fh) = @_; if ( !$fh && @ARGV && -e $ARGV[0] ) { $fh = $ARGV[0]; } my %params = ( version=>'3.2' ); my $vcf; if ( $fh ) { $vcf = fileno($fh) ? Vcf->new(%params, fh=>$fh) : Vcf->new(%params, file=>$fh); } else { $vcf = Vcf->new(%params, fh=>\*STDIN); } $vcf->run_validation(); } =head2 new About : Creates new VCF reader/writer. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'my.vcf', version=>'3.2'); Args : fh .. Open file handle. If neither file nor fh is given, open in write mode. file .. The file name. If neither file nor fh is given, open in write mode. region .. Optional region to parse (requires tabix indexed VCF file) silent .. Unless set to 0, warning messages may be printed. strict .. Unless set to 0, the reader will die when the file violates the specification. version .. If not given, '4.0' is assumed. The header information overrides this setting. =cut sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = {@args}; bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{silent} = 0 unless exists($$self{silent}); $$self{strict} = 0 unless exists($$self{strict}); $$self{buffer} = []; # buffer stores the lines in the reverse order $$self{columns} = undef; # column names $$self{mandatory} = ['CHROM','POS','ID','REF','ALT','QUAL','FILTER','INFO'] unless exists($$self{mandatory}); $$self{reserved}{cols} = {CHROM=>1,POS=>1,ID=>1,REF=>1,ALT=>1,QUAL=>1,FILTER=>1,INFO=>1,FORMAT=>1} unless exists($$self{reserved_cols}); $$self{recalc_ac_an} = 1; $$self{has_header} = 0; $$self{default_version} = '4.2'; $$self{versions} = [ qw(Vcf3_2 Vcf3_3 Vcf4_0 Vcf4_1 Vcf4_2) ]; if ( !exists($$self{max_line_len}) && exists($ENV{MAX_VCF_LINE_LEN}) ) { $$self{max_line_len} = $ENV{MAX_VCF_LINE_LEN} } $$self{fix_v40_AGtags} = $ENV{DONT_FIX_VCF40_AG_TAGS} ? 0 : 1; my %open_args = (); if ( exists($$self{region}) ) { $open_args{region}=$$self{region}; if ( !exists($$self{print_header}) ) { $$self{print_header}=1; } } if ( exists($$self{print_header}) ) { $open_args{print_header}=$$self{print_header}; } return $self->_open(%open_args); } sub throw { my ($self,@msg) = @_; confess @msg,"\n"; } sub warn { my ($self,@msg) = @_; if ( $$self{silent} ) { return; } if ( $$self{strict} ) { $self->throw(@msg); } warn @msg; } sub _open { my ($self,%args) = @_; if ( !exists($$self{fh}) && !exists($$self{file}) ) { # Write mode, the version must be supplied by the user return $self->_set_version(exists($$self{version}) ? $$self{version} : $$self{default_version}); } # Open the file unless filehandle is provided if ( !exists($$self{fh}) ) { if ( !defined $$self{file} ) { $self->throw("Undefined value passed to Vcf->new(file=>undef)."); } my $cmd = "<$$self{file}"; my $tabix_args = ''; if ( exists($args{print_header}) && $args{print_header} ) { $tabix_args .= ' -h '; } $tabix_args .= qq['$$self{file}']; if ( exists($args{region}) && defined($args{region}) ) { $tabix_args .= qq[ '$args{region}']; } if ( -e $$self{file} && $$self{file}=~/\.gz/i ) { if ( exists($args{region}) && defined($args{region}) ) { $cmd = "tabix $tabix_args |"; } else { $cmd = "gunzip -c '$$self{file}' |"; } } elsif ( $$self{file}=~m{^(?:http|ftp)://} ) { if ( !exists($args{region}) ) { $tabix_args .= ' .'; } $cmd = "tabix $tabix_args |"; } open($$self{fh},$cmd) or $self->throw("$cmd: $!"); } # Set the correct VCF version, but only when called for the first time my $vcf = $self; if ( !$$self{_version_set} ) { my $first_line = $self->next_line(); $vcf = $self->_set_version($first_line); $self->_unread_line($first_line); } return $vcf; } =head2 open About : (Re)Open file. No need to call this explicitly unless reading from a different region is requested. Usage : $vcf->open(); # Read from the start $vcf->open(region=>'1:12345-92345'); Args : region .. Supported only for tabix indexed files =cut sub open { my ($self,%args) = @_; $self->close(); $self->_open(%args); } =head2 close About : Close the filehandle Usage : $vcf->close(); Args : none Returns : close exit status =cut sub close { my ($self) = @_; if ( !$$self{fh} ) { return; } my $ret = close($$self{fh}); delete($$self{fh}); $$self{buffer} = []; return $ret; } =head2 next_line About : Reads next VCF line. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); my $x = $vcf->next_line(); Args : none =cut sub next_line { my ($self) = @_; if ( @{$$self{buffer}} ) { return shift(@{$$self{buffer}}); } my $line; if ( !exists($$self{max_line_len}) ) { $line = readline($$self{fh}); } else { while (1) { $line = readline($$self{fh}); if ( !defined $line ) { last; } my $len = length($line); if ( $len>$$self{max_line_len} && !($line=~/^#/) ) { if ( !($line=~/^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/) ) { $self->throw("Could not parse the line: $line"); } $self->warn("The VCF line too long, ignoring: $1 $2 .. len=$len\n"); next; } last; } } return $line; } sub _unread_line { my ($self,$line) = @_; unshift @{$$self{buffer}}, $line; return; } =head2 next_data_array About : Reads next VCF line and splits it into an array. The last element is chomped. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $x = $vcf->next_data_array(); Args : Optional line to parse =cut sub next_data_array { my ($self,$line) = @_; if ( !$line ) { $line = $self->next_line(); } if ( !$line ) { return undef; } if ( ref($line) eq 'ARRAY' ) { return $line; } my @items = split(/\t/,$line); if ( @items<8 ) { $line=~s/\n/\\n/g; $self->throw("Could not parse the line, wrong number of columns: [$line]"); } chomp($items[-1]); return \@items; } =head2 set_samples About : Parsing big VCF files with many sample columns is slow, not parsing unwanted samples may speed things a bit. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->set_samples(include=>['NA0001']); # Exclude all but this sample. When the array is empty, all samples will be excluded. $vcf->set_samples(exclude=>['NA0003']); # Include only this sample. When the array is empty, all samples will be included. my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); Args : Optional line to parse =cut sub set_samples { my ($self,%args) = @_; if ( exists($args{include}) ) { for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$self{columns}}; $i++) { $$self{samples_to_parse}[$i] = 0; } for my $sample (@{$args{include}}) { if ( !exists($$self{has_column}{$sample}) ) { $self->throw("The sample not present in the VCF file: [$sample]\n"); } my $idx = $$self{has_column}{$sample} - 1; $$self{samples_to_parse}[$idx] = 1; } } if ( exists($args{exclude}) ) { for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$self{columns}}; $i++) { $$self{samples_to_parse}[$i] = 1; } for my $sample (@{$args{exclude}}) { if ( !exists($$self{has_column}{$sample}) ) { $self->throw("The sample not present in the VCF file: [$sample]\n"); } my $idx = $$self{has_column}{$sample} - 1; $$self{samples_to_parse}[$idx] = 0; } } } sub _set_version { my ($self,$version_line) = @_; if ( $$self{_version_set} ) { return $self; } $$self{_version_set} = 1; $$self{version} = $$self{default_version}; if ( $version_line ) { if ( $version_line=~/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/ ) { $$self{version} = $1; undef $version_line; } elsif ( !($version_line=~/^##fileformat=/i) or !($version_line=~/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*$/i) ) { chomp($version_line); $self->warn("Could not parse the fileformat version string [$version_line], assuming VCFv$$self{default_version}\n"); undef $version_line; } else { $$self{version} = $1; } } my $reader; if ( $$self{version} eq '3.2' ) { $reader=Vcf3_2->new(%$self); } elsif ( $$self{version} eq '3.3' ) { $reader=Vcf3_3->new(%$self); } elsif ( $$self{version} eq '4.0' ) { $reader=Vcf4_0->new(%$self); } elsif ( $$self{version} eq '4.1' ) { $reader=Vcf4_1->new(%$self); } elsif ( $$self{version} eq '4.2' ) { $reader=Vcf4_2->new(%$self); } else { $self->warn(qq[The version "$$self{version}" not supported, assuming VCFv$$self{default_version}\n]); $$self{version} = '4.2'; $reader = Vcf4_2->new(%$self); } $self = $reader; # When changing version, change also the fileformat header line if ( exists($$self{header_lines}) && exists($$self{header_lines}[0]{key}) && $$self{header_lines}[0]{key} eq 'fileformat' ) { shift(@{$$self{header_lines}}); } return $self; } #--------------------------------------- package VcfReader; use base qw(Vcf); use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = {@args}; bless $self, ref($class) || $class; return $self; } =head2 next_data_hash About : Reads next VCF line and splits it into a hash. This is the slowest way to obtain the data. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); # Or having a VCF data line $line my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash($line); Args : Optional line to parse. =cut sub next_data_hash { my ($self,$line) = @_; if ( !$line ) { $line = $self->next_line(); } if ( !$line ) { return undef; } my @items; if ( ref($line) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @items = @$line; } else { @items = split(/\t/,$line); } chomp($items[-1]); my $cols = $$self{columns}; if ( !$cols ) { $self->_fake_column_names(scalar @items - 9); $cols = $$self{columns}; } # Check the number of columns if ( scalar @items != scalar @$cols ) { if ( $line=~/^\s*$/ ) { $self->throw("Sorry, empty lines not allowed.\n"); } my $c = substr($line,0,1); if ( $c eq '#' ) { if ( !$$self{header_parsed} ) { $self->throw("FIXME: parse_header must be called before next_data_hash.\n"); } else { $self->throw("Multiple header blocks (^#) not allowed.\n"); } } if ( $items[-1] eq '' ) { my $nremoved = 0; while ( $items[-1] eq '' ) { pop(@items); $nremoved++; } if ( $nremoved && !$$self{trailing_tabs_warned} ) { $self->warn("Broken VCF: empty columns (trailing TABs) starting at $items[0]:$items[1].\n"); $$self{trailing_tabs_warned} = 1; } } if ( scalar @items != scalar @$cols ) { my @test = split(/\s+/,$line); if ( scalar @test == scalar @$cols ) { $self->warn("(Were spaces used instead of tabs?)\n\n"); } else { $self->throw(sprintf "Wrong number of fields%s; expected %d, got %d. The offending line was:\n[%s]\n\n", exists($$self{file}) ? "in $$self{file}" : '', scalar @$cols, scalar @items, join("\t",@items)); } @items = @test; } } my %out; # Mandatory fields $out{CHROM} = $items[0]; $out{POS} = $items[1]; $out{ID} = $items[2]; $out{REF} = $items[3]; $out{ALT} = [ split(/,/,$items[4]) ]; $out{QUAL} = $items[5]; $out{FILTER} = [ split(/;/,$items[6]) ]; # INFO, e.g. NS=58;DP=258;AF=0.786;DB;H2 if ( defined $items[7] ) { my %hash; for my $info (split(/;/,$items[7])) { my ($key,$val) = split(/=/,$info); if ( !defined $key ) { $self->warn("Broken VCF file, empty INFO field at $items[0]:$items[1]\n"); next; } if ( defined $val ) { $hash{$key} = $val; } elsif ( exists($$self{header}{INFO}{$key}) ) { $hash{$key} = $$self{header}{INFO}{$key}{default}; } else { $hash{$key} = undef; } } $out{INFO} = \%hash; } # The FORMAT field may not be present. GT:GQ:DP:HQ my $format; if ( $$cols[8] || $items[8] ) { $format = $out{FORMAT} = [ split(/:/,$items[8]) ]; if ( (!$$format[0] || $$format[0] ne 'GT') && !$$self{ignore_missing_GT} ) { $self->warn("Expected GT as the first genotype field at $items[0]:$items[1]\n"); } } # Genotype fields my %gtypes; my $check_nformat = $$self{drop_trailings} ? 0 : 1; for (my $icol=9; $icol<@items; $icol++) { if ( $items[$icol] eq '' ) { $self->warn("Empty column $$cols[$icol] at $items[0]:$items[1]\n"); next; } if ( exists($$self{samples_to_parse}) && !$$self{samples_to_parse}[$icol] ) { next; } my @fields = split(/:/, $items[$icol]); if ( $check_nformat && @fields != @$format ) { $self->warn("Different number of fields in the format and the column $$cols[$icol] at $items[0]:$items[1] (" .scalar @fields." vs ".scalar @$format.": [",join(',',@fields),"] vs [",join(',',@$format),"])\n"); } my %hash; for (my $ifield=0; $ifield<@fields; $ifield++) { $hash{$$format[$ifield]} = $fields[$ifield]; } $gtypes{$$cols[$icol]} = \%hash; } $out{gtypes} = \%gtypes; return \%out; } =head2 parse_header About : Reads (and stores) the VCF header. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); Args : silent .. do not warn about duplicate header lines =cut sub parse_header { my ($self,%args) = @_; # First come the header lines prefixed by ## while ($self->_next_header_line(%args)) { ; } # Now comes the column names line prefixed by # $self->_read_column_names(); $$self{header_parsed} = 1; } =head2 _next_header_line About : Stores the header lines and meta information, such as fields types, etc. Args : silent .. do not warn about duplicate column names =cut sub _next_header_line { my ($self,%args) = @_; my $line = $self->next_line(); if ( !defined $line ) { return undef; } if ( substr($line,0,2) ne '##' ) { $self->_unread_line($line); return undef; } my $rec = $self->parse_header_line($line); if ( $rec ) { $self->add_header_line($rec,%args); } return $rec; } =head2 get_header_line Usage : $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC') $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'FILTER', ID=>'q10') $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'reference') $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'contig',ID=>'20') Args : Header line filter as in the example above Returns : List ref of header line hashes matching the filter =cut sub get_header_line { my ($self,%filter) = @_; my $key = $filter{key}; delete($filter{key}); my $id = $filter{ID}; my @out; while (my ($hline_key,$hline_hash) = each %{$$self{header}}) { if ( $key ne $hline_key ) { next; } if ( defined $id ) { if ( !exists($$hline_hash{$id}) ) { next; } $hline_hash = $$hline_hash{$id}; } my $match = 1; while (my ($fkey,$fval) = each %filter) { if ( !exists($$hline_hash{$fkey}) or $$hline_hash{$fkey} ne $fval ) { $match=0; last; } } if ( $match ) { push @out,$hline_hash } } return \@out; } =head2 add_header_line Usage : $vcf->add_header_line({key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC',Number=>-1,Type=>'Integer',Description=>'Allele count in genotypes'}) $vcf->add_header_line({key=>'reference',value=>'1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36'}) Args : Header line hash as in the example above Hash with additional parameters [optional] silent .. do not warn about existing header keys append .. append timestamp to the name of the new one Returns : =cut sub add_header_line { my ($self,$rec,%args) = @_; if ( !%args ) { $args{silent}=0; } my $key = $$rec{key}; if ( !$key ) { $self->throw("Missing key: ",Dumper($rec)); } if ( exists($$rec{Type}) ) { if ( !exists($$rec{default}) ) { my $type = $$rec{Type}; if ( exists($$self{defaults}{$type}) ) { $$rec{default}=$$self{defaults}{$type}; } else { $$rec{default}=$$self{defaults}{default}; } } if ( !exists($$rec{handler}) ) { my $type = $$rec{Type}; if ( !exists($$self{handlers}{$type}) ) { $self->warn("Unknown type [$type]\n"); $type = 'String'; $$rec{Type} = $type; } if ( exists($$self{handlers}{$type}) ) { $$rec{handler}=$$self{handlers}{$type}; } else { $self->throw("Unknown type [$type].\n"); } } } if ( exists($$rec{ID}) ) { my $id = $$rec{ID}; if ( exists($$self{header}{$key}{$id}) ) { $self->remove_header_line(%$rec); } $$self{header}{$key}{$id} = $rec; push @{$$self{header_lines}}, $rec; return; } if ( $args{append} ) { my @tm = gmtime(time); $key = sprintf "%s_%d%.2d%.2d", $key,$tm[5]+1900,$tm[4]+1,$tm[3]; my $i = 1; while ( exists($$self{header}{$key.'.'.$i}) ) { $i++; } $key = $key.'.'.$i; $$rec{key} = $key; } if ( $self->_header_line_exists($key,$rec) ) { $self->remove_header_line(%$rec); } push @{$$self{header}{$key}}, $rec; if ( $$rec{key} eq 'fileformat' ) { unshift @{$$self{header_lines}}, $rec; } else { push @{$$self{header_lines}}, $rec; } } sub _header_line_exists { my ($self,$key,$rec) = @_; if ( !exists($$self{header}{$key}) ) { return 0; } if ( $key eq 'fileformat' ) { return 1; } for my $hrec (@{$$self{header}{$key}}) { my $differ = 0; for my $item (keys %$rec) { if ( !exists($$hrec{$item}) ) { $differ=1; last; } if ( $$hrec{$item} ne $$rec{$item} ) { $differ=1; last; } } if ( !$differ ) { return $hrec; } } return 0; } =head2 remove_header_line Usage : $vcf->remove_header_line(key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC') Args : Returns : =cut sub remove_header_line { my ($self,%args) = @_; my $key = $args{key}; my %to_be_removed; for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$self{header_lines}}; $i++) { my $line = $$self{header_lines}[$i]; if ( $$line{key} ne $key ) { next; } if ( exists($args{ID}) ) { if ( $args{ID} ne $$line{ID} ) { next; } delete($$self{header}{$key}{$args{ID}}); splice(@{$$self{header_lines}},$i--,1); } elsif ( scalar keys %args==1 && exists($$self{header}{$key}) ) { splice(@{$$self{header_lines}},$i--,1); $to_be_removed{$key} = 1; } else { my $to_be_removed = $self->_header_line_exists($key,\%args); if ( !$to_be_removed ) { next; } for (my $j=0; $j<@{$$self{header}{$key}}; $j++) { if ( $$self{header}{$key}[$j] eq $to_be_removed ) { splice(@{$$self{header}{$key}},$j,1); last; } } splice(@{$$self{header_lines}},$i--,1); } } for my $key (keys %to_be_removed) { delete($$self{header}{$key}); } } =head2 parse_header_line Usage : $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##reference=1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36]) $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##INFO=NS,1,Integer,"Number of Samples With Data"]) Args : Returns : =cut sub parse_header_line { my ($self,$line) = @_; chomp($line); $line =~ s/^##//; if ( !($line=~/^([^=]+)=/) ) { return { key=>$line, value=>'' }; } my $key = $1; my $value = $'; my $desc; if ( $value=~/,\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*$/ ) { $desc=$1; $value=$`; } if ( !$desc ) { return { key=>$key, value=>$value }; } if ( $key eq 'INFO' or $key eq 'FORMAT' ) { my ($id,$number,$type,@rest) = split(/,\s*/,$value); if ( !$type or scalar @rest ) { $self->throw("Could not parse the header line: $line\n"); } return { key=>$key, ID=>$id, Number=>$number, Type=>$type, Description=>$desc }; } if ( $key eq 'FILTER' ) { my ($id,@rest) = split(/,\s*/,$value); if ( !$id or scalar @rest ) { $self->throw("Could not parse the header line: $line\n"); } return { key=>$key, ID=>$id, Description=>$desc }; } $self->throw("Could not parse the header line: $line\n"); } =head2 _read_column_names About : Stores the column names as array $$self{columns} and hash $$self{has_column}{COL_NAME}=index. The indexes go from 1. Usage : $vcf->_read_column_names(); Args : none =cut sub _read_column_names { my ($self) = @_; my $line = $self->next_line(); if ( !defined $line or substr($line,0,1) ne '#' ) { $self->throw("Broken VCF header, no column names?"); } $$self{column_line} = $line; my @cols = split(/\t/, substr($line,1)); chomp($cols[-1]); my $nremoved = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<@cols; $i++) { if ( !($cols[$i]=~/^\s*$/) ) { next; } $self->warn(sprintf "Empty fields in the header line, the column %d is empty, removing.\n",$i+1+$nremoved); $nremoved++; splice(@cols,$i,1); } my $ncols = scalar @cols; if ( $ncols == 1 ) { # If there is only one name, it can be space-separated instead of tab separated @cols = split(/\s+/, $cols[0]); $ncols = scalar @cols; chomp($line); if ( $ncols <= 1 ) { $self->warn("Could not parse the column names. [$line]\n"); return; } $self->warn("The column names not tab-separated? [$line]\n"); } my $fields = $$self{mandatory}; my $nfields = scalar @$fields; # Check the names of the mandatory columns if ( $ncols < $nfields ) { chomp($line); $self->warn("Missing some of the mandatory column names.\n\tGot: $line\n\tExpected: #", join("\t",@{$$self{mandatory}}),"\n"); return; } for (my $i=0; $i<$ncols; $i++) { if ( $cols[$i]=~/^\s+/ or $cols[$i]=~/\s+$/ ) { $self->warn("The column name contains leading/trailing spaces, removing: '$cols[$i]'\n"); $cols[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; $cols[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; } if ( $i<$nfields && $cols[$i] ne $$fields[$i] ) { $self->warn("Expected mandatory column [$$fields[$i]], got [$cols[$i]]\n"); $cols[$i] = $$fields[$i]; } $$self{has_column}{$cols[$i]} = $i+1; } $$self{columns} = \@cols; return; } =head2 _fake_column_names About : When no header is present, fake column names as the default mandatory ones + numbers Args : The number of genotype columns; 0 if no genotypes but FORMAT present; <0 if FORMAT and genotypes not present =cut sub _fake_column_names { my ($self,$ncols) = @_; $$self{columns} = [ @{$$self{mandatory}} ]; if ( $ncols>=0 ) { push @{$$self{columns}}, 'FORMAT'; } for (my $i=1; $i<=$ncols; $i++) { push @{$$self{columns}}, $i; } } =head2 format_header About : Returns the header. Usage : print $vcf->format_header(); Args : The columns to include on output [optional] =cut sub format_header { my ($self,$columns) = @_; my $out = ''; for my $line (@{$$self{header_lines}}) { $out .= $self->format_header_line($line); } # This is required when using the API for writing new VCF files and the caller does not add the line explicitly if ( !exists($$self{header_lines}[0]{key}) or $$self{header_lines}[0]{key} ne 'fileformat' ) { $out = "##fileformat=VCFv$$self{version}\n" .$out; } if ( !$$self{columns} ) { return $out; } my @out_cols; if ( $columns ) { @out_cols = @{$$self{columns}}[0..8]; for my $col (@$columns) { if ( exists($$self{has_column}{$col}) ) { push @out_cols, $col; } } } else { @out_cols = @{$$self{columns}}; } $out .= "#". join("\t", @out_cols). "\n"; return $out; } =head2 format_line About : Returns the header. Usage : $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); print $vcf->format_line($x); $x = $vcf->next_data_array(); print $vcf->format_line($x); Args 1 : The columns or hash in the format returned by next_data_hash or next_data_array. 2 : The columns to include [optional] =cut sub format_line { my ($self,$record,$columns) = @_; if ( ref($record) eq 'HASH' ) { return $self->_format_line_hash($record,$columns); } if ( ref($record) eq 'ARRAY' ) { return join("\t",@$record)."\n"; } $self->throw("FIXME: todo .. " .ref($record). "\n"); } =head2 recalc_ac_an About : Control if the AC and AN values should be updated. Usage : $vcf->recalc_ac_an(1); $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); print $vcf->format_line($x); Args 1 : 0 .. never recalculate 1 .. recalculate if present 2 .. recalculate if present and add if missing =cut sub recalc_ac_an { my ($self,$value) = @_; if ( $value eq '0' || $value eq '1' || $value eq '2' ) { $$self{recalc_ac_an} = $value; } return; } =head2 get_tag_index Usage : my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ','PL',':'); Arg 1 : Field 2 : The tag to find 3 : Tag separator Returns : Index of the tag or -1 when not found =cut sub get_tag_index { my ($self,$field,$tag,$sep) = @_; if ( !defined $field ) { return -1; } my $idx = 0; my $prev_isep = 0; my $isep = 0; while (1) { $isep = index($field,':',$prev_isep); if ( $isep==-1 ) { if ( substr($field,$prev_isep) eq $tag ) { return $idx; } else { return -1; } } if ( substr($field,$prev_isep,$isep-$prev_isep) eq $tag ) { return $idx; } $prev_isep = $isep+1; $idx++; } } =head2 remove_field Usage : my $field = $vcf->remove_field('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ',1,':'); # returns 'GT:DP:SP:GQ' Arg 1 : Field 2 : The index of the field to remove 3 : Field separator Returns : Modified string =cut sub remove_field { my ($self,$string,$idx,$sep) = @_; my $isep = -1; my $prev_isep = 0; my $itag = 0; while ($itag!=$idx) { $isep = index($string,$sep,$prev_isep); # The index may be out of range, VCFv4.1 allows omitting empty fields if ( $isep==-1 ) { return $string; } $prev_isep = $isep+1; $itag++; } my $out; if ( $isep>=0 ) { $out = substr($string,0,$isep); } my $ito=index($string,$sep,$isep+1); if ( $ito!=-1 ) { if ( $isep>=0 ) { $out .= ':' } $out .= substr($string,$ito+1); } if ( !defined $out ) { return '.'; } return $out; } =head2 replace_field Usage : my $col = $vcf->replace_field('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ','XX',1,':'); # returns 'GT:XX:DP:SP:GQ' Arg 1 : Field 2 : Replacement 3 : 0-based index of the field to replace 4 : Field separator Returns : Modified string =cut sub replace_field { my ($self,$string,$repl,$idx,$sep) = @_; my $isep = -1; my $prev_isep = 0; my $itag = 0; while ($itag!=$idx) { $isep = index($string,$sep,$prev_isep); if ( $isep==-1 ) { # the out of range index may be OK, VCFv4.1 allows omitting empty fields if ( $$self{version}<4.1 ) { $self->throw("The index out of range ($string,$repl,$idx,$sep), missing fields not supported in VCFv$$self{version}."); } while ( $itag<$idx ) { $string .= ':'; $itag++; } $string .= $repl; return $string; } $prev_isep = $isep+1; $itag++; } my $out; if ( $isep>=0 ) { $out = substr($string,0,$isep+1); } my $ito = index($string,$sep,$isep+1); if ( $ito==-1 ) { $out .= $repl; } else { $out .= $repl; $out .= ':'; $out .= substr($string,$ito+1); } if ( !defined $out ) { return '.'; } return $out; } =head2 get_info_field Usage : my $line = $vcf->next_line; my @items = split(/\t/,$line); $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','AF'); # returns 0.5 $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','DB'); # returns 1 $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','XY'); # returns undef Arg 1 : The VCF line broken into an array 2 : The tag to retrieve Returns : undef when tag is not present, the tag value if present, or 1 if flag is present =cut sub get_info_field { my ($self,$info,$tag) = @_; my $info_len = length($info); my $tag_len = length($tag); my $idx = 0; while (1) { $idx = index($info,$tag,$idx); if ( $idx==-1 ) { return undef; } if ( $idx!=0 && substr($info,$idx-1,1) ne ';' ) { $idx += $tag_len; next; } if ( $tag_len+$idx >= $info_len ) { return 1; } my $follows = substr($info,$idx+$tag_len,1); if ( $follows eq ';' ) { return 1; } $idx += $tag_len; if ( $follows ne '=' ) { next; } $idx++; my $to = index($info,';',$idx); return $to==-1 ? substr($info,$idx) : substr($info,$idx,$to-$idx); } } =head2 get_field Usage : my $line = $vcf->next_line; my @items = split(/\t/,$line); my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index($$line[8],'PL',':'); my $pl = $vcf->get_field($$line[9],$idx) unless $idx==-1; Arg 1 : The VCF line broken into an array 2 : The index of the field to retrieve 3 : The delimiter [Default is ':'] Returns : The tag value =cut sub get_field { my ($self,$col,$idx,$delim) = @_; if ( !defined $delim ) { $delim=':'; } my $isep = 0; my $prev_isep = 0; my $itag = 0; while (1) { $isep = index($col,$delim,$prev_isep); if ( $itag==$idx ) { last; } if ( $isep==-1 ) { return '.'; } # This is valid, missing fields can be ommited from genotype columns $prev_isep = $isep+1; $itag++; } return $isep<0 ? substr($col,$prev_isep) : substr($col,$prev_isep,$isep-$prev_isep); } =head2 get_sample_field Usage : my $line = $vcf->next_line; my @items = split(/\t/,$line); my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index($$line[8],'PL',':'); my $pls = $vcf->get_sample_field(\@items,$idx) unless $idx==-1; Arg 1 : The VCF line broken into an array 2 : The index of the field to retrieve Returns : Array of values =cut sub get_sample_field { my ($self,$cols,$idx) = @_; my @out; my $n = @$cols; for (my $icol=9; $icol<$n; $icol++) { my $col = $$cols[$icol]; my $isep = 0; my $prev_isep = 0; my $itag = 0; while (1) { $isep = index($col,':',$prev_isep); if ( $itag==$idx ) { last; } if ( $isep==-1 ) { return '.'; } # This is valid, missing fields can be ommited from genotype columns $prev_isep = $isep+1; $itag++; } my $val = $isep<0 ? substr($col,$prev_isep) : substr($col,$prev_isep,$isep-$prev_isep); push @out,$val; } return \@out; } =head2 split_mandatory About : Faster alternative to regexs, extract the mandatory columns Usage : my $line=$vcf->next_line; my @cols = $vcf->split_mandatory($line); Arg : Returns : Pointer to the array of values =cut sub split_mandatory { my ($self,$line) = @_; my @out; my $prev = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<7; $i++) { my $isep = index($line,"\t",$prev); if ( $isep==-1 ) { $self->throw("Could not parse the mandatory columns: $line"); } push @out, substr($line,$prev,$isep-$prev); $prev = $isep+1; } my $isep = index($line,"\t",$prev); if ( $isep!=-1 ) { push @out, substr($line,$prev,$isep-$prev-1); } else { push @out, substr($line,$prev); } return \@out; } =head2 split_gt About : Faster alternative to regexs Usage : my ($a1,$a2,$a3) = $vcf->split_gt('0/0/1'); # returns (0,0,1) Arg : Diploid genotype to split into alleles Returns : Array of values =cut sub split_gt { my ($self,$gt) = @_; my @als; my $iprev = 0; while (1) { my $isep = index($gt,'/',$iprev); my $jsep = index($gt,'|',$iprev); if ( $isep<0 or ($jsep>=0 && $jsep<$isep) ) { $isep = $jsep; } push @als, $isep<0 ? substr($gt,$iprev) : substr($gt,$iprev,$isep-$iprev); if ( $isep<0 ) { return (@als); } $iprev = $isep+1; } return (@als); } =head2 split_by About : Generalization of split_gt Usage : my ($a1,$a2,$a3) = $vcf->split_gt('0/0|1',qw(| /)); # returns (0,0,1) Arg : Diploid genotype to split into alleles Returns : Array of values =cut sub split_by { my ($self,$str,@seps) = @_; my @out; my $iprev = 0; while (1) { my $min; for my $sep (@seps) { my $idx = index($str,$sep,$iprev); if ( $idx==-1 ) { next; } if ( !defined $min or $idx<$min ) { $min=$idx } } push @out, defined $min ? substr($str,$iprev,$min-$iprev) : substr($str,$iprev); if ( !defined $min ) { return @out; } $iprev = $min+1; } return (@out); } =head2 decode_genotype About : Faster alternative to regexs Usage : my $gt = $vcf->decode_genotype('G',['A','C'],'0/0'); # returns 'G/G' Arg 1 : Ref allele 2 : Alt alleles 3 : The genotype to decode Returns : Decoded GT string =cut sub decode_genotype { my ($self,$ref,$alt,$gt) = @_; my $isep = 0; my $out; while (1) { my $i = index($gt,'/',$isep); my $j = index($gt,'|',$isep); if ( $i==-1 && $j==-1 ) { my $idx = substr($gt,$isep); if ( $idx eq '.' ) { $out .= $idx; } else { if ( $idx>@$alt ) { $self->throw("The genotype index $idx in $gt is out of bounds: ", join(',',@$alt)); } $out .= $idx==0 ? $ref : $$alt[$idx-1]; } return $out; } if ( $i!=-1 && $j!=-1 && $i>$j ) { $i=$j; } elsif ( $i==-1 ) { $i=$j } my $idx = substr($gt,$isep,$i-$isep); if ( $idx eq '.' ) { $out .= $idx; } else { if ( $idx>@$alt ) { $self->throw("The genotype index $idx in $gt out of bounds: ", join(',',@$alt)); } $out .= $idx==0 ? $ref : $$alt[$idx-1]; } $out .= substr($gt,$i,1); $isep = $i+1; } } sub _format_line_hash { my ($self,$record,$columns) = @_; if ( !$$self{columns} ) { my $ngtypes = scalar keys %{$$record{gtypes}}; if ( !$ngtypes && !exists($$record{FORMAT}) ) { $ngtypes--; } $self->_fake_column_names($ngtypes); } my $cols = $$self{columns}; # CHROM POS ID REF my $out; $out .= $$record{CHROM} . "\t"; $out .= $$record{POS} . "\t"; $out .= (defined $$record{ID} ? $$record{ID} : '.') . "\t"; $out .= $$record{REF} . "\t"; # ALT $out .= join(',',@{$$record{ALT}} ? @{$$record{ALT}} : '.'); # QUAL $out .= "\t". $$record{QUAL}; # FILTER $out .= "\t". join(';',$$record{FILTER} ? @{$$record{FILTER}} : '.'); # Collect the gtypes of interest my $gtypes; if ( $columns ) { # Select only those gtypes keys with a corresponding key in columns. for my $col (@$columns) { $$gtypes{$col} = $$record{gtypes}{$col}; } } else { $gtypes = $$record{gtypes}; } # INFO # .. calculate NS, AN and AC, but only if recalc_ac_an is set my $needs_an_ac = $$self{recalc_ac_an}==2 ? 1 : 0; my @info; while (my ($key,$value) = each %{$$record{INFO}}) { if ( $$self{recalc_ac_an}>0 ) { if ( $key eq 'AN' ) { $needs_an_ac=1; next; } if ( $key eq 'AC' ) { $needs_an_ac=1; next; } } if ( defined $value ) { push @info, "$key=$value"; } elsif ( $key ne '.' ) { push @info, $key; } } if ( $needs_an_ac ) { my $nalt = scalar @{$$record{ALT}}; if ( $nalt==1 && $$record{ALT}[0] eq '.' ) { $nalt=0; } my ($an,$ac) = $self->calc_an_ac($gtypes,$nalt); push @info, "AN=$an","AC=$ac"; } if ( !@info ) { push @info, '.'; } $out .= "\t". join(';', sort @info); # FORMAT, the column is not required, it may not be present when there are no genotypes if ( exists($$cols[8]) && defined $$record{FORMAT} ) { $out .= "\t". join(':',@{$$record{FORMAT}}); } # Genotypes: output all columns or only a selection? my @col_names = $columns ? @$columns : @$cols[9..@$cols-1]; my $nformat = defined $$record{FORMAT} ? @{$$record{FORMAT}} : 0; for my $col (@col_names) { my $gt = $$gtypes{$col}; my $can_drop = $$self{drop_trailings}; my @gtype; for (my $i=$nformat-1; $i>=0; $i--) { my $field = $$record{FORMAT}[$i]; if ( $i==0 ) { $can_drop=0; } if ( exists($$gt{$field}) ) { $can_drop = 0; if ( ref($$gt{$field}) eq 'HASH' ) { # Special treatment for Number=[AG] tags unshift @gtype, $self->format_AGtag($record,$col,$$gt{$field},$field); } else { unshift @gtype,$$gt{$field}; } } elsif ( $can_drop ) { next; } elsif ( exists($$self{header}{FORMAT}{$field}{default}) ) { unshift @gtype,$$self{header}{FORMAT}{$field}{default}; $can_drop=0; } else { $self->throw(qq[No value for the field "$field" and no default available, column "$col" at $$record{CHROM}:$$record{POS}.\n]); } } $out .= "\t" . join(':',@gtype); } $out .= "\n"; return $out; } sub calc_an_ac { my ($self,$gtypes,$nalleles) = @_; my $sep_re = $$self{regex_gtsep}; my ($an,%ac_counts); if ( defined $nalleles ) { for (my $i=1; $i<=$nalleles; $i++) { $ac_counts{$i}=0; } } $an = 0; for my $gt (keys %$gtypes) { my $value = $$gtypes{$gt}{GT}; if ( !defined $value ) { next; } # GT may not be present my ($al1,$al2) = split($sep_re,$value); if ( defined($al1) && $al1 ne '.' ) { $an++; if ( $al1 ne '0' ) { $ac_counts{$al1}++; } } if ( defined($al2) && $al2 ne '.' ) { $an++; if ( $al2 ne '0' ) { $ac_counts{$al2}++; } } } my @ac; for my $ac ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ac_counts) { push @ac, $ac_counts{$ac}; } if ( !@ac ) { @ac = ('0'); } return ($an,join(',',@ac),\@ac); } sub _validate_alt_field { my ($self,$values,$ref) = @_; for (my $i=0; $i<@$values; $i++) { for (my $j=0; $j<$i; $j++) { if ( $$values[$i] eq $$values[$j] ) { return "The alleles not unique: $$values[$i]"; } } if ( $$values[$i] eq $ref ) { return "REF allele listed in the ALT field??"; } } return undef; } =head2 validate_alt_field Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_alt_field($$x{ALT}); Args : The ALT arrayref Returns : Error message in case of an error. =cut sub validate_alt_field { my ($self,$values,$ref) = @_; if ( @$values == 1 && $$values[0] eq '.' ) { return undef; } my $ret = $self->_validate_alt_field($values,$ref); if ( $ret ) { return $ret; } my @err; for my $item (@$values) { if ( $item=~/^[ACTGN]$/ ) { next; } elsif ( $item=~/^I[ACTGN]+$/ ) { next; } elsif ( $item=~/^D\d+$/ ) { next; } push @err, $item; } if ( !@err ) { return undef; } return 'Could not parse the allele(s) [' .join(',',@err). ']'; } =head2 event_type Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001'); for my $allele (@$alleles) { my ($type,$len,$ht) = $vcf->event_type($x,$allele); } or my ($type,$len,$ht) = $vcf->event_type($ref,$al); Args : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash or the reference allele : Allele Returns : 's' for SNP and number of SNPs in the record 'i' for indel and a positive (resp. negative) number for the length of insertion (resp. deletion) 'r' identical to the reference, length 0 'o' for other (complex events) and the number of affected bases 'b' breakend 'u' unknown =cut sub event_type { my ($self,$rec,$allele) = @_; my $ref = $rec; if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { if ( exists($$rec{_cached_events}{$allele}) ) { return (@{$$rec{_cached_events}{$allele}}); } $ref = $$rec{REF}; } my ($type,$len,$ht); if ( $allele eq $ref or $allele eq '.' ) { $len=0; $type='r'; $ht=$ref; } elsif ( $allele=~/^[ACGT]$/ ) { $len=1; $type='s'; $ht=$allele; } elsif ( $allele=~/^I/ ) { $len=length($allele)-1; $type='i'; $ht=$'; } elsif ( $allele=~/^D(\d+)/ ) { $len=-$1; $type='i'; $ht=''; } else { my $chr = ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ? $$rec{CHROM} : 'undef'; my $pos = ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ? $$rec{POS} : 'undef'; $self->throw("Eh?: $chr:$pos .. $ref $allele\n"); } if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { $$rec{_cached_events}{$allele} = [$type,$len,$ht]; } return ($type,$len,$ht); } =head2 has_AGtags About : Checks the header for the presence of tags with variable number of fields (Number=A or Number=G, such as GL) Usage : $vcf->parse_header(); my $agtags = $vcf->has_AGtags(); Args : None Returns : Hash {fmtA=>[tags],fmtG=>[tags],infoA=>[tags],infoG=>[tags]} or undef if none is present =cut sub has_AGtags { my ($self) = @_; my $out; if ( exists($$self{header}{FORMAT}) ) { for my $tag (keys %{$$self{header}{FORMAT}}) { if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$tag}{Number} eq 'A' ) { push @{$$out{fmtA}},$tag; } if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$tag}{Number} eq 'G' ) { push @{$$out{fmtG}},$tag; } } } if ( exists($$self{header}{INFO}) ) { for my $tag (keys %{$$self{header}{INFO}}) { if ( $$self{header}{INFO}{$tag}{Number} eq 'A' ) { push @{$$out{infoA}},$tag; } if ( $$self{header}{INFO}{$tag}{Number} eq 'G' ) { push @{$$out{infoG}},$tag; } } } if ( defined $out ) { for my $key (qw(fmtA fmtG infoA infoG)) { if ( !exists($$out{$key}) ) { $$out{$key}=[] } } } return $out; } =head2 parse_AGtags About : Breaks tags with variable number of fields (that is where Number is set to 'A' or 'G', such as GL) into hashes Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my $values = $vcf->parse_AGtags($x); Args : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash : Mapping between ALT representations based on different REFs [optional] : New REF [optional] Returns : Hash {Allele=>Value} =cut sub parse_AGtags { my ($self,$rec,$ref_alt_map,$new_ref) = @_; if ( !exists($$rec{gtypes}) ) { return; } my (@atags,@gtags); for my $fmt (@{$$rec{FORMAT}}) { # These have been listed explicitly for proper merging of v4.0 VCFs if ( $$self{fix_v40_AGtags} ) { if ( $fmt eq 'GL' or $fmt eq 'PL' ) { push @gtags,$fmt; next; } if ( $fmt eq 'AC' or $fmt eq 'AF' ) { push @atags,$fmt; next; } } if ( !exists($$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}) ) { next; } if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}{Number} eq 'A' ) { push @atags,$fmt; next; } if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}{Number} eq 'G' ) { push @gtags,$fmt; next; } } my $missing = $$self{defaults}{default}; if ( @atags ) { # Parse Number=A tags my $alts; if ( defined $ref_alt_map ) { $alts = []; for my $alt (@{$$rec{ALT}}) { if ( !exists($$ref_alt_map{$new_ref}{$alt}) ) { $self->throw("FIXME: $new_ref $alt...?\n"); } push @$alts, $$ref_alt_map{$new_ref}{$alt}; } } else { $alts = $$rec{ALT}; } for my $tag (@atags) { for my $sample (values %{$$rec{gtypes}}) { if ( !exists($$sample{$tag}) or $$sample{$tag} eq $missing ) { next; } my @values = split(/,/,$$sample{$tag}); $$sample{$tag} = {}; for (my $i=0; $i<@values; $i++) { $$sample{$tag}{$$alts[$i]} = $values[$i]; } } } } if ( @gtags ) { # Parse Number=G tags my @alleles; if ( defined $ref_alt_map ) { push @alleles, $new_ref; for my $alt (@{$$rec{ALT}}) { if ( !exists($$ref_alt_map{$new_ref}{$alt}) ) { $self->throw("FIXME: [$new_ref] [$alt]...?\n", Dumper($ref_alt_map,$rec)); } push @alleles, $$ref_alt_map{$new_ref}{$alt}; } } else { @alleles = ($$rec{REF},@{$$rec{ALT}}); if ( @alleles==2 && $alleles[1] eq '.' ) { pop(@alleles); } } my @gtypes; for (my $i=0; $i<@alleles; $i++) { for (my $j=0; $j<=$i; $j++) { push @{$gtypes[1]}, $alleles[$i].'/'.$alleles[$j]; } push @{$gtypes[0]}, $alleles[$i]; } for my $tag (@gtags) { for my $name (keys %{$$rec{gtypes}}) { my $sample = $$rec{gtypes}{$name}; if ( !exists($$sample{$tag}) or $$sample{$tag} eq $missing ) { next; } my @values = split(/,/,$$sample{$tag}); my $ploidy = $self->guess_ploidy(scalar @alleles, scalar @values) - 1; if ( $ploidy<0 ) { my $nals = scalar @alleles; my $nvals = scalar @values; my $ndip = $nals*($nals+1)/2; $self->throw( "Wrong number of values in $name/$tag at $$rec{CHROM}:$$rec{POS} .. nAlleles=$nals, nValues=$nvals.\n". "Expected $ndip values for diploid genotypes or $nals for haploid genotypes.\n"); } if ( $ploidy>1 ) { $self->throw("Sorry, not ready for ploidy bigger than 2\n"); } if ( $ploidy!=1 ) { $$rec{_cached_ploidy}{$name} = $ploidy; } $$sample{$tag} = {}; for (my $i=0; $i<@values; $i++) { $$sample{$tag}{$gtypes[$ploidy][$i]} = $values[$i]; } } } } } =head2 format_AGtag About : Format tag with variable number of fields (that is where Number is set to 'A' or 'G', such as GL) Usage : Args : : : Returns : =cut sub format_AGtag { my ($self,$record,$sample,$tag_data,$tag) = @_; # The FORMAT field is checked only once and the results are cached. if ( !exists($$record{_atags}) ) { $$record{_atags} = {}; # Check if there are any A,G tags for my $fmt (@{$$record{FORMAT}}) { # These have been listed explicitly for proper merging of v4.0 VCFs if ( $$self{fix_v40_AGtags} ) { if ( $fmt eq 'GL' or $fmt eq 'PL' ) { $$record{_gtags}{$fmt}=1; next; } if ( $fmt eq 'AC' or $fmt eq 'AF' ) { $$record{_atags}{$fmt}=1; next; } } if ( !exists($$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}) ) { next; } if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}{Number} eq 'A' ) { $$record{_atags}{$fmt}=1; next; } if ( $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$fmt}{Number} eq 'G' ) { $$record{_gtags}{$fmt}=1; next; } } } my @out; if ( exists($$record{_atags}{$tag}) ) { for my $alt (@{$$record{ALT}}) { push @out, exists($$tag_data{$alt}) ? $$tag_data{$alt} : $$self{defaults}{default}; } } if ( exists($$record{_gtags}{$tag}) ) { my $gtypes = $$record{_gtypes}; my $gtypes2 = $$record{_gtypes2}; if ( !defined $gtypes ) { $gtypes = []; $gtypes2 = []; my @alleles = ( $$record{REF}, @{$$record{ALT}} ); for (my $i=0; $i<@alleles; $i++) { for (my $j=0; $j<=$i; $j++) { push @{$$gtypes[1]}, $alleles[$i].'/'.$alleles[$j]; push @{$$gtypes2[1]}, $alleles[$j].'/'.$alleles[$i]; } push @{$$gtypes[0]}, $alleles[$i]; } $$record{_gtypes} = $gtypes; $$record{_gtypes2} = $gtypes2; } my $ploidy = exists($$record{_cached_ploidy}{$sample}) ? $$record{_cached_ploidy}{$sample} : 1; for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$gtypes[$ploidy]}; $i++) { my $gt = $$gtypes[$ploidy][$i]; if ( !exists($$tag_data{$gt}) ) { $gt = $$gtypes2[$ploidy][$i]; } push @out, exists($$tag_data{$gt}) ? $$tag_data{$gt} : $$self{defaults}{default}; } } return join(',',@out); } =head2 parse_alleles About : Deprecated, use parse_haplotype instead. Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my ($al1,$sep,$al2) = $vcf->parse_alleles($x,'NA00001'); Args : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash : The genotype column name Returns : Alleles and the separator. If only one allele is present, $sep and $al2 will be an empty string. =cut sub parse_alleles { my ($self,$rec,$column) = @_; if ( !exists($$rec{gtypes}) || !exists($$rec{gtypes}{$column}) ) { $self->throw("The column not present: '$column'\n"); } my $gtype = $$rec{gtypes}{$column}{GT}; if ( !($gtype=~$$self{regex_gt}) ) { $self->throw("Could not parse gtype string [$gtype] [$$rec{CHROM}:$$rec{POS}]\n"); } my $al1 = $1; my $sep = $2; my $al2 = $3; if ( !$al1 ) { $al1 = $$rec{REF}; } elsif ( $al1 ne '.' ) { if ( !($al1=~/^\d+$/) ) { $self->throw("Uh, what is this? [$al1] $$rec{CHROM}:$$rec{POS}\n"); } $al1 = $$rec{ALT}[$al1-1]; } if ( !defined $al2 or $al2 eq '' ) { $sep = ''; $al2 = ''; } else { if ( !$al2 ) { $al2 = $$rec{REF}; } elsif ( $al2 ne '.' ) { $al2 = $$rec{ALT}[$al2-1]; } } return ($al1,$sep,$al2); } =head2 parse_haplotype About : Similar to parse_alleles, supports also multiploid VCFs. Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001'); Args : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash : The genotype column name Returns : Two array refs and two boolean flags: List of alleles, list of separators, and is_phased/empty flags. The values can be cashed and must be therefore considered read only! =cut sub parse_haplotype { my ($self,$rec,$column) = @_; if ( !exists($$rec{gtypes}{$column}) ) { $self->throw("The column not present: '$column'\n"); } if ( !exists($$rec{gtypes}{$column}{GT}) ) { return (['.'],[],0,1); } my $gtype = $$rec{gtypes}{$column}{GT}; if ( exists($$rec{_cached_haplotypes}{$gtype}) ) { return (@{$$rec{_cached_haplotypes}{$gtype}}); } my @alleles = (); my @seps = (); my $is_phased = 0; my $is_empty = 1; my $buf = $gtype; while ($buf ne '') { if ( !($buf=~m{^(\.|\d+)([|/]?)}) ) { $self->throw("Could not parse gtype string [$gtype] .. $$rec{CHROM}:$$rec{POS} $column\n"); } $buf = $'; if ( $1 eq '.' ) { push @alleles,'.'; } else { $is_empty = 0; if ( $1 eq '0' ) { push @alleles,$$rec{REF}; } elsif ( exists($$rec{ALT}[$1-1]) ) { push @alleles,$$rec{ALT}[$1-1]; } else { $self->throw(qq[The haplotype indexes in "$gtype" do not match the ALT column .. $$rec{CHROM}:$$rec{POS} $column\n]); } } if ( $2 ) { if ( $2 eq '|' ) { $is_phased=1; } push @seps,$2; } } $$rec{_cached_haplotypes}{$gtype} = [\@alleles,\@seps,$is_phased,$is_empty]; return (@{$$rec{_cached_haplotypes}{$gtype}}); } =head2 format_haplotype Usage : my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001'); print $vcf->format_haplotype($alleles,$seps); =cut sub format_haplotype { my ($self,$alleles,$seps) = @_; if ( @$alleles != @$seps+1 ) { $self->throw(sprintf("Uh: %d vs %d\n",scalar @$alleles,scalar @$seps),Dumper($alleles,$seps)); } my $out = $$alleles[0]; for (my $i=1; $i<@$alleles; $i++) { $out .= $$seps[$i-1]; $out .= $$alleles[$i]; } return $out; } =head2 format_genotype_strings Usage : my $x = { REF=>'A', gtypes=>{'NA00001'=>{'GT'=>'A/C'}}, FORMAT=>['GT'], CHROM=>1, POS=>1, FILTER=>['.'], QUAL=>-1 }; $vcf->format_genotype_strings($x); print $vcf->format_line($x); Args 1 : VCF data line in the format as if parsed by next_data_hash with alleles written as letters. 2 : Optionally, a subset of columns can be supplied. See also format_line. Returns : Modifies the ALT array and the genotypes so that ref alleles become 0 and non-ref alleles numbers starting from 1. If the key $$vcf{trim_redundant_ALTs} is set, ALT alleles not appearing in any of the sample column will be removed. =cut sub format_genotype_strings { my ($self,$rec,$columns) = @_; if ( !exists($$rec{gtypes}) ) { return; } my $ref = $$rec{REF}; my $nalts = 0; my %alts = (); if ( !$columns ) { $columns = [keys %{$$rec{gtypes}}]; } for my $key (@$columns) { my $gtype = $$rec{gtypes}{$key}{GT}; my $buf = $gtype; my $out = ''; while ($buf ne '') { $buf=~m{^([^/|]+)([/|]?)}; $buf = $'; my $al = $1; my $sep = $2; if ( $al eq $ref or $al eq '0' or $al eq '*' ) { $al=0; } else { if ( $al=~/^\d+$/ ) { if ( !exists($$rec{ALT}[$al-1]) ) { $self->throw("Broken ALT, index $al out of bounds\n"); } $al = $$rec{ALT}[$al-1]; } if ( exists($alts{$al}) ) { $al = $alts{$al} } elsif ( $al ne '.' ) { $alts{$al} = ++$nalts; $al = $nalts; } } $out .= $al; if ( $sep ) { $out .= $sep; } } $$rec{gtypes}{$key}{GT} = $out; } if ( !$$self{trim_redundant_ALTs} && exists($$rec{ALT}) && @{$$rec{ALT}} ) { for my $alt (@{$$rec{ALT}}) { if ( !exists($alts{$alt}) ) { $alts{$alt} = ++$nalts; } } } $$rec{ALT} = [ sort { $alts{$a}<=>$alts{$b} } keys %alts ]; } sub fill_ref_alt_mapping { my ($self,$map) = @_; my $new_ref; for my $ref (keys %$map) { $new_ref = $ref; if ( $ref ne $new_ref ) { $self->warn("The reference prefixes do not agree: $ref vs $new_ref\n"); return undef; } for my $alt (keys %{$$map{$ref}}) { $$map{$ref}{$alt} = $alt; } } $$map{$new_ref}{$new_ref} = $new_ref; return $new_ref; } =head2 format_header_line Usage : $vcf->format_header_line({key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC',Number=>-1,Type=>'Integer',Description=>'Allele count in genotypes'}) Args : Returns : =cut sub format_header_line { my ($self,$rec) = @_; my $line = "##$$rec{key}"; $line .= "=$$rec{value}" unless !exists($$rec{value}); $line .= "=$$rec{ID}" unless !exists($$rec{ID}); $line .= ",$$rec{Number}" unless !exists($$rec{Number}); $line .= ",$$rec{Type}" unless !exists($$rec{Type}); $line .= qq[,"$$rec{Description}"] unless !exists($$rec{Description}); $line .= "\n"; return $line; } =head2 remove_columns Usage : my $rec=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->remove_columns($rec,remove=>['NA001','NA0002']); Args : VCF hash pointer : list of columns to remove or a lookup hash with column names to keep (remove=>[] or keep=>{}) Returns : =cut sub remove_columns { my ($self,$rec,%args) = @_; if ( ref($rec) ne 'HASH' ) { $self->throw("TODO: rec for array"); } if ( exists($args{keep}) ) { for my $col (keys %{$$rec{gtypes}}) { if ( !exists($args{keep}{$col}) ) { delete($$rec{gtypes}{$col}); } } } if ( exists($args{remove}) ) { for my $col (@{$args{remove}}) { if ( exists($$rec{gtypes}{$col}) ) { delete($$rec{gtypes}{$col}); } } } } =head2 add_columns Usage : $vcf->add_columns('NA001','NA0002'); Args : Returns : =cut sub add_columns { my ($self,@columns) = @_; if ( !$$self{columns} ) { # The columns should be initialized de novo. Figure out if the @columns contain also the mandatory # columns and if FORMAT should be present (it can be absent when there is no genotype column present). my $has_other = 0; for my $col (@columns) { if ( !exists($$self{reserved}{cols}{$col}) ) { $has_other=1; last; } } $$self{columns} = [ @{$$self{mandatory}} ]; if ( $has_other ) { push @{$$self{columns}},'FORMAT'; } for my $col (@{$$self{columns}}) { $$self{has_column}{$col}=1; } } my $ncols = @{$$self{columns}}; for my $col (@columns) { if ( $$self{has_column}{$col} ) { next; } $ncols++; push @{$$self{columns}}, $col; } } =head2 add_format_field Usage : $x=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->add_format_field($x,'FOO'); $$x{gtypes}{NA0001}{FOO}='Bar'; print $vcf->format_line($x); Args : The record obtained by next_data_hash : The field name Returns : =cut sub add_format_field { my ($self,$rec,$field) = @_; if ( !$$rec{FORMAT} ) { $$rec{FORMAT}=[]; } for my $key (@{$$rec{FORMAT}}) { if ( $key eq $field ) { return; } # already there } push @{$$rec{FORMAT}}, $field; } =head2 remove_format_field Usage : $x=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->remove_format_field($x,'FOO'); print $vcf->format_line($x); Args : The record obtained by next_data_hash : The field name Returns : =cut sub remove_format_field { my ($self,$rec,$field) = @_; if ( !$$rec{FORMAT} ) { $$rec{FORMAT}=[]; } my $i = 0; for my $key (@{$$rec{FORMAT}}) { if ( $key eq $field ) { splice @{$$rec{FORMAT}},$i,1; } $i++; } } =head2 add_info_field Usage : $x=$vcf->next_data_array(); $$x[7]=$vcf->add_info_field($$x[7],'FOO'=>'value','BAR'=>undef,'BAZ'=>''); print join("\t",@$x)."\n"; Args : The record obtained by next_data_array : The INFO field name and value pairs. If value is undef and the key is present in $$x[7], it will be removed. To add fields without a value, use empty string ''. Returns : The formatted INFO. =cut sub add_info_field { my ($self,$info,%fields) = @_; my @out = (); # First handle the existing values, keep everything unless in %fields for my $field (split(/;/,$info)) { my ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$field); if ( $key eq '.' ) { next; } if ( !exists($fields{$key}) ) { push @out,$field; next; } } # Now add the new values and remove the unwanted ones while (my ($key,$value)=each %fields) { if ( !defined($value) ) { next; } # this one should be removed if ( $value eq '' ) { push @out,$key; } # this one is of the form HM2 in contrast to DP=3 else { push @out,"$key=$value"; } # this is the standard key=value pair } if ( !@out ) { push @out,'.'; } return join(';',@out); } =head2 add_filter Usage : $x=$vcf->next_data_array(); $$x[6]=$vcf->add_filter($$x[6],'SnpCluster'=>1,'q10'=>0); print join("\t",@$x)."\n"; Args : The record obtained by next_data_array or next_data_hash : The key-value pairs for filter to be added. If value is 1, the filter will be added. If 0, the filter will be removed. Returns : The formatted filter field. =cut sub add_filter { my ($self,$filter,%filters) = @_; my @out = (); my @filters = ref($filter) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$filter : split(/;/,$filter); # First handle the existing filters, keep everything unless in %filters for my $key (@filters) { if ( $key eq '.' or $key eq 'PASS' ) { next; } if ( !exists($filters{$key}) ) { push @out,$key; next; } } # Now add the new filters and remove the unwanted ones while (my ($key,$value)=each %filters) { if ( !$value ) { next; } # this one should be removed push @out,$key; # this one should be added } if ( !@out ) { push @out,'PASS'; } return ref($filter) eq 'ARRAY' ? return \@out : join(';',@out); } =head2 validate_filter_field Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_filter_field($$x{FILTER}); Args : The FILTER arrayref Returns : Error message in case of an error. =cut sub validate_filter_field { my ($self,$values) = @_; if ( @$values == 1 && $$values[0] eq '.' ) { return undef; } my @errs; my @missing; for my $item (@$values) { if ( $item eq $$self{filter_passed} ) { next; } if ( $item=~/,/ ) { push @errs,"Expected semicolon as a separator."; } if ( exists($$self{reserved}{FILTER}{$item}) ) { return qq[The filter name "$item" cannot be used, it is a reserved word.]; } if ( exists($$self{header}{FILTER}{$item}) ) { next; } push @missing, $item; $self->add_header_line({key=>'FILTER',ID=>$item,Description=>'No description'}); } if ( !@errs && !@missing ) { return undef; } if ( $$self{version}<3.3 ) { return undef; } return join(',',@errs) .' '. 'The filter(s) [' . join(',',@missing) . '] not listed in the header.'; } sub _add_unknown_field { my ($self,$field,$key,$nargs) = @_; $self->add_header_line({key=>$field,ID=>$key,Number=>$nargs,Type=>'String',Description=>'No description'}); } =head2 validate_header About : Version specific header validation code. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); $vcf->validate_header(); Args : =cut sub validate_header { my ($self) = @_; } =head2 validate_line About : Version specific line validation code. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); $x = $vcf->next_data_hash; $vcf->validate_line($x); Args : =cut sub validate_line { my ($self,$x) = @_; # Is the ID composed of alphanumeric chars if ( !($$x{ID}=~/^[\w;\.]+$/) ) { $self->warn("Expected alphanumeric ID at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS}, but got [$$x{ID}]\n"); } } =head2 validate_info_field Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_info_field($$x{INFO},$$x{ALT}); Args : The INFO hashref Returns : Error message in case of an error. =cut sub validate_info_field { my ($self,$values,$alts) = @_; if ( !defined $values ) { return 'Empty INFO field.'; } # First handle the empty INFO field (.) if ( scalar keys %$values == 1 && exists($$values{'.'}) ) { return undef; } # Expected numbers my $ng = -1; my $na = -1; my $nr = -1; if ( $$self{version}>4.0 ) { if ( $$alts[0] eq '.' ) { $ng=1; $na=1; } else { $na = @$alts; $ng = (1+$na+1)*($na+1)/2; $nr = $na+1; } } my @errs; while (my ($key,$value) = each %$values) { if ( !exists($$self{header}{INFO}{$key}) ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key] not listed in the header" unless $$self{version}<3.3; my $nargs = defined $value ? -1 : 0; $self->_add_unknown_field('INFO',$key,$nargs); next; } my $type = $$self{header}{INFO}{$key}; my @vals = defined $value ? split(/,/, $value) : (); if ( $$type{Number} eq 'G' ) { if ( $ng != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key=$value] expected different number of values (expected $ng, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number} eq 'A' ) { if ( $na != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key=$value] expected different number of values (expected $na, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number} eq 'R' ) { if ( $nr != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key=$value] expected different number of values (expected $nr, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number}==0 ) { if ( defined($value) ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key] did not expect any parameters, got [$value]"; } next; } elsif ( $$type{Number}!=-1 && @vals!=$$type{Number} ) { if ( !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "INFO tag [$key=$value] expected different number of values ($$type{Number})"; } } if ( !$$type{handler} ) { next; } for my $val (@vals) { my $err = &{$$type{handler}}($self,$val,$$type{default}); if ( $err ) { push @errs, $err; } } } if ( !@errs ) { return undef; } return join(',',@errs); } =head2 validate_gtype_field Usage : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_gtype_field($$x{gtypes}{NA00001},$$x{ALT},$$x{FORMAT}); Args : The genotype data hashref The ALT arrayref Returns : Error message in case of an error. =cut sub guess_ploidy { my ($self, $nals, $nvals) = @_; if ( $nvals==$nals ) { return 1; } if ( $nvals==binom(1+$nals,2) ) { return 2; } return -1; } sub binom { my ($n, $k) = @_; my $b = 1; if ( $k > $n-$k ) { $k = $n-$k; } if ( $k < 1 ) { return 1; } for (my $i=1; $i<=$k; $i++) { $b *= ($n-$k+$i)/$i; } return $b; } sub validate_gtype_field { my ($self,$data,$alts,$format) = @_; my @errs; my $ploidy = 2; if ( !exists($$data{GT}) ) { push @errs, "The mandatory tag GT not present." unless $$self{ignore_missing_GT}; } else { my (@als) = $self->split_by($$data{GT},@{$$self{gt_sep}}); for my $al (@als) { if ( $al eq '.' or $al eq '0' ) { next; } if ( !($al=~/^[0-9]+$/) ) { push @errs, "Unable to parse the GT field [$$data{GT}], expected integers"; } if ( !exists($$alts[$al-1]) ) { push @errs, "Bad ALT value in the GT field, the index [$al] out of bounds [$$data{GT}]."; last; } } $ploidy = @als; } # Expected numbers my $ng = -1; my $na = -1; my $nr = -1; if ( $$self{version}>4.0 ) { if ( $$alts[0] eq '.' ) { $ng=1; $na=1; $nr=1; } else { $na = @$alts; $ng = binom($ploidy+$na,$ploidy); $nr = $na+1; } } while (my ($key,$value) = each %$data) { if ( !exists($$self{header}{FORMAT}{$key}) ) { push @errs, "FORMAT tag [$key] not listed in the header" unless $$self{version}<3.3; $self->_add_unknown_field('FORMAT',$key,-1); next; } my $type = $$self{header}{FORMAT}{$key}; my @vals = split(/,/, $value); if ( $$type{Number} eq 'G' ) { if ( $ng != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "FORMAT tag [$key] expected different number of values (expected $ng, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number} eq 'A' ) { if ( $na != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "FORMAT tag [$key] expected different number of values (expected $na, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number} eq 'R' ) { if ( $nr != @vals && !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "FORMAT tag [$key] expected different number of values (expected $nr, found ".scalar @vals.")"; } } elsif ( $$type{Number}!=-1 && @vals!=$$type{Number} ) { if ( !(@vals==1 && $vals[0] eq '.') ) { push @errs, "FORMAT tag [$key] expected different number of values ($$type{Number})"; } } if ( !$$type{handler} ) { next; } for my $val (@vals) { my $err = &{$$type{handler}}($self,$val,$$type{default}); if ( $err ) { push @errs, $err; } } } if ( !@errs ) { return undef; } return join(',',@errs); } sub validate_ref_field { my ($self,$ref) = @_; if ( !($ref=~/^[ACGTN]$/) ) { return "Expected one of A,C,G,T,N, got [$ref]\n"; } return undef; } sub validate_int { my ($self,$value,$default) = @_; if ( defined($default) && $value eq $default ) { return undef; } if ( $value =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { return undef; } return "Could not validate the int [$value]"; } sub validate_float { my ($self,$value,$default) = @_; if ( defined($default) && $value eq $default ) { return undef; } if ( $value =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d*)$/ ) { return undef; } if ( $value =~ /^-?\d*(?:\.\d+)$/ ) { return undef; } if ( $value =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { return undef; } if ( $value =~ /^-?\d*(?:\.?\d+)(?:[Ee][-+]?\d+)?$/ ) { return undef; } return "Could not validate the float [$value]"; } sub validate_char { my ($self,$value,$default) = @_; if ( defined($default) && $value eq $default ) { return undef; } if ( length($value)==1) { return undef; } return "Could not validate the char value [$value]"; } =head2 run_validation About : Validates the VCF file. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'file.vcf'); $vcf->run_validation('example.vcf.gz'); Args : File name or file handle. =cut sub run_validation { my ($self) = @_; $self->parse_header(); $self->validate_header(); if ( !exists($$self{header}) ) { $self->warn(qq[The header not present.\n]); } elsif ( !exists($$self{header}{fileformat}) ) { $self->warn(qq[The "fileformat" field not present in the header, assuming VCFv$$self{version}\n]); } elsif ( $$self{header_lines}[0]{key} ne 'fileformat' ) { $self->warn(qq[The "fileformat" not the first line in the header\n]); } if ( !exists($$self{columns}) ) { $self->warn("No column descriptions found.\n"); } my $default_qual = $$self{defaults}{QUAL}; my $warn_sorted=1; my $warn_duplicates = exists($$self{warn_duplicates}) ? $$self{warn_duplicates} : 1; my ($prev_chrm,$prev_pos); while (my $line=$self->next_data_array()) { for (my $i=0; $i<@$line; $i++) { if (!defined($$line[$i]) or $$line[$i] eq '' ) { my $colname = $i<@{$$self{columns}} ? $$self{columns}[$i] : $i+1; $self->warn("The column $colname is empty at $$line[0]:$$line[1].\n"); } } my $x = $self->next_data_hash($line); $self->validate_line($x); # Is the position numeric? if ( !($$x{POS}=~/^\d+$/) ) { $self->warn("Expected integer for the position at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS}\n"); } if ( $warn_duplicates ) { if ( $prev_chrm && $prev_chrm eq $$x{CHROM} && $prev_pos eq $$x{POS} ) { $self->warn("Warning: Duplicate entries, for example $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS}\n"); $warn_duplicates = 0; } } # Is the file sorted? if ( $warn_sorted ) { if ( $prev_chrm && $prev_chrm eq $$x{CHROM} && $prev_pos > $$x{POS} ) { $self->warn("Warning: The file is not sorted, for example $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} comes after $prev_chrm:$prev_pos\n"); $warn_sorted = 0; } $prev_chrm = $$x{CHROM}; $prev_pos = $$x{POS}; } # The reference base: one of A,C,G,T,N, non-empty. my $err = $self->validate_ref_field($$x{REF}); if ( $err ) { $self->warn("$$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $err\n"); } # The ALT field (alternate non-reference base) $err = $self->validate_alt_field($$x{ALT},$$x{REF}); if ( $err ) { $self->warn("$$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $err\n"); } # The QUAL field my $ret = $self->validate_float($$x{QUAL},$default_qual); if ( $ret ) { $self->warn("QUAL field at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $ret\n"); } elsif ( $$x{QUAL}=~/^-?\d+$/ && $$x{QUAL}<-1 ) { $self->warn("QUAL field at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} is negative .. $$x{QUAL}\n"); } # The FILTER field $err = $self->validate_filter_field($$x{FILTER}); if ( $err ) { $self->warn("FILTER field at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $err\n"); } # The INFO field $err = $self->validate_info_field($$x{INFO},$$x{ALT}); if ( $err ) { $self->warn("INFO field at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $err\n"); } while (my ($gt,$data) = each %{$$x{gtypes}}) { $err = $self->validate_gtype_field($data,$$x{ALT},$$x{FORMAT}); if ( $err ) { $self->warn("column $gt at $$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. $err\n"); } } if ( scalar keys %{$$x{gtypes}} && (exists($$x{INFO}{AN}) || exists($$x{INFO}{AC})) ) { my $nalt = scalar @{$$x{ALT}}; if ( $nalt==1 && $$x{ALT}[0] eq '.' ) { $nalt=0; } my ($an,$ac) = $self->calc_an_ac($$x{gtypes},$nalt); # Allow alleles in ALT which are absent in samples if ( exists($$x{INFO}{AN}) && $an ne $$x{INFO}{AN} ) { $self->warn("$$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. AN is $$x{INFO}{AN}, should be $an\n"); } if ( exists($$x{INFO}{AC}) && $ac ne $$x{INFO}{AC} ) { $self->warn("$$x{CHROM}:$$x{POS} .. AC is $$x{INFO}{AC}, should be $ac\n"); } } } } =head2 get_chromosomes About : Get list of chromosomes from the VCF file. Must be bgzipped and tabix indexed. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->get_chromosomes(); Args : none =cut sub get_chromosomes { my ($self) = @_; if ( !$$self{file} ) { $self->throw(qq[The parameter "file" not set.\n]); } my (@out) = `tabix -l '$$self{file}'`; if ( $? ) { my @has_tabix = `which tabix`; if ( !@has_tabix ) { $self->throw(qq[The command "tabix" not found, please add it to your PATH\n]); } $self->throw(qq[The command "tabix -l $$self{file}" exited with an error. Is the file tabix indexed?\n]); } for (my $i=0; $i<@out; $i++) { chomp($out[$i]); } return \@out; } =head2 get_samples About : Get list of samples. Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my (@samples) = $vcf->get_samples(); Args : none =cut sub get_samples { my ($self) = @_; my $n = @{$$self{columns}} - 1; return (@{$$self{columns}}[9..$n]); } =head2 get_column About : Convenient way to get data for a sample Usage : my $rec = $vcf->next_data_array(); my $sample_col = $vcf->get_column($rec, 'NA0001'); Args 1 : Array pointer returned by next_data_array 2 : Column/Sample name =cut sub get_column { my ($self,$line,$column) = @_; if ( !exists($$self{has_column}{$column}) ) { $self->throw("No such column: [$column]\n"); } my $idx = $$self{has_column}{$column}; return $$line[$idx-1]; } =head2 get_column_name About : Mapping between zero-based VCF column and its name Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $name = $vcf->get_column_name(1); # returns POS Args : Index of the column (0-based) =cut sub get_column_name { my ($self,$idx) = @_; if ( $idx >= @{$$self{columns}} ) { $self->throw("The index out of bounds\n"); } return $$self{columns}[$idx]; } =head2 get_column_index About : Mapping between VCF column name and its zero-based index Usage : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $name = $vcf->get_column_index('POS'); # returns 1 Args : Name of the column =cut sub get_column_index { my ($self,$column) = @_; if ( !exists($$self{has_column}{$column}) ) { $self->throw("No such column: [$column]\n"); } return $$self{has_column}{$column}-1; } #------------------------------------------------ # Version 3.2 specific functions package Vcf3_2; use base qw(VcfReader); sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{_defaults} = { version => '3.2', drop_trailings => 1, filter_passed => 0, defaults => { QUAL => '-1', default => '.', Flag => undef, GT => '.', }, handlers => { Integer => \&VcfReader::validate_int, Float => \&VcfReader::validate_float, Character => \&VcfReader::validate_char, String => undef, Flag => undef, }, regex_snp => qr/^[ACGTN]$/i, regex_ins => qr/^I[ACGTN]+$/, regex_del => qr/^D\d+$/, regex_gtsep => qr{[\\|/]}, regex_gt => qr{^(\.|\d+)([\\|/]?)(\.?|\d*)$}, regex_gt2 => qr{^(\.|[0-9ACGTNIDacgtn]+)([\\|/]?)}, }; for my $key (keys %{$$self{_defaults}}) { $$self{$key}=$$self{_defaults}{$key}; } return $self; } #------------------------------------------------ # Version 3.3 specific functions package Vcf3_3; use base qw(VcfReader); sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{_defaults} = { version => '3.3', drop_trailings => 0, filter_passed => 0, defaults => { QUAL => '-1', Integer => '-1', Float => '-1', Character => '.', String => '.', Flag => undef, GT => './.', default => '.', }, handlers => { Integer => \&VcfReader::validate_int, Float => \&VcfReader::validate_float, Character => \&VcfReader::validate_char, String => undef, Flag => undef, }, regex_snp => qr/^[ACGTN]$/i, regex_ins => qr/^I[ACGTN]+$/, regex_del => qr/^D\d+$/, regex_gtsep => qr{[\\|/]}, regex_gt => qr{^(\.|\d+)([\\|/]?)(\.?|\d*)$}, regex_gt2 => qr{^(\.|[0-9ACGTNIDacgtn]+)([\\|/]?)}, # . 0/1 0|1 A/A A|A D4/IACGT gt_sep => [qw(\ | /)], }; for my $key (keys %{$$self{_defaults}}) { $$self{$key}=$$self{_defaults}{$key}; } return $self; } #------------------------------------------------ # Version 4.0 specific functions =head1 VCFv4.0 VCFv4.0 specific functions =cut package Vcf4_0; use base qw(VcfReader); sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{_defaults} = { version => '4.0', drop_trailings => 1, filter_passed => 'PASS', defaults => { QUAL => '.', Flag => undef, GT => '.', default => '.', }, reserved => { FILTER => { 0=>1 }, }, handlers => { Integer => \&VcfReader::validate_int, Float => \&VcfReader::validate_float, Character => \&VcfReader::validate_char, String => undef, Flag => undef, }, regex_snp => qr/^[ACGTN]$|^<[\w:.]+>$/i, regex_ins => qr/^[ACGTN]+$/, regex_del => qr/^[ACGTN]+$/, regex_gtsep => qr{[|/]}, # | / regex_gt => qr{^(\.|\d+)([|/]?)(\.?|\d*)$}, # . ./. 0/1 0|1 regex_gt2 => qr{^(\.|[0-9ACGTNacgtn]+|<[\w:.]+>)([|/]?)}, # . ./. 0/1 0|1 A/A A|A 0| gt_sep => [qw(| /)], }; for my $key (keys %{$$self{_defaults}}) { $$self{$key}=$$self{_defaults}{$key}; } return $self; } sub Vcf4_0::format_header_line { my ($self,$rec) = @_; my %tmp_rec = ( %$rec ); if ( exists($tmp_rec{Number}) && $tmp_rec{Number} eq '-1' ) { $tmp_rec{Number} = '.' } my $value; if ( exists($tmp_rec{ID}) or $tmp_rec{key} eq 'PEDIGREE' ) { my %has = ( key=>1, handler=>1, default=>1 ); # Internal keys not to be output my @items; for my $key (qw(ID Number Type Description), sort keys %tmp_rec) { if ( !exists($tmp_rec{$key}) or $has{$key} ) { next; } my $quote = ($key eq 'Description' or $tmp_rec{$key}=~/\s/) ? '"' : ''; push @items, "$key=$quote$tmp_rec{$key}$quote"; $has{$key}=1; } $value = '<' .join(',',@items). '>'; } else { $value = $tmp_rec{value}; } my $line = "##$tmp_rec{key}=".$value."\n"; return $line; } =head2 parse_header_line Usage : $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##FORMAT=]) $vcf->parse_header_line(q[reference=1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36]) Args : Returns : =cut sub Vcf4_0::parse_header_line { my ($self,$line) = @_; chomp($line); $line =~ s/^##//; if ( !($line=~/^([^=]+)=/) ) { $self->throw("Expected key=value pair in the header: $line\n"); } my $key = $1; my $value = $'; if ( !($value=~/^<(.+)>\s*$/) ) { # Simple sanity check for subtle typos if ( $key eq 'INFO' or $key eq 'FILTER' or $key eq 'FORMAT' or $key eq 'ALT' ) { $self->throw("Hmm, is this a typo? [$key] [$value]"); } return { key=>$key, value=>$value }; } my $rec = { key=>$key }; my $tmp = $1; my ($attr_key,$attr_value,$quoted); while ($tmp ne '') { if ( !defined $attr_key ) { if ( $tmp=~/^([^=]+)="/ ) { $attr_key=$1; $quoted=1; $tmp=$'; next; } elsif ( $tmp=~/^([^=]+)=/ ) { $attr_key=$1; $quoted=0; $tmp=$'; next; } else { $self->throw(qq[Could not parse header line: $line\nStopped at [$tmp].\n]); } } if ( $tmp=~/^[^,\\"]+/ ) { $attr_value .= $&; $tmp = $'; } if ( $tmp=~/^\\\\/ ) { $attr_value .= '\\\\'; $tmp = $'; next; } if ( $tmp=~/^\\"/ ) { $attr_value .= '\\"'; $tmp = $'; next; } if ( $tmp eq '' or ($tmp=~/^,/ && !$quoted) or $tmp=~/^"/ ) { if ( $attr_key=~/^\s+/ or $attr_key=~/\s+$/ or $attr_value=~/^\s+/ or $attr_value=~/\s+$/ ) { $self->warn("Leading or trailing space in attr_key-attr_value pairs is discouraged:\n\t[$attr_key] [$attr_value]\n\t$line\n"); $attr_key =~ s/^\s+//; $attr_key =~ s/\s+$//; $attr_value =~ s/^\s+//; $attr_value =~ s/\s+$//; } $$rec{$attr_key} = $attr_value; $tmp = $'; if ( $quoted && $tmp=~/^,/ ) { $tmp = $'; } $attr_key = $attr_value = $quoted = undef; next; } if ( $tmp=~/^,/ ) { $attr_value .= $&; $tmp = $'; next; } $self->throw(qq[Could not parse header line: $line\nStopped at [$tmp].\n]); } if ( $key eq 'INFO' or $key eq 'FILTER' or $key eq 'FORMAT' ) { if ( $key ne 'PEDIGREE' && !exists($$rec{ID}) ) { $self->throw("Missing the ID tag in $line\n"); } if ( !exists($$rec{Description}) ) { $self->warn("Missing the Description tag in $line\n"); } } if ( exists($$rec{Number}) && $$rec{Number} eq '-1' ) { $self->warn("The use of -1 for unknown number of values is deprecated, please use '.' instead.\n\t$line\n"); } if ( exists($$rec{Number}) && $$rec{Number} eq '.' ) { $$rec{Number}=-1; } return $rec; } sub Vcf4_0::validate_ref_field { my ($self,$ref) = @_; if ( !($ref=~/^[ACGTN]+$/) ) { my $offending = $ref; $offending =~ s/[ACGTN]+//g; return "Expected combination of A,C,G,T,N for REF, got [$ref], the offending chars were [$offending]\n"; } return undef; } sub Vcf4_0::validate_alt_field { my ($self,$values,$ref) = @_; if ( @$values == 1 && $$values[0] eq '.' ) { return undef; } my $ret = $self->_validate_alt_field($values,$ref); if ( $ret ) { return $ret; } my $ref_len = length($ref); my $ref1 = substr($ref,0,1); my @err; my $msg = ''; for my $item (@$values) { if ( !($item=~/^[ACTGN]+$|^<[^<>\s]+>$/) ) { push @err,$item; next; } if ( $item=~/^<[^<>\s]+>$/ ) { next; } if ( $ref_len==length($item) ) { next; } if ( substr($item,0,1) ne $ref1 ) { $msg=', first base does not match the reference.'; push @err,$item; next; } } if ( !@err ) { return undef; } return 'Could not parse the allele(s) [' .join(',',@err). ']' . $msg; } =head2 fill_ref_alt_mapping About : A tool for merging VCFv4.0 records. The subroutine unifies the REFs and creates a mapping from the original haplotypes to the haplotypes based on the new REF. Consider the following example: REF ALT G GA GT G GT GA GT GAA GTC G G my $map={G=>{GA=>1},GT=>{G=>1,GA=>1,GAA=>1},GTC=>{G=>1},G=>{''=>1}}; my $new_ref=$vcf->fill_ref_alt_mapping($map); The call returns GTC and $map is now G GA -> GTC GATC GT G -> GTC GC GT GA -> GTC GAC GT GAA -> GTC GAAC GTC G -> GTC G G -> GTC Args : Returns : New REF string and fills the hash with appropriate ALT or undef on error. =cut sub Vcf4_0::fill_ref_alt_mapping { my ($self,$map) = @_; my $max_len = 0; my $new_ref; for my $ref (keys %$map) { my $len = length($ref); if ( $max_len<$len ) { $max_len = $len; $new_ref = $ref; } $$map{$ref}{$ref} = 1; } for my $ref (keys %$map) { my $rlen = length($ref); if ( substr($new_ref,0,$rlen) ne $ref ) { $self->warn("The reference prefixes do not agree: $ref vs $new_ref\n"); return undef; } for my $alt (keys %{$$map{$ref}}) { # The second part of the regex is for VCF>4.0, but does no harm for v<=4.0 if ( $alt=~/^<.+>$/ or $alt=~/\[|\]/ ) { $$map{$ref}{$alt} = $alt; next; } my $new = $alt; if ( $rlen<$max_len ) { $new .= substr($new_ref,$rlen); } $$map{$ref}{$alt} = $new; } } return $new_ref; } =head2 normalize_alleles About : Makes REF and ALT alleles more compact if possible (e.g. TA,TAA -> T,TA) Usage : my $line = $vcf->next_data_array(); ($ref,@alts) = $vcf->normalize_alleles($$line[3],$$line[4]); =cut sub Vcf4_0::normalize_alleles { my ($self,$ref,$alt) = @_; my $rlen = length($ref); if ( $rlen==1 or length($alt)==1 ) { return ($ref,split(/,/,$alt)); } my @als = split(/,/,$alt); my $i = 1; my $done = 0; while ( $i<$rlen ) { my $r = substr($ref,$rlen-$i,1); for my $al (@als) { my $len = length($al); if ( $i>=$len ) { $done = 1; } my $c = substr($al,$len-$i,1); if ( $c ne $r ) { $done = 1; last; } } if ( $done ) { last; } $i++; } if ( $i>1 ) { $i--; $ref = substr($ref,0,$rlen-$i); for (my $j=0; $j<@als; $j++) { $als[$j] = substr($als[$j],0,length($als[$j])-$i); } } return ($ref,@als); } sub Vcf4_0::normalize_alleles_pos { my ($self,$ref,$alt) = @_; my @als; ($ref,@als) = $self->normalize_alleles($ref,$alt); my $rlen = length($ref); if ( $rlen==1 ) { return (0,$ref,@als); } my $i = 0; my $done = 0; while ( $i+1<$rlen ) { my $r = substr($ref,$i,1); for my $al (@als) { my $len = length($al); if ( $i+1>=$len ) { $done = 1; last; } my $c = substr($al,$i,1); if ( $c ne $r ) { $done = 1; last; } } if ( $done ) { last; } $i++; } if ( $i<0 ) { $i = 0; } if ( $i>0 ) { substr($ref,0,$i,''); for (my $j=0; $j<@als; $j++) { substr($als[$j],0,$i,''); } } return ($i,$ref,@als); } sub Vcf4_0::event_type { my ($self,$rec,$allele) = @_; my $ref = $rec; if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { if ( exists($$rec{_cached_events}{$allele}) ) { return (@{$$rec{_cached_events}{$allele}}); } $ref = $$rec{REF}; } if ( $allele=~/^<[^>]+>$/ ) { if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { $$rec{_cached_events}{$allele} = ['u',0,$allele]; } return ('u',0,$allele); } if ( $allele eq '.' ) { if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { $$rec{_cached_events}{$allele} = ['r',0,$ref]; } return ('r',0,$ref); } my $reflen = length($ref); my $len = length($allele); my $ht; my $type; if ( $len==$reflen ) { # This can be a reference, a SNP, or multiple SNPs my $mism = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { if ( substr($ref,$i,1) ne substr($allele,$i,1) ) { $mism++; } } if ( $mism==0 ) { $type='r'; $len=0; } else { $type='s'; $len=$mism; } } else { ($len,$ht)=$self->is_indel($ref,$allele); if ( $len ) { # Indel $type = 'i'; $allele = $ht; } else { $type = 'o'; $len = $len>$reflen ? $len-1 : $reflen-1; } } if ( ref($rec) eq 'HASH' ) { $$rec{_cached_events}{$allele} = [$type,$len,$allele]; } return ($type,$len,$allele); } # The sequences start at the same position, which simplifies things greatly. # Returns length of the indel (+ insertion, - deletion), the deleted/inserted sequence # and the position of the first base after the shared sequence sub is_indel { my ($self,$seq1,$seq2) = @_; my $len1 = length($seq1); my $len2 = length($seq2); if ( $len1 eq $len2 ) { return (0,'',0); } my ($del,$len,$LEN); if ( $len1<$len2 ) { $len = $len1; $LEN = $len2; $del = 1; } else { $len = $len2; $LEN = $len1; $del = -1; my $tmp=$seq1; $seq1=$seq2; $seq2=$tmp; } my $ileft; for ($ileft=0; $ileft<$len; $ileft++) { if ( substr($seq1,$ileft,1) ne substr($seq2,$ileft,1) ) { last; } } if ( $ileft==$len ) { return ($del*($LEN-$len), substr($seq2,$ileft), $ileft); } my $iright; for ($iright=0; $iright<$len; $iright++) { if ( substr($seq1,$len-$iright,1) ne substr($seq2,$LEN-$iright,1) ) { last; } } if ( $iright+$ileft<=$len ) { return (0,'',0); } return ($del*($LEN-$len),substr($seq2,$ileft,$LEN-$len),$ileft); } #------------------------------------------------ # Version 4.1 specific functions =head1 VCFv4.1 VCFv4.1 specific functions =cut package Vcf4_1; use base qw(Vcf4_0); sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{_defaults} = { version => '4.1', drop_trailings => 1, filter_passed => 'PASS', defaults => { QUAL => '.', Flag => undef, GT => '.', default => '.', }, reserved => { FILTER => { 0=>1 }, }, handlers => { Integer => \&VcfReader::validate_int, Float => \&VcfReader::validate_float, Character => \&VcfReader::validate_char, String => undef, Flag => undef, }, regex_snp => qr/^[ACGTN]$|^<[\w:.]+>$/i, regex_ins => qr/^[ACGTN]+$/i, regex_del => qr/^[ACGTN]+$/i, regex_gtsep => qr{[|/]}, # | / regex_gt => qr{^(\.|\d+)([|/]?)(\.?|\d*)$}, # . ./. 0/1 0|1 regex_gt2 => qr{^(\.|[0-9ACGTNacgtn]+|<[\w:.]+>)([|/]?)}, # . ./. 0/1 0|1 A/A A|A 0| gt_sep => [qw(| /)], }; $$self{ignore_missing_GT} = 1; for my $key (keys %{$$self{_defaults}}) { $$self{$key}=$$self{_defaults}{$key}; } return $self; } sub Vcf4_1::validate_header { my ($self) = @_; my $lines = $self->get_header_line(key=>'reference'); if ( !@$lines ) { $self->warn("The header tag 'reference' not present. (Not required but highly recommended.)\n"); } } sub Vcf4_1::validate_line { my ($self,$line) = @_; if ( !$$self{_contig_validated}{$$line{CHROM}} ) { my $lines = $self->get_header_line(key=>'contig',ID=>$$line{CHROM}); if ( !@$lines ) { $self->warn("The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=$$line{CHROM}. (Not required but highly recommended.)\n"); } $$self{_contig_validated}{$$line{CHROM}} = 1; } if ( index($$line{CHROM},':')!=-1 ) { $self->warn("Colons not allowed in chromosome names: $$line{CHROM}\n"); } # Is the ID composed of alphanumeric chars if ( !($$line{ID}=~/^\S+$/) ) { $self->warn("Expected non-whitespace ID at $$line{CHROM}:$$line{POS}, but got [$$line{ID}]\n"); } } sub Vcf4_1::validate_alt_field { my ($self,$values,$ref) = @_; if ( @$values == 1 && $$values[0] eq '.' ) { return undef; } my $ret = $self->_validate_alt_field($values,$ref); if ( $ret ) { return $ret; } my $ref_len = length($ref); my $ref1 = substr($ref,0,1); my @err; my $msg = ''; for my $item (@$values) { if ( $item=~/^(.*)\[(.+)\[(.*)$/ or $item=~/^(.*)\](.+)\](.*)$/ ) { if ( $1 ne '' && $3 ne '' ) { $msg=', two replacement strings given (expected one)'; push @err,$item; next; } my $rpl; if ( $1 ne '' ) { $rpl = $1; if ( $rpl ne '.' ) { my $rref = substr($rpl,0,1); if ( $rref ne $ref1 ) { $msg=', the first base of the replacement string does not match the reference'; push @err,$item; next; } } } else { $rpl = $3; if ( $rpl ne '.' ) { my $rref = substr($rpl,-1,1); if ( $rref ne $ref1 ) { $msg=', the last base of the replacement string does not match the reference'; push @err,$item; next; } } } my $pos = $2; if ( !($rpl=~/^[ACTGNacgtn]+$/) && $rpl ne '.' ) { $msg=', replacement string not valid (expected [ACTGNacgtn]+)'; push @err,$item; next; } if ( !($pos=~/^\S+:\d+$/) ) { $msg=', cannot parse sequence:position'; push @err,$item; next; } next; } if ( $item=~/^\.[ACTGNactgn]*([ACTGNactgn])$/ ) { next; } elsif ( $item=~/^([ACTGNactgn])[ACTGNactgn]*\.$/ ) { next; } if ( !($item=~/^[ACTGNactgn]+$|^<[^<>\s]+>$/) ) { push @err,$item; next; } } if ( !@err ) { return undef; } return 'Could not parse the allele(s) [' .join(',',@err). ']' . $msg; } sub Vcf4_1::next_data_hash { my ($self,@args) = @_; my $out = $self->SUPER::next_data_hash(@args); if ( !defined $out or $$self{assume_uppercase} ) { return $out; } # Case-insensitive ALT and REF bases $$out{REF} = uc($$out{REF}); my $nalt = @{$$out{ALT}}; for (my $i=0; $i<$nalt; $i++) { if ( $$out{ALT}[$i]=~/^SUPER::next_data_array(@args); if ( !defined $out or $$self{assume_uppercase} ) { return $out; } # Case-insensitive ALT and REF bases $$out[3] = uc($$out[3]); my $alt = $$out[4]; $$out[4] = ''; my $pos = 0; while ( $pos',$start+1); if ( $end==-1 ) { $self->throw("Could not parse ALT [$alt]\n") } if ( $start>$pos ) { $$out[4] .= uc(substr($alt,$pos,$start-$pos)); } $$out[4] .= substr($alt,$start,$end-$start+1); $pos = $end+1; } if ( $posSUPER::event_type($rec,$allele); } my $c = substr($allele,0,1); if ( $c eq '<' ) { return ('u',0,$allele); } elsif ( $c eq '[' or $c eq ']' or $c eq '.' ) { return 'b'; } $c = substr($allele,-1,1); if ( $c eq '[' or $c eq ']' or $c eq '.' ) { return 'b'; } elsif ( index($allele,'[')!=-1 or index($allele,']')!=-1 ) { return 'b'; } return $self->SUPER::event_type($rec,$allele); } #------------------------------------------------ # Version 4.2 specific functions =head1 VCFv4.2 VCFv4.2 specific functions =cut package Vcf4_2; use base qw(Vcf4_1); sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); bless $self, ref($class) || $class; $$self{version} = '4.2'; return $self; } 1;